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; Party  
; Party  
* Someone
* [[Phos]] - Orc fighter and Binder
* Someone Else
* [[Katya]] - Elf Necromancer
* Someone Else
* [[Elidon]] - Elf Ice Mage
* Someone Else
* [[Argus Ramhammer]] - Dwarf Binder
* Muffin, Argus' Ram

; Employer:  
; Employer:  
Gabblebrox of the Tiberian goblins
3 "halflings" (goblins):
* Flair
* Flame
* Ignitus
; Mission:  
; Mission:  
Go forth and be fuzzy
The Shaman's assistant, Johnny is not sleeping, they need people to investigate and try to track down the cause.
; Pay:
; Pay:
More silver than you've ever seen?
20,000 Silver Pennies (SP), 24 healing potions, magical feathers and a trinket to be given out on completion

== Scribe Notes ==
== Scribe Notes ==
====Significant People & Places====
The Shaman's assistant
* Johnny
The "Halflings"
* Flair
* Flame
* Ignitus
The shaman
* Galble Brox
The shaman's helpers
* What Da
* Weasel
* Glow

===Session 1===
===Session 1===
====Day 1 - The Adventure Begins====
====Day 1 - The Adventure Begins====
====Day 2====
We sit in the guild meeting room waiting for our contractors to arrive, and we introduce ourselves. After a few minutes, 3 halflings enter and greet us. They want us to go and investigate why their Shamans' assistant, Johhny is not sleeping. After some back and forth we learn that it could potentially be a curse, and they've tried many ways to wake the assistant with no success.
Katya asks them about our pay, we'll be receiving 20k silver pennies, 24 healing potions, some magical feathers (1 each) and an undisclosed trinket when we reach the shaman. We agree to the terms and set off to pick up gear before leaving.
As we grab supplies, the halflings mention that we'll be arriving by way of a tree in slippery rock. Elidon notices a flame in one of the halfling's eyes, they could be a fire magic-user.
After spending an afternoon grabbing all of our adventuring gear, we rest for the night and prepare to depart in the morning to [[Slippery Rock]] with Argus stating he's been through there before and that he'll lead the way.
====Day 2 - Traveling to and through the tree donut====
We begin heading to slippery rock, Argus leading the way. The halflings follow us as we travel, and we have some nice chats in-between. A few minutes after starting, the halflings form a circle holding hands. They wave to our group for us to join them, but don't give a reason directly. We place our hands on theirs after asking if it's okay to do so, (it is).
They chant for a minute and raise their hands, casting a spell of some kind, our feet begin smoking and they ask us to run with them. Elidon mentions this could be related to the fire in one of the halfling's eyes he noticed the day before.
We take off running pretty fast, faster than the average horse, not feeling tired or burdened by our gear. We get a bit side-tracked by Argus who's been to [[Slippery Rock]] before but leads us in the wrong direction. Until Katya corrects him, we lose an hour of travel to the mistake.
As we arrive at [[Slippery Rock]], the haven of witches, we start exploring and find some amulets for sale that could help us along the way. Phos picks up a Hypericum amulet, Elidon picks up a Luck amulet.
Arriving early in the morning (9 am) at the slippery rock marketplace, Phos wants a Cat's eye invested item and picks one up from a merchant. Some food is had and during, Argus calls Phos weak, typical dwarf behaviour.
The Halflings are chilling under a Willow Tree while we go and do our shopping, waiting patiently for us to return. We finish and meet back with them,
the halflings want us to climb the tree and jump out of it. Reluctantly we climb it and wait for the next instruction.
They start tying a rope around each other, and we start tying it each other together, Phos sticks his golem to himself using magic adhesion, the
Halflings start chanting and we all jump out of the tree, about 20ft to the ground, plummeting towards the floor.
Our vision goes black as we get surrounded by black whirling clouds flying past us as we fall, it looks like we've travelled to another plane but are falling slowly. Elidon loses consciousness from the thinner air as we fall from the sky, tied to the halflings and Katya. Phos DE's the feather as we fall and discovers it is the cause for us falling so slowly.
Halflings start swimming in the air to avoid landing on a grumpy persons' fortress, the only place we can see for miles. We're about 20,000ft in the air, at our current fall speed this should take ~5.5 hours to reach the ground thanks to the powerful slow fall feathers. THe halflings seem fine with the wait, as do the rest of the party. Phos starts growing a bit impatient and after discussing where we need to go with the halflings and why they're trying to avoid the grumpy person's place, we learn it's the domain of a powerful necromancer who we don't want to annoy.
"where should we land" - "not by the tower"
There's some stuff going on to the east (clarify with Ian), To the north is a fog-filled gorge, both several miles away. Below us is forested highlands, with a lake 40-50 miles away. We've gotta go north then east after landing, going into the middle of the gorge.
Phos starts using flying magic on his carpet to turn our 5-hour fall into a 1 minute trip to the ground at his full speed, Katya and Elidon both start looking for a landing space as we fall slowly and Phos gets ready to take us one by one.
Both Katya and Elidon zone out a bit while looking due to the thinner air (bad Navigator rolls) and it takes a few mins to find a suitable place to land, Phos makes some comments about the navigators after the first suggestion wasn't good enough, Elidon and Katya rolled their eyes after finding a clearing a few hundred feet past where we initially aimed for.
Phos takes Katya near the ground first and she detects undead as a precaution after hearing about the powerful necromancer, detecting a number of undead, and a zombie near the landing site. Katya shoots a zombie wounding it pretty heavily, Phos brings Elidon down next and tries to place him in a tree. Failing this, Elidon takes a leap to the group after Phos failed to place securely flying too fast, (Elidon will remember this).
Elidon takes a shot at the zombie Katya is fighting another decent hit, but the Zombie is still standing. A few more arrows and it's down, we try to sneak our way around the clearing taking out all the undead we can see as Phos continues to cart the remainder of the group to the ground. The two archers kill a few more zombies as Phos finished bringing everyone to the ground taking about 20 mins.
Katya becomes aware more zombies are coming faster than we can kill them from the forest around us, we have a quick chat about if we should fight or run, we choose to fight.
(**End of session**)
===Session 2===
===Session 2===
====Day 2 - Zombie fight====
It's late morning by the time we have our whole group on the ground, Katya and Elidon have been keeping zombies at bay for about 20 mins. The halflings climb a nearby tree to our rear, about 50ft away while we begin our fight. We reposition so the ranged party members are in the back, melee in the front.
Argus mounts his Ram as the first arrow is shot towards the hoard of ~15 zombies.
Argus goes to flank them as Katya and Elidon continue shooting from behind, Phos runs up ahead into melee and gets his golem to sling rocks helping the archers.
Katya swaps from their composite bow to using necromancy to try to bind and control some of the zombies.
To make sure the zombies don't get too close, and to avoid getting caught while flanking, Argus and muffin charge up to the right of Phos to help fight in melee, this gets tricky as 6 zombies swarm over argus as he's knocked prone.
Katya comes to the rescue finishing their spell and takes command of 3 of the 6 zombies attacking Argus and Muffin, Luckily the zombies aren't very effective in their attacks and argus walks away with only a scratch. Katya instructs her controlled zombies to attack the other 3 to keep them busy.
the fight over argus becomes a 3v3, with argus and Muffin crawling away to safety.
We notice a big quadruped in the distance that's getting closer, as Phos continues his attacks, more come in from the woods, with another 6 approaching fast. We hear a loud sizzle and an explosion as the halflings send 2 fireballs over Phos to hit the zombies approaching him. Unfortunately for Phos, the halflings are very bad at aiming and both manage to hit only Phos dealing some hefty damage, we hear a soft "sorry" from the trees as we kill another 3, Katya binds the remaining unengaged zombies and tells them to "Stop!". Another 3 fireballs launch from the treeline behind us and hit the 3v3 of zombies, killing them instantly.
Now we have 3 bound zombies, and a quadruped Elidon has been shooting at. Argus engages it from behind and attacks with his hammer, the quadruped spins around and engages with him, leaving its back exposed. Elidon lands a very powerful shot that sends puss and bones launching out the back of the creature, narrowly missing Katya. Argus keeps fighting front on leaving the rear open to more fire, Phos relaxes on the floor for a moment to rest after the damage dealt to him.
Argus winds his hammer back and deals a fatal blow to the creature, causing it to explode hurting argus and Muffin badly. The fight is now seemingly over, Katya wants to keep their zombies as pets but we disagree as it's a little creepy.
