Stitched Up

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Callas and Turf investigate an planar incursion into Phaeros for Madron the Astrologer.

14.08.810 WK

Callas receives a magic "scroll" from Madron. She then travels to Erewhon to collect Turf then use the scroll to be ported to Madron's pocket plane in the void. Madron reports an agent on Phaeros has detected a Planer Incursion Anomoly. The other plane is kind of an elemental plane called "Crypt" and is the plane of death.

We spend a few days with Madron before returning to Alusia. Turf then expells us to Crypt and we arrive in a crypt. The crypt is in a graveyard with a number of dead trees about. As we pass one a treehag attacks us. After defeating the hag we burn the tree and return to Alusia to recover.

Return to Madron to and get Destiny Scroll. We return to Alusia and buy supplies at the Guild. Get two potions of Necronegy (3,000 sp each) and six charges of Rank 6 Weapon of Flames (83%, 3000 sp).

Return to Crypt and after about 500 feet find eastern entrance to graveyard. The entrance gates are magical, with abjuration magic, containment, to contain death.

The path splits north and east so we head north for a while. We hear digging so scry area with Crystal of Vision. See cart behind a hillock. The area is a burial site and it is being excavated and the bones stacked onto carts. The excavators as "Flesh Constructs". All the bones are humans from around 800 years ago.

We head north and encounter more carts on the road being pulled by constructs. The nature of the animation is Taximancy and the MA of the caster is 45. They have been animated for approximately two years.

Continuing north more we spy a human like creature in Victorian clothing (suite and tophat). It is a "Resurrectionist". We avoid it and the path becomes a paved road. The whole area looks like it has be random dug up and about a third of the overall area has been violated.

The area becomes a town and as we travel north we are attacked by a Resurrectionist, four Flesh Constructs and and Exanguant. We kill the constructs and exanguant but the resurrectionist escapes.

Continuing north we reach a walled compound. It contains ghostly pale people, non living sentients called "Echoes". In the center of the compound is a square. it contains a kind of portal, half a dozen carts and a number of large files of bones. An skeleton in robes is standing near the portal. Also is a 30' tall fleshly creature with boney limbs. it has four arms, no head and a vertical mouth in the torso (a Gorgantuan). Also is a humanoid creature wearing a full length patchwork cloak and a wide brimmed hat. I recognise this to be a Stitcher, one of the minions of Mr Stitch. The skeleton (sentient animate) seems to be conversing with the stitcher.

We execute a plane to destroy the portal and the gorgantuan by getting an elemental to dig out a pit underneath the piazza and collapsing the area above it into the pit. This works and we manage to kill the gorgantuan and break the portal and capture the skeleton. The skeleton is called Rit'Dah the Overseer and is an Akaran. He was doing an inspection of the works required by Akara, which required as many skeleton to be collected as possible. Mr Stitch had been hired to do the actual work. The portal used to come out near Akara.

We return Alusia, then visit Madron then travel to City of the Gods. While there we are visiting by a Rag and String golem from Mr Stitch. We visit the Temple of Ra and talk to the high priest who says we need to talk to Karnat, the High Priest of Ra in Akara.

At the port the ship Flying Pig is there so we hire it to take us to Portal Araka. Get letter from Henry for Belladona. We get to portal Akara and meet with Karnat and an agent of Mr Stitch.

Because the Arakans were cursed they have become lost souls. Mr Stitch was providing bones to construct skeletons so the souls could be resurrected (ie animated) into it. Mr Stitch seems to be doing this to assist in support Ra against the Church of Apep.

We return to Alusia and then Madron to plan for further actions, possibly including working with Mr Stitch against Apep.