Network of Sin - Father Broc's Award

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Return to Network of Sin

Broc returns to the Guild on the 30th day of Snow 814 WK with 45,693.75 Experience and has earnt, after Guild Taxes

He spent 60 days away from the Guild.

He may
advance any Talent seven Ranks.
advance his Rank in Stealth by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.

As a result of the parties actions:

he never appears in any book read by any Dantalion.
he has earnt one service from Serifan, the Lord of Patterns, to the tune of 100,000sp or 2 immortal crowns.


Black Iron Grenado

Rank 4 Alchemy This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.

If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.

On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 2 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone who it shares a hex with, while those in the surrounding hexes suffer 1. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Like the Night Autumn 814 Reich Alchemy Incendiarism 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Agate Amulet

This amulet of agate weighs 4 oz and must be worn openly around the neck to be effective.
This amulet will cure the bearer of any non-magical diseases as if they were being treated by a Rank 7 Healer. The necklace always tries to cure diseases in the order in which they were acquired. It has three charges. In the event that the amulet succeeds in its Cure Disease check, no charge is used. If the roll fails, a charge is used and the bearer is cured anyway.

3 2 1

Once all of the charges are used, the amulet fades to a greenish dust.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Hell Formerly living Affliction 3,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Huorn Stick

This wooden stick is about a metre long and weighs about 1.5 lb.
It may be snapped or, perhaps more wisely, it may be thrown as a javelin, but with a Base Chance of 30%. A successful strike upon the hex it is targeted at means that it has broken. When the broken halves hit the ground, a huorn rises up:

Huorns are large, vaguely humanoid beings who share some of the appearance of great trees. They have bark-like skin, are long-limbed and appear to be made out of shadow-covered wood. A huorn may stand 15 feet or higher and are 3-hex creatures.
There is much discussion about where huorns come from. They bear clear resemblances to ents, and indeed, ents often keep a watchful eye upon them, although they rarely interfere with them. By and large, they are quiet creatures, although not peaceful in any way. Some philosophers offer that they are ents who have gone feral, but no one has ever asked an ent about this, and the prospect of speaking to a huorn makes wise men blench. They harbour deep resentment over the wrongs done to the great forests, and this makes them Hostile to everyone except Ents and the blessed of Kementári.
Huorns possess the Ranger and sometimes, other Skills. They are never Adepts, but, in a wooded environment, may use their Stealth in plain sight. They may use simple weapons, but rarely bother to achieve significant Rank.
Huorns possess the ability to shatter stone by laying their hands upon it. This requires a Pass Action. It is possible for a Huorn to tear holes in a stone structure of about 8 cubic ft if they are working 2-handed at it.
Huorns may engage in Brooding at any time, where they may focus on all of the wrongs done to the forests. This makes them immune to magic that Compels, Controls, or Binds nor may they be rendered unconscious in anyway.
Movement Rates
Running: 500
PS: 120 MD: 12 AG: 14 MA: 8 EN: 50 FT: 55
WP: 22 PC: 25 PB: 8 TMR: 10 NA: Bark absorbs 8 DP
A huorn may attack with both hands (and a stomp against anything 2 hexes tall and smaller) without penalty. They may use weapons, but usually only to avoid bending down, therefore preferring swinging weapons. Misses are considered successful FT blows, successful FT blows are considered blows directly to EN, blows directly to EN are considered possible Specific Grievous Injuries, and where possible Specific Grievous Injuries are scored, two are rolled for and applied if feasible. A roll of 82 or higher is a clean miss.
Club: BC 74%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 3.
Hands: BC 91%, [D + 10], Melee, Close, Rank 6.
Stomp: BC 73%, [D + 14], Melee, Close, Rank 4.

They may not be summoned inside a structure, upon water or in the air. Nor may they be summoned where the ground is paved or covered over in some way. They will last for no longer than an hour or until they get bored, whichever comes first. While they may be given as many instructions as the summoner likes, they will likely tear apart the nearest thing which looks like it might have been responsible for despoiling a forest. Dwarves and orcs appear high on that list.
Like ents, huorns are always considered a native of the plane they occupy and therefore cannot be banished.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Tanuel Formerly living Wand 9,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Potion of Recurring Restorative

This potion is contained in a heavy glass vial and requires a Pulse to Prepare. It weighs 4 oz and does not break easily.
Once taken, this potion inflicts 7 EN and 14 FT at the end of the Pulse for 5 Pulses.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Like the Night Autumn 814 Reich Formerly living Witchcraft 2,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Potion of Greater Healing