We ask her to kill off 2 of the 3 to prove that she can kill the remaining one under her control alone, if so she can keep it.
Katya proceeds to order one zombie to headbutt a tree until it dies, and holds out her blade, instructing the zombie to walk into it, slicing its throat as she smiles back at us.
We now have a pet zombie...
(**End of Session**)
===Session 3===
====Day 3 - Wandering and camping accidents====
After our fight the group starts looting to see what we can find, and pick up a pair of rubies, and 3 amulets which we try and fail to DA, Phos DE's them and find they carry a single enchantment each. Recovering from his burns Phos speaks to the halflings about friendly fire and yells at them a bit, drinking some healing waters. Argus does the same after the blast and begins healing. With more zombies approaching we decide it's going to be best for us to keep moving north towards the gorge.
Katya gets a bit bored along the trek and commands her pet zombie to poke at each of us, as it goes to poke Phos' he instructs his golem to mount the zombie.
"I have a golem mounting your zombie"
We find and manage to avoid a quicksand trap before the sun begins to set and we make camp still in the forest. Investigating some lingering wounds it turns out both argus and muffin are infected and will need further medicine. while the injured are healed by Kayta, sometimes in a weird way like poking wounds with a zombie's finger, and getting her pet kicked by muffin. Elidon goes for a wander to find some medicinal herbs and some extra for dinner.
We set up camp near a stream and Elidon goes to start making some ice to build our igloo tent, with a blinding flash Elidon can't remember the last 7 months and shoots an arrow at Katya's pet before being tackled to the floor by Phos, wriggling free Elidon tries to figure out who theses strangers and why / where he is. It takes a bit but after reading his own notes he figures they're telling the truth, and settles in for the first watch where he sees a bat fly above your campfire, and watches as it gets hit by a pillar of flame, not really sure why he ignores it and goes to bed as the second watch begins.
The second watch notices some smoke a short walk away and finds a smaller clearing where a dead man, laying there burned is smouldering. Because Elidon forgot to mention the fact a bat caught fire it takes a huge effort from Katya speaking to the dead to uncover that this was in fact a vampire who had come to attack us and potentially steal our things, and find the halflings are responsible for the firey death.
"Ya like Jazz?" - Katya
Phos gets curious and reaches into the coat of the dead vampire trying to pick its pockets, and melts 2 of his fingers off, screaming. He's now bleeding heavily, and we call the halflings over to help out and to ask questions. Katya tries a few more necromancer things to ask some spirits questions, not realising this spell would not speak to the corpse, she summons a friendly spirit (rolling a 1) and gets 3 questions, answered in riddles.
* Are there more things coming after us? -
"The gobbos will win for all of your sins, after the peeps there'll be big sleep"
* Purpose of the vampire coming past? -
"To chain to die, to fly, fry, to loot to boot"
* What is affecting the shaman's assistant of the halflings that are travelling with us? -
"The stones are not there, they're not wet, can we get into the scare, not there in the scare, bring them here, where is there"
We retrieve Phos's fingers and start thinking of creative ways to loot the vampire, and come to the conclusion, Katya could animate the vampire's arm to pick its own pocket and get the fingers back.
(**End of session**)
===Session 4===
====Day 4 - Harry's halfway house====
We finished looting the vampire and find a couple of amulets along with a Sapphire, removing the trap in the pocket. DA'ing the amulets doesn't reveal any useful info.
looks like the vampire got cooked - Phos
yeah, a cannibals pre-cooked meal - Elidon
After waking up the halflings lead us further into the gorge, they're talking to themselves in a mix and mash of multiple languages - some elvish and earth dweller languages, we're not sure what they're saying.
After an hour of walking, we find a river that's a few hundred feet wide and filled with boulders and rocks, the whole area is surrounded in a dense fog as it seems we're in the gorge now. Katya asks the halflings what they're talking about, they tell us that its because certain languages can have words that don't translate.
I just hope the children don't get eaten by the dragon - the halflings
wait what children, what dragon!? - the party
they elaborate a bit and let us know the dragon is friendly but doesn't like dwarves, and is named Old Misty the dragon, we don't get any further details.
there's trout in the water, DA them Argus - Katya
bruh, it's a fish, chill - Argus
What's up your ass, the Ram? - Katya
We begin crossing, with Argus falling on his face and being swept downstream with Muffin, luckily. he's a good swimmer and make it across. Elidon goes next, crossing easily, with Phos and Katya both getting their shoes wet and slipping into the water a few times.
We spend a sec drying our clothes and see a fork in the path, East or West, Elidon doesn't remember the way we're supposed to be going, the halflings say East so we follow
oh my god... - The GM
the mist gets heavier and starts obscuring our vision, the path transition to a two cart wide paved road, we walk in marching order for about an hour before the mist clears and we see an orchard and a palisade on our left.
The halflings lead us through the orchard to the palisade where we plan to stop for lunch - as we arrive a few heads poke over the wall and ask us our business, pointing crossbows at Phos. We enter and follow the halflings around, inside the gates we see many humans but not much else, we spot an Inn, Harrys Halfway House and enter grabbing some good pork stew. Argus DA's the stew
former living composite, f**king hell - The GM
the halflings mention they know a shortcut that'll get us to our destination in an hour or so, and we all agree. They also mention "max's wagon", a cart service that can take us where we need but takes much longer. They tell us it's out the back of Harry's. "Where does it go" - "In the middle of the great cavern, Tiberions great cavern. don't stray from the path, don't go wandering, or casting, firing dark stone arrows and nullifying magic is a bad idea"
after paying for the meal we head out following the halflings to the orchard, they usher us quietly to a place behind some rocks, we have to hold hands and wish to travel to our destination, they wave their hand and a ring of mushrooms appears at our feet, we wish to travel to the cavern, and step forward as our vision goes black again.
We teleport to a new realm, a monochrome flashing spiral tunnel with a black path at our feet, Argus grabs and holds onto muffin, Phos calls him a wimp
muffin is a better friend than you'll ever be! - Argus, angry
wow I have a friend?! - Phos, very excited
the tunnel looks long, further than we can see, we see some shapes at the edges of our vision but push onwards, some creepy stuff is out there.
We make it to the end of the path and see an archway, that looks like it contains another portal. the halflings say: "we're about to step into the grand cavern, you do realise there are several thousand goblins on the other side of this portal, right?". We freak out a bit but they elaborate, dropping their disguised forms and transforming into goblins that look half-elven.
They're working for Galbel Brox, their shaman using illusions to try to get help, argus seems unaffected by their change as if he was expecting it, we follow out the doorway and enter a massive empty cavern, its dark but the goblins light their hands aflame and light the way for us, as the fire starts we see we're surrounded by goblins with weapons, they lower them upon seeing the goblins guiding us through but tail us as we walk to find their shaman Galble Brox.
the goblins following our group start poking and prodding us all as we walk asking broken common like questions about what we can do, and what our magics do. One points at Katya and says:
Can you make undead - goblin
Yes - Katya
Do you need a body, this guy's a dick, he can die - goblin, pointing to his friend
Nooo... - everyone except Phos
Are you volunteering - goblin to Phos
We keep walking and came near an 8ft tall goblin that glows, they looked depressed and came up to us, asking if we were here for Johnny, we nod and followed as they lead us through a doorway after a short walk.
We see an elderly goblin, who confirms our story with our guides in goblin speak, Galbel Brox asks us if we need help recovering, we say yes, and a ritual begins, to help elidon regain his memories. After a quick chant and a whack to the head with a stave, Elidon remembers everything again and gains control of his magic, as Phos is lead away to meet a healer named Ferret to fix his hand.
(**End of session**)
===Session 5===
====Day 4 cont. - Tiberions Great Cavern and Pickled Purple Olives====
The Binders leave to heal Phos, meeting with 'Ferret', they're led into a necro/binder/healer workshop.
"Oh ur one of those" - goblin to phos
"We're all out of spare orc fingers atm"
"The fingers you gave have gotta regrow in a vat, you can use skeleton fingers for now"
"Da the fingers" - Kita, out of character
