
A Dwarven Earthmage
Played by Michael Parkinson, Thornie is the nickname of a youngster of the Dwarven AsBoldAsStone Clan from Gunir's Hope. His first adventure was in Autumn 822: see The Disappearance of Yasmin's Hammer
Technically, Thornie's full name is Thorncliff, 7th (& youngest) child of Hildebrand, son of Dravon the Wise, son of Aidon the Swift (who was also called Aidon the Rash and Aidon the Bloody Lucky).
Thornie's only sister is Diana (called Die, an Alchemist). His elder brothers (from ancient to youngest) are Wilfred, Archie, Perceval, Slimy Shit, Eddich (called Dick for short) ... Also, technically, Slimy Shit's official name is Rashleigh (after the way he behaves?). He was directly responsible for an attack on one uncle's business, and has variously compromised or embarrassed other relatives or family friends. Mostly "for kicks", apparently. Unfortunately no-one actually kicked him.
Thornie is a so-called pacifistic Earthmage ... because if one is not permitted to ritually sacrifice just one truly bestial brother, what's the point of sacrificing ACTUAL Beasts?
Eastern Shadows Spring 824 WK
In the Shadow of the Black tower Winter 823 Wk
The Disappearance of Yasmin's Hammer Autumn 823 WK