A medium sized city in the Kijaand Empire, Jarafel is one of the most unpleasant cities in the empire. Once, a number of centuries, if not millenia previously, it was the Imperial capital, and still hold the an ancient imperial palace. However much of it now consists of acursed ground and walled ghettos. With many other cities clearing their slums of humans and orcs, thousands have been forcably transported to Jarafel and houses in overcrowned and disease ridden tenemants.
The city of Lasilae vanished in 470CM under unknown circumstances. It had been under attack by an unknown entity, rumoured to be ancient artifact, but shortly after the entire city vanished. What currently stands is a small temple to an unknown god. The temple is a small stone circular gazebo made from mable and is a recognised Life place of power.
It is located in the east of the Kijaand_Empire, and is notable for being one of the few cities not on water.