Kanlaoise Part Deux
Time in Kanlaoise at different rate than Alusia, sometimes faster and sometimes slower.
- 10 Years Ago – A number of powers (Baccarat, Delerium, Varenthia Simbelyn, Orthostopheles and Kosiva Zaorich) performed a ritual to allow Kosiva to ascent. It want disastrously wrong, all those involved went missing and all births stopped on the world of Kanlaoise and it was cut off from other planes. All contract was lost to their primary god, Shahdad.
- 2 months – A Return to Kanlaoise were able to visit Kanlaoise and rescue Delerium, Orthostopheles and Kosiva Zaorich.
- Now – A party return to Kanlaoise. The dead have become wraiths that and are ravaging the world. The dead don't.
Session 14/06 (Session 1 6-)
Following guiding meeting head back to Brastor. In Sabastians study in the workshop there are cards all over the floor, picks them up. Notice a card I don't recognise, card that fades in and out. Just see death fading in and out.
Pull out Joker, he is panicked, message from the boss.
No Harlequin, ruler, Cards
- Queen – Ice queen
- Gambler – Baccarat
- Raven – Eye bite (avatar)
- Death – Death Shahdad
- Cant identify – Life Giver Latherin Nithoryn
Message "Must get to Parky before he closes the gates completely." "Under the eye of Tash"
Head back to township to pick up Marco, as I know hes around.
Last it was the Monastery is in Drakenburg – Dragonspine Mountains – Tannhauser Gate. Portal most of he way there then fly Winter , its cold. Sabastian provides vague directions that Marco manages to follow.
- The pass is artificial, to deep and narrow. On eastern side are vertically stacked terraces, all iced over.
- Thick icy webs coving most of he canyon, some 1 hex or bigger (minion of ice queen) bigger spiders in the webs.
- On southern side a small village (Seven Streams Village), still occupied.
- On the western side is a road that goes over mountain.
- Monastery is missing – is bare – thin layer of snow, half a mile base is flat, as if its been removed. No more than a days' worth of snow drift.
Land near village, Sab lands on black ice and slides into a ungraceful landing. Small village but does have a large blacksmith. warm, smelting something. Smith explains its there are midday, but briefly Monastery on mountain, webs on pass. Spiders tend to stay in the webs, occasionally come near village but a flaming arrow scares them off Monastery is in different climate, they trade food w village
Sleep for a few hours they fly up, wait forty foot away, an hour before noon. Cold wet hour
A pulse before midday, the monastery appears it appears Stark, ugly black tree on one of the corners Food garden make up most of he area The ground slopes down, terraces with paddies etc Humans, in simple robes, quite old working away Run into the area, sub-tropical, no cold wind, beautifully lush– two pulse after midday it moves. The outside is now sun
Head across to the monastery and look for Wu Fang. Is a high mana are for Marco.
- Look north along mountain range – hymilayian range. Very clear air. Things flying around moutain miles away
- east – mountains drop down gradually into a desert
- west – steep escarpment, long drop. Green land
- south – more mountains. Barren outside of the monastery area there is not much living
regular intervals along the perimeter. Vertical poles (40ft) spikes that a few inches in diameter. Every 20 ft. very polished.
Into monastery is mostly hollow. We take off wet clothes.
Through courtyard to WF tower, head up three floors. WF – explains things have gone badly. Lost souls returned corrupted, are undead. Cant be destroyed. World ravaged by wraiths. Cut themselves off as don't want to send them through to Alusia.
Only been a few months since we left. Whispers that souls evicted from their worlds.
As souls cant escape undead are destroyed they return; sometimes weaker, sometimes absorbed by other wraiths. Are spirits so can fly
Travel trees are a power draw to the undead as they are life magic. Are now heavily protected.
World is lifeboats of survival.
Explains the raven is powerful agent – the creature Eyebite has grown strong and younger. Is blinded as his minions are not very powerful.
Need to cross to a tree to get to get to big city.
Wraiths are insubstantial at midday, and completely powerless. Travelling at dark is very dangerous. Strength grows with darkness. At midnight are insanely tough.
Three hours flying south to get to Highvales (orcish town) Iron doors – use to go to dwarven mine, no idea there now. Into the deep earth – bound and locked Tree – witchwood – powerfully magical – can make weapons or around that are impossible to break. Dangerous to work with. Only those with protection against the dark earth would work with it. Dark druids wield powerful weapons that do grievous wounds.
Stay in spartan monastic cells – change intpo dry clothes
At lunch around 50 people. Most monks are elderly, but not frail. Perimiter at night. Becomes substantial as the night rolls on. Definitely sentient. Some greater and lesser undead. The lesser about the greater we see (don't want to be absorbed). No weapons or armour, definite humanoid form. At midnight can sense us through the wards, wants to consume us Da – dark celestial Whitefires us!! WF explains is a lesser greater undead. The powerful ones are sentient and have more magic than just celestial.
- Orst, x2 dragons - blue dragon (delivered)
- Former regent
- Empress (delivered)
- Sachen
Fly to Highvale, lots of cloud. Find it (luckily) but almost hit a building due to foggy conditions
Highvale Wander to the main building. Head to find hobbits Rose Crimson – limited food, hard to raise crops in the current conditions.
Sachen (in charge) Wooden palisade with guards is central building.
Sachen has created rune wards around the city. Grumbles at us and encourages us to see asap Dragon (young) is rumoured to be annoying the ice elves If we see the blue dragon send it to see Sachen.
Forest is safe, the wood elves have tough magic. Will eventually be beaten back Walking to forest, we can see the fields are barren. Crops are not being tended. Marco notices a crow paying too much attention. Still foggy, but not bothered by anyone. Forest is peaceful and pleasant Find and steps around tree and appear in another glade. The temperature is warm and no fog. Breeze with a hint of water.
Mazarathan is bathed in an unnatural white light. Very difficult for dark mages to cast. Temple of light is at the top of the hill in the city. Guards in plate (elven) and elves in robes (bleached white robes – spellcasters, bone wand) On foot of bridge from park river 80ft wide Guards challenge us – we are escorted in Marco find his connection to the earth is fading. The hill is enormously powerful magic.
Hill – temple of light, and palace, tower
Led into the Temple of light. Very open with tall pillars. Circular building (Parthenon) Busy, lots of activity. Most people are casters. Suspended in the middle is a figure of light – Empress.
The undead came through the celestial gates in the garden.
Eyebite is immune to the undead and can hunt them hunts. Eyebite has been avoiding Emp as the church sees it as an anathema.
Eyebite lacks agency, followers are not powerful. Not sure if its agenda.
We can contact EB through the card but is wary of us doing this.
Death is elemental, but very wary of contacting this.
Urgency is required, as souls are trapped here.
If the gates close souls will be trapped here, people that die will become undead. Seek the illusionist (Delirium) her power against undead is limited, but Gives us her card so we cant talk to her. Will aid against undead if we call on it. When we use it she will be aware and we will be under scrutiny Card is bright sunlight. Head down hill, large lake (inland sea? - 100km across) a mile out is an island, cant focus on it. Reach Os villa. Old butler is there. Invited in for tea, head to parlour. Must go through the celestial gate to get to island.
Undead - Less/greater. - Greater; lesser and greater. Sentient have factions.
Session 21/06 (Session 2 6-945)
In city - Marco 20-point penalty on casting
DA card to try to see who its affiliated with. The "life giver" Latherin Nithoryn. Talk to Barracks card message back – "under obbo". Safe in person.
Go to garden to get to bridge to get to island Elven escort to the garden Waterfront is warzone. Area to garden us blocked off. Lots of priestesses in white robes. Church guards in bone armour. We have trouble getting past. Our guards argue with them. Temple guards v imperial guards (ours)
We spot a couple standing off to the site who everyone is deliberately ignoring. Guy in blue armour, woman in blue robes – spikes coming out of her head! Its Metastopheles and Karasova Lethlil. Talk, the know of chaos and are helping. Spikes help her concentrate her mind.
