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Orb of Ran
The object of our quest. More properly named the Orb of Reỉ-Ân-Nōh or even Er-yannich by misreading ancient glyphs in a dialect of dragon. This ancient and powerful item is part of a set devised to assist in the smooth running of an ancient Drow kingdom. But can it be used wisely? Its location is the subject of a cryptic poem. The Orb is related to, or one of, the artefacts that caused the corruption of the planelet of Ares. It is probably part of the drow treasures that date from that time, and include the portal bridge of Guido. These items were almost certainly hidden or transformed. Divination of Orb "They call it instant justice when it's past the legal limit"
This is believed to an oath-stone of ancient gods — severe gods of order. Whilst not as powerful as it once was when Gods freely trod the known planes of existence (e.g. Maximum rank is now 20), the orb is a dangerous item & an object lesson to guild members about proper &/or wise behaviour.
NORMAL USE 1. All statements made within 30' of the orb about oneself or one's retainers behave as if they are voluntarily accepted & acknowledged Geases ... although [it is suggested guideline to the GM] probably only future statements, promises, commitments & the like are actionable — including statements of intent and position for/against a certain event, cause, or action. This is regardless of whether or not the statement was made with sincerity, irony, or whatever; or whether the statement is heard by anyone else. Statements only have to be "spoken" [aloud, silent tongue, mind-speech, etc] or written. 2. The rank is writer's or speaker's MA-10 (up to a maximum of 20), unless specifically addressed to the holder of the orb, in which case the rank is writer's/speaker's MA-5 (up to a maximum of 20). However, if this would mean that the rank of the Geas is 0 or less, then that writer/speaker is too insignificant to be affected. 3. If a being dies while under any Orb geas(es), even as a result of breaking the geas, they may be resurrected: but they will still be under the effect of all their Orb geases; and will behave as if slowed; and lose two [more] points of WP; and the rank of the geas increases by 2 ranks (up to a maximum of 20) — Unless this would lower the being's WP to 0 or less, in which case the being is merely irresurrectably dead.
EXTRAORDINARY USE — only applicable if one knows the Orb's ITN 4. Should the possessor of the orb wish, they may commute the geas of any person within 30 feet. The geas is lifted as if fulfilled: instead the plane, or a significant portion of it (upto perhaps 20% of Alusia in size), centred at that point, is magically destabilised. For example, as with Ares, Elemental magic ceases to function and the alchemical nature of the plane is rendered much more inert. This is clearly the major power of the Orb, a weapon of social destruction "levered" on a technicality. 5. Only one geas may be commuted at any one time. 6. The possessor may lift the commutation, provided sufficient restitution is made to the possessor. Possessor must feel that they are getting true "value" in the restitution. Once lifted, no further commutation may be placed on any part of that same area for a year and a day (the second commutation goes ahead, however any area which is under "double jeopardy" remains unaffected)
Technical detail: Should the orb be in a portable hole [or pocket dimension, etc] accessible to whoever possess that hole [or pocket dimension, etc], or similar, it behaves in all respects as if it on the plane at the point where its possessor is.
Shield of Ran
The shield is older than the plane of Alusia. There is a tenuous link to the orb, but it is a lesser thing than the orb. The shield's magic is erratic due to its inherently chaotic nature - possibly all 'orderliness' has been transferred to the orb. Non-combat spells receive a 40% boost to range. Non-druidic combat spells can fail at higher ranks, or if associated with a power or pact etc. It is designed as a titan shield, and is very noticeable - all who can notice such things would. There is a very big doom associated to it. Anyone can hold it. The doom is to loose 1 point each from PS and WP in the first day following the desecration, and major loss in following days, possibly ending up subservient to a power of chaos. It seems to like being the shape of an orb, as it is difficult to change its shape away from that. The result of a divination is given here.
Portal to Ares
This connects Guido city in Bretlond, Alusia, with the village of Quorn on Ares, a sub-plane of 'Home'. The portal is in the middle of the very long bridge between Guido City and San Carlos. The portal is under the control of the Michaeline order, though Permission to portal is given by the Urielite Brother Leofrik. The bridge made out of stones used to make a magical highway from the coast to the old drow capital, which was in itself the reincarnation of a major portal artefact that was transformed into the road to hide it after it, with other diverse artefacts, caused the corruption of the planelet of Ares.
The preferred form of local transport on the plane of Ares. These ships float in the sky and are propelled by strange and arcane magic, possibly similar to those of Aelfheim. The ships apparently float by command and are either attracted to, or repulsed from, the sun or moon. Once the ship has enough speed it can tack, or run, at acute, or obtuse, angles. Cliffs may offer rapid method of attaining that speed - and luckily there are many high cliffs on Ares. The maximum speed is apparently the amount of windage the crew can withstand, so about 100 miles per hour. Some of the long-distance ships are fitted with strong boxes that stores a lot of wind, it is probably called a Cabinet for obvious reasons, enabling people to breath when travelling though the aether.
