Working for the Orc

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This missive was delivered to a Guild Library as some pages of paper blown in on a magic wind. The paper and the ink are all from Kanloaise and do not appear to anything but mundane.

My master,

As requested by you on your recent returned to all that you sent out from the Monastery out into Steel Mountains and the lands beyond, I kept a diary of events. You dispatched me to the halls of Sachen Silverhands, the orcish chief on Highvale.

The place is rough and uncouth and I have been pressed into service as a clerk. A month ago news came that Regaldo's Ranger had come to harm and that their property tax was due. Soon after the remaining members of the mentioned group were brought forward to Great Hall and given employment.

I was dictated a missive to a Valazarius of Na'fa, whom I am lead to understand is an up and coming merchant factor in the city. The details seemed trivial and tedious but Silverhand was very particular about its contents. I was then instructed to draw up a contract with Masters Trigg and Matt as the remaining members of Regaldo's Rangers of a sum of 200 silver pennies each for a successful delivery of the missive and a return reply.

In little less than a week later they returned with two wooden chests and a note from Julian, Valezarius' own clerk. They were accompanied by an older human called Francesco, who looked like an aging gladiator. I'd not seen him before but it seemed that he was known to Sachen, if not an acquaintance. They arrived with Sashen's own personal guard, looking more like prisoners under guard than a honour guard. Once of the chests must have been damaged for Sashen was enraged at Trigg, accusing him of coming close to destroying a thousand souls.

I have not seen the chests since but a large number of crows have been patrolling the skies and the ice drakes pass over the town more than once a day. There has been a tension here since the chests showed up and rumours of elves down in the town persist. Little over a week ago I was ordered to travel with Francesco to Na'fa, along with a large caravan of goods. We did not even stay the day but instead visited a warehouse near the docks. Valezarius was present and a very considerable amount of produce and chattel. Our outward journey was shadowed by Imperial Lancers and we passed a work gang repairing the switchbacks.

The only odd thing was during the journey back to Highvale we camped for the night in forest, but a few hours out from Va'fa and I was up late, the wildlife disturbing my sleep. I decided to check the merchandise, for Julian had been particularly funny about number and quality of the chattels, which I found odd, since none seemed particularly special. I thought I saw a small woman with, of all things, iron spikes sticking into her head. But when I recovered myself she was not to seen among the group and I now doubt myself.

Since then there has been considerable activity here with many groups visiting Highvale and a wealth of commerce happening. Sun So Mai was here but a few days ago and all her news was welcome and I request that I can visit the Monastery next time she comes this way. As for the disturbing reports from north about the goblins there have been many rumours but no facts. The Norns have again closed the high trails no groups seem willing to venture either East nor West to go around them.

Sun So said requested information about the Crimson Brigade. I know Kethial Crimson is once again in Highvale but of others none have been seen, although the appalling bad record keeping of the gate guards shows some of them have been in and out over the last couple of months.

Sashen has given me leave to return for a week and I will report to directly but I have written this copy and sent it with Sun, for she insisted you wanted the information immediately.

There is a scrawled note at the bottom of the page

Guild-san, send mission to Norn Gate. Sun So greet. Be quick hot stir fry.