Slip between through a gap in the barrier (what shouldn't be there, and wasn't before) while K and M bother the guards. Come out to what was a beautiful boulevard along the lake. Facing the lake. Garden is fenced off, bone/stone trellis (always been there) Gate made form mithril. Threads with thousands of gems embedded into it, each showing a tiny amount of light. Touch the gate and will ourselves through (this is normal) "Moved" into the garden. Not a place of power, but strong affiliation with the heavens. Spells would work better there. Rock garden with water features. Also tied to the earth, some spells would be very strong here.
Can see island from here (a mile away) the bridge gets foggy. Cant see how it manages to do so. Stone cantilever arch bridge. Walk a few hundred feet along the bridge, and theres an odd transition. We are on a wooden pier, it's a pleasant sunny day.
Golden sand, esplanade, row of tall trees. Opposite us is a gate through the trees. No-one of the beach, this is very strange, normal active.
Spot movement amongst the beach huts. Human, wearing grubby old coat. Head down pier to the hut to have a look and lose them.
Sab sneaks in along the huts and gets behind the person. Looks grubby and doesn't watch. Has a stick poking the wooden deck.
Grumpy old man. He got rid of everyone, was told to get rid of everyone. The master in the tower told him to get rid of everyone. Main gates are closed, but staff gate it there. Go through gate, Marco pushes man over and rushes past (to a torrent of abuse).
Morning, landscaped gardens, mist and dew. Clear crisp morning. Follow the path to the town, takes about an hour. Can see creatures off in the distance, rabbits/deer etc. Not many. Get to the town gate and it's a red brick (Victorian) Ceremonial portcullis through to the city. Postern gate. Try the gate and hear a muffled shout, a cluck form the postern gate. Opens and we hear a voice. Walk through. It's a town guard. Convince him to let us though, with a few coppers. He keeps the gate shut to keep out the nasty old man.
Its night, and cold. Streets are mostly clean and moderately prosperous. Stone and wooden. Advised to stay at the duck and goose. 5 mins to walk to piazza, shrouded in darkness. None appears to be there. On corner is the Duck and Goose. Go in and get some food and ask about, the say few people pass these days, a few refugees. Single dwarf and humans, all old. He cant remember when it went dark, many years ago. Tales is was beautiful, no one can remember that. A council run the town.
Eat, get spare pie. Lots of people out for their evening walk. Ask about the refugees, vague response. A few mention the mountain gate. We head there. Half a dozen watchmen sitting around (same gate that went to world we rescued Ortholophies) Ask about the Refugees, directed to a house off goat lane. Head to goat lane, close to slums. Cellar converted to three small.
Talk to refugee – from Ehab, doesn't want us to go (GOM kicks them out)
- Old sun elf (rare) lets us in as he has nothing to fear. When he came the beach got crowded, moved to garden, it got busy, moved to town, many go through mountain gate. Wants a final destination. He knows of baccarat. Their world (is detached) and every day is the same. Old man is garbage collector, his power of the spirits is strong as they are 'garbage' here, power of residence is minimal and over mortals almost no power.
- Ice Queen has not been in the town, they say she is on the island.
- Life Giver – latherin – is assumed to be dead OR ascended
- Lady of restful Peace – he hasn't seen her
Might reward us one day
Back to piazza. Try to cast light, it goes where we don't expect, try a few hundred feet away. Is only 30 ft away. Only small amount of light. Can see shades passing through it. Warping effect of piazza. Is 2-3 time than what it looks like'. Walk through wall of starlight.
Try of DA one, need to step into piazza. Cold nasty, draining wind (lose 1 ft min). The tower looks different. Long tall white spire. Beautiful in its simplicity. Very tall. Complete change from last time. DA – Sentient elemental. ice effects. No longer undead, but more elemental Elemental hits for ice damage and breathes a cone of cold.
Back to inn. Marco uses cold protection scroll on us and cats, put them away
Back outside can only ger 200ft up, can fly any higher. Head into piazza. Cold and windy. Lose 1ft min
Tower goes up 100ft, then balcony. Tall stainded glass windows. Another balcony. Series of different windows. Final balcony they flat roof. (garden on top) Winds buffeting. Fly close and DA area, No trigger. NOM = celestial. Land on roof. Garden. Glasshouse, outdoor furniture. Stairs inside glasshouse going down.
Head downstairs. Room with 12 windows. Formal dining room. Everything covered in white sheets.
Session 28/06 (Session 3 6-)
On one of the walls can see something written. Notice board, behind glass "Due to the poor maintenance of the grounds the tower is currently close. For more information speak to the gate keeper at the gate lodge."
Grand starwell stair case going down.
Large rooms off –
- Fancy kitchen – tools made from weird metal. Small set of stairs going down. No food. No use.
Search, no sign of life
Down staircase, large open area. Explore further, find lots of rooms/suits (like a hotel), no signs of life in rooms.
One rooms is locked, NoM on door is abjuration. Door in right in the middle of the corridor, slightly bigger than the others. Open lock but still locked (wizard lock). Look through lock – looks plush. Doesn't look occupied. Keep searching.
Explore another three levels. No signs of life. Reach the bottom of the stairway, but other ways down. Feels like the foyer, but isn't on the ground floor. Marc can draw mana. Can peer down and see figures (elementals) in the mist.
Find library, lots of sections missing. Nothing interesting.
- Knock on the door, get an answer "The master is away and not taking visitors."
- When will the master be back – "For the opening of the new season"
- When is that? "Grounds are currently unfit for occupation."
- Do you know where Baccarat is? "No here currently, enquire with gatekeeper"
- Do you know Parky? "Yes. Parky resides at the gate lodge, Parky is the gatekeeper"
- Tash – "don't know, the Master might know."
- Where is the master – "he is absent. Cant tell when he was last here (no concept of time)"
Head out, into garden, its dawn. Back to the beach. Find Parky cottage.
In the fence, a few hundred yards away, can see a small gate. Never noticed that before. Go through latched gate. In small clearing (which we couldn't see previously) and see a small bungalow. Cant determine the season here, probably still mid-morning. Bungalo 1-2 bedrooms at most. Shed by the garden. No well kept.
Grumpy and unhelpful. After some "conversation" we learn some people came through and went into the garden shed.
Its gloomy in the shed, some small windows covered in dust. Full of crap and covered in dust. Narrow, long shed. Piles of news papers. Bigger on the inside.
Plane of Origin – not Cormelle? Very odd. Corridor to other plane (the gloom)
Getting tired, have some food and stretching.
Witchsight is struggling. Its cold. Ranger sense tells us were approaching in an open area.
We're in woods. Its just after midnight. Its snowing. Plane of Origin – Narnia. No tracks. Point of light in the distance.
Talk to Joker, hints of people here. One of his cards is out here, but cant locate it.
The park is Spring.
Check we can find exit, and that card is here. Head to light, it's a lantern HRH ERVII.
Fly around. Snow and low cloud, cant see anything. Walk and explore, seeing if the Joker can feel the other card. Tired. Head back to shed. Camp up there. Sleep. Leave Joker on watch. Go through, its light. Try to cast, really hard to draw mana – would take an hour to cast a spell
- w- range of mountains
- n – rugged and bared
- se – a river
- s – highlands
No inhabitation. There might be some snow to the south east.
Joker – maybe a ping to the south See a dam (beaver dam) on the river, see some dere. Land near dam. Call out, beaver comes out, the size of a large dog. Chat to the beaver. Hasn't seen many people since the white witch came back. Since shes back its been winter. She might be at Car Paravel. Use to be the castle of the high king during the golden age.
Mr Tumnis is aound – old now
Dwarves in the southern land
Follow the river down and find him living there.
Head off down the river
Land near rustic bungalow by the river. Knock on door, answered by an elderly faun. Beard, old waistcoat.
Saw Baccarat a very long time ago.
Old Witch was called Jahal, was overthrown by the High King Peter. His rein ended 20 years ago, disappeared. 10 years of disordered rules then winder came again, for 10 years.
They say the winter came from the north, its dangerous there due to the brutish giants.
Hes old and doesn't get out much.
Would like an update as he doesn't travel much.
