Winter 824wk - update
Win 824wk Campaign update
The coming of an expected hard winter has been preceded by a hardening of life in the WK. The costs of the upcoming invasion buildup are huge and the lawlessness level across the kingdom has increased as men and troops are sent elsewhere giving rise to lessor bandits, warlords and the like.
The return to the inquisition and the shouts of heresy and heretics are ringing in the common peoples’ ears and already hundreds have been denounced as heretics and burned at the stake – if they made it that far due to the overzealousness of certain people.
Witches and other evil associated colleges are being persecuted, actually any college really. So basically, magic is becoming more of a defining advantage and so jealousy of power, position, prestige and finances is another factor. More lawlessness, more opportunities for persecution and such abound in the realms – so beware.