This potion weighs 4 oz, and need not be Prepared before it can be used if it is attached to a convenient belt or strap.
Once taken, the potion heals 3 rollup D10 + 12 damage to EN and 8 to FT.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Like the Night Autumn 814 Reich Formerly living Witchcraft 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Potion of Restoration

Rank 10 Alchemy
The potion has one of two possible effects:

  • If the imbiber has no deficit to EN or FT, then they will increase their maximum FT by one but not beyond racial maximum, unless their FT cap has been removed.
  • If the imbiber is alive but has taken harm, then it will restore half the damage they have taken. Sum ALL deficit to EN and FT then halve to generate the amount the imbiber will be restored by. It will, however, permanently reduce the imbiber's FT value by 1. It will not cure EN lost to Specific Grievous injuries or Afflictions but will restore FT lost to exhaustion and spell casting.

The FT may be bought back in the usual way.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Lands of Chaos Formerly living Enhancement 15,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Potion of Non-Detection

This potion weighs 4 oz, is stored in a robust vial and must be Prepared before it can be used.
When it is drunk, this potion will make the unfindable by Location or Whispering Wind spell, nor will they be scryable by Crystal Ball, Waters of Vision or similar magic.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Hell Formerly living Naming Incantations 6,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This potion weighs 5 lb, is stored in a heavy glass vial and must be Prepared before it can be used.
If this potion is taken as a function of Casting a spell of transformation, the effect becomes permanent if it is not already. This does not have an effect on spells of enhancement, unless this is a function of a transformation, e.g. Trollskin would not become permanent (unless the target were transformed into a troll).
Taking Hydragyrum drives one inevitably closer and closer to madness. Madness Quotient is increased by 1 the first time taken, doubling each time thereafter. When Madness Quotient exceeds base WP, the imbiber become irrevocably unhinged, spending their time drinking tea with hallucinations and developing a fanatical devotion to hats.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Nualis Magical Transfiguration 78,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Wolves Blood x 2

Rank 10 Herbalism
This unusually large draught weighs 12 oz, requires a Pulse to Prepare and a Pulse to drink.
The effects lasts for D10 + 10 minutes if the imbiber is size 8 or greater, otherwise D10 + 10 Pulses. For that period, the imbiber's Strike Checks are modified according to the following table:

Result Effect
Fumble Miss
Miss Hit
Hit Blow directly to EN
Blow directly to EN Possible Spec. Griev. Inj.
Possible Spec. Griev. Inj. Possible Spec. Griev. Inj. x 2

Two Possible Specific Grievous Injuries may be inflicted unless the DM rules such a resolution makes no sense.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Autumn 814 Reich Formerly living Blood/Wolf 8,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Invested Items


Incubus Maingauche

This main gauche is made from cold iron and weights 2 lbs. Whoever bears this weapon will be unable to access magic that is not Racial.
The main gauche has a base Strike Chance of 58%, has a base DM of +3, but ignores the first 3 points of Protection per successful Strike.
In addition, the defence the weapon provides applies against ranged or missile attacks if the wielder's AG is 20 or more. The wielder may Strike with this weapon and still benefit from its defence value.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Hell Magical Lust 14,650sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Wicked Glaive

his glaive is 2 metres long and can be wielded by humans, elves or taller. It grows to match its wielder and so weighs 2 x wielder's Size Factor + 1. The glaive cannot weigh a non-prime value in lbs. If the wielder is multi-hex, then the glaive grows proportionately, it's weight being multiplied by the number of hexes.
The base Strike Chance is 50% and the base Damage is 2 rollup D10 + 5. If the wielder is size 8, the Damage is increased by another 4. If a target takes EN damage from this weapon, then no Healing is possible will restore them. Only treatment from a physiker's kit or bed rest may be used. Herbalist draughts to restore EN damage takes the place of an application from a physiker's kit, however.
The weapon is incredibly resilient and there is no chance of weapon breakage unless the wielder's PS is greater than 120.
Multi-hex wielders enjoy a special reach advantage and may attack targets 1 hex distant for each extra hex of size (i.e. a 2 Hex wielder may attack targets 1 hex away, a 3 Hex wielder may attack targets 2 hexes distant up to a maximum of 3 hexes distant).

