Fallen Ocelotepec - Tsayoi's Award
Return to Fallen Ocelotepec
Tsayoi returns to the Guild on the 11th Snow 817wk with 62, 803 Experience
He has earnt these Spots:
6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 10 |
He may
- advance any Talent six Ranks.
- advance his Rank in Horsemanship 1 Rank at only 90% of the cost and no time.
- advance his Rank in Oaxacan as if he had been immersed in it for 4 weeks.
- advance his Rank in Climbing 1 Rank at only 90% of the cost and no time.
He is aware of a bed of enhanced Flamecap that may be harvested after the Autumnal Equinox (15th Harvest 818 WK) to the Harvest Moon (19th Harvest 818 WK). The amount that may be collected is equal to Rank in Herbalist + 1 rollup D10 (+ 1 rollup D10 for every 5 Ranks) .
- Enhanced Flamecap

These brightly coloured orange mushrooms may be used as a reagent for spells that do damage by burning (i.e. Hellfire, Dragonflames, Fireball, Burning Magma, Bolt of Fire etc) to enhance damage. The enhancement is an additional 2 rollup D10 fire damage and 5 is subtracted from the die roll result of the Cast Check .
Each application weighs 1 oz.
A Door Made of Ent Wood
A 7' high door, 1' thick and 3' wide. It weighs 1,092 lbs.
Herbal Products
Potion of Wisdom
This phial weighs 4 oz and contains a swirling mixture of lavender and pale blue. When it is taken, it increases WP, MA and PC by 10 until the next dawn.
At dawn, when the effects wear off , they may Break 100 three times. WP is added to the result and if this is successful they learn something of the nature of the astral so that they may automatically succeed in a Magic Resistance check of their choice once. MA is added to the second roll and if successful, they increase their MA by 1 once only, but no higher than racial maximum. PC is added to the third roll, and if successful, they may consult with Astral Powers once. The Astral is proximate to the Abyss, the current mundane realm and encloses the various Elemental realms.
Potion of Enhanced Healing
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without Preparing if it is attached to a belt or bandolier, etc. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. The potion heals 3 rollup D10 + 20 damage.
Staunch Potion of Healing
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without Preparing if it is attached to a belt or bandolier, etc. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. The potion heals 40 damage and renders the drinker immune to damage for the rest of that Pulse and the next.
Potion of Curing
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without Preparing if it is attached to a belt or bandolier, etc. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. The potion heals 1 rollup D10 damage that Pulse, then another at the end of the next Pulse, and a last rollup D10 at the end of the third Pulse.
Slap x 2

This bottle is sturdy and, if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, requires but a Free Action to use. Otherwise, the DM must determine how many Prepare Actions must be spent before it can be used. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 70 or less on percentile or be shattered. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
When the seal is broken beneath someone's nose, they automatically and immediately recover from being Stunned or waken from any effect (magical or otherwise) that causes them to sleep or lose consciousness, except that caused by a Major Curse. This includes Enchanted Sleep, Hypnotism, Mental Attack, Hibernation, Petit Mort, Knockout Gas, Backfire effects and similar magic.
It does not rouse the dead.

This bottle is fragile but if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, the potion can be drunk without requiring a Prepare Action. Should the bearer be struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
Whoever drinks Jazz gains an extra Action at their normal Initiative Value + 20. However, their EN value is halved. Four Pulses after taking it, the Jazz effect will wear off, at which point their EN loss may be cured.
Taking two potions of Jazz does not give the imbiber 2 extra Actions a Pulse. Instead, the duration queues, while EN value is halved yet again. In other words, if Tsayoi were to take Jazz in Pulse 1, in Pulse 2 he would have 2 Actions and his EN value (25), is reduced to 13. His second Action in Pulse 3 is to take yet more Jazz (meaning that it will wear off in Pulse 9, not Pulse 5) and now his EN value is reduced to 7. Note that EN value is affected, so any attempt to restore it will either fail or cause the Jazz effect to dissipate.
Although the imbiber may benefit from the effects of a Strength of Stone spell before they take Jazz, they are no longer a legal target for this spell until the Jazz effect has worn off.
When Jazz has worn off, the imbiber's maximum EN value is restored but not their EN value. To continue the example with Tsayoi, he will have to be restored of 18 points (to take him from 7 to 25) before his EN value is fully recovered.
Potion of Waters of Healing
This phial contains:
- Waters of Healing.
