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== Summary ==
== Summary ==
'''GM''': Anne<br>
'''GM''': [[user:Keith | Keith]]<br>
'''Season''': [[Winter]] 824 WK<br>
'''Season''': [[Winter]] 824 WK<br>
'''Night''': Thursday <br>
'''Night''': Tuesday <br>
'''Location''': Birdlands <br>
'''Location''': Online <br>
'''Level''': Bunny <br>
'''Level''': Lowish <br>

; Party  
; Party  
# Slaydar - Warlord
# [[Slaydar]] - Big Boss and legend writer
# Seraph - War boy
# [[Seraph]] - War boyz
# Ash - War planner
# [[Ashe]] - War Boss
# Vath - War boy
# [[Vath]] - War boyz
# Kang - War food
# [[Dylans Binder|Kang]] - War stunty

; Employer:  
; Employer:  
Wintersnow, a chaos pony, came through a portal which closed. Harvey Weatherwick found her and brough her to the Guild and asked us to take the chaos pony home via some slow portals. Also, can we may the plane when  
Winter Snow, a chaos unicorn pony filly, came through a portal which closed. Hardy Weatherwick found her and brought her to the Guild and asked us to take the chaos pony home via some slow portals. Also, can we may the plane when  

; Pay
; Pay
8000sp and some amulets.  
8000sp and some amulets.