No info could be found on them, the goblins begin fusing his new fingers to his hand restoring him to working order - they apply a jar of putty that is flesh coloured and let it set/grow. Phos cant feel his hand initially but after 3 hours they return to normal
we ask the names of the 3 goblins / "halflings" that gave us our contract, they are Flair, Flame and Ignitus.
We go to see Johnny as a group, We're led into a small neighbouring cavern, inside is a bench and bed with shelves full of stuff and eclectic things. On the bed is a goblin, tended by an 8ft glowing goblin, and another 5'ft half-human who is skinny, another one that looks like a ball of hair about the size of a goblin.
We talk to them all, Johnny isn't sleeping, hasn't for some time, it seems like a magical curse and we need ingredients goblins cant get. We also ask for the names of the goblins we just met: 
* What da, - hairy one
* Weasel - skinny half human
* Glow - the 8ft glowing goblin
The prophecy includes an ingredient located in the tower of fear, The tower we initially flew over is the scary necromancer "Mr. Grumpy". The tower of fear has a necromancer and is a different tower, both Mr grumpy and the fear tower are magical in an insane way, and very little is certain. The tower of fear is surrounded by scary thorny forest, skeletons in chains guarding the walls, an elvish necromancer inside who makes flesh golems, an alchemist and fossegrim in the basement - a giant water fae that summons you to watery death, there's a portal to another plane, probably goes to the orc lands. We're going to be looking for the pickled purple olives, a jar
"Up the stairs, round the bend, through the cupboard, and they're there then"
Magic water that's diluted, we've gotta find that too
"Diet water?" - argus
Elidon mentioned the cryptic note we go from the spirit that Katya summoned near the vampire, and its riddle, "Hmm, rock, we didn't think of that, could be a statue or carving?" - ponders the shaman. We start planning and figuring out our next steps, we can be led to the edge of the bramble forest. Phos asks about any greater or lesser, Weasel offers a 10% greater to us all:
* Resistance greater for Phos
* Combat greater for Elidon
* Magic greater for Katya
* Combat greater for Argus and Muffin
We get approached by barbarian goblins who dance around us as part of the ritual, 10m later we get a lesser each (-1 on all rolls).
Sporran and Dirk (2 tartan-clad goblins) bring us a tray of "gifts" from their treasure hoard to help us on our journey - 4 things:
* Pair of ice cubes 2" big - slightly cold, they give a bonus to making igloos
* 7" doll - corpse, you bury it and it makes an unconsecrated burial ground
* Leather armour for a toy horse - animal armour, 3 armour, works for any animal
* Leather Glove, might be left-handed - can take damage from traps and things, can be healed
We enquire about what is available in the hoard, Sporran and Dirk mention Greek fire grenados are available, along with firedamp grednado / methane grenado, and Elidon asks about compound bows and arrows that could be more damaging or powerful, it'll take about a week to dig through the hoard for something like that replies Dirk. Katya asks for restoratives and gets handed 3x flaxbound earthenware restoratives - restores 8 endurance and 16 fatigue but has warning labels. A small troop of elite guards will escort us to the fear tower (13 goblins), a few mins later a half-elvish goblin Burn, shows up to escort us.
We get taken through some tunnels to the outside world, meet up with a dozen goblins in assorted armours and head off with burn leading the charge,
Katya asks for Burn's name after being told it. "Are you on Curf?" (a drug for elves) and we chuckle.
We swing around a tree and lose track of true north, and it seems like the north has shifted location, weird.  We travel for the day and come to rest on a narrow path with a partial clearing, camping for the night, Elidon constructs an igloo to sleep inside of.
Night watch begins and ends uneventfully. Katya notices more noise where we were compared to where we were going as if it was getting quieter as we approach. She looks for and finds nothing undead nearby. It's half a day's travel from here to the tower.
We march for about half a day, until lunchtime and all the goblins stop, telling us it's just around the corner, they looked terrified and refuse to come closer. Katya asks Phos to sneak around and have a look, Phos can see a shiny sparkly tower half a mile away, has a curtain wall around it and between the wall and us is a paved path, which looks weird. There are vaguely humanoid shapes on the walls, not dragons luckily. We all creep around the corner to look (with Katya rolling a 1 on perception) They're wearing chains, wielding bows and are thinner than elves. Argus walks closer and rolls on the fear table 61. Argus panics and begins fleeing, Muffin freezes in fear and starts screaming loudly, after a short screaming session they make their way back to the group.
Katya walks up with Phos and freezes in place, unmoving for many minutes the group starts to worry and Elidon rushes off to try to brew some herbalist tea to help with our nerves as it seems like we're being feared.
(**End of session**)
===Session 6===
====Day 5 - The Prophecy and responsible theft====
A small retcon of the game. As elves cannot be feared from this tower.
Katya hears voices from the bushes, not sure what it says, both sides of the road from multiple sources. She moves to the right side to listen and finds it's not a language. Argus catches a glimpse but nothing can be understood. Phos is on edge from the fear aura. Goblins have 'wildfires' that could help us get close by just outrunning the fear effect. Phos and Elidon walk up to Katya who's looking at the bramble bush, and Pho's freezes in place getting feared again.
Keep my ram's name out ya f**kin' mouth - Argus to Phos
Katya begins slapping Pho's face to snap him out of it, and Phos hides behind Katya, more whispers can be heard still not a language, seems more prankish in nature. Katya goes to detect any undead as Elidon asks the goblins if they're causing the whispers.
"f**k off" - Burn
Katya asks the goblins if we can use the 'wildfires' spell to run down to the entrance of the tower of fear, Phos and argus roll on the fear table again as they stayed by the bushes. Phos and Argus are fine, Muffin is weary.
"You'll be riding mint sauce" - The GM
They can help - but only wildfires one of us at a time, in total they can pull it off on 2 of us so we have to travel in 2 groups to make it there quickly.
Katya is an excellent slapper - Argus
We talk to the goblins, they can make us run fast and hopefully avoid fear, We work out argus and elidon should run and Phos and Katya can fly on Pho's carpet. Elidon, Argus and muffin will run the distance to the tower down the path, with Katya and Phos taking flight on his carpet and we all take off together.
We make it past the bramble 50ft in front of the curtain walls, Katya and Phos land in the courtyard, flying over the wall and attracting the attention of all of the guards. Elidon and Argus make their way through the main gate, The tower is hundreds of feet tall, and Katya and Phos fly up 500ft to watch the tower and see people inside. The top has a sheltered area that looks like a stone gazebo, saw some ravens up there.
Katya and Phos finally begin coming down to land as Elidon enters the door and watches as archers pelt the flying carpet, He calls out to stop and that we're friendly, the archers nod and let us in, we meet Phos and Katya who've just landed.
We see some entranceways on the left and right on the ground level, many archers in chains line the walls but the interior space looks empty. There is a stage platform and multiple doorways leading further in, We inspect the left passage, and it leads to an unlocked door which we enter. We can see a long curving tunnel ahead with doors lining the sides. More doors to our sides, 3 left and 3 right. Phos opens the door closest to them and finds a storage room.
Phos opens a crate and finds Jars that look like wine, Argus DA's it and confirms it is enchanted, but it seems to just be a preservation enchantment.
Phos orders his golem to open the jar, which smells like wine-ish liquid. Phos and argus try DE the thing, "General nature - preserving".
Katya opens another door and finds a room full of armour and weapons, mostly chainmail - looks like what the archers were wielding. we find:
* 2 Bronze Talwars - enchanted, Nature of underlying enchantment - enhancement, damaging.
* A set of Chainmail - enchanted, Allows for mana flow, Looks like size 6 (section 56.3 - p 143)
* 2 Boxes, looks like a 1' by 2" by 4" containing 10 arrowheads each,
The arrows seem very special, with each being contained in a special box. there are 2 types 10 each, they look like a mix of mini grenados which is extremely rare, and near impossible to manufacture. After investigating they look like greek fire grenado arrows. The other set seems to be enchanted, looks like dark metal arrowheads, Nature of magic is blocking and seems to have the Bane spell from the Namer college, bound to them.
It's too valuable to leave, so we're robbing this place it seems.
"Responsible theft" - elidon
(**End of session**)
===Session 7===
====Day 5 Cont. - Cistern Concerns====
===Session 8===
====Day 5. Cont. - Orc Brawl then Fleeing====
===Session 9===
====Day 6 - Return to Tiberions Grand Cavern, Loot, Another Ingredient to Find====
===Session 10===
====Day 7 to 13 - Gloomyvale, New Pets and a Strong Girl====
Primary -  
Primary - Katya

