Infantry Regiments
Duke's Halberdiers
Type |
Heavy Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Halberd 4+, Rapier 4+, Approval of the Duke, own Plate Armour
Operational Strength (Full) |
100 (150)
Based |
Castle Chilton
Motto |
Paratus et Fidelis (Prepared and Loyal)
Commander |
Colonel-in-Chief, Leto, Duke of Carzala
Other Notables |
Captain Christian Goudy, Lieutenant Gregory Wells, Lieutenant Aracely Cooey, Sergeant Elton Tschumakov and Sergeant Hank Affleck
History/Notes |
This Regiment was formed to augment the Guard of the Duke of Carzala and provides the Guard for his family in Castle Chilton.
The Brastor Pikes
Type |
Heavy Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Pike 4+, Rapier 4+, own Plate Armour
Operational Strength (Full) |
400 (600)
Based |
Castle Brastor
Motto |
Pugnamus Finitum, (We Fight to the Finish)
Commander |
Colonel Lyndon Smyth
Other Notables |
Captain Arminius Fitzgerald, Captain Alexi Gaudecker, Lieutenant Dexter Davenport, Sergeant Silas Falkenhayn, Sergeant Isabella Felton, Sergeant Devon Ely
History/Notes |
This regiment is the central strength of any Brastorian field army due to its strength, skill and repute under arms. Col Lyndon Smyth has commanded this regiment for several years taking it from a sluggish formation to one of good order and renown.
Hugler’s Heavies
Type |
Heavy Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Broadsword or Hand&1/2 4+, Pike 1+ and Shield 1+, own Plate Armour
Operational Strength (Full) |
400 (600)
Based |
Hugler's Ferry
Motto |
Nunquam Cede, (Never Yield)
Commander |
Colonel Gerald Hugler
Other Notables |
Captain Cecile Hope, Captain Moshe Courtenay, Lieutenant Porfirio Ballard, Sergeant Irwin Van Aerden, Sergeant Augustine Dirk, Sergeant Cliff Miles
History/Notes |
This notable unit was formed some 70 years ago and was originally the Militia for Hugler’s Ferry but evolved over the last 30 years into a permanent heavy formation with a distinguished record fighting around Brastor.
Type |
Light Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Ranger 2+, Estoc or Spear 2+
Operational Strength (Full) |
200 (400)
Based |
Motto |
Nec Aspera Terrant, (Difficulties Do Not Daunt)
Commander |
Colonel Lavinia Fulham
Other Notables |
Captain Juan Gilly, Lieutenant Florencio Dunipace, Lieutenant Damion Zuchristan, Sergeant Krum Belden, Sergeant Markus Bromley, Sergeant Amhar Hermance
History/Notes |
This new regiment has been raised in honour of the Fulham’s foot company that fought so well throughout the war and especially in the Battle of Carlston’s Switch. The Captain in charge of the company has been promoted to command this regiment which is a reflection of her skills, commitment and ability (and immunity to undead). The Regiment is often known by its nickname of The Lavenders, in tribute to its commander's name and fashion sense.
Pardeau Bowmen
Type |
Light Missile Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Bow 2+, Shield 0+
Operational Strength (Full) |
200 (600)
Based |
Motto |
Sua Tela Tonant, (Their weapons are thunderbolts)
Commander |
Colonel Jean Beakley
Other Notables |
Captain Davis Fotherby, Lieutenant Amie Sutphen, Lieutenant Lazaro Corkin, Sergeant Ola Jakowlew
History/Notes |
The Highland Axes
Type |
Medium Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Hafted 3+, Ranger 2+, Shield 3+, Bow 2+, Unarmed 2+, Sword 2+. Warrior 2+
Operational Strength (Full) |
300 (600)
Based |
The South Lending
Motto |
Inimicus Inimico, (Hostile To The Enemy)
Commander |
Colonel Nyall Baluvelt
Other Notables |
Captain Kyle Beers, Captain Bryan Girvan, Lieutenant Donn Acton, Lieutenant Hee Drake, Lieutenant Vid Barnum, Sergeant Dannie Lind, Sergeant Mack Kirkaldy, Sergeant Harlan Bucher
History/Notes |
Created from two Companies with distinguished service against the Dark Circle, the two battalions of the Regiment are still known by their original names: the Highlanders, and the Axes.