== Scribe Notes ==
== Scribe Notes ==

===Session 1===
====Activity 1====
* Meet employer and head off. Travel via portals to [[Palaeolithica]]
====Activity 2====
* Travel in wagon toward portal for 12 days
* Travel to portal to Evergow and for another week
* Fight undead ponies, meet adventuring ponies
* Head to dwarven hold and down into ruins
* Find elevator.
* Fight with Gremlin
* Water golem room
* To Vigatown and teleport to Ponytown
After the Guild meeting I drink in bar for few days as beer in cheap. A few days later Guild security make me go to a meeting room to help pay off my bar tab. Some other guild members there I don’t know. Short witch lady Hardy bring lost horsie u-corn to us, it not normal horsie, has horn those glows and magic hooves – powerful chaos magic at work. Chaos Horsie come through a portal and got lost in woods and we to return it home to Ev-glow. Also want to find out stuff about lines and horizon, very confusing. I arm wrestle guild security, they are weak warriors, they lose as I am strong war leader. <BR>
People talk lots. We get magic and stuff and next day start wagon ride Sea of Grass. Ride wagon through portal and we are in [[Pasifika]] and the ride on road to other town. Go through another portal to Alusiaville, people say [[Palaeolithica|new plane]]. Beer almost gone. We need to go hundreds of miles to the north so sell wagon and take rune portal to Khorasville, its got markets and stuff. Meet guard called Pixie that takes us to pub and markets. We buy stuff and sleep. <BR>
We talk to people and there is no villages in the north so we are going to have to walk there. We get wagon and stuff. Stars in the sky are scaring the stupid people and some people in robes come to village to look at sky.<BR>
I lead the tribe on the wagon for almost two weeks, weak people gets cold as start travelling through snow. See some strange animals with woolly coats. Kang finds a rock and is very excited, he should get out more. Some dangerous wolves attack but I am a powerful big Boss and the tribe destroy them. I drink all my beer to the next week and try to be unconscious for a boring trip through the snow. We make it to the portal and travel through to Everglow.<BR>
We arrive in a desolate environment and travel for another boring week until we find a road that we follow, we are attacked by undead unicorns and ponies, some are spell casting. My powerful tribe destroy them. We meet a stupid lumberjack that gives us directions to the close town called "Turvef". A day later we encounter a party of adventuring ponies, they are no familiar with Winter Snows homeland but direct us to a large city "Vigertown" - we can get there via magical travel from "Turvef"<BR>
We need some gold to use the magic travel and our new companions offer us a job to locate a dwarven artifact in a dungeon under a dwarven town. The dwarven animosity toward them will prevent them doing it themselves. The lead us to their guild hall in Turves and we are introduced to Crimson Inkpot, their leader. Crimson explains they are looking for the “Elements of Harmony”, an ancient artifact that was used by the Queen some hundreds of years ago and then sent to the dwarven enclave on Yisheng for safe keeping. The dwarves don’t like horses right now so they want us to find it. Winter Snow recognises one of their old members, MoonWatcher, who left for another continent. Their towns pub doesn’t have any good beer only stupid sweet alcohol. They warn me that Orcs are not liked here so I put on a cloak and pretend to be a stupid old human with a cane and guide dog.<BR>
The next day we board a magic chariot and travel along tracks for half a day until we arrive at Yisheng. We head into the dwarven hold and find our contact at the Mithril Mallet Mining company. Omregar, the head of the company, gives us directions to the ancient ruins where the “Elements of Harmony” were last seen. His assistant talks too much.<BR>
Heading into the old tunnels we find our way past ancient traps, so of which no longer work, and find outsides in a room with a pedestal what has a number of keys protruding from it. We ask Kang to check for traps, he forgos using any skills and starts turning keys to see if there are any. Most of the party flee the room. After some experimentation Kang discovers its an elevator shaft, each key taking the platform to a new level. <BR> 
The first level is a small room with an anvil guarded by three gremlins and a large centipede, which all attack and are killed by our warband. The second level has collapsed and we can barely open the door. The third level is filled with water, we have the golem open the door and it all drain away further down the shaft. We enter and are attacked by golems. <BR>
Slayar, as the proud war leader, leads the charge and shames the weaker members of the party to engage the golems. Kangs golem deals significant damage and the party finish them off. There is only one adjacent room and we search the room and bodies quickly, locating a key to room 5. <BR>
The next level revealed itself to be a vast and intricate area, much larger than we anticipated. Upon entering, we found ourselves in a grand atrium, its air thick with humidity, as a flooded room lay adjacent to a dimly lit cavern. Within the murky waters of the flooded room, we discovered a bag filled with golden strips—a promising find.<BR>
Three doors beckoned from the atrium, their wooden frames swollen from moisture. It took considerable effort, but we managed to force them open. To our surprise, all three doors led to the same corridor, which sloped downward into a chamber where four sets of mechanical controls lined the walls, each connected to a complex system of moving walls—a puzzle that demanded our attention.<BR>
We carefully examined the cryptic clue etched into the chamber's stone. Under Slaydar's guidance, Kang deciphered its meaning and manipulated the controls, successfully solving the puzzle. The walls shifted with a heavy grind, revealing a stone door that slowly creaked open, granting us access to a room filled with towering stone pillars.<BR>
