Fallen Ocelotepec - Treasure
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Canopic Jars
These jars are carved out of amber-coloured alabaster, and contain human remains in which diseases have been stored. They weigh 3 lbs.
Consuming the remains, which requires a successful Break 100 => WP, takes 12 Pulses and the diner becomes a carrier for the following diseases. The effects of the contents last for 21 days. During that time, a target that is within 15 feet of the carrier must roll under the EN x 1 or be afflicted. If the victim is exposed in a Necromantic place of power, their EN value is halved. These ailments are major curses, the MA required to lift them is 34, and the effects persist through death.
Burning Passion
Victims of this disease are filled with an inexplicable desire to please the carrier to the point of overlooking their physical flaws, and will follow their instructions unless this would directly put them in peril of their lives. In which case, they are entitled to roll under WP x 1, success indicating that they have thrown off the suasion (although not the affliction). They will still hold the carrier in positive regard. Cleansing Flame will cure this.
Liminal Flux
Human (only) victims of this disease lose 5% of their substantiality each day, beginning the day after they have been exposed. When their substantiality is reduced to 0%, they are considered wraiths under the control of the carrier. Exposure to a Light Sphere will cure this unless the target is 100% insubstantial.
Wet Elf Petigo
Elf (only) victims of this disease develop dark, wet-looking patches on their skin. This progressively covers 5% of their body each day after the first day of exposure. On the fifth day of exposure, black fur-like threads emerge from the patches, the elf begins to be wracked with coughing fits and they leave wet marks on whatever their exposed flesh touches. Coughing fits require 2 Pass Actions to clear and occur whenever the afflicted elf generates a percentile result ending in a 3 or a 7. When entirely covered, the internal fibres of their body are so weakened that each time they are afflicted by a coughing fit, they automatically attract a Specific Grievous injury. Eating the royal heart of the thornwood elves will cure this unless the victim has already died.
Troll Ague
Victims of this disease lose 1 point of AG per day after the first day of exposure. AG loss stops when it is reduced to 8, but the victim turns to stone at the touch of sunlight from that point onward.
Wraith Shadows x 13
This shadow may be employed once per Pulse, requiring a Free Act, as a 3 Spot, to restore 3 FT lost from any cause except Life Drain or FT reduction.
Wraith Shadows x 2
This shadow may be employed once per Pulse, requiring a Free Act, as a 3 Spot, to restore 3 FT lost from any cause except Life Drain or FT reduction.
Alternatively, it may be used as 3 Star.
Sweet Regret x 3
Regret that is sweet.
Brain Serum
This phial holds a turgid, lumpy black potion that weighs 4 oz. When it is drunk, it repairs 2 rollup D10 WP lost from any source, but inflicts the same amount of EN damage.
Black Eog Parts
11 lbs of black eog, a metal that is as strong as steel, but does not count as cold iron.
A Door Made of Ent Wood
A 7' high door, 1' thick and 3' wide. It weighs 1,092 lbs.
Alchemical Products
Cubes of Galena x 7, 777 sp
Iridescent Hydrophane x 1, 85 sp
Transparent Hydrophane x 1, 79 sp
Herbal Products
Sacred Incense x 3
This block of herbs, pressed in special oils is about 6 inches long, 2 inches wide, 1 inch thick and weighs 7 oz.
An inch of the block must be shaved off and burnt in a brazier or censer. It will shed faint but aromatic smoke in an 8 ft high circle with a diameter of 1 hex, increasing at a rate of 2 hexes every 6 Pulses. However, the shavings are a legal target for the Smoke Creation spell, which will make it propagate across the volume in accordance with the spell's characteristics.
Entities inside the incense must Break 125 => EN + WP. All entities that fail are automatically targets of a single Casting of the Hypnotism spell unless they have some special defence against such magic and their WP is reduced by D10 - 5 (+ 1 per 3 or fraction Ranks). WP reduced in this way returns at a rate of 1 every 3 days.
Enhanced Willpower Draught x 2
This herbal draught increases the imbiber's WP by 18 for 9 hours.
Oil of Sharpness
This phial weighs 4 oz and contains a pale green oil that can be used to dress a blade. It will increase the weapon's Strike Chance by 15 and it will ignore the first 3 points of Protection for the next 15 minutes. The chance of inflicting a Specific Grievous Injury is 10 of the modified Strike Chance and the chance of inflicting a EN affecting wound is 20% while the oil is in effect.
If the Specific Grievous Injury check fails to generate a wound for whatever reason, another roll is made.
Potion of Wisdom
This phial weighs 4 oz and contains a swirling mixture of lavender and pale blue. When it is taken, it increases WP, MA and PC by 10 until the next dawn.
At dawn, when the effects wear off , they may Break 100 three times. WP is added to the result and if this is successful they learn something of the nature of the astral so that they may automatically succeed in a Magic Resistance check of their choice once. MA is added to the second roll and if successful, they increase their MA by 1 once only, but no higher than racial maximum. PC is added to the third roll, and if successful, they may consult with Astral Powers once. The Astral is proximate to the Abyss, the current mundane realm and encloses the various Elemental realms.
Potion of Waters of Strength
This phial weighs 4 oz. The Rank of this potion is 11
Potion of Walk on Water
This phial weighs 4 oz. The contents are applied to the feet so will normally taking 4 Pass Actions. The Rank of the magic is 11.
Potion of Enhanced Healing x 6
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without Preparing if it is attached to a belt or bandolier, etc. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. The potion heals 3 rollup D10 + 20 damage.
Staunch Potion of Healing x 2
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without Preparing if it is attached to a belt or bandolier, etc. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. The potion heals 40 damage and renders the drinker immune to damage for the rest of that Pulse and the next.
Potion of Curing x 5
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without Preparing if it is attached to a belt or bandolier, etc. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. The potion heals 1 rollup D10 damage that Pulse, then another at the end of the next Pulse, and a last rollup D10 at the end of the third Pulse.
Slap x 10

This bottle is sturdy and, if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, requires but a Free Action to use. Otherwise, the DM must determine how many Prepare Actions must be spent before it can be used. If the bearer is struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 70 or less on percentile or be shattered. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
When the seal is broken beneath someone's nose, they automatically and immediately recover from being Stunned or waken from any effect (magical or otherwise) that causes them to sleep or lose consciousness, except that caused by a Major Curse. This includes Enchanted Sleep, Hypnotism, Mental Attack, Hibernation, Petit Mort, Knockout Gas, Backfire effects and similar magic.