Secondary -  
Secondary - N/A

===Daily pattern===
===Daily pattern===
‘’How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day’’
''How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day''
====Travel Magics====
====Travel Magics====
‘’What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time.’’
''What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time.''
‘’Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.’’
''Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.''
===Watch Order===
===Watch Order===
Day Watch. ‘’Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship’’<br>
Day Watch. ''Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship''<br>
First - ??<br>
First - ??<br>
Second - ?? <br>
Second - ?? <br>
Line 46: Line 330:

Night watch<br>
Night watch<br>
First - ??<br>
First - Argus + Elidon<br>
Second - ?? <br>
Second - Phos + Katya <br>
Third - ??<br>
Third - ??<br>

Line 56: Line 340:

|align="center"| ''Double File''
|align="center"| ''Double File''
Phos + Argus <br>
Elidon + Katya <br>

|align="center"| ''Single File''
|align="center"| ''Single File''
Phos <br>
Argus <br>
Elidon <br>
Katya <br>

Line 88: Line 378:
!class="ef" | Effects
!class="ef" | Effects
!class="du" | Duration
!class="du" | Duration
!Title="Bunny 1" | Bunny 1
!Title="Katya" | Katya
!Title="Bunny 2" | Bunny 2
!Title="Elidon" | Elidon
!Title="Bunny 3" | Bunny 3
!Title="Phos" | Phos
!Title="Bunny 4" | Bunny 4
!Title="Argus" | Argus
!Title="Bunny 5" | Bunny 5
!Title="Muffin" | Muffin
!Title="Bunny 6" | Bunny 6
!Title="Golem" | Golem
|class="mg" | ??
|class="mg" | Lesser
|class="rk"| ??
|class="rk"| ??
|class="ef" | ??
|class="ef" | -1 to rolls
|class="du" | ??
|class="du" | whole adventure
|  <!-- Bunny 1--> ?
|  <!-- Katya--> -1 to rolls
|  <!-- Bunny 2--> ?
|  <!-- Elidon--> -1 to rolls
|  <!-- Bunny 3--> ?
|  <!-- Phos--> -1 to rolls
|  <!-- Bunny 4--> ?
|  <!-- Argus--> -1 to rolls
|  <!-- Bunny 5--> ?
|  <!-- Muffin--> -1 to rolls
|  <!-- Bunny 6--> ?
|  <!-- Golem--> n/a
|class="mg" | ??
|class="mg" | Greater
|class="rk"| ??
|class="rk"| 9
|class="ef" | ??
|class="ef" | Unique per player
|class="du" | ??
|class="du" | whole adventure
|  <!-- Bunny 1--> ?
|  <!-- Katya--> -10 to magic
|  <!-- Bunny 2--> ?
|  <!-- Elidon--> -10 to combat
|  <!-- Bunny 3--> ?
|  <!-- Phos--> -10 to resist
|  <!-- Bunny 4--> ?
|  <!-- Argus--> -10 to combat
|  <!-- Bunny 5--> ?
|  <!-- Muffin--> -10 to combat
|  <!-- Bunny 6--> ?
|  <!-- Golem--> n/a
|class="mg" | ??
|class="mg" | ??
Line 261: Line 551:
== Loot and Expenses ==
== Loot and Expenses ==
===SP & other cash value loot===
===SP & other cash value loot===
* 20,000 SP
* 24 healing potions
Zombie Fight Loot
* 2x - Rubies of undetermined value
* 1x - Misc. Amulet (wound of a tree)
* 1x - Misc. Amulet (purple stone)
* 1x - Misc. Amulet (flower)
* 200 SP
Vampire loot
* 3x - Phos's fingers
* 1x broken chain in amber, enchanted
* 1x silvered non-enchanted dagger
* 1x bracer from the left arm?
* 1x amulet of luck
* 1x gemstone amulet
Storeroom Loot
* 2x enchanted Bronze Talwars
* 2x enchanted chainmail armor
* 1x box of greek fire grenado arrowheads
* 1x box of namer bane enchanted arrowheads

