Kerberite Shapeshifting

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Kerberites are strong shape shifters, although not particularly versatile.Instead of transforming entirely into another creature, kerberites use their shape shifting abilities to enhance their already exceptional battle prowess. They may grow claws, fangs, or hooves and alter their bodies to increase their strength and endurance They cannot grow extra limbs or organs until they have achieved Chaos Lord status in this discipline, so this means that they cannot, for example, grow wings, develop a breath weapon, cover themselves with scales or sprout a spare brain in their buttocks.

Kerberites will choose abilities in line with their elemental form. As they broaden their elemental form or add new ones, they will be able to open abilities listed under (but not limited to) the appropriate entry.

Stone Flames Wind Water
Blending Fire Proofing Vapour Breathing Strength
Strength of Stone Fire Armour Feather Fall Water Breathing
Armour of Earth Increase Temperature Gliding Buoyancy

If their elemental form manifests as darkness, light or some combination, then they choose according this schedule

Darkness Shadow Star Solar
Strength of Darkness Read Shadow (DA) Read the Night Sky Resistance to Light
Fear Blending Witchsight Wall of Starlight
Wall of Darkness Shadowform Darkness Coruscade

As a general rule, the ability should be vaguely General Knowledge.

Kerberites strong in Stone can manifest claws, fangs, hooves and spurs. These never have a Damage Modifier greater than D10+1, although if the kerberite has legs that bend backwards, the Damage Modifier is D10+4, and unless unusually small, they can kick, which is an extended attack on a target up to a hex distant.

Those strong in Flames can manifest a burning fist which does an extra {D10-target's Protection or Damage Reduction}. Example: The target has 5 points of Protection from hard leather armour. The kerberite, using their mailed fist, punches them, invoking the burning fist attack. On a normal success, the kerberite rolls D10 and subtracts 1 from the result: D10+4-5 = D10-1. An 8 is rolled, and so the target takes 7 physical damage. The burning fist damage is also rolled: D10-5 a 4 is rolled, so none gets through.

Those strong in Wind can add hexes to their movement in a Pulse, each hex costing 5 FT.

Those strong in Water can reduce incoming damage by 5 once per day.