(Farwey) Dueling Code

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The Farwey Dueling Code

As one might expect from a society of nobles, Farwey has developed a dueling code to help resolve disputes.
However due to the prevelance of magic in the higher circles of society, and the presence of ressurection, a highly complex system has sprung up in place around this detailing the ways in which magic can & cannot be used, depending on the terms of the duel.
It has also evolved into a semi codified section of social ranking.
The following information has been provided by the guild to help one wind their way through this social maze.

The Challenge

Delivery of a Challenge can be done in many ways. A simple verbal challenge, a thrown gauntlet at the feet, barbed insults. Tradition still holds of the thrown gauntlet at the feet however. The more stylishly a challenge is delivered, regardless of if it's a friendly challenge or over a deadly insult, the more points the challenger will score in the social circles, important when one isn't sure of victory.

Following after the Challenge, the challenged may choose to accept or refuse the challenge at this point. Again a stylish acceptance or refusal will score points from any onlookers present, and the Challenged is under no obligations to accept.
In saying this, if the challenge was done over an insult or significant slight, and is then refused, it is then likely that the assassins guild will become involved, unofficialy of course. As guild members, involvement of the Assassins guild is highly unlikely due to a standing arrangement they have, and if on the off chance they do become involved, it will be in the friendliest way possible.

If the duel is accepted the conditions of the duel are then set by the Challenged, as well as the time, though custom holds a duel will take place in the next 24 hours unless there are truely extenuating circumstances like a war going on or a kings funeral.

Unless the challenge is done under the rite of Kalia nomo ioudo walo belatu wodwo (see below), the Challenged also has the right to have a champion answer the duel for them. This Champion must be of some standing and be travelling with the challenged. 'i.e. It is not permissable to send off back to ones home town for a champion to answer a duel if you are travelling.'

To the Death?

As is customary, a duel may be either to the death or to first blood. In game terms, first blood is the first endurance blow. Including fatigue blows that go through to endurance. Most duels will end in that manner rather than an actual endurance.
If a duel is to the Death, it is still considered acceptable for Ressurection to be used afterwards by the slain party.
There is a very rare and almost never invoked rite of Kalia nomo ioudo walo belatu wodwo. This rite is a fight to the permanent death, and is issued by the challenger when the challenge is made. This rite means that when the loser is killed, their body is burned so as to prevent any ressurection. This is usually enforced by Geas's on both sides of the duel, and on their companions, to not only abide by the burning but should they be ressurected by an unusual means, such as a pact arrangement, to then kill them and burn the body again themselves.
As such this rite has only been invoked twice in the history of the empire, however indications are that it predates the empire.


The most complex section of the code, the use of magic in the duel encompasses everything from the use of magical racial talents to the use of mages standing on the sidelines casting spells during the duel. To simplify it somewhat it has been divided into 2 seperate categories. When & what magic is permissable, and who is permitted to be casting that magic.

Timing & Types of magic.

The timing & types of magic permissable are as usual set by the challenged. The variations on this are as follows, with negotiation on this permissable if for some reason it would cause one dueler to be unable to fight at all.

  • No magic whatsoever. The dueling weapons will be cold iron, armour will be similarly non magical, and not even racial talents may be used.
  • Allways on magic permitted. Standard magic sword effects, passive talents.
  • Activatable magic permitted, concentration talents, investeds, special abilities of items, but still no spells.
  • Personal spells permitted, anything up to and including defensive buffs, but hostile magic is still not permitted.
  • Anything goes. If you have it, use it.

Mages, who can cast.

In high society it is usual for people to have retainers, being a magic familiar world, often some of these retainers are mages in the employ of a lord, usually for one or two specific spells. As such use of them has been included into the dueling code.

  • No support. Only yourself and what you can do, limited by the timing and types of magic permitted.
  • Pre duel support only. Your companions may cast spells on you to prepare you but once the fight has started it's all up to you.
  • During duel spellcasting. This spellcasting is defensive only, hostile spellcasting from those not actually dueling is never permitted, but whatever spells your companions have may be used to support you during the fight otherwise.

Dueling & Balls.

During the two high ball seasons, around the Soltices, it is common for a great many duel challenges to be issued at formal occasions. In nearly every case, these are friendly duels, where the two duelers are seeking to show their skill, and score points for eloquent challenges, flashy strikes and spells, and witty quips during the fight. The remainder can usually be accounted for by drunken challenges which are often withdrawn with an apology once sober.
What this means is that if a challenge is issued at a ball, treat it as a friendly challenge, it is considered rude to respond to such challenges with a to the death challenge, or to employ an entire bevy of mages at your back if your challenger has none.
Ideally, such duels should also take a good minute or more of fighting, with plenty of blades crossing, or intricate spell work rather than just hammering them over the head with your biggest sword or spell. In the situation of a ball, such a choice may easily win you the fight, but will loose you points with the crowd for being crass, or crude.

Dueling, Assassins and you.

As we mentioned before, Assassins occasionally become involved in the dueling code when someone refuses a duel. However being a guild adventurer you are somewhat fortunate in this respect. The assassins guild has an understanding, and as such, anyone able to get an assassin to accept a contract was very rich, and will now be very poor. In addition, they'll only be going for one attempt, so all you have to do is survive just that one time, and their off your back. And finally, should you fail, it's most likely that they will return your body for ressurection anyway.
Don't take this as an excuse to be rude however.

A final note.

For all Guild Adventurers who have been challenged. When in doubt, walk away. As you don't live there, you don't need to play the social game, and the assassins won't really come after you.