The Lady Vanishes: Treasure

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Coin of Gold

This large gold coin, when cleaned, halves the cost of casting a Ritual of Enchantment. However, when it is clean, it is attractive to anyone who sees it who must resist or be seized with a desire to possess it above all things.

10           9           8           7           6           5           4           3           2           1     
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Sin 1sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Barque of the Sun

This wooden and bronze barque is 8 inches long and about 3 inches across at the widest. It weighs 9 oz.
If a command word is uttered, the barque will grow in size to 8 feet in length, 3 feet across at the widest, and it will weigh 85 lbs. It will fly directly westward, avoiding all obstacles (if going around or above them will suffice), disappearing beyond the horizon in 12 Pulses. If it cannot avoid an obstacle, then it is catastrophically destroyed on impact, which will have similarly dire consequences on any passengers. Assuming this doesn't happen, passengers must make individual Flying checks each Pulse at a penalty of 720 or be flung from the barque at incredible speeds, well beyond the rate of falling. Within the passing of a minute, it will pass beyond the ken of mortals.
Whatever the time of day (except within 5 minutes either side of midnight), within four minutes of the barque passing beyond the horizon, the sun will rise in the east, and this counts as dawn for those creatures that are affected by such things.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Solar 7,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Black Iron Grenado

Rank 4 Alchemy This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely (meaning that 3 Specific Grievous Injury are applied to the unfortunate holding it).

If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.

On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 hexes short of the target hex.
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 2 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone who it shares a hex with, while those in the surrounding hexes suffer 1. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Hell Alchemy Incendiarism 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Pureheart Charm

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the Pureheart Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered, requiring a Free Act, the parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home.
When the charm is spoken aloud, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are, and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
'My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure!'
It will not work for anyone whose heart could not be reasonably considered pure, and never for anyone who has any Ranks in Assassin. If it does work, the effect lasts for three Pulses and multiplies the utterer's base PS by 10. Bonuses from magic and items are added after the multiplication.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Solar 3,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Force of Will Charm

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the Force of Will Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered once a Pulse for 3 Pulses. Each utterance will require a Free Act. The parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn .
When the charm is spoken aloud for the third time, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
'By the strength of my will and the power of my Art!'
It will not work for anyone who is not an Adept. If it does work, it surrounds them in an immobile dome of force 15 ft across that will absorb 10 x their base WP damage from any source before failing. Bonuses from magic and items are added after the multiplication.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Charm 4,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Immolation Berries

If an Adept eats one of these berries as part of their Preparation Action, and then Casts Immolation, then they will take the EN damage, but damage from the spell is increased by 1 D10 for 10 Pulses.
Each application weighs 1 oz.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Living plant Immolation 250sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


These brightly coloured orange mushrooms may be used as a reagent for spells that do damage by burning (i.e. Hellfire, Dragonflames, Fireball, Burning Magma, Bolt of Fire etc) to enhance damage. The enhancement is an additional 1D10 fire damage and +5 to the Cast Chance .
Each application weighs 1 oz.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Living plant Flames 250sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Potion of Pentecost

This potion is contained in a heavy glass vial and requires a pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz and does not break easily.
A flame appears on the brow of the imbiber as soon as it is drunk. Its effects will last until the next Solstice or Equninox, whichever comes first, or until the flame is extinguished. For the duration, the imbiber acquires the language of whoever they speak with at one Rank less. They may use the time speaking that language as 'immersion' for the purposes of calculating training time if they choose to Rank that language.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Lands of Chaos Magical Communication 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This bottle is fragile but if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, the potion can be drunk without requiring a Prepare Action. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
Whoever drinks Jazz gains an extra Action at their normal Initiative Value + 20. However, their EN value is halved. Four Pulses after taking it, the Jazz effect will wear off, at which point their EN loss may be cured.
Taking two potions of Jazz does not give the imbiber 2 extra Actions a Pulse. Instead, the duration queues, while EN value is halved yet again. In other words, if Tsayoi were to take Jazz in Pulse 1, in Pulse 2 he would have 2 Actions and his EN value (25), is reduced to 13. His second Action in Pulse 3 is to take yet more Jazz (meaning that it will wear off in Pulse 9, not Pulse 5) and now his EN value is reduced to 7. Note that EN value is affected, so any attempt to restore it will either fail or cause the Jazz effect to dissipate.
Although the imbiber may benefit from the effects of a Strength of Stone spell before they take Jazz, they are no longer a legal target for this spell until the Jazz effect has worn off.
When Jazz has worn off, the imbiber's maximum EN value is restored but not their EN value. To continue the example with Tsayoi, he will have to be restored of 18 points (to take him from 7 to 25) before his EN value is fully recovered.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Enhancement 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This bottle is sturdy and, if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, requires but a Free Action to use. Otherwise, the DM must determine how many Prepare Actions must be spent before it can be used. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
When the seal is broken beneath someone's nose, they automatically and immediately recover from being Stunned or waken from any effect (magical or otherwise) that causes them to sleep or lose consciousness, except that caused by a Major Curse. This includes Enchanted Sleep, Hypnotism, Mental Attack, Hibernation, Petit Mort, Knockout Gas, Backfire effects and similar magic.
It does not rouse the dead.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Restoration 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This bottle is fragile and if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, does not require a Prepare Action to use. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
The contents of this bottle work by contact, and need only be dashed onto exposed skin to work. Anyone so treated will recover 1 point of EN per Pulse if their EN is negative. The effect lasts for 6 Pulses. Multiple applications of Blue will stack, but will never, by themselves, restore EN to greater than zero.
Note: Entities who are alive but whose EN is negative lose 1 point of FT per Pulse until FT is exhausted, whereupon they lose 1 point of EN per Pulse. Blue has no effect on FT loss.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Restoration 500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Soporific Blade Venom

This pot is sturdy, and encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
It contains one dose of a synthetic venom which may be applied to a blade. If the weapon inflicts EN damage, sufficient poison is introduced into the victim's body that they will fall asleep in (3 x EN) - 30 minutes (minimum of 1 Pulse), unless they Break 100 + 2 x EN

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Sleep 6,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Angelblood Potion

This potion weighs 4 oz, and if it is attached close at hand, e.g. on a belt, it may be drunk as a Free Act.
Whoever drinks it has 40 points of health restored, EN first, wrapping to FT (but not tiredness or spell FT) and for the remainder of that Pulse are immune to all damage.
If more of these potions are drunk within 4 Pulses of the first, the subsequent ones will have no effect at all.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Avatar Restoration 2,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Oil of Timelessness