Cavalry Regiments
Duke's Own Horse Guards
Type |
Heavy Cavalry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Horsemanship 4+, Lance 4+, Approval of the Duke, Plate Armour & Warhorse
Operational Strength (Full) |
50 (150)
Based |
Castle Chilton
Motto |
Decus et Praesidium (An Honour and a Guard)
Commander |
Colonel-in-Chief, Leto, Duke of Carzala
Other Notables |
Captain Marius Bauer, Lieutenant Willy von Reuter, Lieutenant Jewell Wingfield, Sergeant Boyd Van Ornum and Sergeant Beau Beauvais
History/Notes |
This Regiment was formed from what were the old Ducal Lance Guards and a number of other lesser units to be the mounted guards for the Duke of Carzala.
Dubresky's Light Horse
Type |
Light Cavalry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Horsemanship 4+, Sabre or Spear 1+, own horse
Operational Strength (Full) |
200 (300)
Based |
Motto |
Celler et Audax, (Swift and Bold)
Commander |
Colonel Robert Dubresky
Other Notables |
Captain Faustino Beaufort, Lieutenant Gwern Hacker, Sergeant Wadu Tenbrook, Sergeant Thad Linton, Sergeant Jerald Gihon
History/Notes |
Colonel Dubresky is a career cavalry officer, brilliant horseman and fighter with the highest casualty ratio and the highest body count of the army. Perhaps the only officer the undead actively avoid.
Shields of EastMarch
Type |
Heavy Cavalry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Horsemanship 6+, Sabre 4+, Lance 2+, Poleweapon 3+, Shield 3+, Warrior 2+, own Heavy Warhorse
Operational Strength (Full) |
100 (150)
Based |
Motto |
Praesto et Persto, (To Stand Out and to Stand Firm)
Commander |
Colonel Chase Kirk
Other Notables |
Captain Jacque Kincade, Lieutenant Bevan Belden, Sergeant Eddy Scudmore, Sergeant Paris Drake
History/Notes |
Carzalan Hobilars
Type |
Medium Cavalry / Medium Mounted Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Horsemanship 3+, Bow 2+, Pole weapon 2+, Warrior 1+, own Horse
Operational Strength (Full) |
100 (150)
Based |
Motto |
Firme et Fideli, (Steadfast and Faithfully)
Commander |
Colonel Leslee Wulf
Other Notables |
Captain Elliot Claget, Lieutenant Antonio Weyland, Sergeant Sommer Barryn, Sergeant Phillip Schneider
History/Notes |
Desai Hussars
Type |
Light Cavalry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Horsemanship 2+, Lance/Sabre/Estoc 2+, own horse
Operational Strength (Full) |
100 (150)
Based |
Motto |
Inter Pericula Intrepidi, (Fearless In the Face of Danger)
Commander |
Colonel Mel Pomeroy
Other Notables |
Captain Pierre Keese, Lieutenant Dalton Barculo, Sergeant Danial Spelman
History/Notes |
These troops represent the more flamboyant troops from noble families who are not adverse to risk and adventure.
Artusian Rangers
Type |
Medium Cavalry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Horsemanship 4+, Warrior 2+, Ranger 3+, Bow 3+, Sword or Hafted 3+, own horse
Operational Strength (Full) |
100 (150)
Based |
Motto |
Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt, (Where Right and Glory Lead)
Commander |
Colonel Guy Ricard
Other Notables |
Captain Rusty Nefis, Lieutenant Gene Thurston, Sergeant Kurtis Daw
History/Notes |
Special Regiments
The Borderers
Type |
Mixed Arms
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Ranger 4+, Bow 4+, 4 other weapons 4+, Horsemanship 4+, another 2 skills at 4+, Stealth 4+, WP 18+
Operational Strength (Full) |
200 (400 by call up of ex-Borderers)
Based |
The South Lending, Tobintown (also have lesser encampments that are occasionally used beside Lake Cordon, Chapel Crossing, Pardeau Crossing and the South Downs)
Motto |
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum or Let him who wishes for peace prepare for war
Commander |
Colonel Cyrus Wischard
Other Notables |
Captain Tor Dunham, Captain Billy Randel, Lieutenant Wilmer Shaw, Sergeant Chance Huntley, Sergeant Claudio Hadrian and Sergeant Kynlas Wickliff
History/Notes |
Often referred to as the Brastor Borderers, and by many ex-members as the Castellan's Borderers. The Borderers have been led by a number of significant figures over the years with such notables as General Georg Rogers and the now Baroness of Greenwood – Lady Jennifer Drury counted amongst the leaders of this famous Regiment.
The training regime for the Borderers has changed with the course of the war and the Regiment has become an elite unit used for scouting, path-finding and small unit tactics in the Brastorian forces.
The selection criteria for the Borderers has been substantially changed to the extent that troopers in the Borderers would be Sergeants or better in other units due to their skills, abilities and reputation.