Heading south, toward mountain pass. See smoke, so close, it's a chimney. Well build brick chimney coming out of the ground, (coming from a cave). Hear clanging sound coming up the chimney. Hunt around, find an incline is a brick arch set in the hill. Head in, is a big workshop with a vaulted brick ceiling. Young female dwarf, taller than a hobbit. She is shoeing a pony. Archenvard (Keep) is in the other side of the pass. Its where the king resides. Human king. The others are out in the woods helping clear out dead fall. Always demand for dwarven quality work. Kings brother is in a bad way (or so the rumours go). The king has a mighty son, she has met him, Prince Ram someone that can be looked up to. Very learned for a man of arms. Castle is 10 miles over the pass.
Fly off, follow road over the mountain pass. As we cross over the mountain range there is a long viver valley, beyond the rover is a flat, dry desert. The river valley is green and prosperous, the winter hasn't reached here yet. At the far end of our vision can see the far edge of the desert, its green again. A normal style keep that could house a few hundred people. Two tall towers. No moat. Pull out Joker, definitely near. Probably in castle. - Cair Paravel
Open gate, guards. Lots of pennants flying. Land and wait. No reaction, we head in to see the guards. Joker says cars is really close.
King and company are out hunting, they will be back at dusk. We can wait in the barracks in side the castle in the bailey. by the entrance, can provide us lunch. Eat a good venison stew. Hear a hunting horn, the guards head out. Hunting party arrive on decent horses. King wearing small crown, wearing chain and has a spear. Next to him is a woman, dark skin tone, short hair wearing chain mail. Both middle aged. Shes carrying a scimitar, shield and bow.
Kings brother, looks like hes been in lots of fights. Missing a few teeth, broken nose. Next to him is a man in green leathers +bow. Looks like the Kings son. Tall, built, rides well. + followers – hounds man, huntsmen. Courtiers
Dismount and talk. Baccarat was here, talked to his departed father. Was pursued y death and seeking a way to avoid her attention. This is Archenland, Cor King 950s). Aravis Queen. Invite us to dinner. Will dome at the great hall. Gives us permission to hunt for the clue, Ram will assist us. Taken into he keep. Not palatial, but nice. Hot water and linen material.
After about 30 mins Prince Ram turns up. Physical specimen. Talk to Prince, pull out the Joker. Clue is close. Into his grandfather's private room. In this room, real close. Find old had written journal, inside is a trump; recognise the card style to be one of baccarats. On the face is a nave, which is Baccarat symbol.
Recorded message – Death has come through and is stalking the land. Varenthia intervened to stop us from falling into the void and is in the lands of ice and cold, in the far north. Will head south and hide in the questionable protection of the demon Tash. I cannot reach out for the demons influence is strong and seeing but him protection is unknowingly keeps death at bay. Some see Tash as a god (Calorman), others as a demon (everyone else). Caliman is the country to the south, past the desert, it's a barrier that keeps them free. Tash and his agents are powerful and strong. His mother is from that land. King not from that land, but grew up there.
Session 05/07 (Session 4 6-1015)

Calorman is about 2 days ride southof Archenland, across the desert. They a river, capital is Tashban. Decide to go to Calarman to hunt for Baccarat.
Talk to Ram, provides a description of clothes that people wear there. (Arabian knights). Poor wearing flowing robes. Can obtain some unbeached cotton that Sabastian can make into robes. Work for an hour, hear the bell toll and head to dinner in the great hall. Dinner is a fairly informal occasion, no hierarchy of seating or kings table. Food is north African – lots of small dishes with spices. During the evening, the Queen joins us to discuss Calorman. A land ravaged by inequality, about 10 years ago several the great lords there dies – a land that is stalked by death. Dont trade with a Calorman directly, many people are fearful of going into he land.
Doesn't know the fate of her father, a great Lord there. She 'disgraced' he by fleeing an arrange marriage.
The hermit that lives on the edge of the desert is very wise, and may have more info of Calorman. Is an honoured wise person of this land, they visit him when in the area. He can see afar on occasion. News filters through slowly, the death of the last ruler "Rabidash" came through ie years ago. Instability follows the death of the leader, civil strife, but no open warfare as it attracts the attention of death. None here really understand the nature of the phenomenon.
Some attribute the hermits ability to magic. Very few spell casters, mostly attribute to evil. In Narnia the witches or hags were driven out by Peter the Magnificent. Difficult to know. Priests in caliman have 'magic' but is very dark. Great knowledge comes at a great price, they are fanatical followers on Tash. Tash rules. Not seen as an interventionist. His priests can summon him minions, that gives him great power – him minions along can defeat armies. Unharmed by weapons of ordinary people. Armies of soldiers will have no effect on them. The priests and nobility support each other. The priests are not organised or cohesive (their demon has a nature of discord) The desert keeps them out.
Things not to do
- Don't insult people above you
- Always whish Tishroc lives forever (Tishroc = lord or Calorman)
- Always show due deference to rank
Is a land of great cities, great estates, ruled by nobility. Calorman is a hot and rich land. Also a land of appalling poverty. Wealth has come on the back of human misery. Could pretend to be tinkers outside the main cities, get us into the villages. In the city less welcome. Don't be too good otherwise will threaten the hierarchy and could become permanent residents.
Queen left about 30 years ago. From her last time there – Tashbaan is in the river, on the north side is the desert. There is a catacombs which will not have anybody there as it is said to be haunted – not necessarily safe but will not have other people. Do not stay overnight.
Hermit lives 5 miles to the south.
Sabastian stays up and draws a picture of the queen.
Head out just after dawn with Ram on a patrol.
Small cops of tree and simply dwelling of the Hermit of the South Marches. Simple shack. Man in garden, ancient but strong. Red robes with flowing robes. He had a dream last night that he would have visitors from afar. Knows we are from worlds beyond. He has prepared a small meal (tea and rice cakes) for us. Explain what we know. He confirms death stalks the land, he has felt her gaze. Death personified and elemental. Its is discriminating, it strikes unequally – the poor may live but the wealth and powerful are in fear. The more powerful you are the more you fall under the gaze of death.
He cant see there, much has blocked from his vision Previous ruler was cursed as his youth, If we was more than a mile from the temple, would be struck and turned in a donkey. Could not get glory from conquest, so wasn't expansionist Catacombs –Like barrows but mud brick.
Forests of aspen and others. Trees not dense, easily to travel through. Woods, not forests.
No allies in the land he can suggest, will be on our own. Send message through the card – "We found your message in the book."
S naps by river as Marco spends hours casting.
Double on AOE 12 hours, not 6.
Fly about 90 min before dusk, Fly low (few hundred feet). Don't see oasis Can see a green them blue. No hard demarcation Large properties. Not much cover. Copse of trees, cultivated, not forest. Gardens and fields. Fly very low at treetop level. Land between to properties. Wait until this dark and fly across river. Spot lots of light from down the river. The main city? Head along boundary (about a mile) to get to a main road. Wander through properties. Find copse of trees to camp in. Awoken early by feral goats.
At most about 20 miles from main city, work our way through properties, dodging guards and slaves. In a few hours were only a mile from the city. See Lord go by, wearing chain w helm. 20 guards. Farmers move off the road to let them go past. Farmers have grain, jugs (oil). Individuals walking- traders or travellers? Watch for a few hours, getting hot 35C Baccarat confused by our message. Blue lantern on silver street. Joker doesn't like being in the deck, death freaks it out. Suggests we don't put him in deck. Head to the town, most of the traffic is against us. Polo. Frodo Wide bridge across the river. Carts and the like crossing. People in gibbets hanging over river. On the edge of dying, being kept alive.
Hot and fettered in the city, the buildings block the air movement. Crowded city. Mostly mud brick. Nice places are stone and marble. Heat and flies. A ring road is 180 walk along and look, we ask about Silver area. Takes a long time to find the smith area, a few hours. Get some street vendor food. Get some of the local currency, Calormen crescent. Find inn. Run down, air think with skunk. Mixed crowd. Bouncer old, looks to be retired palanquin bearer. Mostly traders and a few sailors(?). everyone looks seasoned travellers, no one young and green. Place is fully, can get food but no room. Get some food and obscure message to Baccarat.
Waitress sees someone come in and gives them a hand gesture. See human, bit of a goatee, short haircut. Wearing dusty robes, covering silk clothes. He sees us and gets really tense.
Session 12/07 (Session 5 6-1000)
Blue lantern silver street Currency; Silver crescents, Copper minims
After a very (short) conversations, we rush out the back door. Building is walled, we are near the docks. Very cramped. Very squalid. Wader the streets and talk. Explain things.