As we ventured into the room, we were suddenly ambushed by giant insects. Their size and ferocity might have been daunting to others but Ash, the golem and Vath dispatched them with relative ease. The creatures oozed a green ichor, its zesty taste lingering on the tongues.<BR>
In the back of the room, we found a chest Among the items were five gems encased in a finely crafted box. Their radiant glow and intricate design matched the description of the Elements of Harmony, powerful artifacts we were sent to locate. A temptation stirred within some members of our party; the thought of keeping such powerful items for ourselves was all too alluring. But Slaydar, the good and steadfast Orc, would hear none of it. His resolve was firm—these gems must be returned to their rightful owners, the Honour Hooves, for the greater good.<BR>
The next morning, we exited the mines and took the train back to Turves. Upon our arrival, we presented the Elements of Harmony to the Honour Hooves, who were thrilled by our success. They advised us to deliver the Elements to Twilight Sparkle, a mage residing in the same village as Winter Snow.  That evening, we visited a pub where Slaydar had a small drink before retiring early for the night. Some less responsible members of the part stay up late and are suffering terribly the next day.<BR>
The next morning, with sufficient funds now at our disposal, we decided to head to Vijatown to use their Mithril Map—a powerful artifact capable of teleporting people to different locations across the world. We arrive on the train that afternoon and made our way to the university and met Vanilla Star, the curator of the Mithril Map. Winter Snow was able to locate her village on the map, and the mages confirmed they could teleport us there. However, the process was costly and required gems to power it.<BR>
We visited the Archaeology Department at the university and spoke with Professor Equis, who was ecstatic about our discovery of the old coins. We negotiated a deal to sell them, which allowed us to cover the cost of the teleportation. After returning to Vanilla Star, we paid the necessary fee, and an hour later, we found ourselves on the outskirts of a small village. <BR>
The village erupted in excitement at Winter Snow's safe return. The ponies welcomed us warmly and invited us to stay for a festival set to take place in a week's time. Slaydar and Vath spend the week indulged in sampling the alcohol from both village pubs—multiple times, while the other party members enjoy village life. Meanwhile, Night Sky completed the tuning fork that would transport us back to Alusia. At our insistence, he tested it successfully. Despite this, the party decided to stay for the upcoming festival.<BR>
The day of the festival arrived, and things took a dark turn in the afternoon. The sky darkened, and a rift opened. As we witnessed a very angry black pony emerge from the rift everyone realises the prophecy is true. The pony announced that she was free from her thousand-year imprisonment and demanded to see her sister - her aura and demeanour are unmistakably that of an avatar. The powerful locals are panicking and the party quickly decide they can't oppose an Avatar so demand Night Sky immediately send them home.<BR>
Upon arriving outside the Guild, the party thank Night Sky and recommended that he hire some powerful adventurers to deal with their Avatar problem. We head into the Guild for debriefing and splitting the treasure.<BR>
==People and Places==
* Hardy Weatherwick – Party employer. A witch from a village in Ranke. She found Winter Snow in the forest and brought her to the Guild to find a party to escort her home.
* Winter Snow – a young unicorn filly, from the plane of Everglow, that came through a portal to Alusia that closed behind her. Wants to return home. Magical – horn can cast light and can use hooves like hands. Worshipper of Princess Luminous
* Lucy Greenhilt - Pixie Paladin - guard in  Khorasville on [[Palaeolithica]]
* Dragonlord Ember - leader of the Dragonlands
Adventuring ponies, former Honour Hooves, based in Turves
* Crimson Inkpot - leader of the former Honour Hooves
* Bloodmoon (leatherwing a.k.a batpony),
* Rockhoof (earth pony - carries shovel),
* Commander Hurricane (pegasus)
* Starswirl the Bearded (Wizard)
* Clover the Clever (wizard apprentice)
<br />
<u>Ponyville</u> - Home village of Winter Snow.
* Night Sky(alicorn) - Ex adventurer, runs the Ponyville Observatory located on a hill outside Ponyville
* White Words(unicorn) - Night Sky's wife and Winter Snow's magical mentor
* Moonwatcher (Pegasus) - Night Sky's father. Cleric of the Moon Princess and former Honour Hooves.
* Quick Pass (Pegasus) - Night Sky's mother.
* Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn) - Librarian at the Golden Oaks Library
* Spike (Dragon) - Small purple dragon, Twilight's assistant
* Pinkie Pie (Earth) - employee at Sugar Cube Corner, the local bakery.
* Sunny Skies (Pegasus) - Winter Snow's best friend
* Applejack (Earth) - Apple farmer at Sweet Apple Acres. Formal name Jacqueline Apple.
* Granny Smith (Earth) - Applejack's grandmother. Formally Apple Pie, it is rumoured she helped found Ponyville over a hundred years ago and nurtured the first apple trees.
<br />
[[Everglow]] (Plane) - what the party has discovered
Dwarven Mine<BR>
* G; entrance to the elevator<BR>
* L1; Gremlins and centipede <BR>
* L2; Collapsed<BR>
* L3; water and golems<BR>
* L4; collapsed
* L5; open area w ramp
<U>[[Palaeolithica]]</U> (Plane)
* World with portals to other planes. Their position forms a star, which may have other effects.
<u>[[Khoras]]</u> (Plane)
* Khoras has two suns that orbit around each other in a 28 day cycle as a close binary pair, being a yellow giant (Karrym) and a blue dwarf (Drellis). The positions of the suns relative to Khoras affects the flow of mana on the planet. When both suns are together in the sky, mana is normal. If Karrym shines on it's own, it is high mana, if Drellis is passing in front of Karrym, it is low mana. The week of low mana is known locally as 'the Drellis Effect'. During this period of seven days, the portal between Khoras and Paeolithica shuts down.

