Kirazian: Specials

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part of the School of Mental Discipline

Special Knowledge Spells

Again - These spells are split into the 3 classes (Corporeal, Spiritual and Physical). Some of the special knowledge spells have a prerequisite of a standard of ranks in the corresponding general knowledge list.

Class of Corporeal Affinity

S1. Mind over matter.

Prerequisite: Rank 6 in
Self Hypnosis (T2)
Range: Self
Duration: ½ Hour + ½ Hour / Rank
Experience Multiple 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self

Effect: The adept hardens their body against harsh conditions. Making them resistant to heat, cold, vacuum, pressure, noxious gasses, poisons etc. System: One cast is required per condition to be resisted. They can be stacked. The spell must be in effect before the fact (i.e. can not be used as a cure) The adept will be able to withstand (ignore) [Rank*5] damage per pulse for the duration of the spell. The adept may not use this spell to counter melee weapon damage. The spell will work against elemental attacks i.e. Fiery Breath weapons and the like.

S2. Sensory Gift/Theft

Prerequisite: Rank 6 in
Sensory Awareness(G2)
Range: 5 + Rank feet
Duration: 1 + Rank Minutes
Experience Multiple 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: None
Target: Entity

Effect: Confers Sensory Awareness on a target. The adept may attempt to block the senses of a target.
System: Add or subtract (5 + Rank)% PC of a target in any one of the five senses.

S3. Free Movement

Prerequisite: Rank 6 in
Sure Footedness(G4)
Range: Self
Duration: (30 + 30 / Rank) Minutes
Experience Multiple 250
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: N/A
Storage: Invested, Potion
Target: Self
Effect: Allows the adept to ignore the rules of gravity for a short while.

System: The adept may treat liquid bodies like flat ground and air/gaseous volumes like a stairs - always climbing or descending in 1 foot increments.

The adept must stay upright - relative to the ground. That is to say that they can not walk up walls or across ceilings.

They may descend into bodies of liquid and elect to swim or 'walk'. Breathing in liquid is not accounted for in this spell. The FT loss while moving through liquid is counted as per normal flat ground.

The adept may carry only as per their PS allows. This activity is just as tiring as walking/climbing is normally.

Class of Spiritual Affinity

S4. Stun

Prerequisite: Rank 6 in
Sensory Awareness(G2)
Range: (15 + 15 / Rank) Feet
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment
Target: 1+ 1 Entity per 3 Ranks
Effect: By giving a mental shout - the adept can distract, stun or collapse their targets.

System: If a target does not resist then they are stunned (as in combat).
Note: A preparing mage cannot actively resist this spell i.e. their resistance will be passive.

A double effect will, if not resisted, render the target unconscious. With a triple effect the adept may opt to take control of the target as per Control Entity(G5) - the adept must have ranks in this spell of at least equal ranks to Stun to take this option.

S5. Command/Suggest

Range: (15 + 15 / Rank) feet
Duration: (1 + Rank) Hours
Experience Multiple 500
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: Passive, Active
Storage: Trap, Ward, Investment
Target: (1 + 1 per 3 Ranks) Entities
Effect: This is a direct and forceful method of exerting the adept's will over the target. It is, however more subtle than Control Entity(G5).

System: The player may use (3 + 2 per Rank) words to command the target. If the command is obviously harmful to the target then their will be a contest of wills. No directly suicidal commands will be obeyed.

Note: If the target is carrying out a command (note the duration) and it is turning out to be harmful - they will get a 2 x WP chance to cease and desist. Otherwise the command will be carried out.

It is up to the adept to build in 'forgetfulness' in to the suggestion (difficult at lesser ranks). The target will have every natural chance to know that they have been 'Hypnotised' and will act accordingly.

S6. Telepathic Mastery

Prerequisite: Rank 6 in Sympathy(G7)
Range: (30 + 5 / Rank) feet
Duration: (10 + 10 / Rank) minutes
Experience Multiple 350
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive, Active
Storage: Potion
Target: (5 + 1 per 3 Ranks) Entities

Effect: Pure bi-directional telepathic communication.
System: The adept can share thoughts amongst the targets in their 'network'. This is not limited to language as it is translated into pure thought on a meta-physical level. Pictures, emotions and abstract concepts are accessible too. If the adept concentrates on one target in their network they can see through that entity's eyes - receiving the benefits or disadvantages of the target's sight (infra-vision, short-sightedness) The adept may choose to only broadcast - planting thoughts and/or images into a mind. An unwilling target has the chance to resist this process. To do this - the target must know exactly what the adept is about to do or be in a high stress situation relating to the adept e.g. tied up in a chair, being interrogated/tortured by the adept. Otherwise, the adept may slip these thoughts into the targets' minds, leaving them thinking that they are their own thoughts. Use a one time contest of wills (roll once) - a draw will be a success for the adept.

