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*Interesting. I quite like this. Awesome spell for the daily buffs. E&E mages will be given double shares. It is not too powerful, yet it makes the game more fun.--[[User:IanW|Ian Wood]] ([[User talk:IanW|talk]]) 16:32, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
*Interesting. I quite like this. Awesome spell for the daily buffs. E&E mages will be given double shares. It is not too powerful, yet it makes the game more fun.--[[User:IanW|Ian Wood]] ([[User talk:IanW|talk]]) 16:32, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
==Optional Spells==
I dont want to get into an arguement over whether these should replace Quickness or Slowness, they are just useful
===Enchanted Area===
Range: 5 feet + 1 / Rank<br>
Duration: 10 seconds + 5 / Rank<br>
Experience Multiple: 300<br>
Base Chance: 40%<br>
Resist: None <br>
Storage: Investment<br>
Target: Area<br>
Effects: The area surrounding the Adept becomes enchanted so that spells subsequently cast in the area (by any adept) affect all entities within the area that choose to accept them. The targets of the subsequent spells each pay the cast Fatigue, rather than the caster.<br>
Possessed objects may be targeted by appropriate spells if the possessors accept the spell and pay the cast Fatigue (EG A fire mage casts Weapon of Flames).<br>
===Enchant Skill===
Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank<br>
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank<br>
Experience Multiple: 500<br>
Base Chance: 30%<br>
Resist: None<br>
Storage: Investment<br>
Target: Object<br>
Effects: The spell allows Adept to imbue an item with a skill known to the Adept. The possessor of the item can then act as if they know the skill, although at only half the Adept’s rank in that skill.<br>
===Lighten the Load===
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank<br>
Duration: 4 hours + 1 / Rank <br>
Experience Multiple: 150<br>
Base Chance: 40%<br>
Resist: Passive<br>
Storage: Investment, Ward<br>
Target: Entity or Object<br>
Effects: The spell reduces the apparent weight of the Target by 50 lbs [+ 50 / Rank], to a minimum of 50 [-2 / Rank] lbs. <br>

Revision as of 01:12, 9 September 2013


Bolt of Energy

Resist is listed as "Active, Passive". Current spell (and other bolt spells) are Passive only. Is the change intentional? Martin Dickson (talk) 14:37, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
That isn't so much an observation about Bolt of Energy as it is about Active Magic Resistance. I can only think of a few people who would choose to Actively Resist Magic, and I'm betting no one, not even the E&Es, care whether it is removed from the game or not. Jim Arona Sept 9 2013

Quick / Slow IV changes

Are the IV bonuses / minuses expected to affect both engaged and unengaged IV? Martin Dickson (talk) 14:37, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
I think any IV adjustment should affect both engaged and unengaged, keeps it simpler. Stephen (talk) 15:01, 8 September 2013 (MDT)

brain Dump

Possibilities to replace Slowness

Circle of Silence

Range: 10ft + 10/rank
Duration: Varies.
EM 300
base chance 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap, Potion
Target: Area, Entity
Effects: This spell completely stops all sound in an area 15ft diameter (+5 / 5ranks) for 5 seconds (+5 per 3 Ranks). No spells with a spoken component can be cast in the area.
Alternatively, the spell can be cast on an entity, in which case it will last for 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank), In this case, the spell will neutralise penalties to Stealth as result of noisiness by as much as its Rank. This alternative does not attract penalties to Cast Checks.