This potion weighs 4 oz. It may be opened and closed without diminishing it's efficacy.
The bottle contains enough oil for 6 applications, where Elves, Orcs, Dwarfs and Humans require 1, Hobbits require ½ and Giants require at least 2 to cover themselves. Once covered, the first 50 Ranks of magic that Slows or Stops the passing of time are ignored.
Thus, if an entity protected by this oil is the target of a Rank 15 Slowness spell, they ignore the magic and reduce the amount of protection from 50 to 35. If they successfully Resist the spell, they reduce the protection from 50 to 43.
Once applied, the oil will lose its mystical properties on the occasion of the next midnight.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Avatar Eternal 1,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Rainbow Potion

This potion weighs 4 oz, and if it is attached close at hand, e.g. on a belt, it may be drunk as a Free Act.
Whoever drinks it has 2 rollup D10 points of health restored, EN first, wrapping to FT. This will restore FT lost to spell casting or tiredness
If Thaeuss or Serra Angelus apply the contents to the site of a Specific Grievous Injury, then, in addition to the health restored, the wound will be treated as if by (and taking exactly the same amount of time as) a Rank 10 Healer.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Integrity 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Treasure Map

This scroll is 20 centimetres wide and about 15 centimetres in diameter. It weighs 2 lbs.
It is bled on, costing 1 permanent point of EN (which can be bought back in the normal way), then it may be played as a Pass Action at a later time, and if treasure is within 100 metres of the user's location, it will draw an accurate map to its location.
The map does not reveal secret doors, apertures or traps, but it does accurately describe the environment from where the map was played to 100 metres around the owner, provided there is treasure inside that range. If there is not, the map may not be used until the next season.
The map does not guarantee a path to the treasure, merely to draw an accurate map of the environs.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Abyss Formerly living Clairvoyance Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Invested Items


Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate, during Pulse
Base Chance: 100%
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity, Object or Area
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the Ritual of Divination. It may be released as a Cast Action rather than Triggered, and either form of the Ritual may be chosen.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Naming Incantations 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Bubble of Force

Range: 11 feet
Duration: 140 minutes
Base Chance: 64%
Resist: Passive
Target: Area
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the spell, Bubble of Force. The spell causes an iridescent bubble of force to appear. The substance of the bubble prevents the occupant(s) from interacting with the world outside the bubble other than by sight and sound. The bubble is transparent to low levels of light and sound, but it prevents damaging levels of either passing through it. The bubble is impervious from both sides. It also absorbs physical damage, including that caused by falling. The bubble is impenetrable to magic - it may not be targeted through, and area effects will not pass through the bubble. Inside, it provides a stable, warm and dry environment, with fresh air to breathe. The surface of the bubble is hard to the touch. The bubble may be rolled on a solid surface by an entity within it, by entities outside, or by a very strong wind or similar physical force. It will float on water or mud, lava and similar semi-solid substances, and may be carried by wind or current. The bubble is 5' in diameter (one hex). All the bubble must appear within range. The bubble may enclose any entities and objects completely within the target hexes, if they fail to resist.
Successful resistance will cause the entity to be gently pushed aside by the bubble. If the spell is cast in a gas, the gas is displaced outside the bubble. If cast in a liquid, the liquid is displaced, and the bubble will bob to the surface. The spell may not be cast inside a solid substance, or where there is insufficient room for the bubble to form without having to displace an immovable solid. Thus the whole sphere will always appear above ground. The bubble may be dissipated by anyone casting a Binder Special Knowledge Counterspell of at least equal Rank.
The Base Chance on the spell is modified by the Caster's MA, WP and Enchantment, not the one who triggers it

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Binding & Animating 1350sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Mind Blast

Range: 50 ft
Duration: Special
Base Chance: 64%, WP: 23
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity
Effects:This rounded riverstone contains a invested charge of an incantation of Mental Attack. When it is triggered, it fills a volume that is 12 ft wide, 50 ft long which emanates from the stone. Entities in the area are not knocked unconscious, but any who fail to Resist find themselves confused and disorganised, and may not act until they have spent 3 Pass Actions. The incantation is still a Mental Attack, so Mind Shield provides the usual bonus.
If victims of this effect are attacked even if no damage is done, then they may Break 100: PC + WP + Sense Danger to recover their senses.
The Base Chance on the spell is modified by the Caster's MA, WP and Enchantment, not the one who triggers it.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Sorceries of the Mind 2,450sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Instant Golem

Range: 60 feet
Duration: 55 minutes
Base Chance: 91%
Resist: None
Target: Object(s)
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the spell, Instant Golem. This spell is cast to produce a Stone golem from materials within their range.
If a sufficient quantity of materials is not within range, the spell will automatically fail.
When triggered the materials within range will animate and draw together at the point where the majority of the materials are coming from. A golem will form in 10 seconds. In the pulse after it has finished forming the golem will be ready to carry out its master's commands.
The effective rank of the golem is 11.

12' Stone Golem
PS: 53 MD: 18 AG: 16 MA: None EN: 28 FT: 30
WP: 20 PC: 10 PB: 18 TMR: 7 NA: 6
It may attack with one hand/foot (unarmed) OR the stone Giant Axe formed as part of its right arm. NB Golems do not make special attacks such as double-strike or multi-hex strike. At 0 EN they de-animate. Stone Golems are noisy.
Hand/Kick: IV: 32, BC: 112%, [D - 4]+13, Melee & Close, Rank 6.
Giant Axe: IV: 32, BC: 108%, D+14, Melee, Rank 6.

The duration of the golem is the duration of this spell. At the end of the duration the golem will collapse and its component materials will re-animate and attempt to return to their previous location and state.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Binding & Animating 2000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Wall of Dust and Sand

Range: 90 feet
Duration: 80 minutes
Base Chance: 72%
Resist: None
Target: Area
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the spell, Wall of Dust and Sand. This spell summons and binds together particles of dust and sand to create a wall with the strength and solidity of sandstone. The wall may be 15' tall 20' long 1' thick; or a ring 10' high with a 10' diameter; or a pillar 15' high with a 4' diameter. The Adept may increase any dimension by 1' / Rank.
The Adept determines the position and orientation of the Wall, but at least one edge must be affixed to a solid surface. The fixed edge of the wall will bind fast to the adjacent surface, and can support the rest of the wall. Any entity that is in the area of the wall when it is cast will be ejected to the closest point outside the wall - if this is impossible, the wall will not appear.
The wall may be destroyed by inflicting 100 points of damage, or a 5' x 5' x 5' hole may be caused by inflicting 50 points of damage.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Binding & Animating 525sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Invested Weapon of Flames

Range: 40 ft
Duration: 12 minutes
Base Chance: 61%
Resist: Passive
Target: Weapon
Effects:This rounded river stone contains a charge of Weapon of Flames. When it is triggered on a weapon within range, it will burst into flames without causing harm to it or its wielder. The Strike Chance is increased by 8 and damage is increased by 4. Against entities which are creatures of cold or water, or against the Undead, damage increases to +7. A missile may be a target of this spell, but not a missile thrower, i.e. an arrow is a legal target, but not a bow.
The Base Chance on the spell is modified by the Caster's MA, fire bonuses and Enchantment, not the one who triggers it.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Fire 1,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Dust of Healing

This dust may be used in the place of herbs when casting the Healing Spell of the College of Earth Magics. This healing will take place immediately (during Pulse).

