Slow Portal

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The slow portal to Elfenburg has always been a path through a misty swamp that takes 3 hours to traverse. Travellers occasionally report seeing other things off the path. One group reported walking off the path and using a special item/ability to follow new paths to another plane. Mostly people that wander into the mists never return.

The Guild end of the portal is at the back of one of the storeroom cupboards behind the kitchens. The cupboard is normally used to store brussel-sprouts (for their purported ability to keep evil at bay). Guild Security will usually grant access to any guild member in good standing. On return you may need to knock loudly for some time until one of the cook's assistants hears you and sends for security.

The Elfenburg end is an open arch at the end of a small alley. This end is now guarded almost full time by a mix of Elfenburg Guards and Beltan.

Summer/Autumn 813wk

The recharging of the Elven Ways appears to have had some impact on the path of the slow portal, on occasion it now intersects with other portals and paths. The following features have been reported:

The East-West Road
A raised 'highway' apparently heading east and west that intersected the path. Crossing the highway when it was empty, the normal path continued on the other side.
Magic cast while on the highway seems to take effect as some (presumably) relevant form of transport magic along the road in the direction faced.
The Stone Circle
The path rises out of the swamp onto low hill covered in brown tundra grass. At the crest of the hill is a 50' circle of large standing stones with 10' gaps between them. The path peters out as it approaches the circle but should resume on the other side if you carefully walk around the circle.
Stepping into the circle transports you into a larger circle apparently a few hundred feet across. The sky is dark, there are no stars but dim light comes from between the rune covered standing stones. Standing close to the gaps between the stones you may look out to what is on the other side, apparently 10' away but to magic it is infinitely distant. Initially you will see where you just came from and may even return there. Once you move away to another gap returning to the original one will not necessarily show the same place.
There are 12 gaps that appear to show random places on Alusia, stepping through is a one-way journey to that place.
The Doors
Sometimes appearing adjacent to the path, it is speculated that they lead to the Elven Ways, The Ribbon of Worlds, or some other enchanted portal somewhere.