How about the equation for the area of effect is 15 ft diameter (+5 ft per 5 Ranks) - just to make it easier to draw on a hex grid. Also, I thought it might be nice if the Adept could cast it on themselves to counter noisiness penalties to Stealth - not interfering with their spell casting, obviously. Jim Arona Sept 8 2013
Sure write it in but with that duration I don't know how good it would be. (note that this is effectively better than a counterspell as it does all colleges and worse as you can resist--Mebh (talk) 23:39, 7 September 2013 (MDT)
that is a pretty potent "no castable magic zone". "No one will hear you scream" says the nasty E&E. Er, hang on, that is bardic Silence.--Ian Wood (talk) 16:43, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
Yes, spell-silencing is powerful, but the duration is 8 Pulses. Probably should also be able to increase the area affected on doulbes or triples Jim Arona Sept 9 2013

Mage Whisper

Range: 30ft + 15/rank Duration: 10 seconds +10/ rank EM 300
base chance 20%
Resist: Active /Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical trap
Target: Entity
Effects: This whisper attacks 1 target for every 3 (or fraction) ranks. A target who fails to resist will suffer from a whining sound in their ears , the sound is magical and no eardrums are required to hear it (ie this will work on a skeleton). The distraction is so great that it will add 2% per Rank to any rolls the target makes that are mental in nature or 1 % per rank to other rolls.

  • This is a pretty debilitating effect as it stands, and I have no problem letting summonables and automata be immune to it. I think you'd have to make a case by case ruling for other critters. Otherwise, seems okay.Jim Arona Sept 8 2013
  • I fear it will be a pain at run time. easy on computer games, pain at 10 pm. Is there a fun option? Like it recites poetry? or (de)motivational speaches so it could help targets concentrate or protect them from charms or the like "I am your friend, they want to suck your brain dry" --Ian Wood (talk) 16:38, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
  • Doesn't seem to be too tricky to administer as a DM. I think I would prefer a single die roll modifier, half if you Resist. I don't want to have to remember that the modifier doubles if they are spell-casting or something. Jim Arona Sept 9 2013

Wrest Control

Range: 30ft + 15/rank
Duration: Concentration:max. 10 minutes + 10/rank
EM 400
base chance 20%
Resist: Active /Passive
Storage: Investment
Target: Entity or construct
Effects: The Adept may cast this spell over one entity or construct who is already controlled or charmed (affected by thoughts or impulses not their own through any magical means). Those targets who are successfully controlled may be commanded by the Adept to perform actions that are both within their physical capabilities and is not directly and obviously injurious or fatal.
If the adept is a higher rank than the original control then an ordinary resistance check is made
for every rank the adept is lower than the rank or the original control add 10 to the resistance check

This is my least favourite not sure it works--Mebh (talk) 01:05, 8 September 2013 (MDT)

Spell of Paralysis

Range: 30ft + 15/rank
Duration: Immediate
EM 300
BC 15%
Resistance: Active and Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical trap
Target: Entities

Effects: The adept may paralyze up to 1 + 1/3 full ranks targets with this spell. The targets are paralyzed unless the successfully resist, While paralyzed the targets may take no action. Recovery from paralysis is as per normal stun recovery, with the first recovery roll coming at the end of the pulse following the spells casting. This spell works on entities who do not usually stun such as demons and undead

  • I dont like 'switch off spells' as they are boring to play. Perhaps cannot move their legs would be ok, so they are stationary, but can still cast, yell abuse (yes i know those damned goblins are corrupting me), and hit things. Leave defence alone, as it is debilitating enough, and i dont want to have to change all my stats at 10 pm.--Ian Wood (talk) 16:47, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
Me either, although this one is not as bad as some. What about this:

Effects: This spell fills a volume that is 5 ft wide (+1 per Rank) and 15 ft long (+5 per Rank). Entities in the area who fail to Resist are Paralysed for 1 Pass Action for every 3 or fraction Ranks. At Rank 20, this increases to a maximum of 8 Pass Actions. Bonuses from Mind Sheild or similar magic may be applied to the target's Magic Resistance.
Jim Arona Sept 9 2013

Possibilities to replace Quickness

medium enchantment

Range: 30ft + 15/rank Duration: 1 hour + 30 mins per rank EM 300
base chance 20%
Resist: Active /Passive
Storage: Investment
Target: Entities
Effects: Stacks with everything

Adds 1 + 1 per 4 full ranks to one of AG MD or WP, if cast on themselves the buff last 24 hours and gives 1 + 1 per 2 full ranks

  • I dont like this for some reason. please standardise the range and duration to 15 plus 15/ and 30 + 30/ (or hour + hour/. I dont like breaking the stacking rules, as it just makes them meaningless.--Ian Wood (talk) 16:36, 8 September 2013 (MDT)

Enhanced Luck

Range: 30ft + 15/rank
Duration: 1 Pulse (+1 per 5 Ranks)
EM 300
base chance 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment or Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: The target subtracts the Rank of this spell from their die rolls for the duration.