- Rank 20
Potion of Enhanced Vision
This phial contains:
- Enhanced Vision
- Rank 20
Potion of Communion with Stone
This phial is robust, weighs 4 oz and must be Prepared before it may be taken.
Any earth elemental under the control of the imbiber become sentient and both share a common language. The effect lasts until the next dusk or dawn.
Cast Chances are modified by the reader's MA and Enchantment.
Celestial Scroll
Cast Chances are further modified by lighting conditions as appropriate for a Star Mage
- Illuminate (Rank 11)
- base Cast Chance 48%
- Shadowform (Rank 11)
- base Cast Chance 43%
- Blink (Rank 11)
- automatically successful
- The reader has a Blink Pool of 16 hexes. They can draw upon no more than 4 of these hexes each Pulse as a Reflex Action to teleport away from danger if they roll under 43% (which is modified by the reader's MA bonus, Enchantment and lighting conditions). Only one Reflex Action is allowed per Pulse but it may be taken ahead of the reader's initiative to avoid harm.
- This magic lasts for 6 hours or until the Blink Pool is exhausted, whichever comes first.
Invested Items
Wand of Conjuring Darkness
This 11" wand weighs 4oz and is made from the forearm bone of a human. It contains 22 charges of Rank 11 Conjuring Darkness of the College of Necromantic Conjurations. The base Cast Chance is 83%, modified by the wielder's MA, Enchantment and situational bonuses.
22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 |
11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Heavy Bronze Hand and a Half
This bronze hand and a half weighs 12 lbs. It requires PS 17 and MD 16 to wield and the base Strike Chance is 45%. Strike Chance increases by 1 for every point of PS in excess of 17 to a maximum of 37, and has no chance of breaking unless subjected to PS in excess of 90. Base damage is +6 and inflicts C Class damage.
The wielder may attempt a multi-hex attack at a penalty of 20 to Strike Chance, and this is a special attack.
Giant Flat-Faced Club
This giant club has a flat face, weighs 10 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 53% and inflicts D10 + 8 Damage Points. However, against a human-sized creature or smaller, Strike Chance increases to 73% and the result of the "D10" is read according to this table:
D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points |
1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 11 |
6 | 13 | 7 | 17 | 8 | 19 | 9 | 23 | 0 | 29 |
Against such targets, this Specific Grievous Injury table is consulted instead of the normal one.
D100 | Grievous Injury |
35–40 | Your opponent's weapon has come crashing down on your head and fractured your skull. You fall prone and are unconscious, and take 8 Damage Points to Endurance. If you survive, you lose 2 from AG, 2 from MD and 2 from Perception. It will take a year in bed to recover. |
41–42 | A glancing blow crushes one ear into a cauliflower-shaped lump (your choice as to which one). Take 2 Damage Points immediately from Endurance. Reduce your Perception by 2. |
43 | A savage blow smashes your cheek and jaw. Take an automatic pass action next pulse due to the shock of the blow. Your PB is increased by 1, since your disfigurement will bring out the maternal/paternal instincts in the opposite gender. |
44–50 | A jarring blow to your primary elbow inflicts 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance. Roll D10; the result is the number of pulses the arm is useless. You immediately drop anything held in that hand. |
51–52 | A jarring blow to your secondary elbow inflicts 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance. Roll D10; the result is the number of pulses the arm is useless. You immediately drop anything held in that hand. |
53–60 | Your primary arm is crippled by a crushing blow! Take 2 damage Points immediately to Endurance and drop anything you have in your primary hand. The arm is unusable until healed, which should take 2 months. |
61-67 | Your secondary arm is crippled; see 53–60 for details. |
68–69 | A horrible blow in the region of the shoulder and neck. You suffer 4 Damage Points to Endurance. Roll D10. On a roll of 1–3, the top of your head is staved in and you tumble to the ground unconscious. On a roll of 4–6, your secondary collar bone is crushed so drop anything in your secondary hand. On a roll of 7–10 your primary collar bone is crushed so drop anything in your primary hand. Arms are unusable until healed, which should take 2 months. |
70–78 | A crushing blow smashes your helmet and causes a concussion. Take 3 Damage Points from Endurance and suffer a reduction of 4 in both MD and AG lasting for 3 days. |
79–83 | A massive chest wound accompanied by broken ribs and crushed tissues. Very ugly, this. Take 5 Damage Points immediately from Endurance. Reduce your MD and AG by 3 each until this wound heals (which should take about 4 months). Increase your chance of infection by 10. |
83–87 | A crushing blow smashes tissue and produces internal injuries. You suffer 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance and 1 per pulse thereafter to Fatigue (Endurance when Fatigue is exhausted) until unconscious or you receive the attention of a Healer of Rank 2 or above. |
88–92 | A jarring blow to your primary shoulder inflicts 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance. Roll D10; the result is the number of pulses the arm is useless. You immediately drop anything held in that hand. |
93–97 | Similar to 88-92 except it is your secondary shoulder. |
98 | Your right hip is smashed horribly. Take 5 Damage Points immediately to Endurance and fall prone. You will be unable to walk until the damage has healed (which should take about 6 months). Good fun. When healed, you will still have a limp which will reduce your TMR by 1 and your AG by 2. |
99 | The same as 98 except it is your left hip that is smashed. |
100 | Crushing blow to your pelvis breaks bone and tears tissue. Take 7 Damage Points immediately to Endurance and fall prone. Make a WP check to avoid falling unconscious. If you survive, you will be unable to move for D10 months. |
Giant Crescent Spear
This giant spear is a 1 or 2-handed weapons, weighs 15 lbs and is set with a wickedly curved reverse blade. It has a base Strike Chance of 63% and inflicts D10 + 7 Damage Points. It inflicts A & B Class injuries. When wielded by a giant who is lunar aspected, an additional 5 is subtracted from the die roll result.