This world has the receiving end of things. Things went wrong and the world could have been cast into the void, no one through this could have happened. Very brief talk with Varenthia, she managed to anchor the world through winter and her connection to the elemental place of ice. Think Shahdad tried to get out, flee (thinking the world would disappear) and got walloped on the way out – she is now power without any sentients. She has become the elemental power of death, striking without consideration.
Its unsafe here, but the magic here is mostly based around summoning demons – they don't really have spell casters. They have a way of getting around the glacial magic, using some scroll. He think the LoB is involved, not directly. His suspicion is there is come influence still, but very low level as they hunted for his presence and couldn't locate anything. His one weakness – his power destroys itself, he cant maintain stuff as his power is corruption – anything is makes will always break down. He survives through backups/copies. During his time one of hits greater minion trapped somewhere in some sort of statis (like his vampire lords and sarcophagus - *very* hard to detect, designed to shield their contents – there is one left somewhere).
B need to keep a very low profile, what luck we can use has unpleasant side effects – other around suffer. He needs to keep moving. Death is discrimination in that it weights souls unjustly, souls have different weights (1 lord = 1000 slaves) – the rich and powerful have the most to fear. By sacrificing the less worth in numbers, they hope to avoid being targeted. Death isn't intelligent so it works. What is his plan. He has to move faster than death, so it makes it tricky flying out. Need to get to the exit almost immediately and leave. Rune portals are dangerous. Cant do in the city. The power has become concentrated here (as people don't move, theyr hiding) as under the protection of Tash here, that is keeping the city alive (death doesn't care about demons as they're not really living).
The locals employ magic more in the recent years, particularly with communication. Need to find out how to do this. This world has always had an efficient messaging system. Its not just using by the Tishroc, anyone in the ruling elite can use this, so become separate from temple and tishroc so less secure. A nice place to have a look and figure out how to do this, and get it out to others, If we can get magic working to a reliable degree then we can maybe get things in place. Need to get out of the city and this world almost instantaneously. Will need to come back. V needs to be here right now.
- Deck – no due to the other cards
- Teleport to Trump – viable but needs knowledge about magic and materials. (B doesn't have materials)
Need to understand and get components (Precious metal inks etc.).
Head higher up on the hill (money is at the top, as we go up the wealth and standard of living increases) and into a restaurant. Eaters seem to be bureaucrats and other middle management. Food is good, meat and fish are served. Desert is very sweet. Spend a few hours eating, explaining whats happened.
Head up the hill and B explains the lay of the land. We case the messenger building while B sorts out accommodation. We give the Joker to B, hes'll send it back when things are setup (The J can find the deck). Right at the top of the hill is the temple to Tash. Tash is depicted as a skeletal bird light figure with bolts of lightning in its claw. It's a very imposing building. To the west is the walled palace, *lots* of money and wealth on display. on the south side the imperial message system, a very ugly building – its open and people are moving about. Not connected ot the palace, but built beside it, so probably a route connecting them. The building has a wall around it, and it extends back and down towards the south.
Hear sound of horseshoes on stone somehere close. Scout around, see horse come out of back door. No magic on dispatch rider/horse. Wait around and watch, nar midnight another dispatch rider comes arrives. Rider slowly arrives, horse looks tired and worn. Can see two guards/watchmen. DA: 2 guards and a porter no witch sight equivalent.
After midnight, no work from B. Wander down the hill, close to dawn. House of a wealth merchant, who it out of town. Long walk to get there. Small dwelling, small courtyard. Three stories, sufficient lada. Sleep, eat, spellcast.
When it gets dark we head in, wait for rider and head through gates with them. Break in sneak around, most workers are asleep. Find an Imp in a cage. It casts spells into the paper for them. The most expensive ones that anyone can use, the cheapest is only the one that only the scroll maker can make. In the middle, cast half the spell, they cast the second half – only the caster can complete. Get some paper – NoM description. One that is mostly written out, thick heave vellum with silver writing. A small pot of silver ink on the desk.
Session 19/07 (Session 6 6-)
Two guards come in, blackfire and one flees Marco engages and gets hamstrung. Throw open the shuttered windows, 8ft drop to alley Breaks open the cage, Imp frees Drop into alley and freeze as guards rush into the room and look out the window. See something large and human size fly out from the main temple. Climb up onto roof and down the other side. Make our way slowly back, slowly, almost three hours as Marco is on an improvised crutch.
Wait a day as Marco heals up some (nice magical healing) but has a limp. Manged to steal: 5 pieces of vallum, enough ink for one page. We head out, go shopping at local market. We have coin so no one asks any questions. We head out fo the city, Marco is slow. At the main southern gate by the bridge Find the joker wedged in a cart. Head to fields, wait until night. Fly for many hours, great weather. Amazing view
Back to lamppost. Cast Necro CS. Summon Baccarat. Hit by multiple necro spells as B arrives, we fell until the fire of necro. Magic keeps Sebastian alive.
Arrive in shed in the evening. Leave parky's property and we cant see where we came from, by pier.
Flee across pier and find ourselves back in the rock garden. About to pop through gate and joker has a message, "Escort incoming, wait". A large contingent of imperial guards w priests from Temple of the sun (they are not working together). Escorted back to temple and to the Empress, no one in the immediate vicinity. "Would have let us rest, but wants us checked over." Taken to an pleasant room (dungeon) with lots of wards etc Lots of precious metals etc embedded into the marble to protect the room, it's a masterpiece of work. Guards and food. We're divinated. They compare notes. Given the ok. They check the paper and ink. Paper is greater summoning. They taken upstairs to the alcove, fed some fantastic elven cuisine. Joker tells us B will meet us at O tomorrow.
We talk to Empress. Paper is created by CS but not demonic in nature. The magic was close to, but not necromancy, elemental death. We got a backlash, not a direct attack. Noone could withstand a direct assault for very long. Want to keep the paper to they can pull through the creature bound to the paper through. Will cleans it of its demonic influence and then examine it carefully. They take away the complete one and leave us the blank bits of paper.
Session 26/07 (Session 7 6-10)
Given permission to depart we head down to O and B. Butler, only a few days has passed. Metstopolies is out surveying the area, as communication isn't very good. O will try to replicate the paper effect. We finish lunch and head up to see Longmeadow to assist with Marco's injured leg.
Take the tree portal in the Elven grove to Longmeadow. (Longmeadow) Sun has shifted in the sky, is later in the day and is far cooler. We are far north and a much higher altitude. In a wide mountain valley between two mountain ranges, rolling countryside. Some blackened areas. A river runs nearby. A very well kept stone path beside river and over the hill, smoke in the distance from chinmeys.
Mill on the river, wide bridge.
Eventually find ourselves to Vs house, with a spectacularly good herbal garden. Chimes hanging off most of the buildings, and off poles in various places. Very clever Mechancian devices to control the wind and water to the gardens Charms keep away lesser undead New dwarves, that came about 10 years ago, now have wives. Pass the day discussing the last 10 years.
Marco's leg is healed, spend the rest of the day helping. S casting WoS wards and Marco casting lesser. Stay the night, large ceremony that evening. Enormous flyup for breakfast. Head back to the capital about midday.
O and B have discussed and have a solution to the magic issue on the other plane. The death card is muted here, but still dangerous. The Raven is aware of the Trump, still difficult to deal with. Have a fix on the card of life, this is Laterine (predates Varenthia?) he disappeared (ascended/died? No one knows). They've always suspected he was around.
Shrine to the Unknown in he city of Lazrelay. A city that was destroyed utterly by whitefire (15 years ago? Pre Coronation – there was a game for this), no one know by what, they think it was a powerful artifact was activated. City sized whitefire. There is a connection between Laterin and the Shrine. Worth investigating and talking to Eyebite.
Death is very dangerous to deal with. The church could help with this, but they would want their outcome.
There is a hint that what we are looking for is not a place but a time. (not a time of day). We need to find him back in time. The powers that are making a play now that there is a vacuum. LoBs influence remains somewhere, they need to also look into this. Bad – Lob cant be contained. Good – his influence will wane is it cant be contained.