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Hell Formerly living Wounding 13,350sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Witchskin Armour

This skin may be made into armour that has a Weight Factor of 2 by an Armourer of Rank 6 or more. This will cost 7,500sp and take 7 half days to prepare, and must be cured for 21 days. It provides 6 points of Protection, no penalty to AG and no penalty to Stealth. In fact, in levels of darkness greater than 60%, it provides +10 to Stealth.
However, when it is worn, it always makes the wearer appear similar to a Flesh Golem whatever the nature of their clothing, unless covered by Illusions of Seeming or Disguise. This, in most cases, negatively affects normal people (-20 to the Reaction Roll). However, necromancers and the undead may find themselves drawn to the wearer in a much less predatory way. This property will not be affected by afore-mentioned Illusions.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Faerie Formerly living Annis 9,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Bracers of Armour

This bronze bracer weighs 2 lbs and must be worn on the left forearm for it's magic to take effect.
While it is worn, it provides 7 Protection and 7 Spell Armour, to a maximum of 23. A wearer with 20 Protection and 10 Spell Armour would have 23 Protection and 17 Spell Armour if they were to wear it.
If any Specific Grievous Injury is taken, Protection and Spell Armour is reduced by 2. The bracer may never be repaired.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Tanuel Magical Protection 8,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376



The Dark Hunt's Hat

This black top hat weighs 8 oz and is made of felt.
The wearer always appears to an observer to be a professional gentleman of gravitas and respectability if they are in any London. In any of these places, it counts as a Disguise spell of Rank 20, although the wearer's appearance will change in no other way than that they are wearing the thing.
Wearing it indoors, failing to raise it for well-bred ladies and hearses or sleeping in it will cause the hat to lose all magical properties until the next full moon.
(Sewers do not count as indoors).

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Victoria Formerly living Dark Hunt 8,450sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

A Stone from a Plover's Nest

This stone may have one charge of Invisibility invested in it at no cost. When the spell is discharged, it may be reinvested in the same way.

Cast Chance:_______% Duration:_______ Range:_______ Rank:______

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Lands of Chaos Magical Spell Storage 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Incubus Thong

This leather posing pouch can be worn by anyone but will only be convincing if worn by a man who is wont to stand in a certain way.
Whoever wears the thong for more than five minutes will become certain that some small, noxious and improperly curious vermin is crawling around inside it. And, it will begin to smell in a way that can only be described as warmly organic. After an hour the wearer will have to Break 100 + 3 x WP. After 2 hours, Break 100 + 2 x WP, after 3 hours, Break 100 + WP. After that, rolls of 100 are required, a fail indicating that the wearer has snatched the garment from their loins.
Any denizen of Hell who finds the wearer to be convincing (as noted above) will come to the conclusion that they are an Incubus who has used Matter Transformation to better work their way into the affections of a mortal woman.
Unfortunately, this deception will not hold up to close scrutiny.
Fortunately, there is the warmly organic smell.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Hell Formerly living Lust 6,425sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Heavy Shield

This shield weighs 10 lbs, reduces MD by 3 and provides 6 Def per Rank.
The wielder increases their Protection by half their Rank in Warrior vs attacks that come through their front hexes.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Feralie Magical Earth 8,625sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Golden Sickle

This small, bronze sickle weighs 10 oz, and is treated as if it were a dagger, except that it inflict B Class injuries. It may not be thrown, but the base Strike Chance is 50% and base Damage Modifier is +3.
It is a spell rack.
Any herbs cut with this sickle last longer than they might, normally. The wielder's Rank in Dagger is added to their Rank in Herbalist to determine how long they will be Preserved for.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Tanuel Formerly living Meta-magic 3,850sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376



Second Sight

Range: Self
Experience Multiple: 175
Storage: Potion
Effects: Because he has fallen into a polydimensional space by creating a Portal upon a sea of Chaos which changed the colour of one of his eyes, or perhaps because of the triskelion-shaped scar in the centre of his forehead, Father Broc has the ability to detect spatial anomalies and dimensional flaws. If such a thing is within his field of view, and the roll is equal to or less than PC + 5 per Rank in the Talent, then he can tell that such a feature exists. Generally speaking, the workings of the Talent only work over a distance of 50 ft (+10 ft per Rank) but unusually large anomalies might be evident to him even on the horizon.
Spatial anomalies are things like Deep Pockets, Maze, Itemisation and some forms of shape changing. Dimensional flaws are things like Rune Portals, Dimensional Portals, Shadow Walking, some forms of invisibility, middlemarches, wormholes and the like.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Etherealism Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Sending (Q-3.1)