Itemised Heavy Crossbow
This heavy crossbow has been permanently Itemised so that it is 3" long and weighs 1 lb. When a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the College of Binding and Animating Magics is Cast upon it, will become a heavy crossbow 3 feet in length, weighing 10 lbs until the spell wears off, whereupon it will return to its Itemised state. The base Strike Chance is 61% It may fire quarrels (inflicting 2 rollup D10 A Class damage) or round metal bullets (inflicting 1 rollup D10 + 2 C Class injuries). All "1"s count as "10"s when rolling damage.
Sister Six
This 5'10" staff is made from the warped, folded and stressed skeleton of a woman. It weighs 10 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage. Bonus damage for extra PS is never applied. It accepts weapon spells but these have nothing more than cosmetic effects, except that a Spectral Weapon or Rune Weapon spell will allow the staff to Strike at the incorporeal or into the Astral.
Once a bonding cost of 1 EN has been paid, the wielder:
- increases their Defence by 2 (+2 per Rank in Quarterstaff). This will not stack with Defence from other weapons or shields.
- reduces damage by 1 at Rank 4 in Quarterstaff and by another at Rank 8. This applies to all incoming damage including Putrid Wound, Hand of Death and Necrosis but not damage caused by curses, poison, disease, Disruption or the like.
- adds their Rank to their WP when calculating Recovery from Stun, Torment or similar magic.
- adds 1 for every odd Rank to their PS for the purposes of calculating Encumbrance.
- may spend 10FT (- 1 / Rank of Quarterstaff) and a Pass Action to call forth Sister Six:
- Description
- The bone staff unfolds into the skeleton of a woman called Sister Six, who wears a grey wimple and habit with a heavy rosary made of onyx beads. She is 5'10" tall, weighs 10 lbs and walks with a slight stoop. She will stay for 1 minute, doubling for each Rank above 0.
- She may carry up to 35 lbs of equipment. Any attempt to assign more than this to her will cause the magic to unravel and return her to Quarterstaff form.
- She does not cause fear as undead do, although the average person will find her quite intimidating, and it may take them some time to accept her if they ever do.
- She is sentient but has 0 MA, understands Common (7L), Thari (8) & Church Latin (8L) but cannot speak except in Silent Tongue, which she has learnt to Rank 7.
- Hers is a story of tragedy and woe which she will not be drawn upon, although it is clear from the state of her bones that she had been subjected to dreadful torture before she achieved her current state.
- Abilities
- Six is considered an animate, not undead, and ignores A Class damage, magical or otherwise.
- She is light (10 lbs) and strong so may leap horizontally 13 yards in still air but must rise 1 foot for every yard vaulted. She may leap vertically 23 feet, and, if she can find purchase, scale vertical surfaces at half her TMR.
- She does not Stun, is never affected by draining damage, A Class damage, Specific Grievous injuries that do not affect bones, Ice Projectiles, Ice Bolt, Diamond Javelins, Putrid Wound, Necrosis, Agony, Torment, Harming Entity or magic that targets the personality (Charm, Fear, Compelling Obedience, Control Person, Control Entity, Binding Lesser Undead etc) or similar. Very little will destroy her outright except, maybe, being pounded to bone dust with a hammer, annihilation or the like.
