Resist Pain v 1.1
Resist Pain v 1.1
Range: Self
Experience Multiple: 300
Storage: Potion
Effects: The Adept is largely immune to pain. They
cannot be tortured or stunned by physical means. In
addition, if there is a chance that their concentration
may have been broken, 5 (+ 1 / Rank) is always added
to their Concentration Check. No matter what the circumstances
the Adept will always have a chance of maintaining
concentration. Like all magic, this talent is affected by cold
iron. However, for a weapon to affect the talent, the weapon
must be made of cold iron, must have done endurance damage,
and must remain in contact with the body. If cold iron is used
in the torture of a mind mage, the Adept adds their
concentration bonus to the base chance of resisting the
torture attempt.
The Adept adds 10 (+2/Rank) to their chance to resist magic that
causes pain (Harming Entity, Agony, Torment and similar magic).
If the MR check is less than or equal to half their modified
resistance, then they are entirely unaffected by the magic. Thus,
if they roll low enough, they will not be slowed or penalised by
Agony or Torment.
Finally, damage that the Adept has taken, up to a maximum of 5
(+1/Rank), is added to a special record called a Grudge Pool. This
in no way avoids the damage. However, the Grudge Pool may be reduced
by 1(+1 per 3 or fraction Ranks) and added to any successful Strike
Check. Only attacks delivered in melee or close may be so enhanced
and does not stack with the damage bonus of weapon spells.