Multi- target maybe ? --Mebh (talk) 01:07, 8 September 2013 (MDT)

Well, if it's a lot worse than I think it is, 1 target at a time is going to help keep things under control. A single target version gives us these options:

a) let PCs / tough NPCs find a constrained version, for example an "incantation" of a multi-target version
b) let PCs / tough NPCs find an unconstrained version
c) in between bouts of waking up sobbing, thank god that we didn't allow a multi-target version.
  • My instinct is that it isn't going to cause a problem to make it multi-target, but these have been famous last words on several occasions. Jim Arona Sept 8 2013
  • Seems reasonable. I have already heard concerns that Death Aspect is too powerful. Duration is too short for the time it takes to cast it - it takes two actions to make one action better (it wouldnt help a rock climb for example and the Adept will be yelled at to repeatedly cast it, which will be boring). Duration should also be in seconds for consistency. Range 'should' be 15 plus 15/rank for ease. My concern is that to make it worth casting (making it multi-target and/or longer duration) it will become another 'must have spell' or you loose the combat. --Ian Wood (talk) 16:30, 8 September 2013 (MDT)
  • I think Ian is right the cost/benefit ratio is negative. Also, the duration means that it can't be used outside of combat or dramatic task resolution. But, these are positives. The negative cost/benefit ratio changes if you are casting it on someone else, particularly if they are doing something really important. Short duration means that it is truly productive when used tactically. If the duration is too long, then it becomes just like Quickness, in that it is the only spell the Adept casts first. My reservations about multi-target I've already mentioned.

To be honest, I'm not sure how allowing the spell multiple targets would play. My instinct is that it would not be unbalancing, although it might be less fun. If we make it a single target spell, some player is going to end up with a version which is multi-target, it's just the way of things. At that point, we can see what it plays like, and the damage will be limited to one player. If it sucks big, pink, bouncing balls and all of the E&Es have, the whingeing will be epic. Jim Arona Sept 9 2013

Mage Font

Range: 30ft + 15/rank
EM 300
Base Chance 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Area
Effects:Creates a Mana Pool 15 feet in diameter. Those standing in the area are treated as if they are standing in a High Mana Zone, except that cost of casting spells is drawn from a pool of 5(+1 per Rank) Mana . The pool evaporates when the Mana is exhausted.

  • Interesting. I quite like this. Awesome spell for the daily buffs. E&E mages will be given double shares. It is not too powerful, yet it makes the game more fun.--Ian Wood (talk) 16:32, 8 September 2013 (MDT)

Optional Spells

I dont want to get into an arguement over whether these should replace Quickness or Slowness, they are just useful

Enchanted Area

Range: 5 feet + 1 / Rank
Duration: 10 seconds + 5 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Area
Effects: The area surrounding the Adept becomes enchanted so that spells subsequently cast in the area (by any adept) affect all entities within the area that choose to accept them. The targets of the subsequent spells each pay the cast Fatigue, rather than the caster.
Possessed objects may be targeted by appropriate spells if the possessors accept the spell and pay the cast Fatigue (EG A fire mage casts Weapon of Flames).

Enchant Skill

Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 500
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Object
Effects: The spell allows Adept to imbue an item with a skill known to the Adept. The possessor of the item can then act as if they know the skill, although at only half the Adept’s rank in that skill.

Lighten the Load

Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 4 hours + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward
Target: Entity or Object
Effects: The spell reduces the apparent weight of the Target by 50 lbs [+ 50 / Rank], to a minimum of 50 [-2 / Rank] lbs.