The military ships look like a shoe, with a bulbous front-end and a tallish rear. There are glass windows for the bridge as an integral part of the hull, so we can look all round - spectacular! There are adjustable vanes that affect speed and lift - and there are sails to help it steer away from the sun. The military vessels are very strong and could possibly destroy a city wall if flown through one. (Military vessels are built to safely sustain a top cruising speed of about 75 Alusian mph). Hobbits have small versions called scooters.
The Bretlond Ambassador has a yacht, The Princess Blade, that has recently been remodelled to have a figurine based on Isil Eth's features embodied in the front end. It is 70 feet long and has outriggers. It takes two and a half hours to travel the first fifty miles and then goes at fifty Alusian miles per hour. It is very flat on top so that people can lounge on deck, but it doesn't have the windows to protect the crew and personages from the wind. The yacht effectively looses 3 hours per day at noon if travelling east-west. It will continue to travel at about 10 miles per hour over the night time.
An aiership may be available from the military depending on the cover story. Could even hire one of the private vessels owned by a local VIP -- although it might be cheaper to bribe an officer to "field test" a military vessel, which occasionally need their performance extensive tested when newly commissioned, or when masts have been changed, overhauled because of rare ramming damage, Cavorite shields needing re-alignment, suspected "underperformance" of hull-integrity, etc ... (military speak for "there's a hole in my frigate")
Further details can be found here on the control & propulsion of Aeir Ships. The figures in this section are based on the Princess Blade, which is not the fastest or most manoevrable vessel.
Location Poem
The Orb of Ran was hidden from everyday use as the Drow Kingdom was over thrown. The location was given in a cryptic poem, that is known to all duchies - we assume that each scroll is actually a local manifestation of a single scroll, so that all are aware of what the others can see. The Azurians used their Item of Order some time in the five weeks before the Guild Meeting, which caused the location poem to change to clear common which suggests all dukes know the location. When looked at by the party, each saw a different poem - so it may be reader specific.
Ninishtar's Original Reading Blood Moon pyramid In deep southern jungle Best slaughtered at noon.
Ninishtar's Second Reading - after we arrived Blood-moon pyramid, in the wild southern jungle, best slaughter'd at noon.
Isil Eth's Reading (first version) Please, please, tell me now! Is there something I should know? ... See how much I'd die.
Isil Eth's Reading (first version) - after doom So don't say a prayer for me now; Save it til the morning after Feel the breeze, deep on the inside. Look down into the well If you can, you'll see the world in all his fire ... You don't have to dream it all, just live a day.
Wordsmith's Reading There's more to this kind; Of camouflage more than Just, Just colour and shape.
Motley's Reading I said it again, but could I please re-phrase it? Maybe I can catch a ride. I couldn't really put it much plainer, but I'll wait till you decide. (New moon on Moonday)
Amelia's Reading Where men are giants and the halflings are doubtled, there is it hidden.
Amelia's Second Reading First Voice: I never found out what made you leave, and now the day is over. Unseen Chorus: so soon just after you have gone my senses sharpen but it always takes so damn long before i feel how much my eyes have darkened fear hangs in the plane on the table, signs of leave lie scattered and the walls break. with a crashing within. it's not as though you really mattered to me. First Voice: i walk out into the sun; try to find a new day, but the whole place just screams in my eyes. where are you now? 'cause i don't want to meet you ... (Anyone out there Careless) Second or Third Voice: I made a run, I run out yesterday Tried to find my mountain hideaway Maybe next year, maybe no go I know you're watching me every minute of the day; I've seen the signs and the looks and pictures That give your game away; And I cut so far before I had to say. "Please, please tell me now Is there something I should know? Is there something I should say?" Unseen Chorus: people stare and cross the road from me and jungle drums they all clear the way for me can you read my mind? can you see in the snow? and fiery demons all dance. Second or Third Voice: When you walk through that door, Don't say you're easy on me. You're about as easy as unclear war (Is there something I should know?)
Loxi's Reading O Rose, thou art sick! Unseen Worm flays in the night, In the howling storm.
Sir Christopher's Reading Nothing holding me, just the company gentle, killing ... Don't ever try. To be anymore M--, you've got a lot to answer for. You unlocked some of the doors ... Trust you to get caught. Up in somebody's war, you'll come out; of it all, intact, I'm sure, Just. Remember what? Friends were put here for M--; You've got a lot.
