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Unsreimer is the Westernmost Aquilan County and is a great source of contention with Drakenburg. The County is flat and fertile in the Centre and west but, to the east the hills of xxx are rough terrain indeed with a huge range of mountains to the NorthEast where it leads into Jurgenmark ..
The great range of mountains is in the North, split into some distinct areas such as
- Drac Mountains
- Lothaire Mountains
- Noldyn Mountains
- Mt Ladris
Other elevated areas are the Hills, namely:
- Brandye Hills
- Garyn Hills
Then there are:
- Lake Dryued
- Lake Spree
- Ildris River
- Spree River
- Glayd River
- Ildris Vale
- Woe Fields
- Artzen Fields
- Drac Passage
- Glayd Woods
- Rond Woods
and more
- Arztenburg
- Badenbach
- Furstenveld
- Scoblestrass
- Ladris
- Spreedon
- Woevord
- Dydridge
- Ildris
- Lyrfog
Places of Interest
- Castle Ildris
- Castle Schyfeld
- Castle Badenbach
- Fort Atrzenburg
- Dydridge Castle
Rulers of the realm
- Count of Unsreimer, Count Tamas Nadasdy (Count from Winter 810wk) and Countess Anya Nadasdy (nee Gyorgy)
- Mychael de Hassel, ex-Reichsgraf of Unsreimer. Mychael abdicated in favour of Count Tamas Nadasdy in Winter 810wk when his health deteriorated and he had no other directly related males left in his family line. Mychael is now Lord of Hassel Manor in the 'back country'.
- Justin Oldenstein, Reichsfreiherr of Arztenburg
- Baltmund Kunesburg, Reichsfreiherr of Badenbach
- Conrad Januszewska, Reichsfreiherr of Furstenveld
- Charles Viarden, Reichsfreiherr of Scoblestrass