It does not rouse the dead.
Jazz x 5

This bottle is fragile but if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, the potion can be drunk without requiring a Prepare Action. Should the bearer be struck for a massive blow or a Specific Grievous Injury to any part of the torso (including shoulders and hips), then they must roll 30 or less on percentile or be shattered. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
Whoever drinks Jazz gains an extra Action at their normal Initiative Value + 20. However, their EN value is halved. Four Pulses after taking it, the Jazz effect will wear off, at which point their EN loss may be cured.
Taking two potions of Jazz does not give the imbiber 2 extra Actions a Pulse. Instead, the duration queues, while EN value is halved yet again. In other words, if Tsayoi were to take Jazz in Pulse 1, in Pulse 2 he would have 2 Actions and his EN value (25), is reduced to 13. His second Action in Pulse 3 is to take yet more Jazz (meaning that it will wear off in Pulse 9, not Pulse 5) and now his EN value is reduced to 7. Note that EN value is affected, so any attempt to restore it will either fail or cause the Jazz effect to dissipate.
Although the imbiber may benefit from the effects of a Strength of Stone spell before they take Jazz, they are no longer a legal target for this spell until the Jazz effect has worn off.
When Jazz has worn off, the imbiber's maximum EN value is restored but not their EN value. To continue the example with Tsayoi, he will have to be restored of 18 points (to take him from 7 to 25) before his EN value is fully recovered.
Ichor of the Sun
This bottle is fragile and must be Prepared before it can be taken.
It changes the imbiber's blood so that it is touched by the sun. This will last until midnight.
If the imbiber's blood is drunk by a vampire, they will take poison damage equal to 4 Damage per Pulse for 24 Pulses. If an attempt is made to Neutralise the ichor, it is treated as a Rank 15 synthetic poison.
Ichor of the Sun Antidote
This bottle is fragile and must be Prepared before it can be taken.
This antidote automatically cures a blood drinker who takes damage from Ichor of the Sun.
Pot of Flesh x 2

This pot contains a pinkish, oozing mass and weighs 4 oz.
When it's contents are applied to a wounded entity, up to 3 Specific Grievous Injuries will be cured. If there is only one such injury, it will be cured at the end of the next Pulse. If there are three, then none of them will be cured until the end of the third Pulse after the mass has been applied.
No particular Skill is required to place the mass, it will slither around the target's body and infiltrate the wounds.
In addition, D+5 EN damage is cured.
Potion of Waters of Healing x 4
This phial contains:
- Waters of Healing.
- Rank 20
Potion of Waters of Strength
This phial contains:
- Waters of Strength
- Rank 20
Potion of Trollskin
This phial contains:
- Trollskin
- Rank 20
Potion of Heat Shield
This phial contains:
- Heat Shield
- Rank 20
Potion of Mind Shield
This phial contains:
- Mind Shield
- Rank 20
Potion of Enhanced Vision
This phial contains:
- Enhanced Vision
- Rank 20
Potion of Resistance to Light
This phial contains
- Resistance to Light
- Rank 20
Potion of Shadow Wings
This phial contains
- Shadow Wings
- Rank 20
Potion of Vapour Breathing
This phial contains
- Vapour Breathing
- Rank 20
Potion of Gaseous Form
This phial contains
- Gaseous Form
- Rank 20
Potion of Invisibility
This phial contains
- Invisibility
- Rank 20
Potion of Communion with Stone
This phial is robust, weighs 4 oz and must be Prepared before it may be taken.
Any earth elemental under the control of the imbiber become sentient and both share a common language. The effect lasts until the next dusk or dawn.
Cast Chances are modified by the reader's MA and Enchantment.
Scroll of Thaumaturgy
Cast Chances are further modified by WP & Troubadour bonuses, where appropriate
Opening (Rank 7)- base Cast Chance 51%
- Illusion of Multiple Images (Rank 7)
- base Cast Chance 41%
- Levitation (Rank 7)
- base Cast Chance 46%
- Web of Entanglement (Rank 7)
- base Cast Chance 56%
Bronze Keyring
Detect Secret Aperture (Rank 7)- automatically successful
- PC x 2 + 35% chance of detecting secret apertures until the next dusk, dawn noon or midnight
Detect Trap (Rank 7)- automatically successful
- PC + 77% chance of detecting trap until the next dusk, dawn noon or midnight
Remove Trap (Rank 7)- automatically successful
- MD + 77 (-5 x Rank of trap)% chance of detecting trap until the next dusk, dawn noon or midnight
- These abilities do not stack, the highest bonus applies.
Celestial Scroll
Cast Chances are further modified by lighting conditions as appropriate for a Star Mage
- Illuminate (Rank 11)
- base Cast Chance 48%
- Shadowform (Rank 11)
- base Cast Chance 43%
- Blink (Rank 11)
- automatically successful
- The reader has a Blink Pool of 16 hexes. They can draw upon no more than 4 of these hexes each Pulse as a Reflex Action to teleport away from danger if they roll under 43% (which is modified by the reader's MA bonus, Enchantment and lighting conditions). Only one Reflex Action is allowed per Pulse but it may be taken ahead of the reader's initiative to avoid harm.
- This magic lasts for 6 hours or until the Blink Pool is exhausted, whichever comes first.
- Purification (Rank 11)
- automatically successful
- This increases the Rank of the reader's current Purification by 11
Mechanical Storage Devices
Tile of Earth Tremor
These six shale tiles are 6" x 6' x 2" and weigh 1 lb each. They must all be set into a rough square over an area of 10' x 10'. When the area is entered, there is a 78% chance of setting off a Rank 15 Earth Tremor. The area of effect must be determined at the time the trap is set.
Tile of Wall of Stone
These six shale tiles are 6" x 6' x 2" and weigh 1 lb each. They must all be set into a rough square over an area of 10' x 10'. When the area is entered, there is a 82% chance of setting off a Rank 15 Wall of Stone.The area of effect must be determined at the time the trap is set.
Mechanical Cube
This cube is 3" x 3" x 3" has six faces and weighs 6 oz. It can hold six spells, one per face, and currently holds five.
- 1 Necrosis
- -
- 2 Damnum Minatum
- Rank: 20 Cast Chance: 118%
- 3 Maze
- Rank 20 Cast Chance:115%
- 4 Bane
- Rank 20 Cast Chance 107%
- 5 Sinking Doom
- Rank 20 Cast Chance 110%
- 6 Falling Star
- Rank 20 Cast Chance 109%
Invested Items
Wand of Conjuring Darkness
This 11" wand weighs 4oz and is made from the forearm bone of a human. It contains 22 charges of Rank 11 Conjuring Darkness of the College of Necromantic Conjurations. The base Cast Chance is 83%, modified by the wielder's MA, Enchantment and situational bonuses.