Sir Christopher's (second) Reading - after the doom Nothing holding me, just the company gentle, killing the afternoon Don't ever try. To be anymore M--, you've got a lot to answer for. You unlocked some of the doors ... Trust you to get caught. Up in somebody's war, you'll come out; of it all, intact, I'm sure, Just. Remember what? Friends were put here for M--; You've got a lot.
Loot from Scrap of 14th Meadow
5 charges of Invested spell (sic) of Trueform, Rank 10, BC=55 otherwise like ritual True Form (R-6) Range: 5 feet Duration: Immediate Experience Multiple: 300 Base Chance: 20% + 3 / Rank Cast Time: 3 hours Resist: Active Target: Entity, Object Material: None Actions: Concentration Concentration Check: Standard Effects: By means of this ritual the Adept may force a target that has been magically altered, cursed, or rearranged into a form other than their natural one to assume their true form and nature. It will not remove effects that could occur naturally. For example, the ritual would restore the form of a human that had been cursed into the shape of a toad, and would return to flesh a human turned to stone but would do nothing to remove a curse of weeping sores or restore a lost limb.
5 charges of Invested spell of Spell barrier, Rank 10, BC=65 Spell Barrier (S-9) Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank Duration: 1 minute + 1 / Rank Experience Multiple: 300 Base Chance: 30% Resist: No Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap Target: Volume Effects: The Adept creates a thin, glowing, translucent wall which blocks the passage of magic. The barrier is either 10 feet high and 20 feet long as a wall, or 10 feet high and 5 feet in radius as a ring \\ The Adept may increase any dimension—other than thickness — by 1 foot per Rank. This barrier obeys all of the usual rules for insubstantial walls. Any magic cast in such a way that a direct line drawn from the caster to their target passes through the wall (from either side) has a 40% [(+ 3 / Rank with this spell) (- 3 / Rank of the target magic)] chance of having its energies dissipated. If a spell passes through more than one Spell Barrier only a single roll for dissipation should be made, with the highest dissipation chance being used. 5 charges of Invested spell of Bane, Rank 10, BC=55 Bane (S-1) Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank Duration: 30 seconds + 5 / Rank Experience Multiple: 300 Base Chance: 20% Resist: Passive Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap Target: Area Effects: This spell strengthens reality and stabilizes the mana in an area 15 feet in diameter (+ 10 / 5 Ranks) such that all magical Cast Chances are reduced within the area by 5% (+ 3 / Rank). This will affect spells and rituals, and talents with base chances. The spell has no affect on stored magics (such as invested items), shaped items, or magic without base chances.
2 charges of Invested spell of Dance of Swords Rank-19 BC=93
4 charges of Invested spell of Dance of Swords Rank-19 BC=93
Dance of Swords (S-5) Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank Experience Multiple: 250 Base Chance: 15% Resist: None Storage: Investment, Potion Target: Entity Effects: While under the effect of this spell, the target may cavort and leap with surpassing grace and extravagance by evoking the magic of the dance. \\ The target may walk and act in all ways normally, however, when they enter combat they may "dance" adding 2 (+2 / Rank) to their Defence provided they move at least 1 hex each pulse. If the target is unwillingly confined to a single hex (by the effect of melee zones for example) the target must halve the defence bonus due to this spell. If the target is unable to move freely (in close combat or stunned) then no defence bonus is awarded. The target may also subtract the Rank of this spell from the dice roll for any AG Check solely involving Agility (e.g., avoid knockdown, leaping pits etc.).
- 2 amulets of Luck
- 1 amulet of Elder flowers
- 2 amulets of carbuncle
- 1 amulet of Betony
- 1 amulet of Diamonds
The namer had a yew runestick that went with his semi-shaped hanger (only 6 charges left). On drawing the stick from the hanger it changes into a Rank-15 Runeweapon: hand-&-a-half, lasts 16 minutes, -10 to BC.
Namer had 3 *delicate* vials of antiPoL blade-venom last upto 30 seconds or 5 strikes (whichever is the lesser); hisses & bubbles on the blade. Namer's vials have strong cords attached & it becomes clear that a vial is intended to be tied to the runestick with several wrappings of the cord: when drawn from the hanger, first the vial is broken & the cord cut. If a blow with an A- or B-class weapon does effective fatigue or endurance, then the venom does an additional D+4 damage to anyone pacted to a/the Power(s) of Light [Greater/lesser], D damage to anyone who counts as "faithful" to PoL without actually being pacted to them; D-2 damage to anyone neutral/innocent to the POL; D-6 damage to anyone pacted to a demon. The poison does damage only in that pulse (but a new blow can do new damage)
Persons of Moment
Ares Peoples and Persons Employer - Her grace, Ninishtar, duchess of Armede
Ninishtar, Duchess of Armede (a province of Raniterre). A lady of discernment. Dark skinned drow, being a separate race from the previous owners. Cousin to the Drowkönig, King of Drowkönigreich - who is probably female as the court-form of drow is non-gender specific. An Illusionist, unlike most royal drow, who are aligned to celestial or the moon goddess (which was archaic even in the time of drow rulership. She could have been drowkönig, but chose another to rule, and went off to have a life, by marrying the Duke of Armede. She is likely to have a sexual child (which is odd as most drowkönig and close kin reproduce asexually). She is second cousin to most of the Royal Drow.