===Significant Items===
===Significant Items===
* 5 magical feathers that cause slow falling (one each)

* Pair of ice cubes 2" big - slightly cold, they give a bonus to making igloos
* 7" doll - corpse, you bury it and it makes an unconsecrated burial ground
* Leather armour for a toy horse - animal armor, 3 armor, works for any animal
* Glove, might be left - can take damage from traps and things, can be healed
* Necro-bow that can take necro spells, and has quickdraw
* Flask of ice cold liquid, used to give advantage to ice spells in a mega-hex
* Hammer that can hold grenados in its head, and explode on impact

* 2x - New haven starter kits
* 1x enhanced crossbow for Phos
* 40x - Rations of food, 10 each
Slippery Rock
* 1x - Cat's Eye infused item for Phos
* 1x - Luck amulet for Elidon
* 1x - Hypericum amulet for Phos

===Quest Items===
===Minor Items===
* 1x Jar of pickled purple olives
* 5x potion bottles of enchanted water
* 1x pint of enchanted water
* 1x vial of sleeping snake venom

== Calendar ==
== Calendar ==

Latest revision as of 19:51, 8 February 2024

Scribe Notes


GM: Ian Anderson
Season: Autumn 822 WK
Night: Friday
Location: Online
Level: Small and Fuzzy



3 "halflings" (goblins):

  • Flair
  • Flame
  • Ignitus

The Shaman's assistant, Johnny is not sleeping, they need people to investigate and try to track down the cause.


20,000 Silver Pennies (SP), 24 healing potions, magical feathers and a trinket to be given out on completion

Scribe Notes

Significant People & Places

The Shaman's assistant

  • Johnny

The "Halflings"

  • Flair
  • Flame
  • Ignitus

The shaman

  • Galble Brox

The shaman's helpers

  • What Da
  • Weasel
  • Glow

Session 1

Day 1 - The Adventure Begins

We sit in the guild meeting room waiting for our contractors to arrive, and we introduce ourselves. After a few minutes, 3 halflings enter and greet us. They want us to go and investigate why their Shamans' assistant, Johhny is not sleeping. After some back and forth we learn that it could potentially be a curse, and they've tried many ways to wake the assistant with no success.

Katya asks them about our pay, we'll be receiving 20k silver pennies, 24 healing potions, some magical feathers (1 each) and an undisclosed trinket when we reach the shaman. We agree to the terms and set off to pick up gear before leaving.

As we grab supplies, the halflings mention that we'll be arriving by way of a tree in slippery rock. Elidon notices a flame in one of the halfling's eyes, they could be a fire magic-user.

After spending an afternoon grabbing all of our adventuring gear, we rest for the night and prepare to depart in the morning to Slippery Rock with Argus stating he's been through there before and that he'll lead the way.

Day 2 - Traveling to and through the tree donut

We begin heading to slippery rock, Argus leading the way. The halflings follow us as we travel, and we have some nice chats in-between. A few minutes after starting, the halflings form a circle holding hands. They wave to our group for us to join them, but don't give a reason directly. We place our hands on theirs after asking if it's okay to do so, (it is).

They chant for a minute and raise their hands, casting a spell of some kind, our feet begin smoking and they ask us to run with them. Elidon mentions this could be related to the fire in one of the halfling's eyes he noticed the day before.

We take off running pretty fast, faster than the average horse, not feeling tired or burdened by our gear. We get a bit side-tracked by Argus who's been to Slippery Rock before but leads us in the wrong direction. Until Katya corrects him, we lose an hour of travel to the mistake.

As we arrive at Slippery Rock, the haven of witches, we start exploring and find some amulets for sale that could help us along the way. Phos picks up a Hypericum amulet, Elidon picks up a Luck amulet.

Arriving early in the morning (9 am) at the slippery rock marketplace, Phos wants a Cat's eye invested item and picks one up from a merchant. Some food is had and during, Argus calls Phos weak, typical dwarf behaviour.

The Halflings are chilling under a Willow Tree while we go and do our shopping, waiting patiently for us to return. We finish and meet back with them, the halflings want us to climb the tree and jump out of it. Reluctantly we climb it and wait for the next instruction.

They start tying a rope around each other, and we start tying it each other together, Phos sticks his golem to himself using magic adhesion, the Halflings start chanting and we all jump out of the tree, about 20ft to the ground, plummeting towards the floor.

Our vision goes black as we get surrounded by black whirling clouds flying past us as we fall, it looks like we've travelled to another plane but are falling slowly. Elidon loses consciousness from the thinner air as we fall from the sky, tied to the halflings and Katya. Phos DE's the feather as we fall and discovers it is the cause for us falling so slowly.

Halflings start swimming in the air to avoid landing on a grumpy persons' fortress, the only place we can see for miles. We're about 20,000ft in the air, at our current fall speed this should take ~5.5 hours to reach the ground thanks to the powerful slow fall feathers. THe halflings seem fine with the wait, as do the rest of the party. Phos starts growing a bit impatient and after discussing where we need to go with the halflings and why they're trying to avoid the grumpy person's place, we learn it's the domain of a powerful necromancer who we don't want to annoy.

"where should we land" - "not by the tower"

There's some stuff going on to the east (clarify with Ian), To the north is a fog-filled gorge, both several miles away. Below us is forested highlands, with a lake 40-50 miles away. We've gotta go north then east after landing, going into the middle of the gorge.

Phos starts using flying magic on his carpet to turn our 5-hour fall into a 1 minute trip to the ground at his full speed, Katya and Elidon both start looking for a landing space as we fall slowly and Phos gets ready to take us one by one.

Both Katya and Elidon zone out a bit while looking due to the thinner air (bad Navigator rolls) and it takes a few mins to find a suitable place to land, Phos makes some comments about the navigators after the first suggestion wasn't good enough, Elidon and Katya rolled their eyes after finding a clearing a few hundred feet past where we initially aimed for.

Phos takes Katya near the ground first and she detects undead as a precaution after hearing about the powerful necromancer, detecting a number of undead, and a zombie near the landing site. Katya shoots a zombie wounding it pretty heavily, Phos brings Elidon down next and tries to place him in a tree. Failing this, Elidon takes a leap to the group after Phos failed to place securely flying too fast, (Elidon will remember this).

Elidon takes a shot at the zombie Katya is fighting another decent hit, but the Zombie is still standing. A few more arrows and it's down, we try to sneak our way around the clearing taking out all the undead we can see as Phos continues to cart the remainder of the group to the ground. The two archers kill a few more zombies as Phos finished bringing everyone to the ground taking about 20 mins.

Katya becomes aware more zombies are coming faster than we can kill them from the forest around us, we have a quick chat about if we should fight or run, we choose to fight.

(**End of session**)

Session 2

Day 2 - Zombie fight

It's late morning by the time we have our whole group on the ground, Katya and Elidon have been keeping zombies at bay for about 20 mins. The halflings climb a nearby tree to our rear, about 50ft away while we begin our fight. We reposition so the ranged party members are in the back, melee in the front. Argus mounts his Ram as the first arrow is shot towards the hoard of ~15 zombies.

Argus goes to flank them as Katya and Elidon continue shooting from behind, Phos runs up ahead into melee and gets his golem to sling rocks helping the archers. Katya swaps from their composite bow to using necromancy to try to bind and control some of the zombies.

