
Kingdom of Kuzjera
King Inkanar
Kondasgel is one of the three large Dwarven underground cities along with Harhakeim and Hoar Dwarves. It is the greater of the two Dwarven cities in Nordon (Ivinia), founded around 500AP.

Kondasgel is connected to Harhakeim by a tunnel some eight miles in length. Ancient ruins have been found in the lower reaches of the city. Some say that the Forges of the City connect to far off lands, depending on the seasonal effect of the northern lights. Mining takes place in the deeper reaches of the city.
Kondasgel is ruled by King Inkanar, head of the royal clan Zynahul. It is understood that the Kings Clan the Inkanar, enjoys the support of a large group of Dwarven Priests and Mages who have kept the great Forges and mystic Furnaces for over 150 years. It is said that some of the Dwarven Seerers have creafted magic items and the runes themselves for the gods. At the centre of the city, is a truly deep and wide shaft, which connects most sections of the City. Lava & Elemental forces from the under-world and controlled by the Forges provided the at times tropical heat for all.
Rumour has it that the region has a population of over 20,000 Dwarves, and a smaller hobbit population (Skræling) of about 4,000 who trade with the Dwarves. They provide food from the hunt, herding and fishing. In the northern area of the region are some tribes of Walrus people who are know as Tuskarr.