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Earth 500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Holocaust Ash

This barrel weighs 25 lbs, and contains enough ash to create 50 Holocaust Remnants from the cremated remains of the victims of the Reich.
Holocaust Remnants can be given a feeble and shambling semblance of life by casting Animation of the Dead, Ritual of Binding Fire or Animating Objects upon them. As many as 3 (+1 per Rank) may be animated at a single casting, and they will have the following characteristics:

Once the duration of the animation expires, their forms will surrender themselves to ordinary ash which may not be re-animated.
They have no skills and are not magic users. They are unaffected by Grievous Injury. However, they can drift as ash does upon a breeze, and slip through cracks in doors and walls. They are immune to damage from fire, whether magical or otherwise, except for dragon's breath, which will inflict 1 point of damage. They are not particularly vulnerable to ice and cold, however contact with water, magical or otherwise, reduces their TMR to 1, their movement rate to 50 and halves their PS, MD and AG. Plus, it makes them smell.
Movement Rates
Running: 150
PS: 14 MD: 8 AG: 7 MA: None EN: 21 FT: 24
WP: 24 PC: 11 PB: 1 TMR: 3 NA: None
They may attack with hands (unarmed). They never use weapons.
Hands: BC: 67%, [D - 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Cruelty Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Calamar Phylactery

This phylactery weighs 4 oz and must be worn on the upper left arm to be effective.
The wearer may use a charge which will allow them to re-roll a percentile check upon seeing the results and being unhappy with it. If this is attepted a second time within 8 Pulses of the first, it will use up a charge but have no effect at all.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 The Abyss Magical Utterdark 10,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Gorgon Amulet

This amulet stores a Pulse of the wearer's time, which may be spent at a later time. The amulet must be used no later than the following Pulse, and it will reset events for the wearer as if the Pulse had not happened.
While the Pulse is stored in the amulet, the wearer is detectable to entitis and processes which are sensitive to such things. The player of the amulet decides when to use it, and once used it is gone.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Eternal 10,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Flint Spear of Flames

This spear weighs 5 lbs. The base Strike Chance is 60% and the base Damage Modifier is 5.
When a Spell of Diamond Weapon is cast upon it, the spear head bursts into flames, increasing the Strike Chance by 5 (+1 per Rank), raising the Damage Modifier by 1 for every 2 Ranks, for the duration.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Flint Fire 8,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Flint Spear of Splintering

This spear weighs 3 lbs. The base Strike Chance is 50% and the base Damage Modifier is 3.
It is a legal target for a Spell of Diamond Javelins, which will Invest it cost. The spell may be released as a Cast Action, not a Trigger Action.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Flint Fire 8,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Red Harvest

This weapon weighs 7 lbs, requires PS of 14 and MD of 15. The edge of the blade is reversed, it has a base Strike Chance of 70% and a base Damage of 2 rollup D10.
If it is attached to Eisenkind Armour, it may fold out into a Battle Scythe, which requires a Free Act. The scythe has a base Strike Chance of 70%, but the Damage Modifier is +3. The scythe may only be wielded 2-handed and by a giant, the PS requirement being 24.

It is considered a B class pole weapon, and the wielder may attack at Extended Range, i.e. 1 hex beyond the adjacent hex.

  • Scything Charge Attack: The wielder may move their TMR or less and make an attack against anything adjacent to them as they pass by. There is no +20 bonus to the Strike Chance as a result of Charging, on the other hand, there is no penalty, either.
  • Multi-Hex Sweep Attack: The wielder may attack anything in their front arc that is within Extended Range of them at a penalty to the Strike Chance of 20.

Red Harvest will accept weapon spells in either of its forms, the effects being standard as a sabre. However, as a scythe the bonus damage is read as a Penetration factor. Thus, a weapon spell that increases damage by 3 instead reduces an opponent's Protection by a like amount.
Damage is inflicted directly to EN on a roll of 15% of the modified Strike Chance as usual. However possible Specific Grievous Injuries may be inflicted on a roll of 10% of the modified Strike Chance.
Whenever an opponent takes damage to EN, the entire blade turns a brooding shade of dark red.
Rank with this weapon (in either of its forms) may be achieved by advancing Sabre. For the purposes of advancing the Warrior Skill, it counts as both a 1 handed B class sword and a 2 handed B class pole weapon.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Cruelty 17,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This flail weighs 4 lbs. The base Strike Chance is 66 and the Damage Modifier is +5. It may not be broken as a result of over-strengthing. It is a legal target for weapon spells and may be Ranked to 8 at a cost of

Rank Exp
6 2900
7 5400
8 10100

This Rank may be applied to any Morningstar.
The wielder's Strike Chance with this weapon increases by 20 against an opponent who is wielding a main-gauche, +10 against an opponent wielding a shield.
This flail has the special property that it never inflicts less damage than it has previously, unless the target has changed. The wielder's player must record the value rolled on D10. The next time the weapon strikes, the result of the D10 is either the recorded number or the new number, whichever is greater.

The wielder successfully strikes and rolls D10, getting a 5 (which is added to their damage modifiers). If, on a subsequent strike they roll 3, then the roll is considered to be a 5. If the the roll is an 8, then this is applied and recorded, since 8 is greater than 5.

The recorded value resets every time the wielder changes targets.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Certainty 12,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Sharp Glance

This dagger weighs 10 oz. The base Strike Chance is 40% and the Damage Modifier is +3.
If the wielder attacks their opponent from a rear hex, then they may subtract their Rank in Dagger from the result of the Strike Check which stacks with the die roll modification from Assassin. In addition, if the Strike Check falls within 10% of the modified Strike Chance, then the result of 2 D10 is summed to determine the Possible Specific Grievous Injury.