To make sure the zombies don't get too close, and to avoid getting caught while flanking, Argus and muffin charge up to the right of Phos to help fight in melee, this gets tricky as 6 zombies swarm over argus as he's knocked prone. Katya comes to the rescue finishing their spell and takes command of 3 of the 6 zombies attacking Argus and Muffin, Luckily the zombies aren't very effective in their attacks and argus walks away with only a scratch. Katya instructs her controlled zombies to attack the other 3 to keep them busy. the fight over argus becomes a 3v3, with argus and Muffin crawling away to safety.

We notice a big quadruped in the distance that's getting closer, as Phos continues his attacks, more come in from the woods, with another 6 approaching fast. We hear a loud sizzle and an explosion as the halflings send 2 fireballs over Phos to hit the zombies approaching him. Unfortunately for Phos, the halflings are very bad at aiming and both manage to hit only Phos dealing some hefty damage, we hear a soft "sorry" from the trees as we kill another 3, Katya binds the remaining unengaged zombies and tells them to "Stop!". Another 3 fireballs launch from the treeline behind us and hit the 3v3 of zombies, killing them instantly.

Now we have 3 bound zombies, and a quadruped Elidon has been shooting at. Argus engages it from behind and attacks with his hammer, the quadruped spins around and engages with him, leaving its back exposed. Elidon lands a very powerful shot that sends puss and bones launching out the back of the creature, narrowly missing Katya. Argus keeps fighting front on leaving the rear open to more fire, Phos relaxes on the floor for a moment to rest after the damage dealt to him.

Argus winds his hammer back and deals a fatal blow to the creature, causing it to explode hurting argus and Muffin badly. The fight is now seemingly over, Katya wants to keep their zombies as pets but we disagree as it's a little creepy. We ask her to kill off 2 of the 3 to prove that she can kill the remaining one under her control alone, if so she can keep it.

Katya proceeds to order one zombie to headbutt a tree until it dies, and holds out her blade, instructing the zombie to walk into it, slicing its throat as she smiles back at us.

We now have a pet zombie...

(**End of Session**)

Session 3

Day 3 - Wandering and camping accidents

After our fight the group starts looting to see what we can find, and pick up a pair of rubies, and 3 amulets which we try and fail to DA, Phos DE's them and find they carry a single enchantment each. Recovering from his burns Phos speaks to the halflings about friendly fire and yells at them a bit, drinking some healing waters. Argus does the same after the blast and begins healing. With more zombies approaching we decide it's going to be best for us to keep moving north towards the gorge.

Katya gets a bit bored along the trek and commands her pet zombie to poke at each of us, as it goes to poke Phos' he instructs his golem to mount the zombie.

"I have a golem mounting your zombie"

We find and manage to avoid a quicksand trap before the sun begins to set and we make camp still in the forest. Investigating some lingering wounds it turns out both argus and muffin are infected and will need further medicine. while the injured are healed by Kayta, sometimes in a weird way like poking wounds with a zombie's finger, and getting her pet kicked by muffin. Elidon goes for a wander to find some medicinal herbs and some extra for dinner.

We set up camp near a stream and Elidon goes to start making some ice to build our igloo tent, with a blinding flash Elidon can't remember the last 7 months and shoots an arrow at Katya's pet before being tackled to the floor by Phos, wriggling free Elidon tries to figure out who theses strangers and why / where he is. It takes a bit but after reading his own notes he figures they're telling the truth, and settles in for the first watch where he sees a bat fly above your campfire, and watches as it gets hit by a pillar of flame, not really sure why he ignores it and goes to bed as the second watch begins.

The second watch notices some smoke a short walk away and finds a smaller clearing where a dead man, laying there burned is smouldering. Because Elidon forgot to mention the fact a bat caught fire it takes a huge effort from Katya speaking to the dead to uncover that this was in fact a vampire who had come to attack us and potentially steal our things, and find the halflings are responsible for the firey death.

"Ya like Jazz?" - Katya

Phos gets curious and reaches into the coat of the dead vampire trying to pick its pockets, and melts 2 of his fingers off, screaming. He's now bleeding heavily, and we call the halflings over to help out and to ask questions. Katya tries a few more necromancer things to ask some spirits questions, not realising this spell would not speak to the corpse, she summons a friendly spirit (rolling a 1) and gets 3 questions, answered in riddles.

  • Are there more things coming after us? -
"The gobbos will win for all of your sins, after the peeps there'll be big sleep"
  • Purpose of the vampire coming past? -
"To chain to die, to fly, fry, to loot to boot"
  • What is affecting the shaman's assistant of the halflings that are travelling with us? -
"The stones are not there, they're not wet, can we get into the scare, not there in the scare, bring them here, where is there"

We retrieve Phos's fingers and start thinking of creative ways to loot the vampire, and come to the conclusion, Katya could animate the vampire's arm to pick its own pocket and get the fingers back.

(**End of session**)

Session 4

Day 4 - Harry's halfway house

We finished looting the vampire and find a couple of amulets along with a Sapphire, removing the trap in the pocket. DA'ing the amulets doesn't reveal any useful info.

looks like the vampire got cooked - Phos
yeah, a cannibals pre-cooked meal - Elidon

After waking up the halflings lead us further into the gorge, they're talking to themselves in a mix and mash of multiple languages - some elvish and earth dweller languages, we're not sure what they're saying.

After an hour of walking, we find a river that's a few hundred feet wide and filled with boulders and rocks, the whole area is surrounded in a dense fog as it seems we're in the gorge now. Katya asks the halflings what they're talking about, they tell us that its because certain languages can have words that don't translate.

I just hope the children don't get eaten by the dragon - the halflings 
wait what children, what dragon!? - the party

they elaborate a bit and let us know the dragon is friendly but doesn't like dwarves, and is named Old Misty the dragon, we don't get any further details.

there's trout in the water, DA them Argus - Katya
bruh, it's a fish, chill - Argus
What's up your ass, the Ram? - Katya

We begin crossing, with Argus falling on his face and being swept downstream with Muffin, luckily. he's a good swimmer and make it across. Elidon goes next, crossing easily, with Phos and Katya both getting their shoes wet and slipping into the water a few times.

We spend a sec drying our clothes and see a fork in the path, East or West, Elidon doesn't remember the way we're supposed to be going, the halflings say East so we follow

oh my god... - The GM

the mist gets heavier and starts obscuring our vision, the path transition to a two cart wide paved road, we walk in marching order for about an hour before the mist clears and we see an orchard and a palisade on our left.

The halflings lead us through the orchard to the palisade where we plan to stop for lunch - as we arrive a few heads poke over the wall and ask us our business, pointing crossbows at Phos. We enter and follow the halflings around, inside the gates we see many humans but not much else, we spot an Inn, Harrys Halfway House and enter grabbing some good pork stew. Argus DA's the stew

former living composite, f**king hell - The GM

the halflings mention they know a shortcut that'll get us to our destination in an hour or so, and we all agree. They also mention "max's wagon", a cart service that can take us where we need but takes much longer. They tell us it's out the back of Harry's. "Where does it go" - "In the middle of the great cavern, Tiberions great cavern. don't stray from the path, don't go wandering, or casting, firing dark stone arrows and nullifying magic is a bad idea"

after paying for the meal we head out following the halflings to the orchard, they usher us quietly to a place behind some rocks, we have to hold hands and wish to travel to our destination, they wave their hand and a ring of mushrooms appears at our feet, we wish to travel to the cavern, and step forward as our vision goes black again.