22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 |
11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Wand of Disguise
This 9" wand weighs 4oz and is made from silvered glass. It is very fragile. If the wielder receives a C Class Specific Grievous injury, they must roll under 30% flat on percentile dice..
It contains 21 charges of Rank 7 Disguise Illusion spells. The base Cast Chance is 41% modified by the wielder's MA, WP, Rank in Troubadour and Enchantment.
21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 |
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Wand of Disguise
This 9" wand weighs 4oz and is made from silvered glass. It is very fragile. If the wielder receives a C Class Specific Grievous injury, they must roll under 30% flat on percentile dice..
It contains 12 charges of Rank 7 Disguise Illusion spells. The base Cast Chance is 41% modified by the wielder's MA, WP, Rank in Troubadour and Enchantment.
20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 |
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Gem | Value | Gem | Value | Gem | Value | Gem | Value | Gem | Value | Gem | Value |
Emerald | 3000 sp | Emerald | 3000 sp | Emerald | 5000 sp | onyx | 6000 sp | Diamond | 4000 sp | Ruby | 7000 sp |
x | 0 sp | x | 0 sp | x | 0 sp | x | 0 sp | green tourmaline | 1,010 sp | ametrine | 1,082 sp |
green garnet | 1,171 sp | amber | 1,224 sp | ulvaen | 1,580 sp | amethyst | 1,618 sp | zoiste | 1,656 sp | hessonite | 1,757 sp |
shandon | 1,877 sp | heliodore | 3,480 sp | violet topaz | 3,703 sp | heliodore | 4,552 sp | beryl | 5,224 sp | topazolite | 5,762 sp |
almandine | 5,857 sp | rusteen | 6,438 sp | spessartine | 6,456 sp | pink topaz | 6,506 sp | white topaz | 6,800 sp | garnet peridotite | 7,472 sp |
green spinel | 7,822 sp | black opal | 8,302 sp | pale green opal | 10,121 sp | yellow sapphire | 10,342 sp | pink sapphire | 11,886 sp | pale green opal | 15,371 sp |
moonbar | 16,996 sp |
Psychic Quartz Crystal
This chunk of quartz is roughly 3" x 4" x 5" and weighs 6 lbs. It contains 2 stored incantations of Undetectable Mind at Rank 7
Mind Shield - Undetectable Mind
Effects: This incantation of Mind Shield prevents the Adept's mind or emotions from being detected or read either by Telepathy or ESP.
Constraints:Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Learning the incantation uses up a charge.
Heavy Bronze Hand and a Half
This bronze hand and a half weighs 12 lbs. It requires PS 17 and MD 16 to wield and the base Strike Chance is 45%. Strike Chance increases by 1 for every point of PS in excess of 17 to a maximum of 37, and has no chance of breaking unless subjected to PS in excess of 90. Base damage is +6 and inflicts C Class damage.
The wielder may attempt a multi-hex attack at a penalty of 20 to Strike Chance, and this is a special attack.
Giant Flat-Faced Club x 2
This giant club has a flat face, weighs 10 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 53% and inflicts D10 + 8 Damage Points. However, against a human-sized creature or smaller, Strike Chance increases to 73% and the result of the "D10" is read according to this table:
D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points | D10 Result | Damage Points |
1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 11 |
6 | 13 | 7 | 17 | 8 | 19 | 9 | 23 | 0 | 29 |
Against such targets, this Specific Grievous Injury table is consulted instead of the normal one.
D100 | Grievous Injury |
35–40 | Your opponent's weapon has come crashing down on your head and fractured your skull. You fall prone and are unconscious, and take 8 Damage Points to Endurance. If you survive, you lose 2 from AG, 2 from MD and 2 from Perception. It will take a year in bed to recover. |
41–42 | A glancing blow crushes one ear into a cauliflower-shaped lump (your choice as to which one). Take 2 Damage Points immediately from Endurance. Reduce your Perception by 2. |
43 | A savage blow smashes your cheek and jaw. Take an automatic pass action next pulse due to the shock of the blow. Your PB is increased by 1, since your disfigurement will bring out the maternal/paternal instincts in the opposite gender. |
44–50 | A jarring blow to your primary elbow inflicts 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance. Roll D10; the result is the number of pulses the arm is useless. You immediately drop anything held in that hand. |
51–52 | A jarring blow to your secondary elbow inflicts 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance. Roll D10; the result is the number of pulses the arm is useless. You immediately drop anything held in that hand. |
53–60 | Your primary arm is crippled by a crushing blow! Take 2 damage Points immediately to Endurance and drop anything you have in your primary hand. The arm is unusable until healed, which should take 2 months. |
61-67 | Your secondary arm is crippled; see 53–60 for details. |
68–69 | A horrible blow in the region of the shoulder and neck. You suffer 4 Damage Points to Endurance. Roll D10. On a roll of 1–3, the top of your head is staved in and you tumble to the ground unconscious. On a roll of 4–6, your secondary collar bone is crushed so drop anything in your secondary hand. On a roll of 7–10 your primary collar bone is crushed so drop anything in your primary hand. Arms are unusable until healed, which should take 2 months. |
70–78 | A crushing blow smashes your helmet and causes a concussion. Take 3 Damage Points from Endurance and suffer a reduction of 4 in both MD and AG lasting for 3 days. |
79–83 | A massive chest wound accompanied by broken ribs and crushed tissues. Very ugly, this. Take 5 Damage Points immediately from Endurance. Reduce your MD and AG by 3 each until this wound heals (which should take about 4 months). Increase your chance of infection by 10. |
83–87 | A crushing blow smashes tissue and produces internal injuries. You suffer 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance and 1 per pulse thereafter to Fatigue (Endurance when Fatigue is exhausted) until unconscious or you receive the attention of a Healer of Rank 2 or above. |
88–92 | A jarring blow to your primary shoulder inflicts 2 Damage Points immediately to Endurance. Roll D10; the result is the number of pulses the arm is useless. You immediately drop anything held in that hand. |
93–97 | Similar to 88-92 except it is your secondary shoulder. |
98 | Your right hip is smashed horribly. Take 5 Damage Points immediately to Endurance and fall prone. You will be unable to walk until the damage has healed (which should take about 6 months). Good fun. When healed, you will still have a limp which will reduce your TMR by 1 and your AG by 2. |
99 | The same as 98 except it is your left hip that is smashed. |
100 | Crushing blow to your pelvis breaks bone and tears tissue. Take 7 Damage Points immediately to Endurance and fall prone. Make a WP check to avoid falling unconscious. If you survive, you will be unable to move for D10 months. |
Giant Crescent Spear
This giant spear is a 1 or 2-handed weapons, weighs 15 lbs and is set with a wickedly curved reverse blade. It has a base Strike Chance of 63% and inflicts D10 + 7 Damage Points. It inflicts A & B Class injuries. When wielded by a giant who is lunar aspected, an additional 5 is subtracted from the die roll result.
