Talk:Navigation of the Tides
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One of the few items in this Regiment that is 'false', or different to Earth, is the pattern of tides. The section Tides at any Place says:
First, on the open ocean, and at any atolls or other small specks far from substantial amounts of land, high tide occurs at a South Moon, and has variance of but 1 ½ fathoms from ebb to flow...
At any time there are two swells of high water on opposite sides of the globe ...
These are both false, because tides actually work on a local cycle - there are a dozen still points in the oceans, which the tides spin around, being high at one side when they are low at the other. (see more details) This is seriously wierd, so I went with a Renaissance mindset, which includes knowledge of tides being delayed due to coastal features, but otherwise assumed the tides rolled around twice a day.