Tours de guet de’Gismunde
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Guild NOTE: While the information presented below is extensive it does not contain all the information pertinent to the towers across Borderlay. Some of the information is recent but most is significantly dated and thus unreliable. This information has been sourced from 'travellers' and others keen of sight who have an interest in knowing what 'locations of law and order' are present in various realms
- Tor DeMello - is the southernmost point of Borderlay and is situated immediately north of the border with Sylvanwold and the Lupine wood. The watchtower has a wall around it and has accommodations for up to 50 men and 10 horses.
- Chanmont Toren - This is an important point to collect tariffs from river traffic as well as tolls from passing travelers. It is a 60ft tall, round watchtower standing alongside the river with a small enclosed area at the base which provides space for a small boat. The tower can hold up to 40men, 20 horses and 2 small boats.
- Trasignes Tour - The Tour lies on the Eastern Bank of the Montrachet River and marks the Northernmost point in the County. This tower is the 2nd largest of the County's watchtower and consists of two 50ft tall, square towers as well as a small enclosed area holding 2 riverboats. This Tour has the greatest volume of traffic passing by and the tax collectors are always busy both on land and river.
- Tor el Brienne - This Tor is nestled at the base of the Ryphine Mountains and provides a base of operations for men tasked with stopping illegal trade in goods as well as unwanted (untaxed) travelers and merchants. The usual garrison is 30 men.
- Clermin Tour - Clermin Tour represents the Northeastern most point of the county and this watchtower is deep in the Ryphine Mountains at the base of Monte Gyneroso. Troops based here are tasked with ensuring the area is kept free of unwanted animals and the suppression of any bandit activity and the like. The watchtower is some 40ft tall, hexagonal and made from solid Basalt. The tower was found abandoned in 598 by some scouts and no documentation was discovered as to its ownership and thus the county took charge of it until its owner can be located or returns. The Watchtower sits atop 3 large caves that provide underground storage and extra space when needed for the garrison of this unwelcoming duty. The phrase "being sent to Clermin" means a hard tour of duty for those sent here, especially so over the less pleasant winter period. The Tour has space for up to 100 men and a number of animals but the usual garrison is 30 men.
- Aufsatz Fiennes - This watchtower is only 10 miles into the Ryphine Mountains but duty here can be arduous none the less. The tower is at the base of Aiguille d'Argentyrèr and those based here are tasked with keeping the area clear of unwanted bandits and animals. The actual tower is a single 50ft tall, round tower with space for up to 20 men and a few animals.
- Torre Guesclin - This Torre is situated at the base of Mont Bürkeylkopf and consists and a large 2 story stone barracks and tow 40ft tall, round towers in the north and south of the enclosed walls. This is where a lot of the training for the county military takes place and has accommodation for up to 200 men and 40 animals but usually holds less than a third of that number.
- Artois Toren - The busy river routes into Borderlay join up with the Montrachet River give the Artois Toren its purpose and its residents are kept busy tolling river and land traffic into and out of Borderlay. The Toren has two 30ft tall, square tower atop a large and solid gatehouse. The Toren can accommodate up to 60 men and animals but usually holds around 30.
- Sancerre Torre - This Torre is the tallest of the watchtowers in Borderlay and rises some 80ft above the Montrachet River and surrounding countryside majestically resplendent in the bright red rock of its construction. The Torre has a large barracks and stables at its base as well and a small wall around the area. The torre is primarily a center of administration with only 30 troops usually garrisoning this imposing watchtower complex.
- Montmorency Tor - This tower along the Marsac River is the quietest of the river towers and is considered a rest duty station by the locals as not much happens nearby. The tower itself is a 60ft square covered in ivy up to halfway and then the upper floors expand outwards creating an overhang above the lower levels. The locals call the tower "Shroom tower" as they liken the look of the tower to that of a mushroom. The tower has a capacity for up to 40 troops but usually only holds 20.