Lady Justine d'Amberville - snr
Lady Justine d'Amberville - Snr
She appears human but her college is generic Entities (Black, Necro, Summoner, Shaper). She ages when she casts. These tid-bits taken from the Progress of Disease scribe notes 787wk
Her soul is over 500yrs old which leads to the idea that she is the current receptacle of some entity or that she has lived a long time in her human body.
She is known to possess other bodies or to seek other bodies as vessels to reside in.
In her current body she appears to be Aunt (or sister?) of Baron Hugh De'Amberville the Baron of Newcourt. She was rumoured to be a witch, actually a mage of the Greater Summoning College and more. A powerful witch with 2 demonic 'bodyguards' named Fear & Loathing who are capable of summoning rain. She speaks with Dark ones and is likely pacted or more
Its said that she ages when she casts magic and may therefore need source of 'life food' in order to sustain her use of abilities. We suspect its akin to necromantic life draining only much quicker and results in either an aged husk or a corpse.