The Ten Commandments
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These are part of the GM's Guide and have been part of our campaign for many years. Most of them have been broken at some point. Sometimes there were valid reasons, some of the commandments could use work, but you should always think twice before breaking them because most of them have valid reasons for their existence.
- Experience shall be awarded according to the method described in the document entitled "Experience Point Awards".
- Thou shalt observe the Laws of Shaping, which are:
- (a) Law of Balance
The only shaped items that may be without flaws are those of minor nature, for example, amulets, +5 +1 swords, etc. Flaws cannot be removed without also removing the useful abilities. The more powerful the magic, the worse will be the flaws. The difference between the powers and the flaws will represent the value (see commandment 3). - (b) Law of Non-indestructibility
No shaped item is indestructible — there will always be a way to destroy it. If any part of a shaped item is broken the magic is lost. - (c) No item will work always under all circumstances. This is not a flaw—just a hole.
- (a) Law of Balance
- The absolute maximum value of any shaping is 50,000sp.
- The maximum net treasure that will be allowed per adventure is dependent on the experience level: 1000sp for low level, 2000sp for medium, and 3000sp for high level. This is per session (approximately 4 hours of play time).
- The Guild will loan money to a member to buy back items in the treasure split if the adventurer has insufficient funds. Earlier debts must be settled before further debts may be incurred in another treasure split. Note — the Guild will loan only as much as is required.
- Thou shalt avoid giving extra ranks or characteristics. If you must, then the maximums shall be as follows: characteristics 1, weapons 8 weeks, spells 1000ep.
- Time on all planes effectively passes as the same rate.
- Items, if of a post-renaissance technology, will either not work or decay into uselessness. All non-technological items must be converted into DQ terms so as not to destroy the flavour of the game.
- Thou shalt turn away characters if they will unbalance a party (reason should prevail however).
- Thou shalt always adjudicate for the enjoyment of the majority. Think about this when rewarding individuals. Adventuring with superman is boring!