The dagger may not be sheathed, but it can be concealed by driving it, by the point, into the wielder's eye, which will become violet but do it no harm.
The Adept may invest Evil Eye in the amethystine pommel stone by means of Ritual Spell Preparation and spending the FT, which always works. On the next successful Strike Check, they may unleash the spell against their opponent by making a Cast Check which requires no Action, but may fail or backfire.
Finally, it is a spell rack and contains an incantation of Walking Unseen, Unremarkable Appearance

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Cruelty 16,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

The Closer of Ways

This bronze khopesh weighs 6 lbs. The base Strike Chance is 79 and the Damage is 2 rollup D10 + 2. It is treated as a hand and a half and it may not be broken as a result of over-strengthing. .
When this weapon is wielded, no magic that Teleports, Banishes, Summons, Gates, Calls or Sends may depart from or terminate in its megahex. This will affect a Rune Portal while it is within the khopesh's area of effect.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Ways 16,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Gate Keeper

This tulwar is made from an unknown, blue metal. It weighs 3 lbs. The base Strike Chance is 63% and the Damage is + 4.
It will only accept a Weapon of Flames spells, but in that case,

the Cast Chance is increased by 10
the spell costs 1 less FT
the D10 becomes rollup

It may not be broken as a result of over-strengthing.
This weapon may be touched to a portal or gate, and if the wielder spends 2 FT, they may close and lock it as if they had cast a spell of Mage Lock. The Rank of the Lock is equal to twice the wielder's Rank with Tulwar.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Firmament Magical Fire Gates 8,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Calamar Robes

These heavy, brocaded robes have a weight factor of 2, and will fit anyone of size 6. They may be cut down to fit anyone smaller, at a cost of 2,000sp per size category reduced.
There is no penalty to AG, but Stealth is penalised by 10 because of the gaudy colours. They offer Protection of 3 and reduce physical damage by 4. Thus, they will entirely protect the wearer from a FT blow that inflicts 7 damage. In addition, they provide Spell Armour 8.
The wearer subtracts 5 from the result of a Magical Resistance Check. This will stack with other subtracters unless this is specifically denied. If the result of the die roll modifies to 01 or less, then not only is the magic entirely resisted, but it is dissipated in the hex they are standing in. In such cases, they may take no damage at all from magic like Dragonflames, or entirely ignore the effects of Agony, etc. Because of this ability, they are always entitled to a Magic Resistance check, even when none is normally allowed. However, in such cases, they only resist on a roll that modifies to 01 or less.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 The Abyss Formerly living Calamar 13,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Eisenkind Armour

This partial plate armour can be worn by anyone of size 9. It has a weight factor of 6, reduces AG by 2, and penalises Stealth by 20 except at night when the penalty is 10. The armour may be donned by releasing a special catch and climbing inside (or out). This process takes 1 Free Act and 4 Pass Actions.
It provides 5 Protection, and reduces damage from physical attacks by 5, so that a FT blow of 10 or less is ignored. It also gives the wearer 10 Spell Armour.
The armour protects the wearer's mind and personality (+10 Magic Resistance against magic that Charms, Fears, Compels, Hypnotises, Controls, Binds, reads, alters or attacks the mind).

The glass of the visor has special properties. When it is lowered over the wearer's eyes, the wearer:

  • has their PC value reduced by 10
  • becomes immune to the Specific Grievous Injury: 13: Your opponent's weapon has entered your eye...
  • may, within 120 feet, see things that are Walking Unseen, Invisible and Blended if Rank in Infravision is equal or greater.*

*Abilities that conceal heat signatures will defeat this, at the DM's discretion.
A handle is attached to an assembly mounted on the right shoulder, which runs about half way down the back. If the handle is pulled, which will require PS of 27 and a Prepare Action spent, this will arm the device, which will load a small stone or bullet from a magazine which will hold 12 such missiles at a time, before it must be reloaded. If the missile is loosed in the next Pulse, the Damage Modifier is D+6. For every Pulse loosing the missile is delayed, the Damage Modifier is reduced by 1. The base Strike Chance is 50, range is 60 Hexes, and it is treated in all other ways as if it were a Sling.
Although the armour looks metallic, it is, in fact, made from glass, albeit glass that has made the intimate acquaintance of a powerful Alchemist. Repairing it will require a forge, the arts of a Rank 6+ Artisan: Glass Worker and an Armourer who can make Partial Plate. They may be the same person. It will take 3 days to repair a point of Protection, the cost of the materials being 400sp for sand, quicksilver and iron. Tradesmen will charge an amount in excess of this sufficient to make a living.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Iron 22,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Ring of Antaeus

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
While wearing this ring, the bearer is considered to be in contact with the Earth for the purposes of casting Earth Collge magic. In addition, if the bearer should cast Earth Magic, they spend 1 less FT (to a minimum of 1).
The ring is a focus for this Talent:
The Gift of Antaeus
Range: Self
Experience Multiple: 250
Storage: None

Immovability of the Stone - the bearer adds twice the Rank of this Talent to resist anything which might knock them back, down or lift them off the ground. (e.g. Air Blast, Windstorm, Telekinetic Rage, Levitation, Earth Tremor, Smite).
Fleet of Foot - While in direct contact with the land, increase TMR by 1 for every five Ranks in this talent.
Strength of Antaeus - While in direct contact with the land, increase PS by one per four Ranks.
Land Sense - They have a chance of noticing that they have crossed the path of or are standing on something unnatural. The chance is EN + Rank. Undead, weres, summonables, some perverts and things from other planes are usually considered unnatural.

If the ring is lost, then the Talent may not be Ranked any further, but Ranks achieved are kept.
Mystic Groundedness
The bearer subtracts 10 from the die roll whenever they attempt to resist magic, making it more likely that they will succeed. It does not increase Magic Resistance.
In addition, it surrounds the bearer with 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the bearer on all sides. These will protect the bearer so that the first 7 physical damage points the bearer takes per pulse are ignored. This does not work vs any kind of magical damage, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries. If the bearer has some similar means of protection, then the greatest protection will apply.
Antaeus' Step
Each day, dawn to dawn, the bearer is entitled to teleport 15 hexes but no more than 5 in a Pulse. This requires a Free Act and behaves in many ways as if it were part of their normal movement, but with the following properties:

This teleport is additional to their TMR but is not considered TMR movement.
They can teleport in any direction, i.e. up, down, sideways, backwards.
This teleport does not attract penalties that using TMR can. For example, the bearer could specifically choose not to use their TMR but teleport up to 5 hexes to deliver a melee attack with a non-pole weapon and not attract a penalty.