Line 43: Line 143:

Night watch<br>
Night watch<br>
First - ??<br>
* Slaydar
Second - ?? <br>
* Vath
Third - ??<br>
* Seraph
* Kang
* Ashe & Norto

===Marching Order===
===Marching Order===
Line 85: Line 187:
!class="ef" | Effects
!class="ef" | Effects
!class="du" | Dur
!class="du" | Dur
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Slaydar" | Slaydar
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Seraph" | Seraph
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Ashe" | Ashe
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Vath" | Vath
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Kang" | Kang
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="??" | ?
|class="mg" | Name (??)
|class="mg" | Greater Enchantment
|class="rk"| ##
|class="rk"| 7
|class="ef" | ????
|class="ef" | +8% to chosen areas
|class="du" | # Day
|class="du" | 3 Months
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Slaydar--> 4
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Seraph--> 4
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Ashe--> 4
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Vath--> 4
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Kang--> 4
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|class="mg" | Name (??)
|class="mg" | Dark Vision (S)  
|class="rk"| ##
|class="rk"| 6
|class="ef" | ????
|class="ef" | Monochromatic vision. (ie shades of grey) It is difficult to accurately estimate distance. The higher the Rank, the less of a problem this will be.
|class="du" | # Hours
|class="du" | 7 Hours
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Slaydar--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Seraph--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Ashe--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Vath--> Y
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Kang--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
Line 121: Line 223:
|class="ef" | ????
|class="ef" | ????
|class="du" | ? Hours
|class="du" | ? Hours
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Slaydar--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Seraph--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Ashe--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Vath--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Kang--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
Line 137: Line 239:
!class="ef" | Effects
!class="ef" | Effects
!class="du" | Dur
!class="du" | Dur
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Slaydar" | Slaydar
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Seraph" | Seraph
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Ashe" | Ashe
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Vath" | Vath
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="Kang" | Kang
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="??" | ?
!Title="??" | ?
Line 149: Line 251:
|class="ef" | ????
|class="ef" | ????
|class="du" | ? Mins
|class="du" | ? Mins
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Slaydar--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Seraph--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Ashe--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Vath--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Kang--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
Line 162: Line 264:
|class="ef" | ????
|class="ef" | ????
|class="du" | ? Mins
|class="du" | ? Mins
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Slaydar--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Seraph--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Ashe--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Vath--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Kang--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
Line 175: Line 277:
|class="ef" | ????
|class="ef" | ????
|class="du" | ? Mins
|class="du" | ? Mins
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Slaydar--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Seraph--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Ashe--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Vath--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- Kang--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
Line 186: Line 288:

== Loot and Expenses ==
== Loot and Expenses ==
===SP & other cash value loot===

===Significant Items===
From the dwarven mine<BR>
<U>L1 - Gremlins</U>
* Potion - NoM - healing
* Wand - NoM - fear 4 charges
* Haversack - NoM - storage
* Key l3
* Trinkets - coins etc
* Scissors  - NoM - Curse. Binding and stabbed
* Anvil - durability

<U>L4 - Golems</U>
* - Four swords
* 3 magic chain shirts
* Dungeoneers kit
* Uni tool
* Key 5

<U>L6 - Golems</U>
* Horseshoes
* Sword
* Pocketwatch that holds memories
* Gems of Harmony
* Potion with rainbow colour
* Money
* Chest containing everything magically preserves its contents.

===Minor Items===
<U>Discord - L6?</U>
* Spectacles
* Wings
* Grenadoe (Force)
* Scroll (Lightning Wall)
* Wand (Hydraulic Push)
* Potion (Darkvision)
* + 5000 bits for finding the elements of Harmony
* - 600 bits for the train
* + 5000 bits for selling the old coins
* - 500 bits for the teleport

