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Insert Details and Description of the area.
This county is sandwiched by the two western counties of [[Delheim] to the Northwest and County of Aquila to the SouthWest, whilst on the East is the Baratary River and the Northeast is the Eridanys River
The main battle (See Return_of_the_Geomancers) which saw the Drow invasion blunted in 813wk was in the county near the juncture of the Baratary and Eridanys Rivers. The area was at the end of the Ice Road and along with the devastation caused by the Ice Road and the major battle the area was left in a very bad way. This has had some work done on it to fix some of the land but areas of it are too far gone and are simply lifeless wastelands.
- Hartzenburg
- Hullenburg
- Knittleheim
- Templehausen
Places of Interest
Rulers of the realm
- Leroy Hoenstruck the Count (Graf) of Innsluber, Aquila, (b766wk -)
- Viscount (Altgraf) Maximilion von Hoenstruck, son of Leroy Hoenstruck the Count (Graf) of Innsluber
- Jubert Conradiner, Reichsfreiherr of Hartzenburg
- Giles de Wulf, Reichsfreiherr of Hullenburg
- Gervais Thurmstein, Reichsfreiherr of Knittleheim
- Tyrone Sponheim, Reichsfreiherr of Templehausen