Middle Kingdom Statistics

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This page is associated with the Ephemeral Elephants adventure.

Your Middle Kingdom Statistics

Except for special magical effects or items or stat-specific damage [such as the result of endurance damage in combat] ...
Your PS & EN should each be reset to match your WP;
Your MD & AG should each be reset to match your MA;
Your Fatigue, except for physical damage & temporary exhaustion, is WP+MA.

When WP or MA temporarily increase or decrease; so do PS, EN; MD, AG; WP.  Thus Mil Sci raise moral also temporarily increases PS, and EN ... in addition to any magical increase that may be in effect.  Purification likewise may increase MD & AG, although if other magical or quasi-magical effect in play then, on a stat-by-stat basis only the greatest beneficial counts beneficially (bonuses are NOT added).
Damage should be calculated as coming off the REAL stat first  -- e.g., having morale constantly raised by Rk 10 mil sci does NOT give you 5 pts of free Endurance every 2 pulses ... but it may keep some wounded characters conscious & moving when they would otherwise by down & bleeding to death.   
This may sound confusing, but is easy in practise ... especially as Heroes, & the like do NOT wander around with many weapons. 


Typically most heroes are well-trained in the "18 legendary weapons", but no REAL hero carries more than one melee weapon (or set of weapons) and one type of missile weapon.  Wearing many weapons is the most blatant way of announcing that you are master of none; you will NOT get any H/S/B combat bonuses and, in effect, even loose some initiative.
Don't worry if you loose the minimum stats to use a weapon: it is still used at your normal rank.
Thrown weapons:  any weapon not rated "R" may be thrown, but at an [additional] -20.
Improvised weapons: any object may be treated as improvised weapon, provided you clarly have the PS & MD to wield it adequately.  If it used quite similarly to a standard weapon you have ranked then use the BC for that weapon -10.  Thus the same hat-rack might be used like a glaive OR like a giant club, depending on the person brandishing it.  If the improvised weapon cannot really be use as a normal weapon (e.g., a bed) the penalty is usually -30 to -50.