Itemised Heavy Crossbow
This heavy crossbow has been permanently Itemised so that it is 3" long and weighs 1 lb. When a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the College of Binding and Animating Magics is Cast upon it, will become a heavy crossbow 3 feet in length, weighing 10 lbs until the spell wears off, whereupon it will return to its Itemised state. The base Strike Chance is 61% It may fire quarrels (inflicting 2 rollup D10 A Class damage) or round metal bullets (inflicting 1 rollup D10 + 2 C Class injuries). All "1"s count as "10"s when rolling damage.
Eärendil's Trident
The haft of this trident is 14 inches long and made from bronze inlaid with mithril, the tines are made from malachite. It weighs 20 oz, is treated and advanced as a dagger, except that it is not balanced for throwing, and may only be wielded by Teleri. The base Strike Chance is 47% and the base Damage is 1 rollup D10 + 3. Any miss may be rolled again until a hit is scored or 3 attempts have been made, whichever comes first. If damage is rolled against orcs, goblins, balrogs, Ungoliant's brood or minions of Morgoth, then base damage increases to 3 rollup D10 + 9.
If uncovered, it will shed faint light of silvery blue over a diameter of 45 feet if orcs or goblins are within 100 feet. It will do the same thing if a balrog is above ground and within a mile. This light recalls the light of the Two Trees, is magical in nature, and will penetrate Rank 20 Darkness, but only for Elves. It will provide sufficient light, even in areas of 100% darkness, for those with Colleged Witchsight, Night Vision or similar to see by.
For every odd-numbered Rank in Dagger, resetting at dusk, the wielder may Cast Disruption as if it were this spell:
- Light of Eärendil
Range: 20 feet (+10 feet per Rank)
Duration: Immediate
Resist: Passive
Target: Object or Entity
Effects: The wielder releases rays of searing starlight that attack 1 target per 3 or fraction Ranks in Disruption. If a target fails to Resist, they take D10 + 1 per Rank damage, half if they Resist. The damage may be reduced by the Protection of the target's armour or their Spell Armour, whichever is least. Damage Reduction is applied normally. Fire Armour and Fireproofing do not protect against this damage, Resistance to Light does. The wielder may reduce Magical Resistance by 20 on a double effect, as opposed to a triple effect.
The base Cast Chance of Disruption is increased by their Rank in Dagger.
Additionally, if this spell is Cast against orcs, goblins, balrogs, Ungoliant's brood or minions of Morgoth, their Rank in Dagger is subtracted from the result of the Cast Check.
Soul Reaver
This weapon has an Individual True Name. It is a hand and a half which will adapt itself to its wielder, weighing ½ their size factor in lbs. If it used to strike in the material world, it requires PS 17 and MD 16 to wield. If it is used to strike at a soul or into the Astral, the weapon requires WP 17 and MA 16. If the wielder meets all of these requirements, they can make their attack in both ways at once, although only one Strike Check is made. It does not provide any ability to see across dimensions.
The weapon has a base Strike Chance of 71% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 + 5 B Class damage. There is no chance of the weapon breaking unless the PS or WP rises above 60. It will not accept weapon spells.
For every Rank in hand and a half, the wielder subtracts 1 from the die roll on each Strike Check. If the weapon is drawn, it must drink the life of a sentient living entity before it is sheathed or drive the wielder into a Blood Frenzy. This is a curse that increases the wielder's PS and WP by 5 each Pulse to a maximum of 60 and force them to attack the nearest sentient, even friends. Once the blade has fed, the soul of the target is destroyed making them irresurrectable (although they could be animated). If Soul Reaver does not destroy the soul of a sentient living entity by the dark of the moon each month, the wielder will be afflicted with the same Blood Frenzy.
Blink Staff
This 51⁄2 ft slender black staff is made from solid darkness, weighs 2 lbs and holds a 4" splinter of obsidian at the top. The base Strike Chance of the staff is 61% and the base damage is 1 rollup D10 + 4 A & C Class damage. Bonus damage for extra PS is never applied
Once a bonding cost of 1 EN has been paid, the Quarterstaffr has these functions:
- The wielder increases their Defence by 2 (+2 per Rank in Quarterstaff). This will not stack with Defence from other weapons or shields.
- The wielder reduces damage by 1 at Rank 4 in Quarterstaff and by another at Rank 8. This applies to all incoming damage, but excludes damage caused by curses, poison, disease, Putrid Wound, Disruption, Necrosis, Hand of Death or the like.
The wielder gains a Blink Pool of 3 (+ 1 per Rank) hexes. The wielder is allowed a Break 100 => MA + Rank against a single attack which may be attempted upon learning how much damage they are about to take. The effect will move them a split second back in time and teleport up to 1⁄3 of these blink hexes away from danger. Only one Reflex Action is allowed per Pulse but it may be taken ahead of their initiative.
This pool may only be replenished by Purifying with the staff across their knees at midnight, which will fill the pool by 1(+1 for every 10 Ranks in Purification). It may only be attempted once a night, and never on a night of the full moon.
Spells cast upon the wielder that have had their duration halved have their duration doubled.
Certain spells may be invested in the staff at half the normal cost, each charge taking 8 hours to store. Only 20 spells may be invested in the staff, but any combination is allowed. The following spells or types of magic are allowed:
Counterspells | Warping | Animating Objects | Darkness |
Wall of Ice | Extinguish Fires | Water Breathing | Trollskin |
Walk on Water | Opening | Resist Cold | Speaking to Enchanted Creatures |
The wielder releases the spells stored by using a Cast Action. They are not Triggered.
The staff is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell, whereupon it becomes a phylactery for these power words:
Fatigue cost is 5, Range is 10 feet, and the Free Act prevents the wielder from making Melee or Ranged Strike Checks in the same Pulse.
