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Train 1wk all to rk 0 net and trident
Train 1wk all to rk 0 net and trident

=== Night 5===
=== Night 5 11/08/823-18/08/823===
====Down the Hole====
====Down the Hole====
We are in the underwater temple and an undead ogre rises from the hole. Some hitting happens by us and to us, and I finish it off with a bolt of fire. Weird that I can do that underwater, but the priestess told me it would work and it did, but also spread a bit and hit Jo and Sonny who were near the ogre. Meanwhile the priestess is having a big argument with the octogod.  
We are in the underwater temple and an undead ogre rises from the hole. Some hitting happens by us and to us, and I finish it off with a bolt of fire. Weird that I can do that underwater, but the priestess told me it would work and it did, but also spread a bit and hit Jo and Sonny who were near the ogre. Meanwhile the priestess is having a big argument with the octogod.  

Revision as of 04:02, 14 July 2023

Scribe Notes



Continuing on from The Disappearance of Yasmin's Hammer

Adventure In the Shadow of the Black tower
GM Jono
Season Winter 822 WK
Night Playing Monday night starting in June 2023 in Glendene (Jono's place) at 6:30 / 7:00pm.
Area Alusia
Level Low


Character name College / Skills Race Player
Ruby Fire Human Kelsie
Sonny Holliday Celestial Hobbit Michael M
Johann Wicca Human Michael H
Thornie Earth Dwarf Michael P
Dae Mind Elf Gus
Mistress of Shadow (also known as Lulu till she tells me her name)- one of the Celestial Guild leaders from Gugnir's Hope is working for the Court of Duke Leto of Cazrala.
A party to scout raiding goblins in the west of Carzala that have been disappearing only to reappear elsewhere.
Get more clay from the Minotaur caves for 'clay pigeons'.
Secure a safe location for scouts with 'clay pigeons' to watch for raiders in the Fastness.
Scout the Black tower in the Fastness.
50,000sp in advance

Scribe notes

Night 1 (01/07/823-19/04/823)

At the Guild

So we went to the Guild Meeting. I got an award for being bravest. I tried to get Dae to nominate me for stupidest but he wouldn't.

I was supposed to try and sell the 5 extra goblin blankets and a shrunken hand amulet but I forgot.

Mistress of Shadows of a spot in the party for on more but no takers so far.

We are getting paid to look for goblins, 50000sp in advance, which they gave to us in coppers, then changed to ingots, then eventually to 2 1/2 ingots of truesilver each worth 20160 and the remaining 5968 each in SP. I repay 1000 to Jo and 500 to Marcus's guild account.

We are to scout raiding goblins, get clay from the Minotaur, secure a safe location for scouts to watch for raiders and to scout the Black tower in the Fastness.

We are told about the black tower: another land far off, another land closer and hot, a cult of fire/metal/heat elementalists.

We are told that the wicca want Catherine the witch about a blood ritual to see into the spirit realm to track goblin spirits, using us because we're expendable.

We stay at the guild for 15 days training and also get some of our blankets made into cloaks (the tailors and sewers were busy, but I sent out Sonny to find a hobbit one and flirt with her and bribe her with a spare blanket ;) and that worked a treat). But I think they "saw us noobs coming" because they charged a lot for fancy add ons. Mine is reversible with an ermine collar and is blue with silver embroidery. Cost 2250. Dae's cost 5000 and gives 5% defence, Sonny's cost 2000 and gives 1 protection at night. If we bring fresh oak saplings from the fastnes they can be modified to regenerate.

There have been shadows of ogre magi around town murdering.


After that we fly straight to Amber in the Fastness with Mistress of Shadows (I'm going to call her Lulu form now on). She waits outside of town until we are ready to go.

They are digging a wide well. It seems that they are "fashionable". The mayor who's a bear made them do it. It's called Clementine. She's a hobbit. The well is in case of "water problems"

The town has a clay hut for adventurers to stay in. It's clearly been a while.

