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Var is a supercontinent on the flat world created by Aslan in 'The Magician's Nephew' written by C.S.Lewis. This world is sometimes also referred to as Fantasia, but only by the most learned men, and dragons. The Kingdom of Narnia lies in the Northeast of Var. South of Narnia is the vast Calormen Empire, an arabesque empire. In the South of Var is the equally vast Fourth Reich, a germanic empire.

Between these demenses lies the lands of the Lanstraad, an idealistic hierarchical oligopolistic council of kingdoms and republics which subscribes to the 'Pax Lanstraadi', laws allowing internal independance for the client states of the Lanstraad in return for proportional taxation and military service. The client states of the Lanstraad are either breakaway states from Calormen or the Fourth Reich or successor states of the Krandorian Empire, an ancient and now defunct Arthurian Kingdom. The South and Northeast borders of the Landstraad are in constant threat of invasion.

In the East and Northwest of Var lie areas of wilderness and anarchy, populated by elves and giants, and bandits and pirates, respectively. In the mountain range seperating the Northern part of the Lanstraad, or Rhania (so called because of it's local language, Rhanish), from the Southern parts, or Dunia and Darka (which speak Dunish and Darkish respectively), is the great city of Skyaira (from where comes Skyairan, the language of international trade, which is like Narnian), a magical city set high in the mountains on a perfect circle of rock five miles in diameter and one mile thick.

Until recently Skyaira was a high mana zone and a centre of magical learning, home to five magical colleges. However very recently, the high mana zone has moved away to the East, and Skyaira has found itself in hard times, beset by economic depression and on constant watch for attack by undead that live in 'the city of the dead', Skyaira's garbage heap in the valley below the city.

The high mana zone is now in a waste area occupied by goblins and giants, whom have been growing in such prodigious numbers that they have invaded the Lanstraad. This invasion has been checked, but not beaten.

A runemage called Guderian whom lives opulently in a villa estate some hours' travel north of Seagate controls a special rune portal from his basement workshop to a forest in the garden of the imperial palace of the Fourth Reich. Three guild parties have used it; a survey expedition which went horribly wrong; the rescue party to the survey; and a generally successful expedition to secure a flying carpet, which became caught up in the plotline for 'A Horse and his Boy'.

Alistair 16/8/05

P.S. Originally started as a AD&D campaign world in 1985, Var continues to grow and develop. By allowing new characters to come from any previously described or even a new kingdom within the Lanstraad, the Lanstraad and Var itself has naturally become a richer tapestry of story and legend.