If the bearer should choose to teleport to a hex that they cannot see, then they must Break 100: PC + AG + WP. If they roll 125 or higher, they succeed. If they roll less than 125 but more than 99, they succeed but are Stunned. If they roll less than 100, they do not succeed and are Stunned. If the bearer has special abilities or items that make them immune to being Stunned, then they cannot make the attempt. Special abilities that increase the bearer's chance of recovering from Stun work as normal.
Antaeus Strike
4 is added to the damage of a melee weapon held in the hand that is wearing the ring. This applies to 2-handed weapons, as well.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Feralie Magical Earth 50,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Plain Silver Band

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. For the magic of this ring to be effective, it must be worn on the same finger or thumb as another ring.
Its only function is to conceal the ring whose digit it shares. Neither will be revealed as magical by effects that detect magic, enchantments or auras, nor may their functions be Divined unless the rings are separated.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Concealment 6,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Ring of the Bound Ephemerides

This ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the middle finger of the left hand.
The bearer of this ring may not be predicted by means of Spell, Talent or Ritual.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Celestial 7,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Stone of Chantant'kari

This brooch weighs an ounce and is made from some dark gem. It has the Rune of Compulsion inscribed upon one side and the Individual True Name, Chantant'kari, on the other. This is the True Name of a demon of the Abyss and can be invoked for one hour in twenty four. It is not a willing servant, and must be Charmed, Controlled, Compelled or otherwise Bound to obey the invoker, lest it escape or wreak havoc in the attempt.
The demon has no Magic Resistance versus magic that Compels, Binds, Charms or Controls from an Adept who bathes the gem in the blood of a linnet on each Friday at dusk. If this is not done, it is allowed to resist the magic that binds it, its MR being 65. If it succeeds, it will instantly vanish back to the Abyss.
Chantant'kari manifests as a fighting chain, which may be wielded as if it were a whip. The base Strike Chance is 50%, and the Damage Modifier is a roll up D10. This is increased by another roll up D10 for every 10 points that both MD and WP exceed 13. Only Specific Grievous Injuries in the range of an A class weapon may be inflicted. Chantant'kari may be wielded to attack a target who is up to 3 hexes distant from the invoker. There is no penalty vs a target who is adjacent, -10 vs an opponent who is 1 hex further distant, and - 20 vs an opponent who is yet another hex distant. It is not a legal target for a weapon spell, unless that spell enhances claws, fangs etc.
The wielder may execute a special Grab Action, which is a refinement of an Entangle attack. This may be attempted vs a target up to 3 hexes distant, with the penalties outlined above. A grabbed object may be pulled to the wielder, or, if a fixed point, swung on. The wielder may cross as much as 6 hexes when swinging, subject to the DM's judgement. The wielder's PS is reduced by 10 when attempting to pull an object to them to reflect the difficulty of moving large objects, and Chantant'kari's breaking strain is 150 Kgs. If the breaking strain is exceeded, Chantant'kari must Break 100 + 30 or have its material form destroyed, forcing him back to the Abyss.
When Chantant'kari is the beneficiary of a counterspell, anyone who is grabbed or wrapped in it is treated as if they were standing in the area of effect of a counterspell. Like any other entity, Chantant'kari may be the beneficiary of General and Special Knowledge Counterspells of a single College.
Once invoked, Chantant'kari may not be called upon again until the next dusk. Invocation requires a Free Act and either an utterance if the ITN is used or a gesture in the case of the Rune.
Demons of the Abyss are not considered unholy and have no Generic True Name. They do, however, have Individual True Names.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Nualis Magical High Compellings 12,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Blank Phylactery

This is a scroll that appears to be itemised so as to form a brooch. A spell may be invested in the phylactery at five times the normal cost. From that point on, the phylactery can be read as a scroll (taking two full pulses), but instead of being used up, the spell will become reinvested on the following dawn.
The cast chance of the invested spell is the Base Chance plus three times the Rank. Bonuses from Enchantment and College modifiers are only applied when the cast check is made, the investor's Enchantment or situational modifiers have no effect. No bonus (or penalty) for Magical Aptitude is ever considered.
If the roll of the Cast Check should ever fall on a number fully divisible by 10 (e.g. 10, 20, 30, etc), then whoever is reading the phylactery must resist versus a Backfire, or the phylactery will be destroyed. If that number would be a success, then the spell is cast even if the MR versus Backfire fails destroying the phylactery.

Cast Chance:_______% Range:____________ Duration:____________ Rank:_______ Effects:________________

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Lands of Chaos Formerly living Spell Storage 10,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

A Stone from a Plover's Nest

This stone may have one charge of Invisibility invested in it at no cost. When the spell is discharged, it may be reinvested in the same way.

Cast Chance:_______% Duration:_______ Range:_______ Rank:______

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Lands of Chaos Magical Spell Storage 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Two Dimensional Flame

This two dimensional flame has a temperature that varies from -60°C up to 200°C. It may only be sustained while it is attached to fuel, which it will consume to sustain it's life. Fortunately, being two dimensional, its appetite is infinitesimal, so could survive on a lump of coal until the sun burns out.
It is a legal target for the Binding Fire Ritual, but in this case, Tsayoi will open a gate-like connection to the realm of Charm. It will take him 1 hour (-3 per minutes per Rank, minimum of 1 minute) to Cast the Ritual, and if he is successful, his height, PS and EN will be halved, while his weight (including his gear) will be quartered for the duration of the Binding. This reduction may be Counterspelled only by Tsayoi, although a Ritual of True Form will return him to his original size. Unless special care is taken, Tsayoi will appear as a somewhat slender and unusually graceful dwarf, with, perhaps, unfortunate preferences in pomades and dancing.
Even when the flame is Bound, if Tsayoi is in contact with it, he is considered to be in contact with Fire.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Construct Charm Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Seraph's Wing Carpet

This carpet is made from a seraph's wing. It is about a metre and a half wide by 2 metres long, weighing about 12 lbs.
The Adept must sit upon the carpet when they Purify. When they complete the Ritual, the carpet itself will disappear (and no longer count against their encumbrance). If they have at least 3 hours duration remaining on their Purification, they may activate the carpet. From this point on, their feet will be surrounded by an iridescent blue-green nimbus and they will leave faintly glowing footprints of their passing, the glow fading after a minute or so. Activating the carpet requires a Magical Pass Action, a point of FT and 3 hours of the duration of the Adept's Purification. While they continue to spend 3 hours of duration and 1 point of FT, they may 'tread the path of a seraph' for an hour at a time.
By adjusting their relationship with the plane they are on and those adjacent to it, the Adept may increase their TMR +1 per 5 Ranks in Purification. This will not stack with any other TMR enhancement. They may increase their movement rate to 440 yards (15 miles/hour), plus 30 yards (1 mile/hour) per Rank in Purification.
By continuously folding themselves into and out of a vaguely two-dimensional form, they may walk on air. They must advance along their narrowest axis, and this has the following implications:

  • They may rise no more than one hex for every two that they travel horizontally (30 degree rate of climb). They can descend one hex for every hex traveled horizontally (45 degree rate of descent).
  • While folding, the Adept's field of view is much more planar. In general, it means that they have difficulty seeing things above or below them (or to the left or right if they turn their head) which are less than seven hexes away.
  • They are much more fragile whilst folding. If there is a chance that they will be snagged by a terrain feature, then a Strike Check (Strike Chance - Folding Chance) should be made. If this is successful, the obstruction is avoided but may still cause harm as a result of the stresses involved in getting out of harm's way. The damage from being snagged is a function of speed, according to this formula: Damage = 3 x v(Adept's speed in miles per hour). The effects of being snagged or struck are resolved in the following way. Misses are considered FT blows, successful strikes are considered hits directly to EN. Hits directly to EN are considered possible Specific Grievous Injuries. If the Check falls in the range of a possible Specific Grievous Injury, two rolls are made. Damage is only applied if a B class Specific Grievous Injury is rolled. The Adept ignores all damage if the roll(s) fall in the range for A or C class injuries.
  • The Adept's form folds through planes that reduce their ability to avoid damage from heat or cold, and increases it versus lightning and electrical effects, as well as magic that attacks their internal structure, like Necrosis, Disruption, Hand of Death, etc. Thus, they may completely avoid harm from this kind magic on a successful MR check. However, their MR versus magic that heats, burns, freezes or chills is halved and the damage is doubled. Where Magic Resistance is reduced by the magic (e.g. minus 20 MR as a result of a triple effect), the halving occurs before the subtraction.

Although this form of movement might reasonably be called Flight, it does not benefit from the Adventuring Skill: Flying. The Adept, instead, must advance a new Adventuring Skill Folding: Experience Multiple: 125, Base Chance: WP + PC + 5 x Rank-speed in miles per hour. Each Rank in Folding increases movement rate by another 30 yards (1 mile/hour).

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 The Abyss Formerly living Seraphim 11,450sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

The Vizier's Carpet

This carpet is 3 metres long, 2 metres wide and weighs 12 lbs.
The magic in this carpet is a function of the geometrical pattern woven into it rather than the material from which it is woven.
When the spell, Instilling Flight, is cast upon it, the duration becomes 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank), and the Adept may always choose to end the spell at any time. In addition, the carpet has the following flight properties:

The carpet must maintain an airspeed equivalent to TMR 1. At altitudes lower than about 15 metres, the carpet cannot fly faster than the Adept's TMR. Note: it is much harder to change direction when flying at ground level and the DM will have to administer this. In general, however, if an Adept with 7 TMR is traveling at 6 hexes per Pulse northwards, and chooses to travel south, they will need to use 6 of their TMR to stop and then move 1 hex south. They cannot take advantage of angular momentum when flying close to the ground.

Maximum rate of climb is an angle of 30° (climbing at a rate of 1 hex per 2 horizontal hexes).
The carpet may ride an enchanted current at altitudes of 15 metres or higher, the direction to be determined by the will of the Adept. The movement rate is any speed up to 20 miles per hour (+2 mph per Rank).

Once a day, the geometrical patterns may be invoked which will cause transparent planes of interlocking force to rise about the Adept to protect them from physical or magical damage that is ranged. While the spell is in effect, the Adept reduces damage by an amount equal to the Adept's Rank with Instilling Flight each Pulse. This damage reduction is applied after Magic Resistance and before any other method of damage mitigation.
Although the interlocking planes of force have no mass, they are strong enough to make it difficult to carry other entities. Anyone other than the Adept must Break 100 + 3 x Modified Agility each Pulse or be thrust off the carpet.
The carpet is no longer a legal target of the Instilling Flight spell if it is rendered Invisible or Transparent, and this may have catastrophic results.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Enchantment 18,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Packrat Pack

This pack is made from the fur of a packrat. An object can be placed inside it so long as at least two of its dimensions are less then 30 cms. It has a maximum weight capacity of 30 lbs, although it never weighs more than 8 lbs.
When the owner wishes to reclaim a particular object from the pack, they must spend a Free Act or a Pass Action (or both) and roll percentile dice. If the result is less than or equal to 1 x MD, then they have successfully withdrawn what they were looking for.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Biologicks 10,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Demon Tongue Scroll

This scroll is large, being about 20 cemtimetres wide, the diameter being about 15 centimetres. It weighs 2 lbs. It is made from the skin of a creature that was greyish-purple in colour. At light levels lower than 25%, it sometimes has the appearance of the tongue of a large demon.
Once a season or adventure, whichever is less, the scroll can be bled onto. This will cost 1 permanent point of EN which can be bought back in the normal way.
Blood sacrificed in this way attunes the owner of the scroll to other dimensions, which increases their daily allowance of hex movement by 1, if that special movement is a teleportational effect (Antaeus Step, Combat Teleport, etc).

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic

Value Cursed GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Abysmal

Jim Arona 021-076 9376

A Hunting Scene

This oil painting is 12 ft long by 8 feet high and is contained in an ornate gilt frame. It weighs 18 lbs.
Whoever regards this painting with due deliberation and solemnity (which will take 3 hours) and spends 1 EN (which may be bought back in the usual way), can, at a later time, improve their effectiveness at tracking as if their Rank in Ranger had increased by 3. This effect lasts until the next dusk or dawn, whichever comes first.
There is a chance that the painting will develop an eerie semblance of sentience and in this case, the benefit to tracking will be lost forever. 10 is added to a base chance of -15 for every point of EN that the painting devours. If the base chance is sub-zero, no check is made. The chance resets on the turn of the season.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Enchantment 7,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Calamar Belt

This belt weighs 3 lbs. The weight of the wearer is reduced to a third (without affecting their Encumbrance penalties, which are calculated normally).
The duration of a Telekinesis spell cast on the wearer becomes 10 (+10 minutes per Rank).

