Talk:Nobody dies there...probably

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Prone Mechanics Debate

so the rules for having front/rear/melli zone

Definitions (6.1) Facing A figure must be unambiguously oriented towards one hex side. This determines their Front and Rear Hexes, and Attack Zone. They may change facing during any Action unless specifically prohibited.

must have: determines that there is a rear/front hexes

Melee Zone The front hexes of any conscious, unstunned, standing or kneeling figure armed with a prepared weapon rated for Melee combat.

Prone is not any of the above, therefore a prone character does not have a melli zone

Other rules of note: 6.2

Optionally Engaged Figures A figure who is adjacent to a hostile figure, but is not in any opponent’s Melee Zone, may choose whether to be treated as engaged or unengaged, and acts on the appropriate Initiative.

Melee Attack An engaged figure may move one hex and change facing, and then attempt a Melee Attack. They may not move after they have attacked. (so if i was on the side front hex, once entangled, i could move one hex into his rear and melli attack.)

movement (6.8) Any complicated turning manoeuvre may result in a reduction in the figure’s movement allowance for that pulse. A reduction of 1 hex is suggested for each 180◦ turn. At the end of the Action, the figure must be unambiguously oriented towards one hex side.

A figure’s movement allowance assumes a flat surface with little or no hindrance to movement...... ^i would argue, been prone, specially entangled, would reduce the movement allowance to 0 thereby not been able to execute turning manoeuvre however, there is no other reason why, during an entanglements pass action to undo entanglement, that the character could not change facing to prevent me moving back into their rare hex

Figures with High Agility Figures with modified Agility of 22 through 25 are allowed one extra hex of movement when executing any of the following Actions: Melee Attack, engaged Evade, Withdraw, Retreat, Pass, Fire Crossbow, Throw. allows 2 hex movement into someone rear in melli, if prone

Attacking 6.9

Entangle A figure with a prepared Net, Whip, Lasso or Bola may attempt to Entangle their opponent during any attack. If the attack is successful, the target must make a 3 × AG Check or fall prone. The target must disentangle themselves before rising, requiring 2 Pass Actions. the only difference between this and a normal attack crating prone: is to require to pas action entanglements

56 Weapons, Shields and Armour Charts

Section O ""The whip may be used to entangle and do damage in the same pulse to the same target in melee combat. In close combat, it functions as a garotte. Once the target is entangled, the attacker may choose to leave them entangled (thus letting go of the whip), or disentangle the target themselves, and retain possession of the weapon.""

(section about dropping the whip)


this video shows everyone falling voer, falling forward (thereby exposing their back), also when trying to get up, they tend to look foward in front of them, given more credence to them having a "front" (as determined by vision) so