Ibrihim's Treasure

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White coins x 25 @ 252sp each
Valuation of treasure
Guild Tax
After Guild Tax


Potion of Life Aspect

If not Death Aspected, the imbiber gains Life Aspect without losing their original Aspect, and adds +5 to their Rank in Healer and Herbalist, provided they have at least Rank 0. This effect will last for one week.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic College of Magic Value GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Enhancement Galvanism 8,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Last Stand Charm

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the Last Stand Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered once a Pulse for 3 Pulses. This will require a Free Act. The parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn.
When the charm is spoken aloud for the third time, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
'Though all about me fall, yet shall I endure!'
If it works, the utterer may not be stunned and can only be slain if their head is separated from their body. This effect lasts for a number of Pulses equal to one half their base EN (rounding up). All damage should be recorded, including Specific Grievous Injuries, but no matter how negative their EN drops, they will not die until the charm expires. Bonuses from items and magic are not considered at all for the purposes of calculating the duration of the effect.

3 2 1
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Tanuel Formerly living Charm 4,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Spider Silk Bandage

This bandage, woven from spider silk, is sticky on one side. It can be slapped against a wound, and will heal 1D10 damage points, + 1/Rank in Healer. Bandages that are in a pocket must be prepared, and this will take a Pass Action. Bandages in a backpack can take up to 4 Pulses to prepare. A bandage that is on a belt, or in some easy to get at place does not require any special Actions to prepare. Attaching the bandage to a wound requires a Pass Action.
The bandage will always heal EN deficit first, then FT deficit. It will never heal FT which is lost from spell casting or through tiredness.

3 2 1

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Tanuel Formerly living Weaving 350sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Healing Potion

This potion may be taken without preparing it and is fragile. It weighs 4 oz and will cure 9 EN deficit, wrapping to FT deficit. It will not cure the special damage associated with any Grievous Injury, nor will it "cure" tiredness fatigue (including that lost due to spell casting). However, it can Cure disease, infection, fever, headaches and Prolong Life as if attempted by a Healer of Rank 3.

2 1
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Tanuel Magical Solar 350sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Consciousness Disc

These discs are made from wood, must be worn openly on clothing to be effective, and weigh 1 lb each.
If the wearer should fail a MR check vs Sleep, Mental Attack, Hibernation, Petit Mort, Century Long Sleep or similar magic, then they may elect, without requiring the use of an Action, to destroy a disc, whereupon they will be considered to have succeeded.

2 1
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Tanuel Formerly living Consciousness 3,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Potion of Caster's Grace

Rank 10 Alchemy
This potion bottle is chased in a delicate alloy of silver and tin. It weighs 4 oz and if it is subjected to a sudden blow will break on a percentile roll greater than 70. It need not be prepared before imbibing. It weighs 4 oz.
The effects lasts for 12 pulses. For that period, Preparing a spell no longer requires an Action, but cannot be combined with a Cast Action.

2 1
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Tanuel Magical Grace 3,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Wind-Sharpened Tulwar

Ibrihim's tulwar has been wind-sharpened. If he should successfully strike an opponent, the blade ignores the first 3 points of Protection.

Adventure Season Aura Nature of Magic College of Magic Value GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Magical Sharpening Air Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


The Wind Ensemble

These are four pieces of clothing, which may be worn over any kind of armour except plate or plate-mail.
This white scarf weighs about 1/4 lb and must be worn as a headress for its magic to be effective. If the wearer is not already hawk-nosed, of hooded brow and gimlet eye, they will acquire this appearance.
Once a week, it may be used to make a desert seeming real. Thus, if they see a mirage of an oasis in the distance, they could make it real and be sustained by it. This effect will fade by midnight and the ability may be recovered by purifying at dawn on a Friday.
This headband weighs about 1/4 lb. It ties the keffiyeh to the head. When this is worn, the wearer's vision is less affected by harsh light and the sun.

  • They can see an extra 25 feet further than they would normally be able to if they are dazzled by any effect of light (Rank 20 Light, Flash of Light, Pyrotechnics, etc) or sunlight.
  • They are entitled to two PC checks to notice things of a visual nature in a desert, the best roll applying.

The keffiyeh and the agal must be worn together to be effective.
This is a light, lavender cloak or coat that weighs about 2 1/2 lbs. The wearer is always surrounded by a gentle breeze of Force 3. The breeze does not prevent winds of greater Force affecting the wearer.

  • The breeze is too slight to give the wearer a bonus but it does remove the penalties for being enclosed or underground. The breeze will not be present if the wearer is in a vacuum or immersed in water, or, indeed, any other environment where a wind would not occur.
  • The wearer may commune with the breeze by means of the Ritual of Windspeak for 1 hour + 1 hour/Rank. As a result of the enchantment of the bisht and the ebullience of the breeze, the wearer may make gliding strides adding 1 to their TMR for every 4 Ranks in the Ritual. They may move through the air, but at the end of their movement, if they are not on the ground, Flying, Gliding or Feather Falling, they will plummet. They must be able to move without restriction to be able to use the extra TMR, which usually means that they may not use it when they are restrained, in close or engaged in melee. Other impediments may apply at the DM's discretion.