The staff accepts weapon spells but these have nothing more than cosmetic effects, except that a Spectral Weapon or Rune Weapon spell will allow the staff to Strike at the incorporeal or into the Astral.
Sister Six
This 5'10" staff is made from the warped, folded and stressed skeleton of a woman. It weighs 10 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage. Bonus damage for extra PS is never applied. It accepts weapon spells but these have nothing more than cosmetic effects, except that a Spectral Weapon or Rune Weapon spell will allow the staff to Strike at the incorporeal or into the Astral.
Once a bonding cost of 1 EN has been paid, the wielder:
- increases their Defence by 2 (+2 per Rank in Quarterstaff). This will not stack with Defence from other weapons or shields.
- reduces damage by 1 at Rank 4 in Quarterstaff and by another at Rank 8. This applies to all incoming damage including Putrid Wound, Hand of Death and Necrosis but not damage caused by curses, poison, disease, Disruption or the like.
- adds their Rank to their WP when calculating Recovery from Stun, Torment or similar magic.
- adds 1 for every odd Rank to their PS for the purposes of calculating Encumbrance.
- may spend 10FT (- 1 / Rank of Quarterstaff) and a Pass Action to call forth Sister Six:
- Description
- The bone staff unfolds into the skeleton of a woman called Sister Six, who wears a grey wimple and habit with a heavy rosary made of onyx beads. She is 5'10" tall, weighs 10 lbs and walks with a slight stoop. She will stay for 1 minute, doubling for each Rank above 0.
- She may carry up to 35 lbs of equipment. Any attempt to assign more than this to her will cause the magic to unravel and return her to Quarterstaff form.
- She does not cause fear as undead do, although the average person will find her quite intimidating, and it may take them some time to accept her if they ever do.
- She is sentient but has 0 MA, understands Common (7L), Thari (8) & Church Latin (8L) but cannot speak except in Silent Tongue, which she has learnt to Rank 7.
- Hers is a story of tragedy and woe which she will not be drawn upon, although it is clear from the state of her bones that she had been subjected to dreadful torture before she achieved her current state.
- Abilities
- Six is considered an animate, not undead, and ignores A Class damage, magical or otherwise.
- She is light (10 lbs) and strong so may leap horizontally 13 yards in still air but must rise 1 foot for every yard vaulted. She may leap vertically 23 feet, and, if she can find purchase, scale vertical surfaces at half her TMR.
- She does not Stun, is never affected by draining damage, A Class damage, Specific Grievous injuries that do not affect bones, Ice Projectiles, Ice Bolt, Diamond Javelins, Putrid Wound, Necrosis, Agony, Torment, Harming Entity or magic that targets the personality (Charm, Fear, Compelling Obedience, Control Person, Control Entity, Binding Lesser Undead etc) or similar. Very little will destroy her outright except, maybe, being pounded to bone dust with a hammer, annihilation or the like.
- She is considered dimensionally ambiguous, being able to share her hex with whoever she is bonded to regardless of their size.While she does this, the binder adds 1 for every odd Rank to their PS for the purposes of calculating Encumbrance.
- She may not be Healed, but may be Mended. She recovers while in Quarterstaff form at a rate 1 EN every 3 days, 1 FT per hour when EN is fully restored.
- Movement Rates
- Running / Climbing: 250 / 125
PS: | 16 + Rank | MD: | 20+ Rank ⁄ 3 | AG: | 20+ Rank ⁄ 3 | MA: | 0 | EN: | 19 + Rank | FT: | 18 |
WP: | 25 | PC: | 14+ Rank ⁄ 5 | PB: | 7 | TMR: | Special | NA: | None |
- Weapons
- Punch: BC 61%, [1 rollup D10 + 4], Melee & Close, Rank = wielder's Rank in Quarterstaff
- Six may make two Punch attacks without penalty.
- Where Rank is mentioned, it refers to the wielder's Rank in Quarterstaff.
- Her TMR is calculated as a human based on her AG and Encumbrance.
- She knows these power words:
- Fatigue cost is 5, Range is 10 feet, and the Free Act prevents Six from making Melee or Ranged Strike Checks in the same Pulse.
Certain spells may be invested in the staff at half the normal cost, each charge taking 8 hours to store. Only 20 spells may be invested in the staff, but any combination is allowed. The following spells or types of magic are allowed:
Counterspells | Light | Wall of Stone | Mage Current |
Hands of Earth | Increase Temperature | Scry Shield | Gliding |
Skin Change | Witch Sight | Freeze | Speak to Avians |
The Incubus Glaive
The haft of this weapon is a Quarterstaff made from Infernal cedar weighing 2 lbs which inflicts 1 point of fire damage on the wielder per Pulse and the blade is a Broad Sword carved from Cainite crystal weighing 3 lbs which inflicts 1 point of cold damage on the wielder per Pulse. Each weapon has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts 2 rollup D10. The Broad Sword inflicts B Class damage +2 versus creatures of fire The Quarterstaff inflicts C Class damage + 2 versus undead and creatures of ice, cold or water. It may be Ranked and wielded as a Broad Sword or a Quarterstaff. In fact, the Cainite Broad Sword will teach a wielder to advance from Rank 6 to Rank 7 at an Experience Cost of 3,600 and 98 training half-days.
Although it is not Ranked as one, it may be wielded as a Glaive, in which case both Ranks are summed and it inflicts 2 rollup D10 B & C Class damage.
As a Glaive, it is a legal target for the Telekinesis spell which must be cast on it using Ritual Spell Preparation to store 1 (+ 1 per Rank ⁄ 6) Poltergeist Strikes. These will last until used and do not require Concentration. Should a blow be successful, a Strike is released, detonating for [D + 1] (+ 1 / Rank) impact damage. If the Poltergeist Blow is Rank 10 or above, they are thrown prone and may take impact damage. At Rank 15+, they are thrown (Rank - their Size factor) feet, fall prone and may take impact damage.. At Rank 20, they are also thrown back (20 - their Size factor) feet, fall prone, are Stunned and may take impact damage. If the target Resists, they ignore the impact damage.
These weapons will not accept weapon spells.
Piss-Tempered Two-Handed Sword of Bronze
This two-handed sword weighs 9 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 55% and inflicts D10 + 7 B Class damage. It may be improved by a Weaponsmith as if it were a standard weapon of its kind, and accepts weapon spells.
If the sword fails a Resistance check against attacks by corrosives, it is entitled to a reroll.