We ask for news

  • Bad necros - caused the raiding by attacking the goblins. They used to live in a fortress through the tunnel. Mordrin took it over from other bad guys, the goblins took it back about 12 years ago, the necros took it back a year ago. Ask Jedburgh or Hobbit detectives.
  • The thing the minotaurs are digging for is a basilisk. Clementine killed it twice but it comes back.
  • Where to set up scout watchers? There is a slowly rotating castle in a cloud (we saw this) It doesn't belong to anyone. But it's impossible to get too. It is protected by sorrow. Otherwise up with the hobbits.
  • Collect blue White and red poppies near the statues, normally spring and summer to increase the ferocity of magic.
  • The witch is a ghost and has been for about 3 years, it may be the leeches who are keeping her.
  • All of the creature in the minse are werecreatures. If you stay there 48 hours you will turn into one.
  • The goblins are gathering resources - Hands, tine nuts and silver willow.
  • At the common room we meet townsfolk and 6 females in saffron robes. They are not monks but "carvers". They are richly dressed and are a dancing troupe here to bless the well.

We sleep in the little house.

We go into a nearby field and collect some oak saplings which we leave near the hut.

We get some bones that dryads like and set off for the swamp.

THornie says that the swamp is artificial. It has been dammed. We spot a black tree. A spirit comes out and threatens us, but she is also speaking to us in silent tongue. [there is a bad spirit, a shade, in the forest controlling everything. It is very dangerous]. We ask about the witch and are told that she ahs moved on, but gives us a scroll with a forwarding address. [the spirit sucked the life out of the witch about 4 years ago. others came about 18mths ago and died now there two? shades. they left treasure behind. the evil spirits will attack the beavers next]

We leave the swamp because we want to deal with this in a full day of daylight. Back to Amber. Lulu thinks we should go straight back to Gugnirs Hope for buffs.

The "address "note is not cursed. It says "Be careful. Help us, greater undead controlling everyone in the swamp. Send 4 adventurers."

For some reason at this point one of us asks about clay... pigeon clay comes from the minotaur's areas. There is a bog south of the black tower that lures in undead and sticks them.

We fly back to Gugnirs Hope. Sonny, me and Dae crash in a big pile. I've been doing so well up to now

Random note from mum - two blacksmiths can open a portal to a forging realm by ringing hammers

We meet with Joh's wicca mentor Lithwaite.

Lulu organises the posse - us, 4 rangers, Alice, 3 earth mages.2 ruffians (1 is a water mage). 6 witches, 4 guards.

In the morning we fly to Amber, stay the day there and next morning into the swamp.


  • Waterproofing
  • lesser
  • Sos 11 EN
  • Rk 20 shadow form
  • rk 20 strength of darkness 7pt
  • prot from normal fire

Night 2 (20/07/823-20/07/823)

I was in a mood so I stayed at Amber so here are Dae's notes.

These are my half baked notes

We left Amber with a horde of people, among them there were -4 Rangers (one of whom was Ruby's sister!) -Alice (the 'water' mage master for Dae) -3 Earth mages -2 Ruffians (one being a water mage and the other being the protector of said mage) - 6 Witches -4 .....gnomes?....guards? probably guards. -The mistress of Shadow (did you guys name her Lulu in the session I missed?)

The ruffians decided we should split the group into 4, and Master Alice asked our most important members to stay behind with the horses, close to the black tree where the dryad had hid the previous day. After some hours, we feel a huge presence coming towards our position, an Earth Elemental (or golem) approaches the elite horse guard (a.k.a. party) being summoned by an earth mage to go towards the swamp. He tells us of the big evil that made it (dunno what was it) cold was a shade.

The Dryad (same as the previous day) came out of the tree! For some reason she was speaking in common instead of sign language, she was grateful towards us for bringing so many people!

Torney(Thorney?) was torn about the horses, he fears, that if we get attacked, they are remarkably vulnerable by being tied up and grouped up.

We feel several life forces headed our way through the fog, back from where the our allies left, the rangers have returned!. Behind the rangers were the witches, following them close by. The rangers informed us that 4 shades were destroyed, a truce has been reached with the dryads! Oh, Ruby will feel so elated that dryads don't want (well, still want to, but, are unlikely to) to kidnap her no more!