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 The Abyss Formerly living Calamar 8,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Counterspell Wand

This unusual wand of crystals is 30 cms long and weighs ¼ lb.
The wand allows an Adept to Rank any counterspell they know. While they are not wielding the wand, the effects of Rank are lost except that if the Counterspell has been Ranked higher than 5, then it no longer counts against the Adept's Magical Aptitude.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Enhancement 10,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Telekinesis Wand

This wand of horn is 30 cms long and weighs ¼ lb.
The wand changes the way the duration of the Telekinesis spell is determined so that there is no Concentration component.
An object that weighs 2 lbs or less may be moved telekinetically for 10 seconds (+10 seconds per Rank). For every 5 extra lbs that the Adept wishes to move, the duration is reduced by 10 seconds.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Enhancement 8,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Demon-Skin Gloves

These leather gloves weigh 8 oz. When worn, they allow the wearer to touch or be touched by Dark Sphere and effects that Disintegrate, Annihilate or that are similar.


This only applies to their hands, if they are touched in other places, then the effects are applied normally.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 The Abyss Formerly living Abysmal 12,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Demon-Skin Soles

These soles have been attached to this footwear. When worn, they allow the wearer to walk or run on floors which Disintegrate, Annihilate, made of the same material as a Dark Sphere or similar.


This only applies to their soles of their feet, if they are touched in other places, then the effects are applied normally.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 The Abyss Formerly living Abysmal 4,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Library Chair

This wooden chair is 32 inches high, 28 inches wide and 22 inches deep. It weighs 15 lbs.
It will cleanse the occupant's mind of the effects of Hypnotism, Enchanted Sleep, Compelling Obedience, Mental Attack, Fear, Charm, Control Entity, Domination, Suggestion, Hallucination and other spells that affect the workings of the mind or personality. For each minute that the occupant sits in the chair, spell by spell, the Rank will be reduced by 1. When the Rank falls below zero it will be entirely dissipated. The order of this reduction is by ascending order of Experience Multiple (i.e. Hypnotism will be reduced before Compelling Obedience).
Whoever sits in the chair is protected as if by a Mind Shield of Rank 6.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Psionics 11,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Bear Disguise

This suit weighs 8 lbs and will fit someone of size 9.
The wearer will appear to be a bear, without gaining any properties of the creature. The Rank of the Disguise is 12.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Binding 7,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Boy Disguise

This suit weighs 2 lbs and will fit someone of size 3.
The wearer will appear to be a boy. The Rank of the Disguise is 12.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Binding 5,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Jewelled Microfauna

Mechanical Ladybird

This small, jewel of a ladybird weighs 1 oz and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it may be worn as a brooch on the chest, and will provide the Adept with warning on the first occasion that it senses the approach of danger. It will detect this danger by Breaking 100 + Adept's PC + Rank in Animating Objects. Once it has alerted the Adept, it will become quiescent and cannot be animated again until (24 - Rank) hours have passed.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Mechanical 3,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Mechanical Wasp x 12

These small, jewels of wasps weighs 1 oz each and are legal targets for the Animating Objects spell when they are worn as brooches on the chest or cloak. Wearing them makes the Adept look unusual and memorable, and no more than 5 may be worn at a time. A Pass Action is required to attach each wasp.
When one is thus animated, it will fly to an object or entity who is within range (of the spell) and inflict [D-4]+ Rank magical damage unless they Resist. As many as one object or entity per 4 Ranks may be targeted by a single casting of the spell, and an object or entity may not be targeted more than once by a single casting of the spell.
Once they have delivered their payload, the wasps will fly back to the Adept unless otherwise prevented, whereupon the animating magic will dissipate. They will not be legal targets of an Animating Objects spell until the Adept has Purified with them.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Mechanical 3,600sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Mechanical Butterfly

This small, jewel of a butterfly weighs 1 oz each and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it will fly with a movement rate of 700 yards per minute. When it is

in a natural environment

it may Blend (at the Rank of the Animating Objects spell). If the Adept is within 15 feet (+15 ft/Rank of the spell), then the butterfly will send them visual images of what is in its field of view. It may only send Rank minutes of visual imagery back to the Adept. Although this does not have to be continuous, parts of a minute are considered to have taken a full minute.
At any time, the butterfly can be directed to retrace its route when the Adept wants it to return, so long as the duration of the Animating Objects spells remains.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Mechanical 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

 Mechanical Spider

This bronze casting of a spider weighs 3 lbs and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it will have a movement rate of 250 yards per minute along the ground, vertical surfaces, walls and ceilings. Its TMR is 5.
It is hollow, and its abdomen contains a reservoir into which blade venom may be poured.

PS: 6 MD: 15 AG: 18 MA: None EN: 15 FT: 18
WP: 15 PC: 11 PB: 4 TMR: 5 NA: 0*

*Note that the natural armour is solid bronze and therefore reduces all damage by 6.

Bite. Poison may occur after effective damage.
Bite: BC 25%, [1 rollup D] , Close, Rank =1 per 2 Ranks in spell.

Poison damage occurs when damage is inflicted to EN, and is determined by the blade venom poured into the reservoir.
The spider may be thrown as if it were a grenado, and the contents of the reservoir activated at the Adept's discretion (requiring a Pass Action). The spider has no special protection from the consequences of this activation, although being made from solid bronze, it is reasonably robust and will be unlikely to suffer any harm from the workings of Greek Fire or Methane. The DM will have to adjudicate when the preparation is of a more excitatory nature.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Mechanical 2,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376



Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Lore of the Healing Herbs

Serra has learnt how to prepare healing herbs (Rank 3 Herbalist). These require uncommon herbs, and do not require any time to prepare, however, their efficacy will be lost if they are not used within Rank x 2 days.
If these herbs are used when casting a Healing spell of the College of Earth Magic, the target will be cured of 3 (+ 1 per Rank in the Healing spell) damage on the instant that the Cast Check is made.
EN damage is restored first, wrapping to FT damage. FT lost to tiredness, exhaustion or spell casting will not be cured.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Bitten by a Radiant and Active Packrat

As a result of being bitten by a faintly glowing and possibly rabid packrat, Roderigo has been afflicted with an unusual disease from which he has recovered. Although not, it seems, without some deviations from the norm, such deviations being entirely hypothetical, given the dissolute nature of the hobbit in question.
He may swarm up vertical surfaces and ceilings at half (rounding down) his normal TMR and a movement rate of 200 yards per minute. He may cling to these surfaces at his modified PS value.
In addition, in a situation where he believes himself to be in peril of his life and that there is no means of escape, then:

  • he is immune to any ability that causes Fear or Awe
  • he may not be Stunned
  • he will not lose consciousness until his EN is reduced to -6 or less.