Large Bronze Shield
This large, rectangular shield of bronze and dark brown hardwood weighs 35 lbs. It provides 6 points of Defense per Rank and reduces MD by 4. In addition, the wielder may make a 3 x modified MD check to deflect 6 points of damage from a physical attack whether ranged or melee, or from a ray or bolt (excluding Lightning Bolt, Lightning Ball & Lightning Strike) that passes through the wielder's front hexes. These are Free Actions and may be attempted before the wielder's Initiative but cost 1 point of Strain each time. Once the wielder has failed a check, no more are allowed until the following Pulse.
The shield may absorb two Specific Grievous Injuries before it is cloven. While it is whole, it may be repaired by the arts of a Rank 6+ Artisan: Lindener or a Rank 4+ Weaponsmith who can make and maintain shields.
Hummingbird Vestment
This sleeveless tunic is made from brilliant, iridescent feathers of royal blue. It weighs 10 oz, has no AG penalty, provides 4 Protection and 4 Spell Armour. It must be worn over the top of other armour, and may not be worn over plate, chain or scale armour (excluding the scale armour of beasts).
Any entity hostile to the wearer and who is within 3 hexes of them must Resist vs Backfire to choose to attack another entity. This is a major curse with an MA of 22.
The vestment is delicate and may not be repaired when it has been damaged.
Blood Pebble Armour

These turquoise pebbles may be inserted into an entity's body to provide Damage Reduction versus physical damage. The "armour" does not penalise AG or Stealth, but has a weight factor of 1. The damage reduction provided can be no more than any of the following constraints:
- the Rank of the Healer that inserts them.
- the Rank of the Talismonger that enchants them.
- the size of the entity into with the pebbles have been embedded.
Each point of Damage Reduction reduces the wearer's EN value by 1. Specific Grievous Injuries impairs Damage Reduction by 2 until the injury is Healed. If no Damage Reduction remains, the pebbles are shattered and may not be repaired. EN assigned may be recovered at a rate of 1 every 3 days.
Itemised Large Steel Shield
This steel has been permanently Itemised so that it is 3 1 ⁄ 2" long and weighs 1 lb. When a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the College of Binding and Animating Magics is Cast upon it, will become a large steel shield 3 1 ⁄ 2' high weighing 10 lbs until the spell wears off, whereupon it will return to its Itemised state. It provides 5 Defence per Rank and penalises MD by 2. It counts at cold iron when not Itemised and the wielder may not use non-Racial magic while holding it.
Itemised Winterthaw Shield
This shield of wood and bronze has been permanently Itemised so that it is 5" long and weighs 1 1 ⁄ 2 lb. When a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the College of Binding and Animating Magics is Cast upon it, will become a tower shield 5' high weighing 15 lbs until the spell wears off, whereupon it will return to its Itemised state. It provides 6 Defence per Rank and penalises MD by 3. It is a legal target for the Heat Shield spell, which allows the wielder to dissipate magical attacks arising from ice, snow, cold or similar. It must be an attack where interposing a shield would be effective (so, no, it won't work against Freezing Wind), and the wielder must Break 100 -> WP + Rank in Heat Shield.
Void Robes of the Qalamari x 4
These robes are the colour of migraines and nausea. They weigh 2 lbs, provide 5 points of Protection, 7 Spell Armour and may not worn with other armour. The wearer's Magic Resistance to Annihilation or Dark Sphere contact is increased by 10.
If the wearer sleeps in these robes, their dreams are visited by images of twisted things from beyond the void so the first four hours of sleep return no FT. However, in this circumstance, there is a flat 7% chance that they may learn something of the void upon waking, at the DM's whim.
The Robes of Eibon the Damned
These robes are a rich, velvety shade of black, brocaded in shades of deep russet and ochre. Large golden pearls are set in a semi-circle high on the breast accenting the collar, and it is set with bloodstone and the occasional flash of ruby. It provides 6 Protection, 7 Spell Armour and reduces damage by 1. Damage Reduction can be increased by sacrificing EN once per season or adventure, whichever is least. The cost for the first point is 1, doubling on each occasion.
It adds 10 to Stealth in natural environments when the light level is below 40%.
The wearer may draw upon a Spell Penetration pool of 30 points. This may be used to reduce the Magic Resistance of the target(s) of the wearer's spell, but no more than 20 may be drawn per Cast. This pool will recover at 5 points per day on sunrise.
One Magical Prepare Action can be stored in the robes by spending 10 minutes in meditation, allowing the wearer to immediately Cast a spell.
Those who wear the robe that are not evil find that it weighs 30 lbs. Others find it to weigh 7 lbs. Over time, this burden may corrupt the character of even the most saintly of Adepts.
Mechanical Eye
This mechanical optick must be placed over the eye of a subject, whereupon it will activate, deploy tiny silver drills and blades, burying itself into the cavity in a messy flensing of eye membrane and humour. Once in place, it will make magical connection with the subjects soul and allow them to see into the Astral. Each viewing lasts 1 minute for each point that the subject's WP is greater than 15 and. costs 1 Strain. It extends 25 feet away from them, unless the Astral phenomena is obvious, in which case it is at the DM's discretion.
The optick will roll about the socket in a most alarming way while Astral viewing is in effect.
Greater Amulet of Amethyst
This amulet weighs 4 oz and must be worn as pendant on the wearer's forehead, or over their heart.
Aside from allowing the wearing to recover an extra FT for every 10 recovered. Once a day it provides an extra hour of sleep if four hours have been slept and allows a second Magic Resistance versus Enchanted Sleep or Nightmare spells if the first one fails.
Greater Amulet of Beryl
This amulet weighs 4 oz and must be worn as pendant over the wearer's left ear, or as a pin through the left ear. .
It provides a bonus of 5 to the wearer's ability to Detect Traps and Snares and Sense Danger. It also increases the size of a Blink Pool by 1.
This will not stack with any other Amulet of Beryl.
Pearl Lip Pin x 2
This lip pin is made from gold and holds a small, freshwater pearl. It weighs 1 oz, and must pierce the lip for its magic to be effective.
Once a day, resetting after dawn and the performance of the toilette, the wearer may Cast a spell without Uttering.
Golden Eyebrow Bar
This bar of gold is half an inch long, 1/7th of an inch wide and, if worn by a person of decency, it increases Encumbrance by 1 lb. It must be set into an eyebrow so that the gold emerges from either side.