- She is considered dimensionally ambiguous, being able to share her hex with whoever she is bonded to regardless of their size.While she does this, the binder adds 1 for every odd Rank to their PS for the purposes of calculating Encumbrance.
- She may not be Healed, but may be Mended. She recovers while in Quarterstaff form at a rate 1 EN every 3 days, 1 FT per hour when EN is fully restored.
- Movement Rates
- Running / Climbing: 250 / 125
PS: | 16 + Rank | MD: | 20+ Rank ⁄ 3 | AG: | 20+ Rank ⁄ 3 | MA: | 0 | EN: | 19 + Rank | FT: | 18 |
WP: | 25 | PC: | 14+ Rank ⁄ 5 | PB: | 7 | TMR: | Special | NA: | None |
- Weapons
- Punch: BC 61%, [1 rollup D10 + 4], Melee & Close, Rank = wielder's Rank in Quarterstaff
- Six may make two Punch attacks without penalty.
- Where Rank is mentioned, it refers to the wielder's Rank in Quarterstaff.
- Her TMR is calculated as a human based on her AG and Encumbrance.
- She knows these power words:
- Fatigue cost is 5, Range is 10 feet, and the Free Act prevents Six from making Melee or Ranged Strike Checks in the same Pulse.
Certain spells may be invested in the staff at half the normal cost, each charge taking 8 hours to store. Only 20 spells may be invested in the staff, but any combination is allowed. The following spells or types of magic are allowed:
Counterspells | Light | Wall of Stone | Mage Current |
Hands of Earth | Increase Temperature | Scry Shield | Gliding |
Skin Change | Witch Sight | Freeze | Speak to Avians |
Blood Pebble Armour

These turquoise pebbles may be inserted into an entity's body to provide Damage Reduction versus physical damage. The "armour" does not penalise AG or Stealth, but has a weight factor of 1. The damage reduction provided can be no more than any of the following constraints:
- the Rank of the Healer that inserts them.
- the Rank of the Talismonger that enchants them.
- the size of the entity into with the pebbles have been embedded.
Each point of Damage Reduction reduces the wearer's EN value by 1. Specific Grievous Injuries impairs Damage Reduction by 2 until the injury is Healed. If no Damage Reduction remains, the pebbles are shattered and may not be repaired. EN assigned may be recovered at a rate of 1 every 3 days.
Itemised Winterthaw Shield
This shield of wood and bronze has been permanently Itemised so that it is 5" long and weighs 1 1 ⁄ 2 lb. When a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the College of Binding and Animating Magics is Cast upon it, will become a tower shield 5' high weighing 15 lbs until the spell wears off, whereupon it will return to its Itemised state. It provides 6 Defence per Rank and penalises MD by 3. It is a legal target for the Heat Shield spell, which allows the wielder to dissipate magical attacks arising from ice, snow, cold or similar. It must be an attack where interposing a shield would be effective (so, no, it won't work against Freezing Wind), and the wielder must Break 100 -> WP + Rank in Heat Shield.
Mechanical Eye
This mechanical optick must be placed over the eye of a subject, whereupon it will activate, deploy tiny silver drills and blades, burying itself into the cavity in a messy flensing of eye membrane and humour. Once in place, it will make magical connection with the subjects soul and allow them to see into the Astral. Each viewing lasts 1 minute for each point that the subject's WP is greater than 15 and. costs 1 Strain. It extends 25 feet away from them, unless the Astral phenomena is obvious, in which case it is at the DM's discretion.
The optick will roll about the socket in a most alarming way while Astral viewing is in effect.
Pearl Lip Pin
This lip pin is made from gold and holds a small, freshwater pearl. It weighs 1 oz, and must pierce the lip for its magic to be effective.
Once a day, resetting after dawn and the performance of the toilette, the wearer may Cast a spell without Uttering.
Spell Racks
Crystal Athame
This spell rack is a crystal dagger that weighs 1 lb, has a base Strike Chance of 55%, base damage of 1 rollup D10+1 and is not balanced for throwing. It adds 2 to the bearer's WP with respect to the Sorceries of the Mind. It may not accept weapon spells.
The wielder will know the WP value of an entity damaged by it.
The Mask of Smoking Mirror
This masque is made from the preserved head of a brown bear. Once a day, anyone who has a bear disguise or can, by means of magic or drugs convince themselves they are a bear, may transform into a creature with these properties:
- Description
- This large brown bear stamds 8 feet high on its hind legs and has the talons and wings of an owl appropriate to its size.
