Tall and skeletally thin, blotched and parchment like skin, lank hair trailing down to its ankles, probably male. Hardly ever purely at rest, with spasms, twitches and contortions rolling over its body and face constantly. Dressed for combat with top of the line armour, weapons and items in line with the guild elite. Has total control over its hair, often creating an upward fan of hair which makes for a very unsettling overall image. Able also to braid hair into sinuous "ropes" that effectively give it extra limbs as needed
Legion should probably be considered a greater undead but actually has an aura of "Multi Sentient Construct". It is a living soul bottle, containing upwards of 100 souls with many and varied skills, abilities and colleges. At any one time up to 5 of the souls can be foremost and considered "in charge", though Legion can change these at whim. It is likely therefore, that it has access to most, if not all, of the colleges, plus a similar breadth of skills and languages.
Legion is almost always a resident of the Tower of Camdindel, but will travel on business for his master