Duke of Neverre- A nasty piece of work, though pleasant compared to his uncle, the Dread Duke. His father ruled for some minutes following the death of the Dread Duke. The presumed opposition are presumed to work for the Duke. The opposition desecrated the orb and took it off-plane to Ares to avoid the doom - possibly led by a rune-mage.
Fey of Ares Humanoids living in or about the islands of the Candor Chaos on the planelet of Ares. Some dwellings have been spotted on the Ceti & Baetis mensae & the Ophir Chasm (see map), but are believed to dwell dugong-like beneath the water. They stand about 6 to 6 ½ feet tall and have no eyes, thin slit-like mouth and have an odd shape to their body. They wear only a skirt, and no discernable (mammalian) females have been seen, their hair is long, plaited or weird down their back and their skin is very pallid. They can project their speech without speaking loudly. All in all it feels like they have strong mind-talents. They appear to be similar to the "Alven" of the New Continent back Home, but even more spiteful, malicious, & uncivilised. Not a threat if you leave them alone; although there are urban legends that some humans have traded with them beneficially in the past -- but the myths emphasise that the fey don't value the same things that humans do. Major power seems to be sinking boats that stray into their territory. It is not advised to visit with them.
Ogres The ogres to the south are large humanoids. The priestesses have high-quality beading on their loin clothes, which sets off their blue-dyed skin to good effect. 4 arms and two faces (opposite sides of the head) mean they are hard to surprise, as they do not have a rear-facing, and DA as Oogres. They can evade and strike in the same action. The priestesses have reasonable PB as if they have been transformed into a travesty of human-kind. The ogres perform ritual sacrifice on top of the pyramids. The sacrificial ogres are male or old females and uniformly ugly, having the routine brown skin and two arms. The sacrifice is like a ritual dance, with each decapitation part of the movements, although they are careful not to throw the offerings on to the steps on each corner.
Hobbits There are hobbits in the northern parts of the jungle, just to the south of Raniterre. They may be arboreal.
Tall Hobbits The hobbits on Ares look like they have been stretched to 6 feet tall, but the arms stay the original length, which looks horrible. They came from the 'Home' sub-plane by aetheric ship, but now cannot go back due to their 'long limbs'. GTN = 'Hobbit'. We think they visit the 'ruins' or monoliths (big stones) fairly frequently but without telling the authorities. They are very careful about the monoliths.
Tall Humans Humans born on the plane of Ares appear to double in their size, to about 12 feet tall. Many work in the mines.
Rori Air mage provided by our employer to accompany us on the mission, primarily to assist in travel magic. Bit of a wuss really.
Gabrielites A hit squad of three fake gabrielites rode into Guido last moonday as if the hounds of hell were after them. They demanded urgent transport to Korn, not even waiting to check in with their local chapter house. Since found them to be Lady Lydia (rune mage), Hyssop (an Azurian Elf Mind Mage) and Rufius (tough fighter). 3 humans, who almost never spoke, and seemed to be a highly efficient unit; professionally non-descript, but had some good equipment. The rune-mage (Lord Lydia) was possibly a female in disguise, a not unknown practice. Colleges of the others unclear - one was probably a mind-mage. No indication to DJ that they were on a mission, but there might be good reasons why the government would want him to have plausible deniability.
Sir Cuthbert Michaeline knight at hostelry near Quorn. Bit of a gabbermouth.
Sir Guthlac Knight, somehow associated with the portal at Guido-city.
Brother Leofrik Urielite, permission holder for portal at guido-city. Permit has black border - some significance.
Mayor of Quorn Currently Veronica Speedwell. The mayoralty is chosen on merit. A better description perhaps is Guild Master, whose guild are guides and scouts. This profession dominates the entire town.
Living Dead The dust of Ares is toxic, causing deep wounds to become infected. Those affected fall into a zhombie like state, and are probably hard to kill as they don't realise they are almost dead. Brigands should therefore be avoided as they may be a band of Living Dead. The infection requires a Remove Minor Curse, with a high MA and non college.
