Young Kingdoms
The Young Kingdoms[1] is the main lands of Michael Moorcock's [2]Elric mythology, there are additional surrounding countries and contienents, and technically dosent include Melnibone. Associtated with Elric mythology is the Multiverse of Spheres, where each is an additional world, and are battled over by the forces of Law and Chaos.
Local magic is generally very weak and mages uncommon. Mages aligned to the forces of Chaos can summon off-planar magical entities (sort of like demons) which can be tailor-defined to the summoners will. Those aligned to Law cast very little magic (usually none whatsoever) but are dedicated to perfection and push to and beyond human limits. Lastly are Elemantalists, which generally cast no magic but can summon elementals to do so for them.
Seagate adventurers have mostly adventured in less populated areas, and Alusia is now known to one of the more powerful governments, however travel to and from is difficult.