== Calendar ==
== Calendar ==
‘’Insert correct month here’’
{| cellspacing=1 width="100%" border=0 class="Season" id="Winter"
! colspan=15 | <h1>Winter</h1>
| class="calMoon" |
! colspan=2 | Moonday
! colspan=2 | Duesday
! colspan=2 | W'ansday
! colspan=2 | Th'rsday
! colspan=2 | Frysday
! colspan=2 | Reapsday
! colspan=2 | Sunday
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| colspan=14 | <b>[[Samhain]]</b>
! colspan=15 | <span style="font-size: 130%;">[[Frost]] (7)</span>
! colspan=3 height=54px | &nbsp;
| class=day |  1 || <i>Guild Meeting</i>
| class=day |  2 ||
| class=day |  3 || Meet Employer at Guild
| class=day |  4 || Travel via wagon to portal
| class=day |  5 || Travel via wagon to portal. Travel throught to Pacifika
| class=day |  6 || Travel via wagon to Portal. Travel throught to Palaeolithica
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon3.jpg]]
| class=day |  7 || show wait for wagon
| class=day |  8 || Get wagon
| class=day |  9 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 10 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 11 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 12 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 13 || Travel in wagon
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon0.jpg]]
| class=day | 14 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 15 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 16 || Travel in wagon - encounter snowline as we rise in altitude
| class=day | 17 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 18 || Travel in wagon
| class=day | 19 || Travel in wagon - see mammoths
| class=day | 20 || Travel in wagon - fight wolves
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon1.jpg]]
| class=day | 21 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 22 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 23 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 24 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 25 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 26 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 27 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| class=day | 28 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 29 || Travel in wagon through snow
| class=day | 30 || Travel in wagon through snow - reach portal
| colspan=8 | &nbsp;
! colspan=15 | <span style="font-size: 130%;">[[Snow]] (8)</span>
! colspan=7 height=54px | &nbsp;
| class=day |  1 || Travel south
| class=day |  2 || Travel south
| class=day |  3 || Travel south
| class=day |  4 || Travel south
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon3.jpg]]
| class=day |  5 || Travel south - fight undead
| class=day |  6 || Travel south
| class=day |  7 || Travel south - meet adventuring ponies
| class=day |  8 || Head to Yisheng. Head into mines. explore. Fight. Divinate
| class=day |  9 || Depart mines arrive at Turvis
| class=day | 10 || Turvis to Vijatown. Teleport to Winter Snows village
| class=day | 11 || Stay in village
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon0.jpg]]
| class=day | 12 || Stay in village
| class=day | 13 || Stay in village
| class=day | 14 || Stay in village
| class=day | 15 || <i>Solstice</i>Stay in village
| class=day | 16 || Stay in village
| class=day | 17 || <i>The Duke of Carzala's Winter Ball</i>Festival. Dark Pony teleport home.
| class=day | 18 || <i>Yuletide</i>
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon1.jpg]]
| class=day | 19 || <i>Days of Chaos</i>
| class=day | 20 || <i>DoC 2</i>
| class=day | 21 || <i>DoC 3</i>
| class=day | 22 || <i>DoC 4</i>
| class=day | 23 || <i>DoC 5</i>
| class=day | 24 || <i>DoC 6</i>
| class=day | 25 || <i>DoC 7</i>
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| class=day | 26 || <i>DoC 8</i>
| class=day | 27 || <i>DoC 9</i>
| class=day | 28 || <i>DoC 10</i>
| class=day | 29 || <i>DoC 11</i>
| class=day | 30 || <i>Twelfth Night</i>
| colspan=4 | &nbsp;
! colspan=15 | <span style="font-size: 130%;">[[Ice]] (9)</span>
! colspan=11 height=54px | &nbsp;
| class=day |  1 || &nbsp;
| class=day |  2 || &nbsp;
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon3.jpg]]
| class=day |  3 || &nbsp;
| class=day |  4 || &nbsp;
| class=day |  5 || &nbsp;
| class=day |  6 || <i>First Plough</i>
| class=day |  7 || &nbsp;
| class=day |  8 || &nbsp;
| class=day |  9 || &nbsp;
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon0.jpg]]
| class=day | 10 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 11 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 12 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 13 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 14 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 15 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 16 || &nbsp;
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon1.jpg]]
| class=day | 17 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 18 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 19 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 20 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 21 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 22 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 23 || &nbsp;
| class="calMoon" height=54px | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| class=day | 24 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 25 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 26 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 27 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 28 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 29 || &nbsp;
| class=day | 30 || &nbsp;

Latest revision as of 10:03, 26 August 2024

Scribe Notes


GM: Keith
Season: Winter 824 WK
Night: Tuesday
Location: Online
Level: Lowish

  1. Slaydar - Big Boss and legend writer
  2. Seraph - War boyz
  3. Ashe - War Boss
  4. Vath - War boyz
  5. Kang - War stunty

Winter Snow, a chaos unicorn pony filly, came through a portal which closed. Hardy Weatherwick found her and brought her to the Guild and asked us to take the chaos pony home via some slow portals. Also, can we may the plane when


8000sp and some amulets.

Scribe Notes


  • Meet employer and head off. Travel via portals to Palaeolithica
  • Travel in wagon toward portal for 12 days
  • Travel to portal to Evergow and for another week
  • Fight undead ponies, meet adventuring ponies
  • Head to dwarven hold and down into ruins
  • Find elevator.
  • Fight with Gremlin
  • Water golem room
  • To Vigatown and teleport to Ponytown


After the Guild meeting I drink in bar for few days as beer in cheap. A few days later Guild security make me go to a meeting room to help pay off my bar tab. Some other guild members there I don’t know. Short witch lady Hardy bring lost horsie u-corn to us, it not normal horsie, has horn those glows and magic hooves – powerful chaos magic at work. Chaos Horsie come through a portal and got lost in woods and we to return it home to Ev-glow. Also want to find out stuff about lines and horizon, very confusing. I arm wrestle guild security, they are weak warriors, they lose as I am strong war leader.

