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<-- Lunar Empire

Grain basket provance

Bakers, Millers, Air, Wicca, and Water mages. The guilds main area of interest/involvement is in the production and protection of food. The guild works closely with provinces and governors inside the glow line.

It has lead to the Empire’s wheat/grain basket areas of:

  • First Blessed Province North and north-east of Lunar City - Province: 800,000 pop and 2.2 million food.
  • Karasal Province North and north-west of Lunar City - Province: 600,000 pop and 1.9 million food.
  • Silver Shadow Central Empire - Province: 3,000,000 pop and 1.8 million food.
  • Darjiin Province South of the Center - Province: 900,000 pop and 1.4 million food.

Wicca blessed crops are common, as is good rainfall and excellent weather all year.

Guild members that are mages:

  • are not allowed to have gems, coins, or currency.
  • are not allowed to have more wealth than they can carry.
  • are protected by the Emperors decree.
  • gain free food and shelter from anyone.
  • are to be assisted and protected.

Guild members that are Bakers or Millers:

  • set the price for 50lbs of flour at 8sp.
  • gain free food and shelter from anyone.
  • are to be assisted and protected.