Talk:Enhanced Adhesion

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Revision as of 03:38, 30 July 2021 by ChrisR (talk | contribs) (intentions behind the spell)
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I suggest a little simplification for easier interpretation and faster run-time.

1. Targets is one boot/foot per 5 ranks? so 1 normal humanoid at rank 6, 2 people at rank 16? How much advantage is one sticky boot and the other not??

I understand the enchanting the boots descriptive but maybe make the game-effect targets based on size in hexes. Most PCs being one-hex, horses 2, most giants are 3. 1 per 5 then gets 4 party members at rank 16, or more likely, 2 casts of rank 11 to cover the party.

2. Lasting for a number of steps with a step being x distance based on y & z all gets a bit messy. Most welcome to have that in mind when calculating but I suggest resolving it to a simpler game effect of x feet per rank.

For vertical surfaces I think Climbing skill should still be the most relevant ability, sticky feet would be a significant bonus but you've still got to know where to put them and what to hold on to.

-- Stephen (talk) 04:08, 29 July 2021 (UTC)

hmm might change to a similar writeup for ice college ice transversal, this is just a very rough idea here for one of NPC's (at this stage, tho it sounded like a fun alternative utility for the spell)

as for distance, does 5ft +5/2 full-rank seem fair? or do you think it should be less, or more?

I'd go for more. Consider the tedium of stopping to re-cast 10 times as the party makes their way along the rooftops in town.

I'm guilty of far too many overly complicated rules for reasons that seemed good at the time. Now I try to apply the criteria: does this add to overall fun and drama? If not then it probably shouldn't be there.

This doesn't mean that everything should be uber and flawless; striving is fun, coming up with clever and creative uses of obscure items/abilities is fun, always winning easily with no feeling of risk or challenge isn't fun.

It's a nice variation on the spell, a nice idea. Just don't over complicate it.

-- Stephen (talk) 03:16, 30 July 2021 (UTC)

I was more planning for it as something to say, maybe walk up a wall (fortifcation wall), it's current usage is for standing on a roof of a workshop to work for different angles on a sculpture so that where I'm coming from, it would also be reasonable to put on a party during combat where a binder is putting down a frictionless floor to have a more reliable, way of not accidentally sliding to their doom, given that it cannot normally be resisted.