Range: 10 miles + 5 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 30% + 5% / Rank
Cast Time: 1 hour
Resist: The ritual can be only passively resisted
Rune: Dream
Effects: The Adept must paint their forehead with a Dream Rune before retiring to sleep. After they have been asleep for an hour, they may travel in dreams to the target of the spell. If the target is within range and likewise asleep, then they may leave a message of up to 5 words per Rank that they will remember on waking or ask them up to Rank / 3 questions which can be answered simply by the DM. The target is not entitled to a Magic Resistance check if the Adept chooses to leave a message.
The target must be someone that the Adept has seen and studied sufficiently (as per College of Ensorcelments and Enchantments Spell of Location for "seen and studied"). Alternatively, they may employ the target's Individual True Name if it is known. If the Cast Check is successful and the target fails to resist then it will answer all questions asked of it in a yes / no fashion. This ritual does not allow communication with entities on other planes of existence.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Etherealism Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Waking Dream (S-18)

Range: Touch
Duration: 10 + Rank seconds
Experience Multiple: 225
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Volume
Rune: Dream
Effects: The Adept must draw the Dream rune as part of their Spell Preparation. When the spell is cast, any entity within Rank feet of the rune (except themselves) must Resist or be lulled into a dream-like fugue and have their PC reduced by 5(+1 per 2 Ranks). Lulled victims will be inattentive and are easily distracted.
If a victim should become the target of a Nightmare Illusion, then its combined Endurance & Fatigue and damage will be enhanced by the Rank of this spell. Additionally, their Magic Resistance is halved against Nightmare Illusions.
Victims are entitled to another Magic Resistance check whenever they take damage, suffer or Resist attack magic, although this may be of little comfort if they are looking down the business end of an enhanced Nightmare.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Lorien Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Smite - Smite the Unholy

Range: Touch (of Runewand)
Duration: Immediate
Resist: Passive (for half damage)
Target: Unholy object or entity
Effects: This incantation of Smite may be Cast without Preparation. It only takes effect on the Undead or denizens of the Seventh Plane, Hell or similar dimensions. If a successful Strike Check is made against such a creature, the Adept may Cast Smite as part of the attack, which will inflict 1 rollup D10 damage per 3 Ranks. Legal targets of this spell have their Magic Resistance halved versus this effect.

No weapon damage is inflicted, the Strike Check determines if the target has been hit.

Cost: 2500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 3.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Rune Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Rune Wall - Rune Bridge

Effects: This incantation of Rune Wall allows the Adept to create a surface which will support entities and objects up to a weight of 1,000 lbs (+ 500/Rank). The dimensions of the bridge are a square 10' by 10'. This may be increased at a rate of 3'/Rank, applied wholly or partially to either dimension. Dimensions which occupy less than a yard require 3 feet of measurement.
It is not a wall spell, and may not be used like one.
The bridge must be anchored at each end, otherwise it will dissipate.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Rune Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Rune Wall - Wall of Ice

Range: 20 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Volume
Effects: This spell conjures a wall of ice that is 10' high, 20' long and 2' thick, or a pillar 15' high with a 3' diameter. The adept may choose to increase the height of the wall by 1', the width by 2' or the thickness by 6", or the height or diameter of the pillar by 1', for each Rank the Adept possesses in the spell. The wall may be uniformly curved up to a half circle. The wall may not be created on top of an entity, and is subject to the usual restrictions on physical walls. The wall is translucent but not transparent. When the spell duration expires the ice returns to whence it came.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Rune Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Rune of Truth - Mana Sense

Range: Self
Duration: 5 minutes + 5 / Rank
Resist: No
Target: Self
Effects: This Adept draws the Rune of Truth upon their forehead as part of their Preparation, and upon Casting, the spell allows the adept to "sense" the mana flows within 10 feet (+ 10 / Rank). If a spell is cast or magic triggered within range, the Adept will see it flying off towards its target. Similarly, if the target of any spell is within range, the Adept will see the magic impact. If the Adept chooses magical Pass actions of Concentration with this spell in effect, they will be able to see Adepts drawing mana, and be able to see if a target resists a spell or not. While concentrating the Adept will have a (2 � PC) chance of being able to distinguish the College of the magic they can see, the name of the spell, and whether the spell is low, medium, high or very high in rank.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Rune Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Runelock - Explosive Runes

Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour / Rank
Resist: Passive
Target: Area or object
'Effects: A Lock rune must be drawn onto a door, portal, window or other lockable thing. When the incantation is cast,
either damage equal to Rank x Rank is applied against whatever the rune was drawn on, and if this exceeds its structural capacity, this will create a breach large enough for an individual of size 6.
or it will detonate when an illicit attempt is made to open what the rune has entrapped, inflicting Rank x 5 damage against anyone within a hex. The Adept is always considered out of range of this attack although they may set it off at will. The damage may exceed the structural capacity of the object, destroying it.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Network of Sin Winter 814 Rune Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376