People talk lots. We get magic and stuff and next day start wagon ride Sea of Grass. Ride wagon through portal and we are in Pasifika and the ride on road to other town. Go through another portal to Alusiaville, people say new plane. Beer almost gone. We need to go hundreds of miles to the north so sell wagon and take rune portal to Khorasville, its got markets and stuff. Meet guard called Pixie that takes us to pub and markets. We buy stuff and sleep.

We talk to people and there is no villages in the north so we are going to have to walk there. We get wagon and stuff. Stars in the sky are scaring the stupid people and some people in robes come to village to look at sky.

I lead the tribe on the wagon for almost two weeks, weak people gets cold as start travelling through snow. See some strange animals with woolly coats. Kang finds a rock and is very excited, he should get out more. Some dangerous wolves attack but I am a powerful big Boss and the tribe destroy them. I drink all my beer to the next week and try to be unconscious for a boring trip through the snow. We make it to the portal and travel through to Everglow.

We arrive in a desolate environment and travel for another boring week until we find a road that we follow, we are attacked by undead unicorns and ponies, some are spell casting. My powerful tribe destroy them. We meet a stupid lumberjack that gives us directions to the close town called "Turvef". A day later we encounter a party of adventuring ponies, they are no familiar with Winter Snows homeland but direct us to a large city "Vigertown" - we can get there via magical travel from "Turvef"

We need some gold to use the magic travel and our new companions offer us a job to locate a dwarven artifact in a dungeon under a dwarven town. The dwarven animosity toward them will prevent them doing it themselves. The lead us to their guild hall in Turves and we are introduced to Crimson Inkpot, their leader. Crimson explains they are looking for the “Elements of Harmony”, an ancient artifact that was used by the Queen some hundreds of years ago and then sent to the dwarven enclave on Yisheng for safe keeping. The dwarves don’t like horses right now so they want us to find it. Winter Snow recognises one of their old members, MoonWatcher, who left for another continent. Their towns pub doesn’t have any good beer only stupid sweet alcohol. They warn me that Orcs are not liked here so I put on a cloak and pretend to be a stupid old human with a cane and guide dog.

The next day we board a magic chariot and travel along tracks for half a day until we arrive at Yisheng. We head into the dwarven hold and find our contact at the Mithril Mallet Mining company. Omregar, the head of the company, gives us directions to the ancient ruins where the “Elements of Harmony” were last seen. His assistant talks too much.

Heading into the old tunnels we find our way past ancient traps, so of which no longer work, and find outsides in a room with a pedestal what has a number of keys protruding from it. We ask Kang to check for traps, he forgos using any skills and starts turning keys to see if there are any. Most of the party flee the room. After some experimentation Kang discovers its an elevator shaft, each key taking the platform to a new level.

The first level is a small room with an anvil guarded by three gremlins and a large centipede, which all attack and are killed by our warband. The second level has collapsed and we can barely open the door. The third level is filled with water, we have the golem open the door and it all drain away further down the shaft. We enter and are attacked by golems.

Slayar, as the proud war leader, leads the charge and shames the weaker members of the party to engage the golems. Kangs golem deals significant damage and the party finish them off. There is only one adjacent room and we search the room and bodies quickly, locating a key to room 5.

The next level revealed itself to be a vast and intricate area, much larger than we anticipated. Upon entering, we found ourselves in a grand atrium, its air thick with humidity, as a flooded room lay adjacent to a dimly lit cavern. Within the murky waters of the flooded room, we discovered a bag filled with golden strips—a promising find.

Three doors beckoned from the atrium, their wooden frames swollen from moisture. It took considerable effort, but we managed to force them open. To our surprise, all three doors led to the same corridor, which sloped downward into a chamber where four sets of mechanical controls lined the walls, each connected to a complex system of moving walls—a puzzle that demanded our attention.

We carefully examined the cryptic clue etched into the chamber's stone. Under Slaydar's guidance, Kang deciphered its meaning and manipulated the controls, successfully solving the puzzle. The walls shifted with a heavy grind, revealing a stone door that slowly creaked open, granting us access to a room filled with towering stone pillars.

As we ventured into the room, we were suddenly ambushed by giant insects. Their size and ferocity might have been daunting to others but Ash, the golem and Vath dispatched them with relative ease. The creatures oozed a green ichor, its zesty taste lingering on the tongues.

In the back of the room, we found a chest Among the items were five gems encased in a finely crafted box. Their radiant glow and intricate design matched the description of the Elements of Harmony, powerful artifacts we were sent to locate. A temptation stirred within some members of our party; the thought of keeping such powerful items for ourselves was all too alluring. But Slaydar, the good and steadfast Orc, would hear none of it. His resolve was firm—these gems must be returned to their rightful owners, the Honour Hooves, for the greater good.