The rangers discovered a dozen ordinary goblins caged in the swamp, with a dozen corpses of other goblins from the previous month or so, seemingly drained of their life.

The Rangers requested the elite horse guard, to stay behind and attempt to contact the witch, if not, to contact the beavers who built a dam for her.

We departed towards the Witch's house, in it's surroundings, lay several feet, all of them, the 16 sets, petrified! Everything hinted towards a basilik! Someone did a DA. (DIA? D/A? you guys say "dee ay" )

Blue cheese & Honey!? (now, I can't say this note was part of the game, or I had a sudden craving, it was written slightly different than the rest)

Owls have hidden the treasure, they like mice, the Witch used to fed the Owls, the Owls and Dryads are not in good terms. Dryads have attempted to burn them (Swamp fried Owl maybe? tasty thoughts, but i digress). These Owls are parrot~y, they like repeating what you say.

Sonny attempts to summon mice, fails, and then succeeds. 45 MICE HAVE BEEN SUMMONED!

Dae tries to perceive hidden dangers (or the gods tested everyone's senses, and he was the only one not to fail this time), and sees a Phase cat stalking them at the distance, feeling that he had been found, he disappears from sight. Blue Quills (don't remember what that was...likely the name of the cat), the Phase Cat is the only survivor.

The elite horse Guard, was preparing to have a fruitless night waiting for the witch, but around 10 at night a Ghostly figure spawns from the fog, the ghost of the Witch, greets the party.

Beavers, about 4 feet in height, come and are grateful for our valiant assault, getting rid of the nasty Shades.

While talking to the Beavers, they offer to bring back the witch from the dead, we require two mystical artifacts, both found in nature...A piece of Sorrow Song Stone, and a pint of water from the center of the lake.


We went back to the town, there we found out about the issues with the Irish-rainbow-end creature whose name and creature type fail to be accessed through my memory right now (Leprechaun). His chest was in the town, and apparently he could not access it due to it being closed off by salt, maybe?. He had been molesting harassing and playing tricks on the town-folk. We found out it was due to it's chest being stolen by adventurers. we went to talk with the creature, we took his chest as a bait to lure him out and talk to us we went out with no magics cast upon us to show our peaceful intentions.

He gave us a quest...or was it a geas? Jono or the others remember that better. We had to recover 3 items, and he'd bless us with something something. Also, the town-folk had to refill his chest, all 200 gold coins, for him to stop bothering and punishing them. He had either a bigger hate towards the Hobbit Governor from the town, or respect, I do not remember, but he felt strongly about her either way.

The party had some discussions about getting mixed into these dealings, since our backlog of things to keep done kept increasing, it was 2 in favour and 2 against. It was conceded towards the ones who wanted to get involved with the creature.

Night 3 23/07/823-02/08/823

Head towards hobbit cliff to arrange scouting base.

Meet tree person alchemist 23rd-29th

Get to hobbits 30th -2nd

Night 4 03/08/823-10/08/823

Head for green goblins to get purest water

Train 1wk all to rk 0 net and trident

Night 5 11/08/823-18/08/823

Down the Hole

We are in the underwater temple and an undead ogre rises from the hole. Some hitting happens by us and to us, and I finish it off with a bolt of fire. Weird that I can do that underwater, but the priestess told me it would work and it did, but also spread a bit and hit Jo and Sonny who were near the ogre. Meanwhile the priestess is having a big argument with the octogod.

We get reluctant permission to go down the hole and the priestess gives us an iron key for the chest. The key is visibly corroding before our eyes so we need to hurry.

Mind magic tells us that there is an octopus below waiting for us with its mouth open. We sink down into an area of not normal darkness (magic or ink or both we don't know). Sonny casts a lot of light spells below us for us to fall into (yay for high mana) and that works and really upsets the monster when they get down to it. It scuttles of into the unilluminated area to the side.

Jo goes for the chest which needs to be pulled out of the mud, Sonny makes more light, and we keep watch for the grumpy predator, while yelling at it because the green crystals we have mean we can talk to it. It also does not like it's dinner to be so noisy.

