Upgrade Notices
From DQWiki
- Maintenance and Upgrade Complete! Now running MediaWiki version 1.13.3 on Ubuntu version 9.04 (server).
- There will probably be a few issues (like some of the image links on this page), either deal with yourself them or drop me a polite note in case I am not aware of them yet.
- Thanks, -- Stephen 09:15, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
Maintenance work on the server is continuing although none of this should impact the Wiki. This notice will be removed once all the major work is completed. -Mandos 10:24, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
New Security Model
The security in this version of MediaWiki works differently. In theory the permissions should now be set so you can do everything that you could before, but if you find something you can no longer do then drop me note.
Thanks, stephen 02:56, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
New Features
Google Calendars can now be displayed within the Wiki
<googlecalendar>docid</googlecalendar> Example: from url http://calendar.google.com/calendarplay?docid=6444586097901795775 <googlecalendar>6444586097901795775</googlecalendar>
- Cleaning up duplicate accounts
- With the new version I can now merge duplicate accounts. Let me know the Old (unused) login and the one you use and I'll clean them up.
- Special:ListUsers shows all of the user accounts.
- -- stephen 09:11, 27 August 2009 (UTC)