The wearer may look at an entity within 40 feet, requiring a Free Act, Break Active MR => MA + PC. If the result is greater than this, the wearer has successfully calculated how many pints of blood they hold. If they result is 100 or higher, the wearer may ask a question, similar to the working of the Detect Aura Talent, but only with respect to their character. The wearer might ask, for example, how honest the target is, how pious, if they are a psychopath. They cannot ask if they have committed a murder, stolen money etc. Only the nature of their personality may be interrogated.
Jade Bracer of Fate
This jade bracer is made from 1 inch wide by 2 inch across plates of jade that are 1/8th of an inch thick. Each plate has two small holes on a side, and are sewn together with the entrails of a virgin. It weighs 7/9ths lb, but if it is worn by someone of good character, encumbers as if it weighs 7lbs. It does not actually radiate evil. The wearer's PS and MD on the left hand and arm are reduced by 3.
By spending a day and (200 x Rank) in incense and magical oils, a single charge of Fate Shields may be stored in the bracer which may be triggered by means of a Magical Fire Action after the bearer has worn it continuously for 1 week. The chance to trigger the bracer is 20% (+4 / Rank) . A further 10 is added if it is night time, or subtracted if it is day, 5 is added if it is triggered outside or subtracted if inside, and a further 5 is added if the sky is clear. If the bearer has an Enchantment that applies, this counts as well.
Spell Racks
Crystal Skull Phial
This spell rack is a bottle that has been carved by arts lost to the mists of time into a human skull 3" x 4" x 5" . Empty, it weighs 1/2 lb. It adds 2 to the bearer's WP with respect to the Sorceries of the Mind.
If the bottle is filled with the bearer's blood (which will increase it's weight to 1 1/2 lbs) and left to stand for the three nights of the full moon, a reservoir of casting FT is created equal to 1 for every 2 EN bled. This blood loss may be Regenerated by a Healer of Rank 9 or higher. Otherwise, the EN will return at a rate of 1 every 3 days, so long as the bearer expends less than half their FT. Physick may help with this. The bottle may be fully or partially "topped up" on the occasion of the full moon, but will hold no more than 12 spell casting FT.
Crystal Athame
This spell rack is a crystal dagger that weighs 1 lb, has a base Strike Chance of 55%, base damage of 1 rollup D10+1 and is not balanced for throwing. It adds 2 to the bearer's WP with respect to the Sorceries of the Mind. It may not accept weapon spells.
The wielder will know the WP value of an entity damaged by it.
Crystal Rod
This spell rack is a light mace with a head made from crystal that weighs 2 lbs. It has a base Strike Chance of 55%, base damage of 1 rollup D10 + 3, and the PS required to wield it is 14. It adds 2 to the bearer's WP with respect to the Sorceries of the Mind. It may not accept weapon spells.
While wielding the rod, the FT cost of Telekinesis is reduced by 1, and the mace will maintain one Telekinesis spell for each odd Rank the wielder has in the weapon.
Lilac Crystal
This spell rack is a pale violet crystal carved into a lilac about 3" across. It weighs 1 lb, much heavier than it looks. It adds 3 to the wearer's WP with respect to the Sorceries of the Mind.
Baby Vellum Codex
This spell rack is a book with ivory covers and vellum leaves made from human babies. It is 1' x 8" x 3" and weighs 3 lbs.
A scroll with a single spell invested in it may be bled upon for 5 EN, and slid into the back of the book for it to dry. Subsequently, reading the scroll takes but a single Magical Fire Action in a Pulse to trigger. Once this ability is used, it will reset at the end of season festival.
Ring of Fangs
This ring is made of wood into which fangs and teeth have been set. It weighs 2 oz and must be worn on the smallest finger of the left hand to be effective.
The wearer may speak with dogs. They may add another kind of animal "language" by taking a day and sacrificing 1 EN point to the ring, 2 EN if the creature is magical/enchanted, etc.. If the ring is passed from the bearer's ownership, then all of the languages they have learned (except dog) will immediately fade and will not be restored even if the ring is recovered. The ring can only be used to learn the languages of creatures with teeth.
Circlet of the Æthers
This circlet of woven orichalcum and mithril holds a large emerald and a drop pearl. It weighs 4 oz and reduces damage from all sources by 1. This stacks with other magic and items up to a maximum of 6. It must be worn over a green velvet wimple that costs no less than 100gp for its magic to be effective
The wearer subtracts 5 from the die roll when Resisting magic that teleports, disintegrates or annihilates (e.g. Dark Sphere, Entropy Locusts, etc.) and if the result of the die roll is reduced to zero or less, then they are entirely unaffected by the magic.
The wearer increases the wearer's PC by 1.
Wearing the circlet will increase Rank on the Social Status table (Section 1.5 Heritage, page 8) by 1to a maximum of Lesser Nobility.
Five points of FT may be bought for the circle at a rate of one per season or adventure, whichever is the least, and at the standard cost. This FT may only be used to Cast magic and is not available to absorb damage.
The circlet increases the base Cast Chance of Mental Leap, Warp Gate or similar magic of the College of the Sorceries of the Mind by 5. It also reduces the FT cost to travel via Warp Gate or similar magic by 3.
It is a focus for this Talent:
- Astral Sight
Range: 50 feet (+10 per Rank), special
Experience Multiple: 175
Storage: Potion
Effects: The Adept can detect spatial anomalies and dimensional flaws within range, if such things are the work of normal magic which is the same Rank as this Talent or less. Large dimensional gates and portals may be detectable from the horizon if normal visibility is not obscured. . If such a thing is within his field of view, and the roll is equal to or less than PC + 5 per Rank in the Talent, then the Adept can tell that such a feature exists.
This Talent will identify spatial anomalies like Deep Pockets, Shadow Pockets, Maze, Itemisation and some forms of shape changing. Dimensional flaws are things like Rune Portals, Dimensional Portals, Shadow Walking, some forms of invisibility, middlemarches, wormholes and the like.
While it is worn, the Talent may be learnt, advanced and used in the usual way. If the circlet is lost, destroyed or given to another, any Rank with the Talent is lost unless it has been advanced to Rank 20.

This ring, made entirely of carnelian, weighs 4 oz and must be worn on the ring finger of the right hand for its magic to be effective. It is an elven ring of power, although a lesser one.
The wearer may Bind Fire by casting the Ritual of Binding Will upon flames within a 10 foot radius (+ 15 feet / Rank). This ritual may not be used over a volume occupied by a fire elemental. They may do anything with the fire except form or control an elemental. They may communicate with them and with salamanders.