Class of Physical Mastery

S7. Telekinesis

Prerequisite: Rank 6 in
Minor Telekinesis(G8)
Range: (10 + 2 / Rank ) Feet
Duration: (5 + Rank ) Minutes
Experience Multiple 450
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Potion
Target: (1 + 1 per 3 Ranks) Objects or Entities

Effect: By the power of the adepts mind - the world around their can be manipulated.
System: Treat the adept's (WP/2 + Rank) as PS for the purposes of weight lifting with this spell. Use (MA + Rank)/2 for MD Use MA for AG Should weapons be manipulated the adept may fight with them as long as the MD requirement for the weapon is met by the spell and the adept is skilled in the appropriate weapon. The SC for the weapon will be equal to the adepts SC with the weapon - (50 - 2*Spell Rank) Any damage done will also be reduced by two. An adept using this spell can affect any physical thing that can be picked up or moved. Entities may resist if they wish. Objects possessed by an entity have the resistance figure of that entity. The adept may only use pass actions while using this spell. Things/Entities can be moved at 2+ (1 per 5 Ranks) TMR in any fashion the adept wishes. If the adept loses sight of the targets then they will lose control of them. Any distractions will necessitate a 3 x WP check to keep the task 'in hand'.

S8. Shaping.

Prerequisite: Rank 6 in Matter Distortion(G8)
Range: (10 + 2 / Rank) feet
Duration: Permanent
Experience Multiple 400
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: Passive, Active
Storage: None
Target: Object
Effect: The adept can (re)shape an object.
System: The adept can affect 1 cubic foot per 3 ranks of material. They can cause it to become any shape they wish. The beauty or effectiveness of the object will be directly related to the adept's skill in that area (sculpting, engineering, weaponsmithing)

The object must be mundane and not enchanted.

The adept's rank determines some of the spell's functionality...

Rank Ability Affect # of Materials in 1 cast
0 - 1 Clay, Wax, Tallow... 1
2 - 4 Normal Wood (not Living), Stone (Softer than Marble), Gold 1
5 - 7 Marble & Granite, Precious Non-Mythical Metals 2
8 - 12 Any Rock, Live Wood, Exotic Wood (Ironwood) 2
13 - 16 Bone, Skin/Hide (Not live), Live Exotic Wood 3
17 Mythical Metals or Rocks (Laen) 3
18 Living Skin/Hide 4
19 Living Bone - a painful and nasty procedure 4
20 Entities 5

Special Knowledge Rituals

Dream Walking

Range: 30 + 30 per rank feet.
Duration: ½ Hour + ½ Hour per Rank
Experience Multiple 350
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: Passive
Storage: None
Target: 1 + 1 per 5 Ranks Entities
Cast Time: 30 minutes

Effect: This ritual opens a doorway into a dreamscape whereby an adept can take control - directing the course and after affects

of a dream - being the memories and emotional state. An adept could use this to change peoples' opinions of a subject or to make someone believe that they have received a vision from a higher being.
System: The adept's projection becomes an element in their targets' dreams they can be anything in this environment (An actor or an abstract concept). The options are wide ranging - from merely observing to actively taking control. If there are multiple targets then the adept must try to create a collective dream (take control). Use a contest of wills for unwilling or unknowing targets. The effectiveness of this ritual will directly proportional to a) The player's roleplaying/imagination. b) The relevant skills used (Troubadour, Courtier, Merchant etc)

Body of Ether.

Range: Self
Duration: (4 + Rank) Hours
Experience Multiple 650
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: N/A
Storage: None
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effect: The adept emulates a ghost.

System: The ritual turns the adept and their possessions into an ethereal state - allowing the adept to walk through physical and ignore elemental obstacles i.e. walk through walls, under water or through fire. They can move at (1 + 1 per 5 Ranks) TMR If they wish to come back into the physical plane before the duration of the ritual then they can perform the counter ritual (same one but the 10 minute version) or 'walk' though a Mind Special Counter. The Ethereal Body cannot affect the physical world but the Adept can cast spells from the Class of Spiritual Affinity (Counter Spells, Generals and Specials) whilst in this state.