The next morning, we exited the mines and took the train back to Turves. Upon our arrival, we presented the Elements of Harmony to the Honour Hooves, who were thrilled by our success. They advised us to deliver the Elements to Twilight Sparkle, a mage residing in the same village as Winter Snow. That evening, we visited a pub where Slaydar had a small drink before retiring early for the night. Some less responsible members of the part stay up late and are suffering terribly the next day.

The next morning, with sufficient funds now at our disposal, we decided to head to Vijatown to use their Mithril Map—a powerful artifact capable of teleporting people to different locations across the world. We arrive on the train that afternoon and made our way to the university and met Vanilla Star, the curator of the Mithril Map. Winter Snow was able to locate her village on the map, and the mages confirmed they could teleport us there. However, the process was costly and required gems to power it.

We visited the Archaeology Department at the university and spoke with Professor Equis, who was ecstatic about our discovery of the old coins. We negotiated a deal to sell them, which allowed us to cover the cost of the teleportation. After returning to Vanilla Star, we paid the necessary fee, and an hour later, we found ourselves on the outskirts of a small village.

The village erupted in excitement at Winter Snow's safe return. The ponies welcomed us warmly and invited us to stay for a festival set to take place in a week's time. Slaydar and Vath spend the week indulged in sampling the alcohol from both village pubs—multiple times, while the other party members enjoy village life. Meanwhile, Night Sky completed the tuning fork that would transport us back to Alusia. At our insistence, he tested it successfully. Despite this, the party decided to stay for the upcoming festival.

The day of the festival arrived, and things took a dark turn in the afternoon. The sky darkened, and a rift opened. As we witnessed a very angry black pony emerge from the rift everyone realises the prophecy is true. The pony announced that she was free from her thousand-year imprisonment and demanded to see her sister - her aura and demeanour are unmistakably that of an avatar. The powerful locals are panicking and the party quickly decide they can't oppose an Avatar so demand Night Sky immediately send them home.

Upon arriving outside the Guild, the party thank Night Sky and recommended that he hire some powerful adventurers to deal with their Avatar problem. We head into the Guild for debriefing and splitting the treasure.

People and Places


  • Hardy Weatherwick – Party employer. A witch from a village in Ranke. She found Winter Snow in the forest and brought her to the Guild to find a party to escort her home.
  • Winter Snow – a young unicorn filly, from the plane of Everglow, that came through a portal to Alusia that closed behind her. Wants to return home. Magical – horn can cast light and can use hooves like hands. Worshipper of Princess Luminous
  • Lucy Greenhilt - Pixie Paladin - guard in Khorasville on Palaeolithica


  • Dragonlord Ember - leader of the Dragonlands

Adventuring ponies, former Honour Hooves, based in Turves

  • Crimson Inkpot - leader of the former Honour Hooves
  • Bloodmoon (leatherwing a.k.a batpony),
  • Rockhoof (earth pony - carries shovel),
  • Commander Hurricane (pegasus)
  • Starswirl the Bearded (Wizard)
  • Clover the Clever (wizard apprentice)

Ponyville - Home village of Winter Snow.

  • Night Sky(alicorn) - Ex adventurer, runs the Ponyville Observatory located on a hill outside Ponyville
  • White Words(unicorn) - Night Sky's wife and Winter Snow's magical mentor
  • Moonwatcher (Pegasus) - Night Sky's father. Cleric of the Moon Princess and former Honour Hooves.
  • Quick Pass (Pegasus) - Night Sky's mother.
  • Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn) - Librarian at the Golden Oaks Library
  • Spike (Dragon) - Small purple dragon, Twilight's assistant
  • Pinkie Pie (Earth) - employee at Sugar Cube Corner, the local bakery.
  • Sunny Skies (Pegasus) - Winter Snow's best friend
  • Applejack (Earth) - Apple farmer at Sweet Apple Acres. Formal name Jacqueline Apple.
  • Granny Smith (Earth) - Applejack's grandmother. Formally Apple Pie, it is rumoured she helped found Ponyville over a hundred years ago and nurtured the first apple trees.


Everglow (Plane) - what the party has discovered

Dwarven Mine

  • G; entrance to the elevator
  • L1; Gremlins and centipede
  • L2; Collapsed
  • L3; water and golems
  • L4; collapsed
  • L5; open area w ramp

Palaeolithica (Plane)

  • World with portals to other planes. Their position forms a star, which may have other effects.