Emperess fest maintaining her position would be difficult, couldbt make any positive change. Decided to ascent to a demigod, remove hersone from constant danger and rule via Temple of Light. The action was helping her ascend – emp, orth, del, bacarat ... as a reaction to the ritual the plane looked like it was going to go the void. Vearnthia (not involve din ritual) pinned the plane and tied it to winter, and stopped it being disconnected and sent to the void. Don't know what/how Shadad was involved or what happened to her. Latherin ascended about 100k years ago. The pocket world isn't a conduit for souls, it was attracting souls. Shrine could be connected to Latherin. Is a magical placeholder.
Buff us. Delerium casts a maze, leads the way, if not to dangerous will stay and wait. Spend 2 days making a potion of necrogany for Marco
Step into the maze and leave almost straight away 😊 short maze.
On a wide-open flat field, can see at one point the road use to run through here. Circular area of wild grasses. Is an earth place of power. Across the plane is a small temple – in what was the centre of the city. Pillars on the outside. After ½ mile get tot the temple. Base, pillars, steps. (romanesk). Aura – is this associate with Lathein (maybe); NoM – preservation. Head up the stairs and in (circular temple – neo classical. Domed roof with six pillars ).
In the middle is a jade sarcophagus. Writing, delicate, in elven. Very old. "Those that rest here shall rest alone.". Search the room and feel something pulling my body, but don't know where from. When S concentrates the effect occurs, do it again and 'step' through.
In a side street in an alleyway, in a city. Hot and fettered. Almost stood on someone lying ina rubbish heap. Likely to catch a disease from here. Its stinks, no air movement. Prepare a healing to cast on this person. Marco notices from feral Orcs up the road. (2 orcs and 3 humans) The buildings are old and in need of repair. Refuge barrier.
Large group of people appeared at the end of the alleyway (almost magically). Warrens of tenements. Blue haze from burning in all directions. Dilapidated castle in the middle. Fly from roof, chased by four dust elementals. Pulled through another time portal. Beautiful city, pennants from the castle. Elven.
Session 09/08 (Session 8 attempt 2 6-)
Basicilla on a raised area, about ½ across. Circular. Four towers. In infravision, see fine netting of dark and light around circular area. Sab lands ok, Marco clips the net as he lands and ends up in water garden, his wings are shredded. Stepping up onto the landing to help, scenes he is in a place of power. Recast a few spells. Head up to the main door, on the lest and right of the Basilica are trees. Knock.
- Towers are in wooded area.
- Marco cant draw mana.
- Walls have aura of permanence
- Cuts – 30ft wide and *Very* deep. Seems to go to the void.
- West = Evening garden
We circumnavigate. In dark area we see movement, mix of light and dark. In the fire area we get the impression we are under threat. Can hear soft voices. Not a lot of other noise. Can see a large ground of people in Star wings are flying in. The door is open here. About 80ft from the door. Weapons of light, coriscade, wings of light. About 30 people in all, heading to different spots. Marco addresses them, they look confused and take a defensive posture. Ignore out comments, and attacks Marco.
We head to the doors. In the basicilla, its mostly empty. Jade sarcophagus in the middle. Go through the doors – silver disk ½ mile across. (same size as where we were) has the cuts into the void. Almost no air off the edge.
Water to the horizon in all directions, boiling water. Sun above us. Can see five people standing around the sarcophagus (1 person stand away from other) Incredibly old elf. Facing us is slightly middle aged, tall man – might be elf. Beautiful but worn clothes.
We are 'IN' the sarcophagus
- Gorkara – knows of Empress.
- Latherin (a human) is sort of here, and somewhere else. It's a memory, he was here but has transcended
- Others are memories from them – Varenthia, 2 humans (Shahdad and Ankh).
- Ankh – lord of the underworld but his responsibilities were taken by Shahdad.
Explain to laterin. There is something he might be able do to help, but he is struggling as we don't have enough technical detail. Gorkara - might be able to assist when he leaves. When travelling back we experience peoples "memories" from tales.
Next: we need to get out.
Hes given the Trump the knowledge, it will enable us to open the sarcophagus. An artifact of preservation whoever is in it indefinitely.
Laterin was around at the beginning of this world, no memory of before this time. Not as old as Shadad and Akh, they created the world. Akh was sidelined, but hes about somewhere – locked away/trapped. His reach is limited, never been able to be part of the world. He could take over. A and S powers were split, having one god is a huge risk. We *could* change the dynamics, am opportunity may occur to put Akh in power (but this may have unintended consequences).
Water is boing as no atmosphere. Laterin was NOT created by S and A. He arrived in the Sarcophagus
Gorkara will come out, he is the agent of Laterin.
We step out and were by the door. Stepped into the back, lots of figures (silhouettes) around. Lots of falling stars have destroyed the area, its blackened. They're casting solar flares. Were at the back, sneak along the wall. Talk a massive rank falling star (that goodness for counterspells) and run round edge to the water area. In water garden, one of the bridges is broken. Odd. Smoke and dust in the air, flickering of flames in the distance. Step through webbing, out wings disappear. We recast and fly off, high. See some golems on the ground waiting to pound people, luck we sent high!
Lurch, and through to second world. Pull around and land in alley. Hard landing and we both take damage, manage to miss people.
Run down alley, lurch. Back.
Baccarat ask us what were doing, we havnt gone anywhere.
Explain whats gone on. We ask the Trump to get Gorkara our, the lid becomes transparent. We help Gorkara out.
He was the emperor! He faked the assassination attempt so he could disappear Gorkara Kyzlbil. We take him back to O house and G can freshen up.
Session 16/09 (Session 9 attempt 2 6-)
Back at O place, hes looking please with himself. G is wandering around town, reintroducing himself to everyone – this will cause a huge fuss. His plan is for everyone to know he is back so he cant be disappeared. Hes seen the empress and she has deputised him for something
B and D have gone back to their old residence to check it out, will be back tomorrow.
Need to spend another week or so to learn how make the paper (personalised only). Need to get V and death back.
He doesn't know who the master is in the tower, they run the plane.
V is an elemental power (like death) and no corporeal
G wanders in. Good and bad news on the undead, those that remain are getting more elusive and places are no longer under siege. Their attacks are much more dangerous.
The greater ones have some ability with magic, and many have skill with counterspells. options
- We want to get death out of Narnia and back here, as an elemental force of death she will attack them.
- Finding out how to restore Shahdad
O can teach us the rough version of the skill of inscription that will allow us to make the scrolls. Take us a week to learn.
B & D have spent a few days tidying up the old place, the wards held us well. Need some hobbits to come and help with the gardens and dwarves to shore up the place. They've been looking at the cards that the Joker gave us, they have managed to finesse death and can use the card safely. Its now in Narnia, get a much better read on her – there are two bits, the big nasty bit is hidden. If they wanted a much more focused idea of Shadad, and make the card work better, we could talk to the church.
It sounds like the Master is making a return. The best way to find out whats happening it to talk to Parky. Hes a reflection of his creator, the Master is incredibly difficult. His idea of fixing things was to smash it and start again, has no patients once involved. Sphere of influence is connecting – likes creating pocket places and alternative realities to let them run and see how things worked, they end they when they got out of control.
Have a better fix on Latererin at the moment,
Have a fix on Ash, not locked in a box.
Least problematic course is to pursue the Shahdad card.
May need some tough people here, will let the Empress know and she will decide.
Trying to improve the robustness of the maze and move things through it, can move through the other plane without it getting noticed or getting it broken apart. Need to perform some magical enhancement. Could use Cost 1 ft to make the scroll and they ft for the spell, there is a cost. Takes a pulse to prepare and 1 to cast, can then rest to get FT back. [note 3 week of skill training]
5 scrolls – 2 x shadow wings, 1x walls, 1x smoking magma
Head off, its quieter down by the gate and go through. Parky has thrown out everyone he can.
Traps – 2xblackfire, 2x meteorite, 2xhands of earth
Across the bridge into summer.
The entrance has moved, find it eventually. Parky is the shed, we need to distract him to bring him out. Through garden shed. Dark and cold, not too much wind. The lamp is lit.
Card ha a stylised mausoleum on it, somewhere south of us. In direction of Calorman. A few hours of flying later we can see the city of Tashbaan in the distance. A mist on the river tonight, a soft glow in the dark.
