Fey folk and fairies of Ildrisholm
There's been none of the fair folk in the Ildrisholm area for hundreds of years. History apparently shows a rich fairy history from before then, but it has tailed off and all that remained of them seem to have either been killed or driven off by the Dark Circle.
The stories tell of fairy kingdoms and an underground kingdom hidden beneath a hill. The most recent remnants of any fey were some sylphs living in the Lesser Sylph mountains (one of whom's honour was saved by a guild party when she was rescued from the goblins over 10 years ago) and pixies living in the greenwood. The only known survivor of all of this would seem to be Sean the Leprechaun. No one has asked him directly about any fairies, but when mention of pixies was made once he was overheard muttering "Splitters!!"