We teleport to a new realm, a monochrome flashing spiral tunnel with a black path at our feet, Argus grabs and holds onto muffin, Phos calls him a wimp

muffin is a better friend than you'll ever be! - Argus, angry
wow I have a friend?! - Phos, very excited

the tunnel looks long, further than we can see, we see some shapes at the edges of our vision but push onwards, some creepy stuff is out there.

We make it to the end of the path and see an archway, that looks like it contains another portal. the halflings say: "we're about to step into the grand cavern, you do realise there are several thousand goblins on the other side of this portal, right?". We freak out a bit but they elaborate, dropping their disguised forms and transforming into goblins that look half-elven.

They're working for Galbel Brox, their shaman using illusions to try to get help, argus seems unaffected by their change as if he was expecting it, we follow out the doorway and enter a massive empty cavern, its dark but the goblins light their hands aflame and light the way for us, as the fire starts we see we're surrounded by goblins with weapons, they lower them upon seeing the goblins guiding us through but tail us as we walk to find their shaman Galble Brox.

the goblins following our group start poking and prodding us all as we walk asking broken common like questions about what we can do, and what our magics do. One points at Katya and says:

Can you make undead - goblin
Yes - Katya
Do you need a body, this guy's a dick, he can die - goblin, pointing to his friend
Nooo... - everyone except Phos
Are you volunteering - goblin to Phos

We keep walking and came near an 8ft tall goblin that glows, they looked depressed and came up to us, asking if we were here for Johnny, we nod and followed as they lead us through a doorway after a short walk.

We see an elderly goblin, who confirms our story with our guides in goblin speak, Galbel Brox asks us if we need help recovering, we say yes, and a ritual begins, to help elidon regain his memories. After a quick chant and a whack to the head with a stave, Elidon remembers everything again and gains control of his magic, as Phos is lead away to meet a healer named Ferret to fix his hand.

(**End of session**)

Session 5

Day 4 cont. - Tiberions Great Cavern and Pickled Purple Olives

The Binders leave to heal Phos, meeting with 'Ferret', they're led into a necro/binder/healer workshop.

"Oh ur one of those" - goblin to phos
"We're all out of spare orc fingers atm"
"The fingers you gave have gotta regrow in a vat, you can use skeleton fingers for now"
"Da the fingers" - Kita, out of character

No info could be found on them, the goblins begin fusing his new fingers to his hand restoring him to working order - they apply a jar of putty that is flesh coloured and let it set/grow. Phos cant feel his hand initially but after 3 hours they return to normal

we ask the names of the 3 goblins / "halflings" that gave us our contract, they are Flair, Flame and Ignitus.

We go to see Johnny as a group, We're led into a small neighbouring cavern, inside is a bench and bed with shelves full of stuff and eclectic things. On the bed is a goblin, tended by an 8ft glowing goblin, and another 5'ft half-human who is skinny, another one that looks like a ball of hair about the size of a goblin.

We talk to them all, Johnny isn't sleeping, hasn't for some time, it seems like a magical curse and we need ingredients goblins cant get. We also ask for the names of the goblins we just met:

  • What da, - hairy one
  • Weasel - skinny half human
  • Glow - the 8ft glowing goblin

The prophecy includes an ingredient located in the tower of fear, The tower we initially flew over is the scary necromancer "Mr. Grumpy". The tower of fear has a necromancer and is a different tower, both Mr grumpy and the fear tower are magical in an insane way, and very little is certain. The tower of fear is surrounded by scary thorny forest, skeletons in chains guarding the walls, an elvish necromancer inside who makes flesh golems, an alchemist and fossegrim in the basement - a giant water fae that summons you to watery death, there's a portal to another plane, probably goes to the orc lands. We're going to be looking for the pickled purple olives, a jar

"Up the stairs, round the bend, through the cupboard, and they're there then"

Magic water that's diluted, we've gotta find that too

"Diet water?" - argus

Elidon mentioned the cryptic note we go from the spirit that Katya summoned near the vampire, and its riddle, "Hmm, rock, we didn't think of that, could be a statue or carving?" - ponders the shaman. We start planning and figuring out our next steps, we can be led to the edge of the bramble forest. Phos asks about any greater or lesser, Weasel offers a 10% greater to us all:

  • Resistance greater for Phos
  • Combat greater for Elidon
  • Magic greater for Katya
  • Combat greater for Argus and Muffin

We get approached by barbarian goblins who dance around us as part of the ritual, 10m later we get a lesser each (-1 on all rolls).

Sporran and Dirk (2 tartan-clad goblins) bring us a tray of "gifts" from their treasure hoard to help us on our journey - 4 things:

  • Pair of ice cubes 2" big - slightly cold, they give a bonus to making igloos
  • 7" doll - corpse, you bury it and it makes an unconsecrated burial ground
  • Leather armour for a toy horse - animal armour, 3 armour, works for any animal
  • Leather Glove, might be left-handed - can take damage from traps and things, can be healed

We enquire about what is available in the hoard, Sporran and Dirk mention Greek fire grenados are available, along with firedamp grednado / methane grenado, and Elidon asks about compound bows and arrows that could be more damaging or powerful, it'll take about a week to dig through the hoard for something like that replies Dirk. Katya asks for restoratives and gets handed 3x flaxbound earthenware restoratives - restores 8 endurance and 16 fatigue but has warning labels. A small troop of elite guards will escort us to the fear tower (13 goblins), a few mins later a half-elvish goblin Burn, shows up to escort us.

We get taken through some tunnels to the outside world, meet up with a dozen goblins in assorted armours and head off with burn leading the charge, Katya asks for Burn's name after being told it. "Are you on Curf?" (a drug for elves) and we chuckle.

We swing around a tree and lose track of true north, and it seems like the north has shifted location, weird. We travel for the day and come to rest on a narrow path with a partial clearing, camping for the night, Elidon constructs an igloo to sleep inside of.

Night watch begins and ends uneventfully. Katya notices more noise where we were compared to where we were going as if it was getting quieter as we approach. She looks for and finds nothing undead nearby. It's half a day's travel from here to the tower.

We march for about half a day, until lunchtime and all the goblins stop, telling us it's just around the corner, they looked terrified and refuse to come closer. Katya asks Phos to sneak around and have a look, Phos can see a shiny sparkly tower half a mile away, has a curtain wall around it and between the wall and us is a paved path, which looks weird. There are vaguely humanoid shapes on the walls, not dragons luckily. We all creep around the corner to look (with Katya rolling a 1 on perception) They're wearing chains, wielding bows and are thinner than elves. Argus walks closer and rolls on the fear table 61. Argus panics and begins fleeing, Muffin freezes in fear and starts screaming loudly, after a short screaming session they make their way back to the group.

Katya walks up with Phos and freezes in place, unmoving for many minutes the group starts to worry and Elidon rushes off to try to brew some herbalist tea to help with our nerves as it seems like we're being feared.

(**End of session**)

Session 6

Day 5 - The Prophecy and responsible theft

A small retcon of the game. As elves cannot be feared from this tower.