Land to DA, no aura. Just some thing odd.
Fly around and confirm its point to the city. Land at our old campsite, wait until wings run out. Join the people on the road and through the gate. Pull out the card, head up the hill. Heading up the hill. Standing our. Head back down the hill and look for a place to stay. Find market square with an inn. Get a small apartment with a courtyard. Pay a fortune. Have foods and Astrology reading on the card – "As the poets say, The Wisdom of Eternity lives upon the heart of Greatest of the All, may they live forever." Following sleep the owner brings in food and clothes for us to view. Very hard sell, he doesn't know we are master merchants and skilled tailors.
Storm coming in that night, perfect for out excursion.
At the top of the hill, near the temple of Tash. Point toward the palace.
Cark points into the palace, as the storm is brewing we decide to head in now. Climb walls looking down the hill many beautiful buildings. Palace is 5 stories high. (see Ottoman palace https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/1wDjrXDNuXwwyomz-z85ggRa3TUwLqTm2arR1B6WuSQ/https/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Topkap%25C4%25B1_-_01.jpg/1200px-Topkap%25C4%25B1_-_01.jpg?width=1086&height=543) Lots of domes and minarets. Tombs to the north – like gigantic beehives.
We follow card, S can get a good fix on it. Marco tried and gets a bearing. Head to covered court way through a beautiful garden. Climb on roof and investigate empty courtyard. Can hear music close by, occasionally get a wiff of something sweet smelling. Card points below us, in the building. Courtyard has immaculate fountains etc Looking down into courtyard and can see a group of guards that are immaculate, facing outward, almost directly below us. In ½ plate. Plate looks amazing. Not raining. Cold, fog to rise soon. Guards on outside, not in court ward. Window across court ways has light coming out.
Doors ae shuttered, go into the room. Ladies resting, music and food.
Everyone is the room is shocked. S moves through the room, silk curtains divide the room.
Blades cut through the curtain. Magical scimitar, long dagger in the other. Both look magical. Lots of bling and dark black necklace, think the size of a cigarette box. Looks like he cant take it off his neck.
Hits Sab extremely hard. Marco wall of hands him. He winds walks out
We cast wings and flee. Pursued by figures.
Session 23/09 (Session 10)
Fly for many hours, fortunately the dark and rain allow us to evade the pursuers.
Get back to Kanlaoise. Talk to B, D and O.
The clothes are beautiful silk clothes, gems sewn in, made by a R10 Tailor (worth 15k).
Back to O house to debrief. The good news is they think its just an assassin attempt, they do not know what we are after.
D to make maze, merged with Rune portal, strong enough to pull death across. One in Narnia, another in Spring, then one from Spring to Kanlaoise. We think Shahdad is split into two; one half in the box, the other half as elemental death flying around.
Scene changes
O and D will head back to the guild for the next meeting. Finds Turf and Naden and explains the needs to retrieve the item and possible assassinate the leader of
- Retrieval of item and Demonic revenge (Demon/God – Tash)
- Undead issues
- Tangling with Kanlaoise empire
Talk for some hours to plan. Can obtain
- Standard spells R10
- Celestial 20
- E&E 20
- Alchemist lab
Best herbalists are the goblins. They have the best access to herbs in the swamps.
- Earth – wood elves
- Rune – not common
- Fire – high elves
- Wicker – Valery, Sweptsands
- Necro – church, Sweptsands
- Water – Sea Elves
- Ice – ice mages (agents of Varenthia)
- Rune – Sacken Icefist
- Air – Dragon (unreliable)
- Mind – Empire – Koroseva
- EE – O
- Illusions – D
- Binder - Goblins
- Bards – Star elves
- Healer – R10
Head back to Erewhon then to Wu Fangs palace. Go through at midday. Have lunch with WF (they are eating) and share news. They are in lockdown.
Summon greater undead, nothing turns up. We wait until midnight and try again. It appears
Gtn – sentient undead – wraith
Highest ranked special – 13 Talks to it – like talking to lots of people, memories like dreams
Divinate and successfully managed to put it into a small statue We are bit north of Highvale (Wu fangs place)
Riding to Highvale to get the portal to Longmeadow While riding we see a vary large wraith, 20ft high. About a quarter of a mile away
Charge it down, its casting multiple colleges at us. Greater sentient (cause it bigger) Naden controls it, Turf binds it into a small statue.
Head into Highvale. Runes, made from cold iron, are beaten into the side of the wooden walls.
It still morning and the guards are a bit sleepy. Sachen is asleep. Head to the "Flayed goblin", the travellers Inn. Bread and gruel
Innkeeper explains that Sachen has been busy keeping the rune portals up to protect the city. Recent change in policy, their neighbours (Sun Elves) have been cooperative. They have a rune portal in the city so they can connect to Na'fa so they have small regular supply. They can hold out for much longer, but not indefineitly. There will be a price to be paid for this, they have barley so can make good beer.
Head up about 11 and interrupt Sachens breakfast. Hes suitably grumpy. Noting we can do to assist. They're struggling and worried about what the elves will ask of them. Koroseva has some schemes involving them and hes not happy. He doesn't think there are any more goblins in the mountains, the swaps are the safest area. Some priestess pass through a few weeks ago, the sopped in while flying – they went east.
Tree portal up to Longmeadow.
Strip of land that is blackened, killed plants.
Quickly find Valerie, the main Inn is the centre of organisation of the town. One of the Wraiths got through the wards, fortunately they didn't loose anyone. It was luck that it wasn't a disaster. She has the ingredients and can make R9, so no need to visit the goblins. They are after help mending broken fences, so they can put the animals back in the field. Spend two days repairing the fences and other tasks.
Session 30/08 (Session 11)
Try to summon undead one night, not luck which means its not here.
Take the tree portal to the capital. Mazarathin. The guards allows as past, being Elves, and head to Orthorstopolise. Not bothered but watched. Sit down for tea and they explain events to us. Decide to infiltrate as nobles, they are all notable warriors.
Head down to the star gates, a temple guard steps in the way. Very polite, asks up to attend the empresses 'at our convenience'. Taken the main temple. Simple marble building, cool temperature. Taken though to the main sanctum. The high priest asks her attendees to leave. She is very wordy, and we discuss that we are doing, they want the cycle of life to continue. They have plans, others are seeking to undermine them, the agents of Akh is about and may offer a reward. Will assist us with the return of item, have Phylacteries that trapped essence of death (used by undead) that may help assist – relics of misguided activity. All they ask is we keep them informed and they will prepare protections as well as a lure. They believe they are best places to deal with the issue.
Turf ask to see the Empress, this is in the Temple of Light. As we head up we catch the eye of a crow as we are heading to the temple – GTN crow: Agent of Eye Bite. We talk. Heave they made an offer we cant refuse, or will he need to do it. He knows the soul Keeper, it holds the secret of Akh. He would like to get his claws on the soul keeper. Working for Akh?
Arrive at the ToL. Ask to be taken to the Empress and are expected. Turf explain their action to her. Explains he is an avatar of Akh. Has a small amount of power She doesn't think having two competing deities will be good, it could work or they may war. The perceived wisdom is better the god that they know. They are many factions with differing opinions, even in the church. Small chance there may be misguided activity that will escalate. She has a plan with the church, as there is no better plan. Only a handful know the exact details of the plan, which is frustrating but necessary. The church have influenced outside this realm (empire) – there are other than would take advantage, to thrart her pollical enemies – if she doiesnt know when wont know. They don't know what the soul keeper is, and have plans and options. Will make efforts to assist us.
Head back to the gate and head through. Across the bridge and sneak past Parky, but he notices the gate is open/closed. Head through the shed. The shed is very full, hard to get through. Blizzard conditions, DA a tree for plane or origon. Plant GTN is ash, PoO – Narnia. Midday, the Blizzard has just got started. Spend an hour studying the area then head back through. Given high tea. Metestopolise has been playing with undead, but they come back. Played with Eye bite. Doesn't like master (powers of binding). He regains in his tales of pillaging and burning (now has it in the right order). He has our backs. Bored of all the philosophical talk about gods and planes that O does.
