Green Leech

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These Leeches are grown by Kathrine the Witch

Green Leech
Wgt: 0 lbs Value: 500 sp

This slimy one-inch long green leech with a red stripe down its back provides the host some protection from mental backfires and amnesia. The leech is placed in the ear hole and then lives in the ear of the host. The leech will die after stopping the first Amnesia backfire that affects the host. Until the leech is killed from the amnesia backfire, they will also cure any normal 'mental type of backfire" that affects the host. The leech works in a chaotic way so what a "mental type of backfire" is, is up to the G.M. The leech will drain 1 Ft point from the host each 24 hours until dead. If not kept in the ear of the host, it will need to live on the skin of the host and the Green leech will need 2 Ft points per 24 hours (or part thereof) to stay alive. The Ft that is lost to the leech can be rested back.

Aura: short lived sentient.
Plane of Origin: Alusia
Nature of Magic: None
College: None
Magically Trapped/Warded/Cursed: No
G.M. Jono Bean
Special note: When the leech is in the ear of the host it counts as a possession and not another entity.