The Middle Way: Eric's Award
Return to The Middle Way
Eric arrives at House Kerberoth on the 8th of Seedtime 811 WK and has earnt:
- 10,080sp, after Guild Taxes, being 40 truesilver guineas.
- 49,889.72 Experience, after Racial Tax
He spent 38 days away from the Guild.
- he may
- advance any Talent eight Ranks.
- He has been immersed in
- Itaruvian - 4 weeks
He may include the period associated with this language as part of his training time.
Tincture of Aconite and Passionflower
This aromatic tincture is contained in a glass bottle that weighs four ounces. It changes the perceptions of whoever drinks it so that everything they see is more beautiful for Rank hours. Add two times the rank of the Herbalist who prepared the tincture to the PB of anything that they look upon. It can be added to wine or other liquor, thus diluting it's effect. Adding it to a bottle of wine would reduce the effects to about a quarter of the usual bonus and a quarter of the duration. Thus, a Rank 8 Tincture (+16 to PB) diluted in this way would increase PB by 4 for 2 hours. All fractions are truncated.
The Rank of this draughts is 8.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | City of Brass | Formerly living | Beautification
400sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Potion of Greater Restoration

Rank 10 Alchemy
The potion has one of two possible effects:
- If the imbiber has no deficit to EN or FT, then they will increase their maximum FT by three but not beyond racial maximum, unless their FT cap has been removed.
- If the imbiber is alive but has taken harm, then it will restore ALL deficit to EN and FT, but permanently reduce their maximum FT by three. It will not cure EN lost to Specific Grievous injuries or Afflictions, but will restore FT lost to exhaustion and spell casting.
. The FT may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Enhancement | 45,000sp | ![]() |
Healing Potion x 2
This potion weighs 4oz. It may be drunk without Preparing, so long as it is worn somewhere convenient outside armour or clothing (a belt, etc).
When drunk, the imbiber recovers D+5 EN lost to damage, but does not in anyway cure damage inflicted by Specific Grievous Injuries.
Scent of Good Fortune x 2

Rank 4 Herbalism
This ampoule weighs 1 oz. It is fragile and must be crushed to release the volatile scent within. This requires a Free Act or a Pass Action at the discretion of the wearer, the effects lasting for 6 Pulses or until used.
Whoever breathes in the scent reduces the value of the "10s" die on their next percentile roll, so long as that would make the result 0. If the die cannot be reduced to 0, it has no effect at all. The die must be reduced to 0 if it can be, for example a result of "10" will become "00".
Celerity Draught x 1

Rank 9 Herbalism
This draught weighs 4 oz. Its container is fragile and may be drunk without requiring a Prepare Action, so long as it is attached outside armour.
The effect of the draught is to double the imbiber's Initiative Value for nine Pulses. Although bonuses to Initiative from Military Scientist and Magic are not doubled, bonuses from Weapon Skill, Warrior, AG and PC are.
If the imbiber wins, they make act on their Initiative, and again, at half (rounding down) that value. If they win by more than double their opponent's Initiative, then not only do they act twice before their opponent, but they reduce their number of possible Actions in the Pulse by 1 to a minimum of 1. Special attacks like Multi-Hex Strike or Dual Strike are not affected by this.
Orange Crush x 2

This potion weighs 4 oz, it's container is robust, even though it appears fragile, and will never be broken accidentally. It may be drunk without Preparing it, so long as it is worn outside armour (a belt, etc).
The imbiber reduces C Class damage by half for the next 8 Pulses This may include falling damage at the discretion of the DM.
Each subsequent potion will last only half as long, resetting at noon. So, the next potion will last only four Pulses, the next 2 and so on to a minimum of 1.
Elixir of Sensitivity

This potion weighs 4 oz, and must be Prepared before it is drunk.
When it is drunk, the imbiber's normal senses become powerfully enhanced for 10 minutes. The effect is to subtract 20 from any die roll where any normal sense is used. This applies to hearing, normal vision (but not Witchsight, Nightvision etc), scent, taste and touch. This supresses the Talent Resist Pain.
No other penalty is applied, except that if the imbiber is called names, abused verbally or simply given a stern look, they must Break 100 + 2 x WP, and if they fail, will sulk or burst into tears.
Elixir of Healing x 2

This potion weighs 4 oz, and must be Prepared before it is drunk.
Whoever drinks it gains the Healer Skill at Rank 7 for the next act of therapy. Unfortunately, they begin to see the body they are working on as a canvas and their Healing as a creative work, with consequences at the discretion of the DM, who is encouraged to be diabolical.
Every time one of these elixirs are taken, the imbiber must Break 100 + 3 x WP, or become permanently afflicted by this obssession. 10 is added to the target number for each elixir taken. If three such potions have been taken, even if years apart, then the imbiber must Break 130 + 3 x WP or become possessed of the desire to work their creative will on the bodies of their allies.
Potion of Leviathan Strength
This potion weighs 4 oz, and must be Prepared before it is drunk.
Whoever drinks this potions makes their PS 65 for the next hour, unless their PS is greater than this, in which case it has no effect.
Dust of Ages x 3

