
An extremely powerful female Demon with lots of odd abilities, who was a demonic devil, who was known to have once been a lieutenant and leader of some of the legions of Furfur. She has taken over the Realm of Furfur's in Summer 808WK. She is going by the name of power of Furfur Silguitia the 4th.
Earl of Storms and Lightning She appears as a almost female human who is covered in Lightning and Fire, with small white horns and a silver eye, and a snake for a tongue. She is a powerful demon who has worked her way up thru the ranks of Hell and is now in charge of the realm of Furfurs. It is expected that over time she will adopt more of Furfurs treats. She is already able to appears as a hart with a fiery tail. She may also assume the form of a angel covered in fire. The form is, however, insubstantial and he will not assume it unless somehow forced to do so.
She has the power to raise great storms. When she speaks, she speaks as thunder and the lightnings dances to appease his wrath. So great is the noise of her voice that it is painful to hear. She has the power to make men and women fornicate and perpetrate perversions the one with the other. She knows some secrets, including those yet to come, so long as they be of the mortal realm.
She rules of the demonic realm of: Ars Spirt Theurgia Lust Storms Lightning and secrets.
A guild party had dealings with her in Summer 808WK.
She also is noted in Dalran's investigation of Furfur's realm-Summer 808.