Once he has entered this state of mind, he will not leave it until a number of Pulses equal to his WP have passed, and this ability may not be used again until he has a) Purified and b)observed a dawn.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Biologicks px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Sword Blessing of the Flames

This sword has been blessed by the Lady Angharad.
If the Adept Purifies with the blade so that they may Cast Weapon of Flames on it without a Magical Prepare Action, and at the same time that they draw it.
Once the spell has been Cast in this way, the abilitiy is lost until the Adept Purifies with the sword again.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Tanuel Meta magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Sword Blessing of Enchantment

This sword has been blessed by the Lady Angharad.
If the Adept Purifies with the blade so that they may Cast Enchanted Weapon on it without a Magical Prepare Action, and at the same time that they draw it.
Once the spell has been Cast in this way, the abilitiy is lost until the Adept Purifies with the sword again.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Tanuel Meta magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Sword Blessing of the Stone

This sword has been blessed by the Lady Angharad.
If the Adept Purifies with the blade so that they may Cast Diamond Weapon on it without a Magical Prepare Action, and at the same time that they draw it.
The sword gains a bonus to Strike Chance of 5 (+1 per Rank), and increases it's Penetration. This does not increase damage, but, instead, sharpens the blade so that 1 per 3 Ranks of the Protection value of armour are ignored. When the spell is Rank 10, the chance to inflict damage directly to EN is increased to 20% of the modified Strike Chance. At Rank 20, the chance to inflict possible Specific Grievous Injuries on 10% of the modified Strike Chance.
Once the spell has been Cast in this way, the abilitiy is lost until the Adept Purifies with the sword again.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Tanuel Meta magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Walking Unseen - Unremarkable Appearance

Name: Unremarkable Appearance
Spell: Walking Unseen
Effects: The target of this incantation of Walking Unseen is not concealed by the magic. However, they are less generally noticeable. This does not entitle them to use Stealth in plain sight, but it does mean that if the target does nothing to attract attention, anyone who has seen them but does not recognise them will have to Resist or forget that they saw them. This MR check is penalised by the Rank of the Walking Unseen spell. If an observer successfully resists, then they may well remember the target if asked.
The spell always fails if the target does anything that would attract attention to them like drawing weapons or preparing spells. So will whistling, dancing naked on tables, or generally behaving inappropriately to the situation as determined by the DM. Casual physical contact, on the other hand, will not cause the spell to fail.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Feralie Meta magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Bubble of Force - Sphere of Protection

Name: Sphere of Protection
Spell: Bubble of Force
Effects: The Adept surrounds themself with a transparent sphere of protection which will absorb an amount of incoming damage equal to the Rank of the spell every Pulse. This sphere will last for 10 minutes (+ 10 minutes per Rank).It does not protect against the damage from a Restorative potion, poison or the action of a disease.
In addition, an amount equal to 1 (+1 per 5 Ranks) is added to the result of a Cast or Strike Check of whoever attacks the Adept.
Cost: 5000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 5.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Feralie Meta magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Control Person - Dominate Will

Spell: Control Person
Effects: When the Adept casts this incantation of Control Person, the target must be conscious, and the duration becomes 1 hour + 1 hour per Rank. The victim is compelled to obey the Adept as if they had been subjected to a Ritual of Binding Will.
Victims of this spell are never in any doubt that they have been controlled, and if they were not hostile before, they will almost certainly be afterwards.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.

Adventure Season Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Hypnotism - Suggestion

Name: Suggestion
Spell: Hypnotism
Effects: This incantation of Hypnotism allows the Adept to target and make a single Suggestion verbally or by means of the Telepathy spell. If Telepathy is used, the projection of the Suggestion is entirely mental, and the Adept need not meet their victim's gaze nor speak their language.
The Suggestion is implanted at the time of Casting, and the duration is Immediate, although its effects may last for 3 hours (+3 hours per Rank).
Note: Because of the indirect nature of this magic, the DM may rule that hostile targets may be affected by this incantation.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.

Adventure Season Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Detect Enchantment (T-2)

Range: 1. 30 feet (+ 5 / Rank) 2. Touch
Experience Multiple: 50
Base Chance: 1. PC + 3% / Rank 2. PC + 5% / Rank
Effects: This talent determines whether an item, person, or area in line-of-sight and within range is currently under an enchantment or magical effect. The Adept can tell whether the enchantment is a current spell or ritual, a warded, invested, or permanent effect, is contained in a trap or is a curse. A double effect will reveal the general nature of the spell (eg; defensive, summoning, damaging) and the effective Rank or remaining duration of the enchantment. In addition, a triple effect will tell the Adept the exact name of the magic (eg; Wall of Bones, Hellfire), or the College of the spell.
Once the initial, most recent, magical effect has been successfully detected, older enchantments on a target with multiple layers of magic may also be detected. This may be continued while the Adept continues to succeed in detecting Enchantments. However, only one attempt per quarter may be made to detect any given enchantment. If a new enchantment occurs, the Adept may attempt to detect it, though this in no way affects the status of the old layer. If an old, unsuccessfully detected enchantment expires, the Adept may attempt to detect any newly revealed magic beneath it.
If the Adept is in contact with the target then the base chance of this talent is the higher.
If Thaeuss would be within range or in the area of effect of spell magic, then there is a chance he will sense it while it is being Prepared. If the spell is Cast but is not preceded by a Prepare Action in that Pulse or the one immediately prior, then it cannot be sensed. If, however, the spell requires three Prepare Actions, followed by a Cast Action, then this Talent might alert him after the third Prepare Action. The DM rolls percentile dice and adds Thaeuss MA, PC and twice his Rank. If the result is less than 100, he learns nothing. If the result is 100 or more but less than 150, then he knows that he is within the range of a spell about to be cast. If it is 150 but less than 175, then he may choose to learn one of the general properties of the spell about to be cast: name, range, or direction of the caster. If the result is 176 or higher, he may choose two.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Meta magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Sharp Tongue

Range: 5 feet (+1 ft/Rank)
Duration: 10 minutes (+10 minutes per Rank)
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Trap
Target: Object or Entity
Effects:The Adept may cast this spell upon a sword, glaive, dagger or main gauche. The weapon will acquire a language and the means to produce speech at (Adept's Rank in the spell)/3 or (Adept's Rank in the Language - 1), whichever is least.
Swords do not have an extensive vocabulary, and their interests are usually focused on mayhem, slaughter and the spilling of blood. A sword that has had extensive training in Spy might be able to provide useful information upon being questioned, but such weapons are rare and are likely to have loyalties at odds with the Adept's.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Tanuel Meta magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376