Legate Senior military officer or representative, from a senior family. They are senior to all military tribunes, who are appointed by popular acclaim. The Legate who escorted me to the Bretlond Ambassador is Publius Aversius Lexicon, who just happened to be Legate to the 3rd Cohort - which I think makes him the commander of six centuries or about 500 soldiers and 100 auxillaries - so he must be young as most legates would command an entire legion with the senior centurion or primus prior commanding the cohort. The Bretlond Ambassador has the honorary rank of Legate.
Praetor The two praetors are magistrates appointed by popular acclaim from within the senior families. Second in authority to the two Consuls. One rules a capital, another rules the hinterlands, and others may rule a province as governor. Duties are probably limited to only resolving litigation or judging serious felonies.
Quaestor The junior-most officer to be chosen by popular acclaim from the entire populace. Quaestors joined the senior families in guiding the realm. Their main function is fiscal, although they could be appointed to do anything (at an appropriate level) including auditing or resolving a specific issue. Quaestors were often appointed to run the finances of a particular province.
Tribune Chosen by popular acclaim as a magistrate for a specific group (plebs, soldiers and possibly others). They are senior to Quaestors but junior to Praetors.
Military Tribunes were appointed by a general or the assembly of notables, to rank below Legates.
Bretlond Ambassador Count Don Jirraldo. A true Carlosile: all quivering chins, grotesque moustaches, gothic jewellery of diamonds and pearls, large baroque single earring, and wearing a Michaeline uniform of black. He is an hideous man of little merit with fawning or even groping manners and an execrable taste in wine, overwhelmed by his sense of self-importance and delusions of mediocrity. Or possibly a man of tremendous power and erudition well hidden behind a façade of licentious stupidity. He has an aeir yacht.
Fidelia Comfrey: Human sized 'tall hobbit' Ranger Rk 9; Herbalist 8; Cook 7; Healer 6). Her acknowledge spells are all Generals at Rk 6 except Enchanted sleep (10); Location (19); Invisibility (16). The specials are Ventriloquism (sp); Enhancing Enchantment (11); Enchant Armour (18); WizEye (16); & Quickness (7). She also has a spell that, at the cost of TMR, grants traction (cast on a voume or a person): it assists in surefootedness & leverage in combat, and even permits one to slide down clifs without reaching break-neck speeds. Her E&E talents (including DA & Sense Danger) are reasonably ranked. She also has Rank-11 Greater Ench & Rank-6 Crystal of Vision.
Locations of Moment
Raniterre kingdom at bottom of 'africa'
Azurian Empire country about where 'algeria' is
Drowkönigreich hidden city of the Drow. Ishiwara's establishment is the 'foreign enclave' where visitors stay.
Armede duchy of Raniterre. Has icy relationship with Neverre, and wants to delay the war for at least 18 months till the military training gives their army some certainty of success. They have a lovely fine silk, that is dark grey until dyed. It is used for dress fabric, rope, bags and many other items of utility. It is socially unthinkable to wear the silk undyed.
Neverre ducky of Raniterre. The duke recently inherited on the death of his late, unlamented father.
Pyramids Two 3-sided, truncated pyramids, about 10 miles apart. Located in Mistlond, about 500 leagues south of Raniterre. About 2 million orcs and ogres live near them. There appears to be a magical impulse to go to the western pyramid first, which is insidious and continuous, so the eastern pyramid is quite a challenge. The eastern pyramid is aligned to the Blood Moon, so it is best attacked during the day, but the doom is likely to start the following dusk. It has a large, spheroidal chamber, reached from the summit by a single turn, spiral staircase. A tall, drowish (male) statue has an over-large outstretched but empty hand (possibly where the orb was). High quality artworks adorn the walls, though the subject matter (blood sacrifice) is an old theme: obviously not a drow mural but it is trying teo portray an idea, if only we could tell what it is. The decoration is not essential to the room, which appears to be consecrated to the moon, as there is a stylised, horned moon. One panel shows another pyramid. There is human blood on the floor: fire, earth, celestial and air magics have all been used in battle here (MA 25). Wordsmith says many counterspells, illusions and Trueform have all be cast here, with varying success. The western pyramid is aligned to sun, so is best attacked at night, although the doom will start at sun rise. It has a similar chamber, with a drowish statue holding a shield (that glows). The statue looks like it has been morphed, or misshapen, like a wax (female) figurine that gets too warm. The panels show much better artwork - still horrid but at least it is art with brighter colours. There are illustrative scenes of blood sacrifice, and one where the pyramid is glowing (like an extension of the shield), indeed the surrounding area is shown in one panel to be devastated by a storm although the pyramid and immediate environs are safe - protected by the pyramid / shield? The female statue appears to be martial, and to represent chaos. The male statue is civic and appears to represent order. It is possible that the shield has had all of its inherent orderliness removed and placed in the orb, and all of the orb's chaotic nature may have been placed in the shield. So both objects are powerful, but are not aligned, nor opposites.