- Talents, Skills, and Magic
- This creature is a clumsy flyer and Rank in that Adventuring Skill may never exceed 4. Each hour of flight costs 4 FT. It increases it's chance of tracking and foraging by the value of its Perception.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 350; Flying: 500
PS: | 38 | MD: | 15 | AG: | 15 | MA: | Wearer's | EN: | 34 | FT: | Wearer's |
WP: | Wearer's | PC: | Wearer's | PB: | 5 | TMR: | 7/10 | NA: | Fur absorbs 5 DP |
- Weapons
- The creature can make 2 claw attacks in melee without penalty, in close combat it can also bite.
- Claw: BC: 59%, 1 rollup D10+3 B & C Class damage, Max Rank 4 (of the wearer's skill with Unarmed Combat)
- Bite: BC: 53%, 1 rollup D10+4 A & B Class damage, Max Rank 6(of the wearer's skill with Unarmed Combat)
In this form, if the wearer should ever taste blood or take EN damage they will go berserk attacking the nearerst entity and moving on once slain, dismembered or unconscious, increasing the Strike Chance of the Claw attack to 67% and the Bite to 73%/ Damage is doubled, all Initiative Values become 79, base Defence becomes 53 and fur also provides 6 Damage Reduction vs phystical damage except from weapons forged from gold or orichalcum. They will continue to attack until no threat is perceived whereupon they they will gradually return to their original form over a minute or so, even if dead.
In their berserk state, they never recognise their allies, friends or family members. This is a major curse with an MA of 23, 46 if the sun can be seen in the sky. Removing the curse only lifts their current berserk state.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | |
Fallen Ocelotepec | Winter 817 | Nualis | Formerly living | Shamanism | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021 076 9376 |
Incubus Thong
This leather posing pouch can be worn by anyone but will only be convincing if worn by a man who is wont to stand in a certain way.
Whoever wears the thong for more than five minutes will become certain that some small, noxious and improperly curious vermin is crawling around inside it. And, it will begin to smell in a way that can only be described as warmly organic. After an hour the wearer will have to Break 100 + 3 x WP. After 2 hours, Break 100 + 2 x WP, after 3 hours, Break 100 + WP. After that, rolls of 100 are required, a fail indicating that the wearer has snatched the garment from their loins.
Any denizen of Hell who finds the wearer to be convincing (as noted above) will come to the conclusion that the wearer is an Incubus who has used Matter Transformation to better work their way into the affections of a mortal woman.
Unfortunately, this deception will not hold up to close scrutiny.
Fortunately, there is the warmly organic smell.
The Turban of Sharif Abou Ayyid

This crimson turban holds a silver sarpech set with a pale blue topaz. It was once the possession of Sharif Abou Ayyid, a well-made young man who stood 5'10" and weighed 158 lbs. Whoever wears it will shape change into a human male of his appearance:
PS: | 16 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 18 | MA: | Wearer's | EN: | 19 | FT: | Wearer's |
WP: | Wearer's | PC: | Wearer's | PB: | 19 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | None |
Magic in effect and damage transfers to the new form, so may be dangerous on occasion. Unless previously dressed, the wearer will appear naked aside from the turban. The wearer's personality, mind and spirit are unchanged, although his body is not. Neither will it age.
Any equipment assigned to this form remains, however any attempt to assign more than 45 lbs will cause the transformation to fail
This body's PS, MD, AG and EN may be advanced 5 points in the normal way.
Training (except magical training) may be learnt in this shape but will be unavailable once the hat is removed. Such abilities are not detectable by any means until the form is reassumed. Otherwise, all non-racial abilities are shared where sensible.
Aspect Figurines
Trollskin - Cannibalise
Target: Self
Duration: 30 seconds + 5 seconds / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects: This incantation of the Trollskin spell can only be cast on the Adept. It inflicts 1 Damage Point directly to EN (which cannot be avoided) and restores 2 FT each Pulse until the duration ends.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Double-Glazed Eisenkind Armour
This Eisenkind Armour has been extra-dimensionally stressed so that it's Protection value has increased to 10, it provides 5 points of EN Armour and it is a red so deep as to be almost black. It provides 5 points of Stealth when in an area greater than 60% dark.
Tsayoi's Weapon of Flame Spell
Tsayoi may strike at a target with a weapon enhanced by his Weapon of Flame spell that is insubstantial or substantial in a proximate plane of existence. When striking at such targets, the bonus damage changes to 1 per 3 or fraction Ranks.