Fort Baklava

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Fort Baklava

The Fort has been built over an overhang above Lake Mara and is supported by large pillars that extend into the lake which enable an area below the fort to be used to tranship goods from the river barges that travel between here, Marasei and the coast.

The fort itself looks to be a 100ft square tower for the 3 lower floors and another 3 60ft square levels on top of that with a few other solid looking buildings all enclosed by a 20ft wall. It appears to have been here a long time but the top 3 levels added in the last decade or so - perhaps 8 years ago (circa 802). Above and behind the fort you can see details of Erma’s_Pass that takes travellers across the Keraptis Mountains to Xantenburg.

The Constable of Fort Baklava is Gregor Vidamour and he runs the town on behalf of his liege lord the Baron of Xantenburg.