Guido A city with too many urielites and others, capital of Bretlond. They appear to control a portal or bridge to the village of Korn on the plane of Ares. The portal is opened at midnight on each moonday, but could be opened for very special reasons.
Bretlond Realm, formerly part of Raniterre and very poor. The Michealines bought the province from the demon-worshiping Raniterrans and paid for them to relocate abroad. The portal must be significant to the Michaelines.
Azmuth Abbreviation: Region of Ares including the Provincial Capital.
Capital There was lots to see as we flew over the city: we first cross vineyards, and then a ridge of stone, to show the city is built onto a rocky outcrop of seven hills: nearly all of the land is used with many storied buildings extending down the side of the hills and tall apartments in the valleys - a bit like MiddelMarchHaupstart but without the attitude. The best houses are of white-washed sandstone, sited on the tops of six hills, with a major temple to the dead on the seventh and highest. The weather here must be lovely as the government meets in an open air forum - which just happens to be where I got off the boat. Most people - poor and modest alike - live in lower reaches called the "Subura" which is distinguishable from the use of cheap, unwashed red sandstone. The markets and all things mechantile are down at the bottom where I guess there is enough land for warehouses and so on. The Governor's palace is quite nice with plants in pots (I am guessing they imported the soil as the local stuff hardly supports a daisy), as are some of the other better-appointed palaces, with some going so far as to import rose-tinted marble, possibly as a mark of respect for this rosey world but I think they would have shown more taste by building a folly at Home out of the material as a hint of their colonial service, which have extravagant spires and balconies leaning way out to catch any breeze that passes. There are slaves, probably born to servitude or possibly for being a pauper - I must write that it seems unfair to enslave children just because their parents were, but then I haven't seen any horses and humans like their luxuries. Quorn A village on the plane of Ares. A few hundred 'tall hobbits', mostly scouts for the locals, who act as guides for any 'visitors'. There is a Michaeline hostelry just outside. There are 9 clans, with the current mayor coming from the Speedwall clan, one of the oldest. Most villages etc are placed in a slight depression so that the light dew can be collected for waeter
A sub-plane or planelet of existence in the 'Home' plane - Ares is similar to the Mars of Alusia. There are tall Halflings, tall humans, normal humans and Fey.
Swords are considered barbaric, as the wounds become septic very quickly, to a magically enhanced plague that needs successful healing and Remove Minor Curse to cure.
The entire planelet is a place of power for Mind Mages.
Things weigh about half what they do on Alusia, and Alusians can jump higher and further than at home.
The sky is tinged red, and the sun shines but weakly. There are massive canyons, several miles high and stretching across the entire planelet.
The elements of aeir, eairth, waeter and feire are unlike our elements (and the Alusian elemental colleges of magic don't work there). People sink in the waeter, as it doesn't support vessels properly.
The food is edible but doesn't provide the proper sustenance - wine festivals are very good though. Honey and spices abound, and some even assist in wound recovery. Most plants are straggly, though perhaps from lack of water.
Ares was colonised by humans and hobbits from 'Home', a planet of several hundred millions. Most humans come here for 30 years and then retire back to 'Home' - few humans like Ares. There are some estates for nobles. Most middle to high status people serve a 'military service' and hence form readily available contract labour to undertake civic works, like building the afore mentioned estates. Ares is sold as the 'rosey world'. But most tall hobbits and tall humans born here cannot visit Home due to their stretching, and anyway they like it here.
The human settlers have a governor, military and taxes. There are special "wizards' Eyes" that stay high above the planelet enabling the governor to track changes, swarms of locusts, worms, ships and the denudation of forests.
All metals will tarnish, other than truesilver and gold, so it is best to store them in wax. Not a good idea to talk about the powers of light. There are fey and mind-masters in the high-lands, where the aeir is so thin few can live. There are large gliding insects. Sand resistant clothing is recommended for travel outside the cities.
There are no horses, but they use aeir-ships to move around in. They take about four hours to go 400 local miles (about 250 Alusian Miles), and several weeks to travel to the 'Home' sub-plane (you have to take your own aeir with you as you can't breathe aether!).
The trade of Ares is discussed separately.
Sir Hwan, Michaeline, gave the following advice on Ares:
- Don't wear or use edged or pointed weapons
- Don't resist the portal magic, as it transforms you into a local native, which may be why we can eat the local food.