Jo pulls out the chest and the octopus attacks with a tentacle from under the silt, but another bolt sees that off. Ahah!. But a shade is holding onto the chest and pops out of the mud with it, so we threaten it and it sees the wisdom in retreat.

In the chest are loots including the keys the goblins want. See below for loots.

We swim back up to the temple. The priestess is still arguing with the octogod and there is a grate over the hole so we can't get out. Eventually the priestess wins the argument and we are let out. She has collected the special water that we need. (She has a chicken mace)

Green Goblin Village

Three days have passed while we were gone. We recuperate for a day. While we were gone they had a battle with an ogre, goblins etc and a hobgoblin necromancer. They have it's corpse. And many bones. THey offer us the necro at a feast, so we could get magic. We all decline. WAIT A MINUTE! WHERE IS HIS STAFF?? WE NEED THAT!!! I must be distracted by water in my ears and goblin girls.

We spend another day checking out the loot we got.

Dae is seeing thing about clouds and crows that nobody else notices.

Get the Sorrow Stone

So we are going to use the elemental potion to send the elemental to get the sorrow stone since we were told beings of earth or air are not affected. We will have Thornie do it cos earth is his jam.

We head off ignoring chickens that are following us.

We get to near the forest and are distracted by Thornie talking to a copse of trees with a hairy moss disease (which he and Jo contract). The moss seems to have a charm effect and the trees want it burnt and the moss offers limitless power. Sonny and I move on and they eventually pull themselves loose before we have to go back and rescue them. The moss may be able to be used as an preserving ingredient?

Meanwhile Sonny and I meet up with some centaurs who have a message from Clem the Bear that the goblin mapmaker has put a price on our head.

We go to the sorrow forest. The elemental is duly summoned and successfully controlled and sent ofto get the sorrow stone with instructions about dropping chunks on the way back. The elemental (its name is Bernakin) is carefully dismissed back to the plane of earth without letting it loose to rampage about the countryside as it wishes to do.

Head Back to Amber

So now we have the ingredients we need for the res of the witch so set off back to Amber. That night we plan to sleep at the green gobs, but they appear to be being attacked and we don't have time to help, so we quietly camp nearby. In the night some kind of siren effect creatures come for Dae (effect of giving his blood?). But although we all ending up running about in a panic we all regroup in the morning.

Next day we get back to the hobbit village. We ask whether they know any shortcuts back to Amber. They have one to the willow cliffs. They also inform us that there is a retired adventurer called Jedburgh in Candlestone Farm who know lots of shortcuts who we should ask.

We take the shortcut, then go down the cliffs and get to the treant alchemist and stay there the night. They offer to cure Thornie, Dae and Jo of their moss problem (phew) by bathing them in the pond and a creature fixes them.

Next day we cross the river. The elves with boats are not there so we swim the horses. Something pulls Jo's horse under but we make it and get to Amber. We sleep the night.


From Hobbits

we worked and got 3 torches each -9 hours, can only be seen by holder

From the underwater temple:

  • Delicate bottles
  1. Remove 18 MA from a curse
  2. Summon and (maybe) control a rank 14 earth elemental
  3. Protection from earth entrapment
  • Bags of herbs
  1. ?
  2. Blemish Gold, temporarily makes gold seem worthless
  3. Destroy all copper within a mile, made from desert plants
  • old coins
  • scroll cases

precog shows the the cases are trapped and will capture opener and other(s?) nearby into a maze. Can be opened correctly. Hides magic

  1. dancing magical writing that none of us can read
  2. this one shows readers own S3 (mostly). More than one person can cast from it.
  • the goblins' missing keys
  • a bracelet in the form of a series of gripping hands

imprison a person and bind them to your will

  • and the lock on the chest is rk 9

Hairy Moss



buffs seem to stay on while we are in the Fastness

  • Waterproofing
  • lesser
  • Sos 11 EN
  • Rk 20 shadow form
  • rk 20 strength of darkness 7pt
  • prot from normal fire
  • blessing equivalent to rk 12 greater on all areas
  • we taste bad or are hard to detect to water creatures as driftwood don't know whether this is useful