After tea we try the ritual, it works. Mixed grill dinner.
Next day, portal through (so no one sees us leave). Deep snow.
Head to Archenland – Turf summons a fire steed, Naden turns into spectral moths. Don't get lost but take the inefficient path. Come through the pass and arrive at the castle (xxx).
Stop a few miles from the castle in long, only a few hours after midnight. Waiting until morning. The snow bothers neither of us.
Head to the castle, it's a nice clear morning. The gates are still closed as morning, the guards tell us its day or rest. Taken to guard room, explained a day or rest and contemplation.
See Q&K, advises us to talk to Hermit, he is learned. The new tichrock is a man of war and or conflict. Aravis fills us in on the general custom, families and structure. Provides us names of distant poor noble that will past with guards, not under scrutiny. Will be treated poorly by other nobles as we will be of lowly station. Constant politics and infighting. (old and second hand). They will prepare for the disruption but welcome the change. No one will fill the role for years due to political infighting.
The previous winter was caused by the evil queen, but she was overthrown by Peter the great. There are other powerful witches, one of them may have sieved their mantle.
Walk down to see the hermit, takes a few hours.
Small compound surrounded by trees. Goats in the yard, simple house, pool in the yard. The stars read of travellers that will bring great change to the land. Ask about Tiskroc and his master. T – man of desires and passion. He has obtained his position by spreading blood, holds his position through brutality. Was recently assaulted and many felt his wrath. Kingdom sleeps with one eye open. Many serve at his whim. Tash – thrives in strife. Lightning and air
Session 06/09 (Session 12)
Only a week since the failed attack.
Summon fire horses and ride across the desert. Nadins route is slightly astray. Use crystals to work out where we are, we up to high.
We ride along the river side and find the desert bridge, lots of guards. Devils in cages DAing us. (GTN – imp, Greater summoner). The push aside the peasants and let us through. Wander into the city and up the hill and look for a place to stay. Naden spots a inn on the edge of the noble area, we get the one for the poorest nobles, we book to stay for a few weeks and they pleased.
[Clothes were made – illusions on us]
Following food and bathing follows.
We try out rituals, a divination takes 4 hours. Now mid evening. Look at the city via the crystals. The noble area is conspicuous consumption. Plan out escape routes and rendezvous points. Spend the evening on the rooftop garden, don't see anything in particular. Spend a month in city watching. Imps on the palace and temple entrances.
A few minor deities in the city. Can't get a place with a view of the palace and temple. See Tisroc well enough to locate him Only see Imps – Turf - Spy on the palace and Temple as an eagle
Old palace and original gardens are very quiet. Palace is fairly extensive. Tisroc is very paranoid and moves rooms every night. Not settled into a routine yet. Gate imps – names, sometimes celestial
Priest – greater summoning, pacted to the Tash, death curse (no), highest ranked spell – SoS
Two weeks in Turf and Naden hit by necrosis, in the inn at night. The next day we discover a servant in the inn has died. The neighbourhood was hit. If you failed you died, if you save you are hit by the equivalent of undead. There are nightly sacrifices at the temple at assuage Death.
Predecesor died along with many others, last one died is wave of elemental deaths
Session 13/09 (Session 13)
Arrive in courtyard of the hareem, there are ladies and eunuch. Locate points to the new palace, climb on the roves. Palace is three storied. Guards on the front. Climb up on to a balcony, (left) its on outdoor eating area. Silks and divines. Can smell cooking. People and guards. Dining area. Tables laid out. Lots of food, musicians. Its Midday.
Mark out way through to the throne room, can see the emperor on the throne, lots of people. 2x succubi beside him. Personal Guards x12, place guard. Wearing a wraith cloak has on a wraith cloak The succubi looking in out direction, the guards and mages react. Pulse 6 Pulse 7 Throw guard off throne.
Tishroc is slain and soulkeeper removed.
Tash appears – three hexes, 12 ft high, has 4 arms and a vultures head
2 mini me 2 three hex ice elementals
Session 20/09 (Session 14)
There is a low stone circle around the portal silverfoot symbol on it. Note, don't walk through the (retcon: it was there before)
Head though into garden shed, later afternoon (always)
Back to capital through gates. A matching stone circle, immaculately made. Two people waiting
- A star elf
- Dark elf (looks uncomfortable)
Elf is eyebite, wanted to touch the item, wants into
Imperials guard
Orthostopolise and team
Chain attached to the case
The surface moves toward you when you touch it, try to embed in finger Mounting is not magical.
Return to Tashbaan.
- Demons four arms – two glaives. Natural armour, lightning shield, dust whipping around him when he walks
- 2 x human sized demons - flying
- 2 x large three hex bipedal – made from black ice. Big glaives
Anti-rooms Now a mess Was a beautiful room pieces of corpses strewn around. All tables smashed. Mixture of food and body parts littler the room
Reek of blood
Can hear screaming coming from the north
Can see one of the large ice creates by the southern gate, looks to be guarding it.
Winged creates are making weeps, driving people north. See one breaking people into a house breaking through
Local potions – he is east. Rush through palace (remembering the layout) and make it to roof garden. To the east
Can see people moving, being pushed north. Spot what is possibly Tash, looking down into packed buildings
A bunk of imps and devils hanging on top of the temple watching the carnage. Many bodies on the street, a few minutes
Close to the waterfront here, a bit of a slum area
P1: WP boost: N gets about 40ft away. T on a main road Pushing people in front of him using his fear aura, herding them around.
P2: charge. T closes with naden
P3: Ophan potion: attack, flying demon attacks, 'ice' elemental teleports in. Turf hits it
P4: summons in another elemental and flying creature. it teleports out in 2nd half
P5: kill the remaining 4 creatures
Drops off locate (gone home)
Nerco death effect (lots of people die) – wind walk out to the desert to stop the effect
Ride back across desert, see hermit.
Standing in the pool, up to his waist. Swirling clouds in the water (waters of vision)
Was watching. Uncertainty as death. The fight for the next Tishroc, it will keep them occupied for a many a year. Can look forward to security and peace. There will be those that seek opportunity in this discord. Will inform the King.
He knows a little of the Ice Queen, the world of Narnia is shrouded. Would need to bear his will to penetrate the mist. He fears to peer to deeply. One could get trapped and pulled into the frozen world
The pool shows many things, some of little consequence, occasionally some of great action. Our action in Caliman will keep us attracted the elemental death for some time
Head back...
Back to Os place. Butler launders our clothes
O has a careful (and distant) look at the 'device', its feels hazardous to handle. Vast source of knowledge (soul of the goddess). Is avatar level and not passive, has some kick of sentience. It wants to gain agency. It's a soul keep and contains a soul. Cant divinate the soul, could ask the dead. Maybe astrology.
Ask 5 normal questions
- Need something that has agency – live body – vessel
- Old vessel was destroyed
Could have her trapped in Narnia if we assemble here there, need to do it here. Getting her through Cormelle would be an issue, the Master might pay attention and bring down his wroth (might have caused the issue in the first place – not malicious, a side effect). The master is either mostly hands off or mostly hands on, no middle ground.
Discuss with O, B and D in privacy, go down to the vaults.
Teleport out Change Naden back Touch divinate the item A soul jar – is S (or a copy of her) has all of her knowledge and abilities. R30 necro college. Will eventually take you over your will. Don't want to use. Might be an emergency backup? Job of self-preservation to all S to rebuild.