- The Village of Quorn is on the other side, which is run by hobbits - these are scouts who see colours.
- Recruit a local guide if you leave the village as they are quite helpful and the place is intrinsically dangerous.
- Stay at the Michealine hostelry.
- If you have to leave the village, go to the provincial capital first, and use the order's 'legate' (local speak for ambassador or consul).
- Use the local coinage, which is gold - we can provide some.
- The gold coins are all identical, with a woman's face and the word "victory" written on it. The edge of the coin is 'milled'.
- Several golden 'slivers' make up a coin.
- Young local males hit people on the head twice a year in a fertility ritual, so don't object.
- Some immoral business practices do occur, and business can only occur on certain days, so check first. There is significant corruption.
- Punishments are traditional, so harsh but predictable.
- Take food, and some water, though the wines are quite good.
The Micheline order has been given permission to build a compound a few hundred miles away on an island.
There are no known portals off the planelet other than the Michaeline one, high probability that there are none, only reservation is that not all "monoliths" have been investigated. Monolith is the generic term for places that have tall stone structures, obelisk-like that are apparently remains of an ancient indigenous culture that has since disappeared.
[Carefully manipulated?] popular belief has it that the aborigines died out *because* of these monoliths. These often have an effect on those exploring them & civilians are not permitted near them -- for their own protection since they can unhinge the mind & often are associated with places that have high risk of "undead infection" and even worms.
Worms are rare native land-creatures that attack non-natives; often strong enough to kill an entire squad or two and engulf the remains. They are normally invisible; can be up to several hexes in size. They are called worms because they resemble a writhing mass of snakes when glimpsed at out of the corner of the eye -- and calling them voracious & deadly invisible tentacled devourers would discourage settlers & workers from coming to the Rosy planet. It is decades since they attacked any settlements. It is conjectured that they are mature forms of the "logoste" (a.k.a. "Gliders"), aerial creatures with dragonfly-like wings that occasionally swarm to the towns in their millions, but which are easily defeated by the military.
Trade of Ares
The trade goods and value adding of the planelet of Ares is fundamentally controlled by the weird elements that make up the planelet. The eairth does not grow good food, nor timber for charcoal fuel. The aier doesn't burn properly. The iron present is rusted. Coal is not reported.
Golden vessels are cheaper here than glass vessels, though we are uncertain why this should be, but glass is exceptionally rare and not used at all in windows.
Gems are apparently rare and more valuable than on Alusia.
Toys are ok. Musical instruments are poor, little beyond rudimentary lyres.
Fine leather goods are available - the use of a major stone-guillotine is obvious, as traditional shears would not work here.
Prospectors seek minerals with different properties but these are not very profitable ventures. Or perhaps they just don't pay much tax?
Spices are an Imperial commodity and is harvested locally, shipped to Home for processing and then some is sent back.
Other goods are sent to Britonnia, but little of that is discussed.
There is almost certainly a sub-trade run by the hobbits, and possibly another by those humans born on the planelet.
Collectively called "The Ruins" by the settlers, there are eight slender spires of stone, some 600 feet high and only 25 feet wide at the base. Inscribed with indecipherable glyphs. The monoliths appear to be made of rock at least as old as Alusia. There was a major change to its aura at about the same time as the War of Tears on Alusia, and the ruin got its cosmic 'tweak' - probably same time the elements went a little weird, which seriously affected the planelet and its ability to produce food. The Orb gave it a slight nudge last night.
The eight monoliths at this site form one artefact which act together, although each is unique. There are ley lines to the other monoliths on the planelet.
The whole place is now one half of a rune portal, probably inter-planar, and possibly to Nevere. This would give Bretlond pause. {Wordsmith advises that Lydia will have to make a corresponding ritual at the other end, wherever that is, to make the portal workable}. There also the namer ritual of exclusion with a duration of 19 days (= rank 18) (multiple species including undead, deamons, and some unknown nasties).
They are set in a circle about 100 local miles across; the centre of "The Ruins", so called, is 700 local miles West & 150 South of the Capital (about 440-450 Alusian miles between centre & Capital).
Apparently weird stuff happens if you go up to a monolith. The eight are uniformly arranged in a circle, but with the cardinal pints slightly out of alignment with true north.
The eastern most Monolith recently became self aware, in the last 100 years or so, and is a fountain of mana proving the magic for the planelet. Even Loxi and Rori can channel into themselves for the purposes of casting magic - they don't need to draw mana from the planes of air and earth as there is enough free mana nearby.
The monolith is intimately associated with the plant life of the planelet. The plants are low within 50 feet of the monolith. All vegetation in the ruin is one big, though low, plant with a single aura: magical and unique to this locale. The magic has been in effect for centuries or millennia, but has no effect on other sentients.
There is more moisture here than normal, which is probably due to the intense mana field.
Those that approach the monolith without resisting get an ability the magnitude of which is related to their MA. Those that fear the monolith go mad. Few hobbits go mad as they know what to do.
Magic cast at the monolith is at additional apparent ranks (like a special Enhance Enchant).
Divination of the Shield Item of Chaos. Non-combat spells receive a 50% boost to range — but the extra range fails maybe 10-20% of the time (whenever the GM whims that it should fail; no justification necessary). Its natural shape is that of a shield, suitable for a large titan but will adjust to fit the sentient user. It is not visible, but normally glows in the presence of "power": for example high mana, or being on consecrated ground. It also scintillates when magic impacts on it &/or its wielder. Upon announcing its True Name it can be compelled to adopt another moderately simple shape, usually something with protective overtones, anything no smaller than a thimble or larger than a medium-sized dinghy; perhaps, the most sophisticate shape being an animal cage. It will usually protect its possessor, or what it contains, & other in Area of Effect, according to the "level" of incoming magic. Roll once for each incoming magic, however the result may mean that all the protected targets must then roll MRs individually — or not! Total immunity: target is totally unaffected by the incoming magic, and can ignore its effect on the surrounding area. (Only with this result is the magic nullified even when it is thought to be beneficial) Semi-immunity: target can ignore the magic's effect on the surrounding area. If target is entitled to a MR roll, then no penalties apply [e.g. ignore -20 for treble effect; ignore any statement in the write-up that states resistance is at -20, or whatever] and target suffers no effect from magic if they resist successfully. If the Magic Resistance is a failure, or a MR roll is not permitted, then that failure is ameliorated: damage spells are halved; and absolute effects are reduced to a less debilitating form (e.g., not petrified, but slowed) — BDE as GM sees it. Does not affect beneficial magic. Save at +WP*: Each target gains a MR bonus equal to their WP, upto a maximum value of 35 bonus, in addition to all other modifiers. Non-sentients or objects get the full bonus of 35 — go figure. If a MR roll is not permitted then the MR is this bonus (but ignore greater, lesser, or other modifiers). If the MR roll fails then this item does not ameliorate that failure. Auto-work: oops! Magic works, automatically, at full effect. Possessor is not permitted a MR even if they would have been otherwise entitled to one. Damage or effect may not be reduced, even if under a spell or possessing some other item that would permit reduced damage or effect, no matter how powerful that other magic may be.
LEVEL: 0 or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 or more Total Immunity
Save at +WP*
auto work
100 98--100 96--100 94--100 91--100 89--100 86--100 84--100 82--100 80--100 78--100
Level is initially based on Rank: 0 if less than Rank 5; 1 if rank 6-10; 2 if Rank 11-19; 4 if Rank 20 or higher. The rank counts as the highest rank applicable to 1 or more aspects of the magic (e.g. Rank 14 with 8 ranks of enhanced base chance counts as Rank 20+). THEN add however many of the following factors that apply ... +1 magic is offensive; +1 magic could kill (if target sufficiently weak); +1 caster is under an "aspect buzz" (does not matter whether a bonus or penalty); +1 caster &/or target knows greater curse; +1 caster's &/or target's MA or WP is functionally above or below the normal range for their species [e.g. 5-25 for humans]; +1 caster &/or target is a namer &/or a dragon; +2 target is under an "aspect buzz" (does not matter whether a bonus or penalty); +2 caster &/or target is currently under a [non-beneficial] greater curse or doom; +2 caster is pacted to God, Demon or Power of light; +2 magic was gained or enhanced as part of a pact, gift, payment, or favour from G, D, or PoL; +2 caster is an other-dimensional minion of G, D, or PoL (e.g. imp, cherub); +3 caster is a G, D, or PoL. Terms "caster" & "target" are to be understood as loosely as possible. If Shield is covering several targets, then a factor that applies to any one or more targets counts towards the Level, but not multiply so. FINALLY if caster &/or target is on consecrated, holy, or unholy ground, double the Level. Normal Area of Effect is at whim of possessor: either their hex, or their mega hex (7 hexes), or 19-hex super mega hex; although an object cannot have a whim & only it is protected. Alternatively the possessor can whim to project a "wall-version" either immediately just in front of their hex, or 5' further ahead, which projects multiples of 5' on either side upto 100' (does not have to be symmetrical). Wall instantaneously moves as possessor changes their facing. Magic is considered to passes through wall as per line of sight, similar to rules for the namer Spell Barrier. Wall is invisible but scintillates, as per normal shield format.