Editorial Room for the Winter 807 Edition
Quotable Quotes
Aryan: Have you already done it? Amelia: If I did, I haven't done it yet. WordSmith: Damn time travel, my head hurts!
Kit: Trust me, tie me to the mast!
Loxi (to Kit): That makes sense. Kit: Loxi's losing it. Tie her to the mast!
Amelia: I like Aryan's plan. WordSmith: Quick, tie Amelia to the mast!
Amelia: Kit should go with Aryan to keep him out of trouble...
Loxi: It was that fire mage that DF'd their own party. Motley: You'll have to narrow it down more than that.
Kit, (of Isil Eth, to Amelia): If you hit her here, you'll be faster than her. Isil Eth: If you hit my hair, I stop!
Silverfoam: We should assemble the boat. Kryan: I would prefer that we didn't get it wet.
Kern: How many legs do those bipedal things have?
Insidious Rumours
What's Hot, What's Not
Recent Adventures / News in Brief
Multiple reprts have arrived with the times recently of Calamar sightings all over Alusia. Combined with the recent 'Diplomatic' visit of a Calamar representative from the Swordsworld it looks like the Calamar may have plans for Alusia.
A guild representative today would not comment on the implications of the increased Calamar presence on Alusia and simply responded that the agreements made between Guild members and the Calamar were still in effect. Reporters from the times have yet to confirm the exact nature of this agreement but the basic agreement appears to be that the Calamar have agreed not to invade Alusia.
Guild members we spoke to about the Calamar had mixed views on the recent events but most felt something would need to be done about these incursions and soon.
The city councillors of (insert city name here) where several of the mystical Voidcruisers have berthed have welcomed the bizarre travellers as the human retainers and soldiery of the Calamar spend good money, don't cause trouble and in fact reduce crime.
The High Council of Eidolon have announced the formation of a committee to discuss the formation of a sub-group to choose the working party to design the calligraphy for the minutes of when they'll discuss this.
Halley the Huntress (an outstanding beastmaster) desired that her former employers be taught a lesson for incidentally selling her into slavery. The first kidnap attempt occurred before she even reached the meeting room, and the repetition became tedious. A direct approach was made to the Guildensterns, who proved to be neither knowing slavers, or kidnappers. Time-travelling dog-priests of the God she had trained were trying to prevent her accidentally preventing the God being constructed. Once everyone worked out what was/had been going on, things eventually sorted themselves out. The main pay came from taking on a side-job for the people who had been hired to do the kidnapping.
Guild News
A representative of the Calamar meets with Senior Guild officials (on Neutral ground) to lay a complaint of premeditated attack on one of it's researchers working in Eastern Alusia by a Guild Party. While the Calamar are still happy to maintain the verbally agreed to truce between the two groups continued attacks upon defenceless researchers will result in a diplomatic incident.
Blacker than Black
Guild security might have new threads, nobody can say for sure as nobody seems to want to notice or care.
A strong willed mind mage claims she can confirm this rumour, it is simply a matter of being sufficiently focussed on fashion. The new outfits seem to redefine black, missing the light in a way that normal cloth doesn't. While black always has style, they're hardly the height of fashion. Just as well nobody notices them, otherwise every guild member would start wearing black.
Calamar Invade Ruska!
Just back from the war, Count Aryan di Ebola has confirmed that the Calimar are invading Ruska (east of the Lunar Empire). While he has not seen any of the 'squid' himself, the core of the invading army is from the Sword World Confederation.
"They are doing some powerful magic stuff, with giant rune poles and sucking in all the mana. We would have flown up to deal with them except they are sucking up all the flying magic too.
The Ruskans are fighting well and we've convinced the Elves to hold off cleansing the plane of the human plague until after the squids are defeated. But we could use another couple of able commanders to lead them in battle." - Aryan
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Classifieds (Selling Services and Stuff)
Greater Enchantment
Lucius' Greater Enchantment
Are you feeling outdated and under powered?
What you need is a
Greater Enchantment
Only 200sp per cast rank plus the materials cost.
Contact Lucius in the guild kitchens for a rank 19 greater.
You decide what you want!
Player: Bridget