This sachet and its contents weighs 4 oz and contains sufficient dust to fill a volume 2 hexes by 2 hexes by 2 hexes. The dust will spread to fill a volume whilst this is practical.
Anyone in the volume of effect must roll under their EN or fall immediately into a coma (reduce EN, PS, MD and AG to 0). Those that make their EN check reduce the value of their physical stats by half or 20, whichever is the least reduction.
If those in a coma are not cured of the poison, they will age at a rate such that when they have been in the coma for more than half the value of their Modified EN (before it was reduced by the dust), then they will have aged to death and may no longer be Resurrected.
Those that made their EN check age at a rage of 1 month per Pulse (a year a minute) until the poison is cured.
If the dust is enchanted by the workings of the Poison Dust Ritual, then the EN check is penalised by the Rank of the Ritual.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Uncertain | Formerly Living | Uncertain | ![]() |
Stone Dust

This sachet and its contents weighs 4 oz. It can be sprinkled over 6 sizes of entities, who will then be affected by its magic.
Entities affecte by the dust are entirely unaffected by magical transformations of the stone and earth. Thus, they are unaffected and may walk through areas affected by the following spells: Smoking Magma, Earth Tremor, Wall of Stone, Earth Transformation, Hands of Earth, etc.
An entity affected by this dust will not fall if the ground is Tunneled out beneath them and may, indeed, appear to walk on air. However, they remain at all times in contact with the earth. Paradoxically, they may walk into a Tunneled out space if they so desire.
Additionally, Earth Elementals may not affect them at all, parting around them.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Ages | Magical | ![]() |
Ghoul Sling

This sling is made of leather and weighs about 1 lb. The Base Strike Chance is 52% and the Damage Modifier is +3.
The wielder may move half their TMR before, during or after executing a Fire Action with the sling.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Sand Dragon | 19,250sp | ![]() |
Chance, and possible Specific Grievous Injuries on 10%.
Petroglyph Brooch
This stone brooch weighs 4 oz and must be weighed on the upper right arm to be effective.
It provides +3 Defence, +2 Magic Resistance, stackable with an Amulet of Luck, only.

This hilt has been braided with fine orichalcum wire. It adds 8 oz to the hand and a half sword it is attached to.
When it is attached, the weapon becomes sentient. And a boorish, recalcitrant sentient it is. It will make its opinions known frequently, unflatteringly and in the loudest manner possible.
It has no special expertise, but this will not stop it from "giving forth" in a confident and credible way, usually to the detriment of the bearer.
It does have some minor control over the weapon it is bound to, but will rarely do anything except make distracting comments in the midst of combat, which will reduce the effectiveness of the weapon by 20.
It is, however, a legal target of the Ritual of Binding Wills or Compelling Obedience, whereupon
- it becomes entirely biddable.
- the weapon may be stored in the Astral, becoming instantly available to the Adept, only requiring a Free Act to Prepare it. This is not detectable by Detect Aura, but Spirit Vision may reveal its presence.
- the Rank of the Ritual is added to the Strike Chance of the weapon on which the hilt is bound.
- the Damage Modifier of the weapon to which the hilt is bound is increased by 1 per 4 Ranks in the Ritual. At Rank 20, instead of adding +5, an extra D10 is added to the damage, and all dice are considered roll up.
- weapon spells overwrite the weapon enhancements (only) of the Ritual, unless the wielder cares to Resist.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Sand Dragon | 19,250sp, 4500xp | ![]() |
Well of Water

This bluish, glass like disc is a well. It is cold to the touch, flexible and weighs 6lbs.
It may be placed on the ground, where it will become bound, and so long as it is undisturbed a year and a day, it may be used in the following way: If 1 EN is sacrificed to the well, then each year, 1 Water may be withdrawn from it.
If it is moved, then a year and a day must pass before Water may be harvested from the well. This means that the production of the well for the year and a day is lost.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magic | Metamagic | ![]() |
Throne's Eyes x 4

Throne's Eyes are about 10 cms long and perhaps 5 cms high. They have no appreciable depth, but encumber as if they weighed 4 oz.
2 Eyes can be attached to a breastplate, large round shield (or larger) or a cloak. Only one can be attached to smaller articles of clothing/armour.
When four are worn obviously, then they provide 1 point of Damage Reduction to a maximum of 12. In other words, they will add 1 to the wearer's current Damage Reduction so long as it never advances it to 13 or higher.
Once attached, the Eyes are bound to the article of clothing or armour, and if less than 4 are worn at once, they provide no benefit at all.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Protection | ![]() |
Enhanced Fatigue - Bone
The adventurer must permanently sacrifice 3 EN (which may be bought back in the usual way). From then on, they may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
In addition, 'Bone' is added to their Aspect, e.g. Spring/Air will become Spring/Air/Bone. Should they be gathered by those learned in the arts of Alchemy, their heart blood may be harvested for 3 Bone.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | None | Bone | Quest | ![]() |
Mind Shield (S-MS)
Duration: 1 hour + 2 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: May not be resisted
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Adept cloaks their own mind so that their thoughts cannot be detected or "read", e.g. by Telepathy or other mind reading talents, spells or rituals.
The Adept's Resistance versus Mental Attack is increased by 10 (+ 2 / Rank) while the spell is in effect. Mind Cloak does not block ESP or Empathy.
The Adept can cast Mind Speech as normal, and may choose to decline Mind Speech from an external source.
This spell counts as a Special Knowledge Spell of the College of Naming Incantations.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel |