Menolly's Award
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Menolly has spent 10 weeks on adventure and may advance Talents by 10 Ranks. By virtue of the magicks of the Bishop's library, she has 20 normal weeks of training which can be spent on the acquisition of 'knowledge'. Skills affected are Alchemy, Astrology, Mechanician, Philosopher or Herbalist. Training in these Skills is compatible with training in magic in this particular place.
Salvage: 17,563sp
Less Guild Tax: 11,477p
Scribe Experience: 250
Experience: 48,142
Return to Brides of Blackrod
Water Curse
This phial weighs 2 oz and looks especially innocuous.
It is odourless, tasteless and easily insinuated into food or water. Whoever partakes of it will become a great deal more casual and generally unsuspicious. This will make it hard for them to be alert for things like (but not limited to) attempts to poison food and so on.
Whenever there is a chance that they might become alert to a possible threat, they will automatically fail the die roll. This does not prevent them from noticing obvious threats like a green and smelly discharge on food, where, perhaps, no die roll would normally be required.
If the water curse is fed to someone who actually is paranoid, it will cure them of that affliction
Valuation: 2,500sp
Healing Potion
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without requiring a Prepare Action, so long as it is attached outside armour.
It will heal D10 +12 EN deficit.
Valuation: 800sp
Potion of Invisibility
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without requiring a Prepare Action, so long as it is attached outside armour.
The imbiber becomes invisible and may not be seen by non-magical means for 85 minutes. An invisible thing does not have a shadow or a reflection. They have no impact on their environment as a result of the effects of light in any form. The converse is not true - light still affects the target (e.g. may still see, be hit by Blackfire etc.).
If an object ceases to be a possession of the imbiber, then the spell will not affect it. Similarly if an object becomes a possession then the spell will affect it (i.e. an object put down by an invisible entity will become seen; a coin picked up by them will become invisible). Note that light may not be a possession: If the target is carrying a lantern it will be invisible, but the light it emits will not.
The target may choose to end the spell at any time.
Valuation: 4,500sp
Potion of Removing Minor Curse
This phial weighs 8 oz and must be Prepared before it may be taken.
MA: 28
This potion has a 73% of removing a Minor Curse
Valuation: 3,000sp
Earth Scroll
Chance: 115%
Effects:The reader causes a single target within 240 ft to develop excellent vision in the dark. Everything will appear monochromatic (ie shades of grey) and it is difficult to accurately estimate distance. At Rank 15, however, this is not much of a problem.
Some amount of light must be present for this vision to operate.
The range of the vision is 200 ft, and lasts for 16 hours.
Magic Fang
Chance: 56%
Effects:The Adept may increase the combat effectiveness of a single beast within 17 ft. All of the beast's natural weapons are affected, their Base Chances increasing by +13 and damage modifier by +5. This will last for 17 minutes, and while it is in effect, creatures that can only be hit by magical weapons are now legal targets of the beast in most cases.
Valuation: 3,000sp
Mind Scroll
Force Shield
WP: 23
Chance: 77%
Effects: The reader is surrounded by 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around them for 130 minutes. This increases their Defence by 17 against all attacks at any range or from any direction. In addition, the spell deflects the first 17 DP per Pulse. This only applies to physical damage and has no effect on magic etc, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
Valuation: 4,500sp
Kenite Scroll
Remove Minor Curse
Range: 5 ft
Duration: Immediate
Cast Chance: 72%
Effects: Triggering this spell removes a Minor Curse which has an MA of less than 28.
Remove Minor Curse
Range: 5 ft
Duration: Immediate
Cast Chance: 72%
Effects: Triggering this spell removes a Minor Curse which has an MA of less than 28.
Summon Enchanted Creature
Range: 17 miles
Duration: Immediate
Cast Chance: 78%
Effects:Triggering the spell summons 3 enchanted fantastical
Only creatures that are native to the area may be summoned. It will take them D10 - 3 minutes, minimum 1 minute, to arrive and they will be uncontrolled when they do arrive. If more than 1 creature is summoned, all must be of the same type.
Valuation: 6,500sp
Three Pair of Silver Talons

This pair of silver talons weigh 2 oz. They may be attached to a crow, hawk or owl. A creature wearing these talons increases their Damage Modifier for claws by 2 and they inflict damage on creatures that require magic or silver weapons to hit. Any Adept who casts Spectral Weapon on the talons expends a single Pass Action, not a Prepare Action and a Cast Action.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Immortal Longings | Spring 810 | Tanuel | Magical | Sin | 4,500sp | ![]() |
Staff of the Tranquil Glade

This ash staff weighs 2 lbs, and has a Base Strike Chance of 65%, the Damage Modifier being +4.
In the hands of a Pacifistic Earth Mage, certain spells may be Invested in the staff (by means of the Ritual of Investment) at half the normal cost, each charge taking 8 hours to store. Only 20 spells may be Invested in the staff, but any combination is allowed. The following spells or types of magic are permitted:
Counterspells | Healing | Trollskin |
Wall of Stone | Wall of Iron | Enchant Plants |
Converse with Animals | Binding/Control Animal | Converse with Plants |
D% | Incarnation | PS | MD | AG | MA | WP | EN |
01 | Hill Giant | +7 | -1 | -2 | --1 | -2 | +8 |
02-06 | Dwarf | +2 | - | -2 | -2 | +2 | +2 |
07-13 | Wolf | 10 | 18 | 18 | - | - | 15 |
14-21 | Monkey | 3 | 18 | 20 | - | - | 4 |
22-25 | Elf | -1 | - | +1 | +1 | +1 | -1 |
26 | Gnoll | 20 | 13 | 12 | - | - | 12 |
27-31 | Baboon | 12 | 16 | 18 | - | - | 6 |
32-38 | Gnome | 10 | 10 | 14 | - | - | 8 |
39 | Bear | 35 | 10 | 10 | - | - | 30 |
40-42 | Goblin | 9 | 8 | 7 | - | - | 6 |
43-47 | Fox | 4 | 18 | 22 | - | - | 5 |
48-52 | Badger | 8 | 8 | 6 | - | - | 6 |
53-57 | Orc | +2 | - | - | -2 | -2 | +1 |
58-62 | Boar | 22 | 14 | 20 | - | - | 20 |
63-65 | Hobbit | -3 | +3 | +1 | -1 | +1 | -2 |
66-68 | Goat | 12 | 10 | 12 | - | - | 6 |
69-89 | Human | - | - | - | - | - | - |
90-93 | Kobold | 7 | 14 | 18 | - | - | 6 |
94 | Suarime | 23 | 8 | 8 | - | - | 14 |
95-98 | Wildcat | 12 | 14 | 18 | - | - | 10 |
99 | Shapechanger | - | - | - | - | - | - |
100 | DM's Choice | ?? | ?? | ?? | - | - | ?? |
- The wielder releases the spells stored by using a Cast Action, they are not Triggered. The componentry required for the Healing spell is consumed when the spell is Invested, not when applied, so the spell will take effect immediately.
- The counterspells of one extra college may be cast on the staff, to the benefit of the wielder. This will not stack with any similar ability, however.
- The wielder is immune to the effects of the Hands of Earth and Earth Tremor spells.
- The wielder's passage is not impeded by plants, even if magically animated or enchanted.
- On Fridays, during the day, a way may be opened to a mystical and deeply peaceful woodland glade. It will take an hour to open the way, the entrance being about 2 metres wide by 3 metres high. Slanting beams of sunlight play over the glade, picking out the features of the place in shades of green and brown. Any object left there will be gone when the way is next opened. Any sentient entity left there will shed the trappings of civilisation and have the mind of an animal when the way is next opened. Entities of animal intellect are unaffected, except that they have no desire to prey upon one another, sustaining themselves on the glade's bounty.
- If the dead body of a sentient human or human-like creature is left inside the glade, then it will be reincarnated into a new form when the way is opened again. This does not reduce the EN value of the creature to be reincarnated. Instead, the wielder of the staff must sacrifice a point of EN (which is recoverable in the usual way). The incarnation will be found in the centre of the glade in a state of suspended animation until woken by the arts of a Rank 8 Healer.
The reincarnated creature gains all abilities of the new form, including movement type (TMR and movement rate), natural armour, natural attacks, racial abilities and so on, but does not automatically speak the language of the new form.They retain their PC, FT and their various abilities whether magical or mundane, although the new form may limit their ability to execute those abilities. They are usually able to use the languages they know, although this may take some practice, depending on the form of the creature.
New statistics should be generated for the reincarnated entity. Where the incarnation is for a humanoid race, the entity adjusts their stats according to the table (i.e. remove racial bonuses if there are any, and apply the new ones). If the incarnation is an animal, then their physical stats are as listed, but they keep their MA, WP, PC & FT unadjusted. All stats may be advanced 5 points or to the creature's maximum stat value, whichever is lower, with the exception that PC and FT. PC may be advanced to the maximum of their original form, FT may be advanced to the maximum of their original form or their new form, whichever is higher. If the new form has a racial tax, then it is applied from the point of their reincarnation. Animals do not attract a racial tax.
No magic short of a wish or a miracle can return a reincarnated entity to their original form. Such a remedy must be quested for.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | The Deep Green | Quest | ![]() |
Bathory's Veils

These veils weigh 2 oz, the entire set weighing 14 oz in total. They are worn around a woman's head and shoulders.
Wearing these veils allows the wearer a second Resistance check against that arises from, or forces them to perform a Deadly Sin. These are sins of:
- Lust
- Gluttony
- Sloth
- Despair
- Wrath
- Envy
- Pride
Tearing a veil is a Free Act.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Mind/Illusion | 1,000sp | ![]() |
Spell Rack - Menolly's Bracelet of Beads
This bracelet of beads weighs 2 lbs and is a Spell Rack,
The bracelet holds 3 amber beads, which Menolly can pass to her friends. These beads are legal targets of Menolly's Lesser Enchantment spell, and stack with it. This version increases their bearer's chance to resist Fear from any source and their Strike Chances by the Rank of the spell (minimum 1). This enchantment lasts until the next dusk or dawn, whichever comes first.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Meta-magic | 4,000sp | ![]() |
Jasper Dog
This jasper figurine of a dog is about 20 cms high and weighs weighs 2 lbs.
Menolly may permanently reduce her EN value by 1 (which may be bought back in the usual way), thus to bond this figurine to a non-sentient ally.
If, at a later time, she opens a vein and anoints the figurine with her blood (which will inflict at least 3 points of EN damage), then the pet so associated to it will be able to pass through a gate to a timeless realm. If they are already in that timeless realm, Menolly may draw them forth, provided there is room for them to manifest. In the temporal world, the creature experiences the passage of time and so may age normally. In the other realm, they are unaware of any time passing.
Anointing the jasper dog may only be performed once a day, from midnight to midnight.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Gates | 5,000sp | ![]() |
Jasper Dog
This jasper figurine of a dog is about 20 cms high and weighs weighs 2 lbs.
Menolly may permanently reduce her EN value by 1 (which may be bought back in the usual way), thus to bond this figurine to a non-sentient ally.
If, at a later time, she opens a vein and anoints the figurine with her blood (which will inflict at least 3 points of EN damage), then the pet so associated to it will be able to pass through a gate to a timeless realm.If they are already in that timeless realm, Menolly may draw them forth, provided there is room for them to manifest. In the temporal world, the creature experiences the passage of time and so may age normally. In the other realm, they are unaware of any time passing.
Anointing the jasper dog may only be performed once a day, from midnight to midnight.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Gates | 5,000sp | ![]() |
The Ararat Gryphon
This ivory figurine of a gryphon-headed man is about 20 cms high and weighs weighs 1 lb.
Menolly may permanently reduce her EN value by 1 (which may be bought back in the usual way), thus to bond this figurine to a non-sentient gryphon.
If, at a later time, she opens a vein and anoints the figurine with her blood (which will inflict at least 3 points of EN damage), then the creature so associated to it will be able to pass through a gate to a timeless, other realm. If they are already in that timeless realm, Menolly may draw them forth, provided there is room for them to manifest. In the temporal world, the creature experiences the passage of time and so may age normally. In the other realm, they are unaware of any time passing.
Anointing the Ararat Gryphon may only be performed once a day, during the hours of daylight.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Gates | 5,000sp | ![]() |
- Natural Habitat
- Desert Highlands
- Description
- Ironbeak is a large beast with the body of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle and back covered with feathers. He is about 5 feet long and stands man-high
- Comments
- Ironbeak prefer solitude and will fly away when approached if possible, but will always chase and attack horses (whose flesh he prizes). However, he is unusually ornery, and, once riled, does not need to make WP checks to continue to attack an opponent.
- Abilities
- Ironbeak has no special skills or magical abilities, aside from being aggressive. He is not sentient.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 200; Flying: 500
PS: | 36 | MD: | 20 | AG: | 20 | MA: | None | EN: | 30 | FT: | 35 |
WP: | 16 | PC: | 22 | PB: | 5 | TMR: | 4/10 | NA: | Hide absorbs 6 DP |
- Weapons
- Gryphons may use their beak and both claws without penalty.
- Beak: BC 97%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 3.
- Claws: BC 96%, [D + 6], Melee & Close, Rank 4.
Copper Scroll: Plans for a House of Life

These plans show how to make a building containing resurrection chambers. All building must be completed within three months of the start as the scroll crumbles progressively, revealing the next step in construction until it is entirely reduced to dust.
Although those who are Death-aspected can build a resurrection chamber, they may never return to life by means of one, their spirit being drawn off to the Valley of Death.
The House itself is octagonal in shape, and must have a diameter equal to 10 feet per chamber and cost 500sp per ft of radius. It will take two weeks per chamber to construct. The time to build the House is reduced by one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Mason and one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Carpenter. The minimum time may be no less than a month.

Each chamber must be built by the hand of the intended user, and no particular Skill is required, the process happening magically to some degree (although still requiring the time and hard work of the user). It will take a month to build the chamber itself and cost 10,000sp in materials. Counter-intuitively, the more money spent on the appointments of the chamber, the faster it will be built. If an extra 1,000sp is spent on decorating it, the chamber will be completed in one less day. The time taken, however, can never be less than a week, although, of course, it can be made ever more beautiful.
Once completed, then the user may prepare the chamber to receive their spirit and regenerate their form should they be so unfortunate as to require it. The following conditions apply:
- The user must sacrifice 3 EN to the chamber. Once sacrificed, the EN are converted to points of their Aspect (the most unusual part, otherwise it will be the Element part).
- Subsequently, if they die, then their spirit will travel back to the House of Life, resurrecting uninjured a year and a day later unless they are resurrected earlier by other means.
- Obviously, the resurrectee's itemry will be lost unless other means supervene.
- In the event that the resurrectee has succumbed to a Dark Sphere (not a Light Sphere), then a number between 1 and 10 is nominated by the player, and a D10 is rolled. If the number is equal to a 1, 2, 3 or the one nominated, then they will be resurrected. Otherwise not.
- The place of death must be proximate to a plane that is proximate to a plane that is proximate to the location of the House of Life for the spirit to be able to find its way to the resurrection chamber.
- For example
- if the resurrectee dies on Tanuel, which is adjacent to the Astral, which is adjacent to the Abyss, which is adjacent to Alusia, then they are close enough to resurrect.
If this special resurrection is used, the House of Life and the chamber itself remains. However, until another 3 EN is sacrificed it is simply magical architecture.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Resurrection | Quest | ![]() |
Copper Scroll: Of Discipline & Mental Fortitude

24 hours after this scroll is opened, it will crumble to a greenish dust.
Whoever reads from this scroll for 4 hours must permanently sacrifice 3 EN (which may be bought back in the usual way). From then on, they may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | None | Discipline | Quest | ![]() |
Converse With Animals (G-1)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 3 hours + 3 hours / Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 45%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Adept may communicate with fauna
(whether verbally or symbolically, and to what extent,
are left up to the GM's discretion). Physical
contact between the animal and the Adept increases
the Base Chance of successfully casting this spell by
5. At Rank 5, this spell allows communication with beasts of Fire, Rank 10, beasts of Water, Rank 15, bessts of Air and any beast of any kind, be they Enchanted, Fantastical or in otherwise magical at Rank 20. Each casting of the spell allows the Adept to speak to one type of beast, only, and has to
be recast for others. For example talking
to wolves does not allow the Adept to talk to tigers.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Earth | Quest |
Name: Quickness
Spell: Healing
Effects: The Healing spell only requires a Cast Action to cast, the Magical Prepare Action having been ritually stored earlier.
Cost: 5000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by four, cannot cast a Quick Cast incantation of the Healing Spell for three pulses.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Name: Cannibalise
Spell: Trollskin
Effects: This incantation of the Trollskin spell can only be cast on the Adept. It will immediately inflict 1 Damage Point directly to EN (which cannot be avoided). If they are Quickened, then they lose the point of EN on their Initiative, and the next one at half that value. They receive 2 FT (which will restore FT lost to spell casting before that lost to damage) whenever they lose EN.
Since the Adept is under the effects of Trollskin, they cannot benefit from another casting of the spell (even a normal one). The incantation cannot be made into a potion. It will remain in effect until the duration expires or it is Counterspelled.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Trollskin-Minor AoE
Name: Minor Area of Effect
Spell: Trollskin
Effects: All legal targets that share the target's megahex at the time of casting benefit from Trollskin for the duration of the spell
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Walking Unseen - Unremarkable Appearance
Name: Unremarkable Appearance
Spell: Walking Unseen
Effects: The target of this incantation of Walking Unseen is not concealed by the magic. However, they are less generally noticeable. This does not entitle them to use Stealth in plain sight, but it does mean that if the target does nothing to attract attention, anyone who has seen them but does not recognise them will have to Resist or forget that they saw them. This MR check is penalised by the Rank of the Walking Unseen spell. If an observer successfully resists, then they may well remember the target if asked.
The spell always fails if the target does anything that would attract attention to them like drawing weapons or preparing spells. So will whistling, dancing naked on tables, or generally behaving inappropriately to the situation as determined by the DM. Casual physical contact, on the other hand, will not cause the spell to fail.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.