The Borderers (From Winter 807) only take proven warriors and troops from within the Carzalan and allied Western Kingdom forces who have both proven themselves and come highly recommended. Those who actively seek to be recruited into the Borderers will be subject to a selection process which sees 80% of applicant fail and/or be returned to the units from whence they came.
The Regiment is split into 4 squadrons of 64 men which are further divided into 4 Troops of 16 men, and finally into 4 Lances of 4 men each.
Carzalan Corps of Engineers
Type |
Specialists & Labourers
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Various Artisan skills, Mechanician 1+ (Officers)
Operational Strength (Full) |
50 (200 from reserves, with additional militia-trained labourers attached)
Based |
Arns Ferry & Westgate
Motto |
Laboramus Sustinere, (We Work to Assist)
Commander |
Captain-of-Engineers Alan Boscowen
Other Notables |
Captain Bryant Bannister, Lieutenant Calder Wickham, Lieutenant Myles Brand, Sergeant Peter Fleming, Sergeant Letha Durham and Sergeant Llwyr Halsey
History/Notes |
The Corps is seldom fielded in units larger than a Company and lends troops to the Brigades.
The Corps has several notable companies:
- 1st Company, The Fordsmen, the motto of this company is Per Mare Per Terram (By water, by land)
- 2nd Company, The Mallets, the motto of this company is Malleis Milito (I soldier with a hammer)
- 3rd Company, The Oaks, the motto of this company is Sicut Quercus (As the Oak)
- 4th Company, The Light-bearers, the motto of this company is Constructio et Destructio (Construction and Destruction).
Carzalan Militia Battalions
Type |
Light/Medium Infantry
Armour/Weapons/Skills |
Operational Strength (Full) |
150 (3,500)
Based |
Gugnir’s Hope, Northfield, Regar’s Keep, Bolton, Venture, Charity, Emmitsburg, Tobintown, South Lending, and Westgate
Motto |
Non Nobis Sed Patriae, (Not Ourselves But For Our Country)
Commander |
Colonel-of-Militia Lewellan Hales
Other Notables |
Captain Alex von Liebstrau, Lieutenant Carmelina Beauvais, Lieutenant Madawg Moxley, Sergeant Cadman Foote and Sergeant Noden Thwaytes
History/Notes |
Approximately 150 veteran officers and soldiers are scattered throughout Carzala to serve as Militia trainers. They maintain weapons and equipment stores in readiness for times when the militia must be called up, and train able bodied citizens in weapons and military drills during Sundays.
At full strength the Carzalan militia numbers around 3,500 and is assigned in battalions of about 500 to the Light and Heavy brigades on an as needed basis.
- Light Infantry
Foot soldiers who are un-armoured, or in soft leather, and who armed with light weapons and thrown missile weapons, such as spears or javelins, or are armed with long range missile weapons, such as bows or crossbow. Light infantry tends to fight as skirmishers, in loose formation.
- Medium Infantry
Foot soldiers who wear rigid leather, or ring mail, usually use a shield, and are armed with long, or heavy weapons, such as spears, pikes, polearms, or axes. Sometimes medium infantry is armed with light melee weapons, and long ranged missile weapons, such as bows and crossbows
- Heavy Infantry
Foot soldiers who wear full chainmail, or heavier metallic armour, quite often use a shield, and almost always use heavy, long melee weapons, such as pikes and polearms. When armed with missile weapons, the crossbow is almost exclusively used.
- Light Cavalry
Mounted soldiers who wear soft leather or no armour, and are armed with light weapons and either thrown missile weapons, or long ranged missile weapons, such as composite bows, or rarely, crossbows. Smaller horses, which are unable to carry a great amount of weight, but do not require grain and can be fed on grass, are used as mounts.
- Medium Cavalry
Mounted soldiers who wear rigid leather, or ring mail, and are either armed with long range missile weapons and light melee weapons, or armed with lance and shield. Because of the additional weight, larger horses are needed to carry the soldiers. Some breeds of medium war-horses can subsist solely on grass, but most require some grain.
- Heavy Cavalry
Mounted soldiers who wear full chainmail, and are almost always armed with lance and shield, although some heavy cavalry is armed with sword and crossbow. Large horses are needed, and often, smaller riding horses are used to carry the un-armoured soldier while the heavy war-horse carries the armour, when the heavy cavalry is moving to battles.
- Very Heavy Cavalry
Mounted soldiers who wear full or half plate armour, and are always armed with the lance and shield, although some highly trained very heavy cavalry may also have long range missile weapon. Very large and expensive horses are needed to carry the very heavy cavalry trooper. Like heavy cavalry, separate riding horses are used when moving the very heavy cavalry outside a battle field