This light robe is white, weighs about 2 lbs and protects against the vicissitudes of the desert.

  • The wearer only checks for FT loss from exercise at every even-numbered hour of the clock. Thus at 10, 12, 2 and so on throughout the day. Penalties that arise from dehydration and heat are also levied over twice the normal period.
  • If the wearer should resist magic that does harm by heat, light, aridity or sunlight (Dragonflames, Fireball, Hellfire, Smoking Magma, Solar Flare, Incinerate, Dehydration, Whitefire or similar) then they take no damage at all. If they fail their MR and the damage is sufficient to reduce their EN to -1 or less, then they will drop to no less than -1 EN

The bisht and the thobe must be worn together to be effective.
Finally, if the entire ensemble is worn and the wearer is a Greater Noble such that they have lands and a title that they can pass down to the next generation, then once a year they may perform a Ritual of Summoning Air Elemental and summon a non-wish granting djinn named Feyd.


Natural Habitat
Other Planes
Feyd is a male humanoid about eight feet tall, with jaundice-coloured skin and a wispy beard.
Feyd is a young djinn and very unsure of himself. He would never admit to being afraid of efreeti, or, indeed, anything.
Feyd has all the abilities of an air elemental summoned by a magician with Rank 6 in the Ritual of Summoning Air Elementals. He does not yet know how to create matter and would be very grateful to anyone who could show him how.
He can only be harmed by magical weapons.
Movement Rate Flying
600; Running: 300
PS: 35 MD: 19 AG: 20 MA: 12 EN: 20 FT: 30
WP: 20 PC: 14 PB: 14 TMR: 12/6 NA: Skin aborbs 4 DP
Feyd has a tulwar he calls 'the Big One', of which he is very fond.

The Big One: BC 103%, [2D + 4], Melee, Rank 6.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Tanuel Formerly living Desert Lore Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Son of the Desert

Ibrihim's Aspect is now Autumn Stars/Air/Desert. In a desert environment, he subtracts 1 from his die rolls, which will stack with other die roll modifiers. He increases the MA multiplier by 1 when performing a feat of Minor Magic that involves sand. Thus, in these situations, a 1 x MA multiplier becomes a 2 x MA multiplier.
Should he be gathered by those learned in the arts of Alchemy, his heart blood may be harvested for 3 Desert.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Chaos Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Detect Fumes v 1.1

Detect Fumes (T-2)
Range: 10 ft + 10/Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Resist: None
Effects: Ibrihim may detect the presence of fumes and vapours and has a chance equal to his modified perception (+ 3 / Rank) of accurately identifying each smell present. He must spend a pulse sniffing the air while applying this talent. If his sense of smell is not operating, for whatever reason, then this talent may not be used. This talent may only be attempted once per set of smells. When new smells are introduced, he may be able to identify these new smells by attempting this talent again, but any previously unidentified smells will remain so.
In addition, and for the duration that he is communing with the wind of his bisht (refer to The Wind Ensemble), if he makes his Detect Fumes chance, then he can target scent bearing objects or entities even if he cannot see them, provided that they are not obscured by damp mists and Noxious Vapours.
Cast or Fire Actions made vs targets he cannot see will add 20 to his die roll modifier, making it more difficult, less one for each Rank in this Talent. Melee attacks attract the normal penalties.
This Talent is not teachable.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic College of Magic Value GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Sense Air Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Pillar of the Desert

Pillar of the Desert
Range: 30 ft+15/Rank
Duration: Conc. no max/Immediate*
Target: Volume
Base Chance: 30%
Exp.Mult.: 400
Resist: Passive
Effect: The Adept imbues a volume of air within range with the gifts of wind and sand, creating a Pillar of the Desert. At Ranks below 20, the pillar is about a hex wide and about 10 feet high. At Rank 20, it is about a megahex wide and grows to a height of about 30 feet. It can only acheive this size if there is sufficient space for it to fully form.
This vortex of wind-blown sand inflicts 1 rollup D10 (+1 rollup D10 / 5 Ranks) unless the target resists, in which case they take none. However, the pillar will afflict the vision of those inside it and force them to add the Rank of the spell to the die roll for any Strike or Cast Check, making it more difficult. A target who has had a Barrier of Wind cast on them is immune to this particular effect.
The pillar has a TMR of 5 + 1 per 2 Ranks.
*In the event that the result of the Cast Check is less than or equal to 5% or 15% of the Cast Chance, then damage may be doubled or tripled as normal, with those in the volume of effect taking half damage, even if they successfully Resist. However, in these cases, the spell's duration is Immediate, the pillar's integrity collapsing at the violence of the forces unleashed.
This spell is considered part of the Adept's Special Knowledge magic, and was learnt from Aquilon, the Mistress of the Winds. It is not teachable.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic College of Magic Value GM
Immortal Longings Spring 810 Desert Storm Air Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376