Katya hears voices from the bushes, not sure what it says, both sides of the road from multiple sources. She moves to the right side to listen and finds it's not a language. Argus catches a glimpse but nothing can be understood. Phos is on edge from the fear aura. Goblins have 'wildfires' that could help us get close by just outrunning the fear effect. Phos and Elidon walk up to Katya who's looking at the bramble bush, and Pho's freezes in place getting feared again.

Keep my ram's name out ya f**kin' mouth - Argus to Phos

Katya begins slapping Pho's face to snap him out of it, and Phos hides behind Katya, more whispers can be heard still not a language, seems more prankish in nature. Katya goes to detect any undead as Elidon asks the goblins if they're causing the whispers.

"f**k off" - Burn

Katya asks the goblins if we can use the 'wildfires' spell to run down to the entrance of the tower of fear, Phos and argus roll on the fear table again as they stayed by the bushes. Phos and Argus are fine, Muffin is weary.

"You'll be riding mint sauce" - The GM

They can help - but only wildfires one of us at a time, in total they can pull it off on 2 of us so we have to travel in 2 groups to make it there quickly.

Katya is an excellent slapper - Argus

We talk to the goblins, they can make us run fast and hopefully avoid fear, We work out argus and elidon should run and Phos and Katya can fly on Pho's carpet. Elidon, Argus and muffin will run the distance to the tower down the path, with Katya and Phos taking flight on his carpet and we all take off together.

We make it past the bramble 50ft in front of the curtain walls, Katya and Phos land in the courtyard, flying over the wall and attracting the attention of all of the guards. Elidon and Argus make their way through the main gate, The tower is hundreds of feet tall, and Katya and Phos fly up 500ft to watch the tower and see people inside. The top has a sheltered area that looks like a stone gazebo, saw some ravens up there.

Katya and Phos finally begin coming down to land as Elidon enters the door and watches as archers pelt the flying carpet, He calls out to stop and that we're friendly, the archers nod and let us in, we meet Phos and Katya who've just landed.

We see some entranceways on the left and right on the ground level, many archers in chains line the walls but the interior space looks empty. There is a stage platform and multiple doorways leading further in, We inspect the left passage, and it leads to an unlocked door which we enter. We can see a long curving tunnel ahead with doors lining the sides. More doors to our sides, 3 left and 3 right. Phos opens the door closest to them and finds a storage room.

Phos opens a crate and finds Jars that look like wine, Argus DA's it and confirms it is enchanted, but it seems to just be a preservation enchantment. Phos orders his golem to open the jar, which smells like wine-ish liquid. Phos and argus try DE the thing, "General nature - preserving".

Katya opens another door and finds a room full of armour and weapons, mostly chainmail - looks like what the archers were wielding. we find:

  • 2 Bronze Talwars - enchanted, Nature of underlying enchantment - enhancement, damaging.
  • A set of Chainmail - enchanted, Allows for mana flow, Looks like size 6 (section 56.3 - p 143)
  • 2 Boxes, looks like a 1' by 2" by 4" containing 10 arrowheads each,

The arrows seem very special, with each being contained in a special box. there are 2 types 10 each, they look like a mix of mini grenados which is extremely rare, and near impossible to manufacture. After investigating they look like greek fire grenado arrows. The other set seems to be enchanted, looks like dark metal arrowheads, Nature of magic is blocking and seems to have the Bane spell from the Namer college, bound to them. It's too valuable to leave, so we're robbing this place it seems.

"Responsible theft" - elidon

(**End of session**)

Session 7

Day 5 Cont. - Cistern Concerns

Session 8

Day 5. Cont. - Orc Brawl then Fleeing

Session 9

Day 6 - Return to Tiberions Grand Cavern, Loot, Another Ingredient to Find

Session 10

Day 7 to 13 - Gloomyvale, New Pets and a Strong Girl


Primary - Katya

Secondary - N/A

Daily pattern

How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day

Travel Magics

What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time. Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.

Watch Order

Day Watch. Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??

Night watch
First - Argus + Elidon
Second - Phos + Katya
Third - ??

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)
Double File

Phos + Argus
Elidon + Katya

Single File



General Buff Notes

Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also

Long duration buffs

Magic Rank Effects Duration Katya Elidon Phos Argus Muffin Golem
Lesser ?? -1 to rolls whole adventure -1 to rolls -1 to rolls -1 to rolls -1 to rolls -1 to rolls n/a
Greater 9 Unique per player whole adventure -10 to magic -10 to combat -10 to resist -10 to combat -10 to combat n/a
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Short duration buffs

Magic Rank Effects Duration Bunny 1 Bunny 2 Bunny 3 Bunny 4 Bunny 5 Bunny 6
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Personal Abilities & Detection magics

Magic Rank Effects Duration Bunny 1 Bunny 2 Bunny 3 Bunny 4 Bunny 5 Bunny 6
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Loot and Expenses

SP & other cash value loot

  • 20,000 SP
  • 24 healing potions

Zombie Fight Loot

  • 2x - Rubies of undetermined value
  • 1x - Misc. Amulet (wound of a tree)
  • 1x - Misc. Amulet (purple stone)
  • 1x - Misc. Amulet (flower)
  • 200 SP

Vampire loot

  • 3x - Phos's fingers
  • 1x broken chain in amber, enchanted
  • 1x silvered non-enchanted dagger
  • 1x bracer from the left arm?
  • 1x amulet of luck
  • 1x gemstone amulet

Storeroom Loot

  • 2x enchanted Bronze Talwars
  • 2x enchanted chainmail armor
  • 1x box of greek fire grenado arrowheads
  • 1x box of namer bane enchanted arrowheads

Significant Items

  • 5 magical feathers that cause slow falling (one each)


  • Pair of ice cubes 2" big - slightly cold, they give a bonus to making igloos
  • 7" doll - corpse, you bury it and it makes an unconsecrated burial ground
  • Leather armour for a toy horse - animal armor, 3 armor, works for any animal
  • Glove, might be left - can take damage from traps and things, can be healed
  • Necro-bow that can take necro spells, and has quickdraw
  • Flask of ice cold liquid, used to give advantage to ice spells in a mega-hex
  • Hammer that can hold grenados in its head, and explode on impact



  • 2x - New haven starter kits
  • 1x enhanced crossbow for Phos
  • 40x - Rations of food, 10 each

Slippery Rock

  • 1x - Cat's Eye infused item for Phos
  • 1x - Luck amulet for Elidon
  • 1x - Hypericum amulet for Phos

Quest Items

  • 1x Jar of pickled purple olives
  • 5x potion bottles of enchanted water
  • 1x pint of enchanted water
  • 1x vial of sleeping snake venom



  Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Fruit (4)
  1 Guild Meeting 2   3   4   5   6  
7   8   9   10   11   12   13  
14   15   16   17   18   19   20  
21   22   23   24   25   26   27  
28   29   30    
Harvest (5)
  1   2   3   4  
5   6   7   8   9   10   11  
12   13   14   15 Equinox 16   17 Seagate Autumn Fair 18 Seagate Autumn Fair
19 Harvest Moon 20   21   22   23   24   25  
26   27   28   29 Michaelmas 30    
  1   2  
3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
17 Blood Moon 18   19   20   21   22   23  
24   25   26   27   28   29   30 Beerfest