Notes on preparations
College/Spell Caster/Comment Bard Star elves None Binder Goblins None E&E Parastopheles Locations (potions) So we can locate each other Contingency
Illusionist Delirium R20 Invisibility Disguise Heroism R Multiple images R10 Mind Koroseva Resist Pain (potion) Sense danger (potion) Naming Turf Counterspells TBC Air Metastopheles Vapour Breathing Celestial Empire Strength of Darkness This or water SoS Resistance to Light Earth wood elves Strength of Stone Turf has scrolls if necessary Fire high elves Fire Armour Fireproofing Ice agents of Varenthia Resist Cold Water Sea Elves Water Breathing Buoyancy Waterproofing Waters of Strength This or Celestial SoD. Waters of healing Necro church, Sweptsands Necrogeny Witchcraft Valerie, Sweptsands None Rune Sachen Smite Greater Heart Rune Rune Shield There are other defence spells, but I think the SGs are the greatest danger over damage. Baccarat 3x rerolls - on self of offensively. Only last a season. Herbalist Valerie Stat enhancement +6 WP Healer Engleton Anti poison R12 Other Indigo's Elemental Resistance Tonic The drinker is immune to climatic extremes of temperature from arctic cold to desert heat whether generated naturally or by magic. They therefore do not suffer from exposure, frostbite, wind-chill, heat stress, hypothermia or hyperthermia, and their fatigue loss is unaffected by temperature. Elemental Magic damage is reduced by 20 per source (magical or not). Duration 24 hours. 12,000 each
Turf - Death potion - Cloaks - Hot/cold stone - Counterspell pins - Belt of North Wind - Contingency Bottle - Sealed Chalice - Pint of frozen fear
Call of hero
Death ward?
Counter spells
Earth – wood elves Rune – not common Fire – high elves Wicker – Valkery, Sweptsands Necro – church, Sweptsands Water – Sea Elves Ice – ice mages (agents of Varenthia) Rune – Sacken Icefist Air – Dragon (unreliable) Mind – Empire – Koroseva EE – O Illusions – D Binder - Goblins Bards – Star elves
College/Spell Caster Turf Naden Comment
Necro counter special R20 Turf Y Y 24 Hr +55% to MR.
Incoming spells loses 10 ranks on Turf, 2 ranks on Naden
Small chance to ignore spell; 30% turf, 14% Naden
Necro counter General R7 Turf Y Y 9 hr +29% to MR
Incoming spells loses 10 ranks on Turf, 2 ranks on Naden
Small chance to ignore spell; 30% turf, 14% Naden
Air Counter Spell R12 Turf Y N Turf can have a second CS – Air as that's seems to be what that god uses.
Incoming spells loses 6 ranks on Turf
Small chance to ignore spell; 30% turf
Counter spell card – TBC – Mind? Fire? Wicker Turf Y Y Turf can create tarot cards that hold a CS
E&E Contingency Orthostopholies Y Y Death ward? – goes off if we are impacted by Planar Expulsions. So goes off when we arrive. Quickness R?? Orthostopholies Y Y Enhanced quickness, case on us just before we depart
Illusion Invisibility R20 Delerium Y Y Locate Delerium (potion) Y Y Locate potions on the big T. Drink when we arrive. Multiple images Delerium R10 2 images
Rune Rune Shield R??? Sachen Y Y I think this is probably the best defence spell as we can ignore spec grevs Runes of Truth R?? Sachen Y Y Smite R?? Sachen Y Y Greater heart Rune R?? Sachen Y Y
Mind Sense Danger Korosevan (potion) Y ?? Resist pain Koroseva (potion) Y ??
Water Waters of Strength Potions? Turf Y Y Turf has some R14 ones, I'll have to check my inventory.
Necromancy Necrogeny Naden (potion) Y Y Death Sense Naden (potion) Y Y
Earth Strength of Stone R20 Turf (scroll) Y Y
Baccarat 3x rerolls - on self of offensively. Only last a season. Y Y Herbalist Valerie Stat enhancement +6 WP Y Y Indigo's Elemental Resistance Tonic Naden (potion) The drinker is immune to climatic extremes of temperature from arctic cold to desert heat whether generated naturally or by magic. They therefore do not suffer from exposure, frostbite, wind-chill, heat stress, hypothermia or hyperthermia, and their fatigue loss is unaffected by temperature. Elemental Magic damage is reduced by 20 per source (magical or not). Duration 24 hours.
Bard Star elves None Binder Goblins None E&E Parastopheles Locations (potions) So we can locate each other Contingency
Illusionist Delirium R20 Invisibility Disguise Innocence Mind Koroseva Resist Pain (potion) Sense danger (potion) Naming Turf Counterspells TBC Air Metastopheles Vapour Breathing Celestial Empire Strength of Darkness This or water SoS Resistance to Light Earth wood elves Strength of Stone Turf has scrolls if necessary Fire high elves Fire Armour Fireproofing Ice agents of Varenthia Resist Cold Water Sea Elves Water Breathing Buoyancy Waterproofing Waters of Strength This or Celestial SoD. Waters of healing Necro church, Sweptsands Necrogeny Witchcraft Valerie, Sweptsands None Rune Sachen Smite Greater Heart Rune Rune Shield There are other defence spells, but I think the SGs are the greatest danger over damage. Baccarat 3x rerolls - on self of offensively. Only last a season. Herbalist Valerie Stat enhancement +6 WP Healer Engleton Anti poison R12 Other Indigo's Elemental Resistance Tonic The drinker is immune to climatic extremes of temperature from arctic cold to desert heat whether generated naturally or by magic. They therefore do not suffer from exposure, frostbite, wind-chill, heat stress, hypothermia or hyperthermia, and their fatigue loss is unaffected by temperature. Elemental Magic damage is reduced by 20 per source (magical or not). Duration 24 hours. 12,000 each
College/Spell Caster Turf Naden Comment
Necro counter special R20 Turf Y Y 24 Hr +55% to MR.
Incoming spells loses 10 ranks on Turf, 2 ranks on Naden
chance to ignore spell; 30% turf, 14% Naden
Necro counter General R7 Turf Y Y 9 hr +29% to MR
Incoming spells loses 10 ranks on Turf, 2 ranks on Naden
chance to ignore spell; 30% turf, 14% Naden
Air Counter Spell R12 Turf Y Y Turf can have a second CS – Air as that's seems to be what that god uses.
Incoming spells loses 6 ranks on Turf
chance to ignore spell; 30% turf
Counter spell card – TBC – Mind? Fire? Wicker Turf Y Y Turf can create tarot cards that hold a CS
E&E Contingency Orthostopholies Y Y Death ward? – goes off if we are impacted by Planar Expulsions. So goes off when we arrive. Quickness R?? Orthostopholies Y Y Enhanced quickness, case on us just before we depart
Illusion Invisibility R20 Delerium Y Y Locate Naden (potion) Y Y Locate potions on the big T. Drink when we arrive. Multiple Images Delerium Y Y R10 2 images
Rune Rune Shield R15 Sachen Y Y I think this is probably the best defence spell as we can ignore spec grevs +20% def 3 armour Runes of Truth R?? Sachen Y Y Smite R10 Sachen Y Y Greater heart Rune R10 Sachen Y Y Heal 8
Mind Sense Danger Korosevan (potion) Y Y Resist Pain Koroseva (potion) Y N
Water Waters of Strength Potions? Turf Y Y Turf has some R14 ones, I'll have to check my inventory.
Necromancy Necrogeny Naden (potion) Y Y Death Sense Naden (potion) Y N Fire Fire protection Naden (potion) Y Y 100 pts
Earth Strength of Stone R20 Turf (scroll) Y Y Turf has some in scrolls
Baccarat 3x rerolls - on self of offensively. Only last a season. Y Y Others Stat enhancement +6 WP Valerie Y Y Indigo's Elemental Resistance Tonic
Naden (potion) The drinker is immune to climatic extremes of temperature from arctic cold to desert heat whether generated naturally or by magic. They therefore do not suffer from exposure, frostbite, wind-chill, heat stress, hypothermia or hyperthermia, and their fatigue loss is unaffected by temperature. Elemental Magic damage is reduced by 20 per source (magical or not). Duration 24 hours.
- Archenland to the south
- Calorman [south or Archenland] (Tasban is at the top, runs for hundreds of miles to the south. Noone knows whats on the borders)
- long string of land
- South -river
- N – mountain range
- Many woodlands
- Keep is impressive.
- King – Cor
- Queen – Aravis
- Demon Tash – winged created. Always mentioned of lightning. Raining lightning down from the sky.
To the North of Narnia is the cold waste, the west of Narnia no one knows.
Coda (from GM)
- Eyebite is given the key to release Ankh.
- The Church of Shahdad produce a tabulu rasa human who travels through to Lantern Waste and is joined with the soulkeeper.
- Shahdad recombines with the elemental death.
- Varenthia joins the party in the Lantern Waste and together the party uses the portal back.
- Kosiva Zaorich regains her mortal form and Shahdad ascends.