Khoras (Plane)

  • Khoras has two suns that orbit around each other in a 28 day cycle as a close binary pair, being a yellow giant (Karrym) and a blue dwarf (Drellis). The positions of the suns relative to Khoras affects the flow of mana on the planet. When both suns are together in the sky, mana is normal. If Karrym shines on it's own, it is high mana, if Drellis is passing in front of Karrym, it is low mana. The week of low mana is known locally as 'the Drellis Effect'. During this period of seven days, the portal between Khoras and Paeolithica shuts down.


Daily pattern

‘’How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day’’

Travel Magics

‘’What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time.’’ ‘’Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.’’

Watch Order

Day Watch. ‘’Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship’’
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??

Night watch

  • Slaydar
  • Vath
  • Seraph
  • Kang
  • Ashe & Norto

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)
Double File Single File


General Buff Notes

Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also

Long duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Slaydar Seraph Ashe Vath Kang ? ?
Greater Enchantment 7 +8% to chosen areas 3 Months 4 4 4 4 4 ? ?
Dark Vision (S) 6 Monochromatic vision. (ie shades of grey) It is difficult to accurately estimate distance. The higher the Rank, the less of a problem this will be. 7 Hours ? ? ? Y ? ? ?
Name (??) ## ???? ? Hours ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Short duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Slaydar Seraph Ashe Vath Kang ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Loot and Expenses

From the dwarven mine
L1 - Gremlins

  • Potion - NoM - healing
  • Wand - NoM - fear 4 charges
  • Haversack - NoM - storage
  • Key l3
  • Trinkets - coins etc
  • Scissors - NoM - Curse. Binding and stabbed
  • Anvil - durability

L4 - Golems

  • - Four swords
  • 3 magic chain shirts
  • Dungeoneers kit
  • Uni tool
  • Key 5

L6 - Golems

  • Horseshoes
  • Sword
  • Pocketwatch that holds memories
  • Gems of Harmony
  • Potion with rainbow colour
  • Money
  • Chest containing everything magically preserves its contents.

Discord - L6?

  • Spectacles
  • Wings
  • Grenadoe (Force)
  • Scroll (Lightning Wall)
  • Wand (Hydraulic Push)
  • Potion (Darkvision)


  • + 5000 bits for finding the elements of Harmony
  • - 600 bits for the train
  • + 5000 bits for selling the old coins
  • - 500 bits for the teleport



Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Frost (7)
  1 Guild Meeting 2 3 Meet Employer at Guild 4 Travel via wagon to portal 5 Travel via wagon to portal. Travel throught to Pacifika 6 Travel via wagon to Portal. Travel throught to Palaeolithica
7 show wait for wagon 8 Get wagon 9 Travel in wagon 10 Travel in wagon 11 Travel in wagon 12 Travel in wagon 13 Travel in wagon
14 Travel in wagon 15 Travel in wagon 16 Travel in wagon - encounter snowline as we rise in altitude 17 Travel in wagon 18 Travel in wagon 19 Travel in wagon - see mammoths 20 Travel in wagon - fight wolves
21 Travel in wagon through snow 22 Travel in wagon through snow 23 Travel in wagon through snow 24 Travel in wagon through snow 25 Travel in wagon through snow 26 Travel in wagon through snow 27 Travel in wagon through snow
28 Travel in wagon through snow 29 Travel in wagon through snow 30 Travel in wagon through snow - reach portal  
Snow (8)
  1 Travel south 2 Travel south 3 Travel south 4 Travel south
5 Travel south - fight undead 6 Travel south 7 Travel south - meet adventuring ponies 8 Head to Yisheng. Head into mines. explore. Fight. Divinate 9 Depart mines arrive at Turvis 10 Turvis to Vijatown. Teleport to Winter Snows village 11 Stay in village
12 Stay in village 13 Stay in village 14 Stay in village 15 SolsticeStay in village 16 Stay in village 17 The Duke of Carzala's Winter BallFestival. Dark Pony teleport home. 18 Yuletide
19 Days of Chaos 20 DoC 2 21 DoC 3 22 DoC 4 23 DoC 5 24 DoC 6 25 DoC 7
26 DoC 8 27 DoC 9 28 DoC 10 29 DoC 11 30 Twelfth Night  
Ice (9)
  1   2  
3   4   5   6 First Plough 7   8   9  
10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
17   18   19   20   21   22   23  
24   25   26   27   28   29   30