The ring also empowers the bearer's Resist Temperature Talent so that, aside from its other benefits, the bearer ignores the first Rank damage from magical or normal fire per Pulse so long as they are elven. This is applied after a Circle of Protection but before Fire Armour and any other mitigation.
The reaction of a fire elemental who notices the bearer is positively increased by 20 if the bearer is an elf. If the bearer is a minion of Morgoth (orcs, goblins etc) or one of Ungoliant's brood, it is negatively modified by 60, all others races receive a 30 point penalty.
Climbing Ring
This plain bronze ring weighs 7 oz and must be worn on the thumb of the left hand for its magic to be effective. It provides no bonus to the Adventuring Skill: Climbing, but allows the bearer to move at an enhanced rate or to climb surfaces that cannot normally be scaled, for example ceilings or perfectly smooth surfaces but at half their Climbing Chance. If they succeed, they may move at (base TMR + their Rank in Climbing) / 3, rounding all fractions down. Failing a Climbing check indicates the bearer's position is unstable and they will fall unless they secure themselves in some way.
Ring of Command
This ring is made of gold, is set with an unengraved square cut jasper and weighs 4 oz. It must be worn on the index finger of the right hand for its magic to be effective. It is a ring of power, although a lesser one. Elves and dwarves may not benefit from this ring.
Three times a day, resetting at dawn, the bearer may issue a one word command (requiring a Magical Pass Action) and point at a sentient entity within 20 feet (+10 feet per Rank). They must Break Active MR => MA + Rank in the Ritual of Binding (Q6) of the college of Greater Summoning. If Active Magic Resistance is exceeded, the target must obey the bearer's one word command for one Pulse (+1 Pulse / 5 Ranks). The Individual or Generic True Name (but not both) of the target must be Uttered along with the command, requiring a Free Act. The target may take advantage of ambiguities as the DM rules, and the bearer must use a language that the target understands.
Ring of Spell Penetration
This ring is made of silver, marked with glyphs on dark blue enameling, weighs 4 oz. It must be worn on the middle finger of the left hand for its magic to be effective.
The ring enhances the bearer's ability to cast Spells. If their Check is 15% of their modified Cast Chance they may reduce their target's Magic Resistance by 20. If they roll 5% of their modified Cast Chance, they may reduce it by 40.
The Locket of Despair

This locket is a legal target of the Life Draining spell and will store 1 charge (+1 charge per 4 Ranks) which will last until the next dusk or dawn. The charges may be released by Preparing and Casting the Stream of Corruption spell, whereupon a greyish streams of a pale, translucent mist will issue forth from the Adept's fingertips. Everyone in the volume of effect must Resist versus Special Knowledge magic of the College of Necromantic Conjurations. Those that fail take 1 (+1 per Rank in Stream of Corruption) magical damage. The wearer may use this damage to restore EN and FT lost to damage, but no more than 1 (+1 per Rank in Stream of Corruption).
The Black King
This small black chess piece weighs 1/8th of an oz. It is an enormously magical figurine, and may not be destroyed. If it is placed in a position where it would be destroyed, it is moved to the Abyss at a "random" location.
Whoever bears the piece gains adds 10 to their Rank in Binding Will, 0 being a Rank. Thus, if they do not know this ritual at all, they may execute it at Rank 9.
It will subtly direct its bearer towards the chessboard, whoever holds it and cannot be persuaded from this.
Although the king may not be destroyed, it may be surrendered to execute a change in reality over its hex and all the ones surrounding it. Although this is "wish" magic, it is not a wish, and may only be used to change the space it occupies.
Not much is known about the workings of this ability and wondering out loud if such and such a phrasing might produce a particular outcome is a wasted effort. If the DM doesn't understand what is intended the king either does nothing or spreads the bearer's body is reduced to a collection of teacup-sized lumps, each one scattered to a different plane of creation.
Serpentine Crown of Rain
This crown of serpentine weighs 2 lbs but encumbers as if it weighed 7 lbs. After it is worn for a week, the wearer who does not know it may cast a Ritual of Controlling Weather as if their Rank were MA divided by 3 (round all fractions down) Aside from the usual FT costs, an unbaptised child within range of the ritual will die as a direct result of the casting, and the parents will have a mystical sense for who is to blame. This is a curse with an MA of 22. If it is removed, the parents will forget who was the cause of their child's death.
If the wearer has some Rank in the Ritual of Controlling Weather, they may increase (only) the precipitation by their MA divided by 3 (rounding all factions down) and this does not attract the curse..
The Mask of Smoking Mirror
This masque is made from the preserved head of a brown bear. Once a day, anyone who has a bear disguise or can, by means of magic or drugs convince themselves they are a bear, may transform into a creature with these properties:
- Description
- This large brown bear stamds 8 feet high on its hind legs and has the talons and wings of an owl appropriate to its size.
- Talents, Skills, and Magic
- This creature is a clumsy flyer and Rank in that Adventuring Skill may never exceed 4. Each hour of flight costs 4 FT. It increases it's chance of tracking and foraging by the value of its Perception.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 350; Flying: 500
PS: | 38 | MD: | 15 | AG: | 15 | MA: | Wearer's | EN: | 34 | FT: | Wearer's |
WP: | Wearer's | PC: | Wearer's | PB: | 5 | TMR: | 7/10 | NA: | Fur absorbs 5 DP |
- Weapons
- The creature can make 2 claw attacks in melee without penalty, in close combat it can also bite.
- Claw: BC: 59%, 1 rollup D10+3 B & C Class damage, Max Rank 4 (of the wearer's skill with Unarmed Combat)
- Bite: BC: 53%, 1 rollup D10+4 A & B Class damage, Max Rank 6(of the wearer's skill with Unarmed Combat)
In this form, if the wearer should ever taste blood or take EN damage they will go berserk attacking the nearerst entity and moving on once slain, dismembered or unconscious, increasing the Strike Chance of the Claw attack to 67% and the Bite to 73%/ Damage is doubled, all Initiative Values become 79, base Defence becomes 53 and fur also provides 6 Damage Reduction vs phystical damage except from weapons forged from gold or orichalcum. They will continue to attack until no threat is perceived whereupon they they will gradually return to their original form over a minute or so, even if dead.
In their berserk state, they never recognise their allies, friends or family members. This is a major curse with an MA of 23, 46 if the sun can be seen in the sky. Removing the curse only lifts their current berserk state.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | |
Fallen Ocelotepec | Winter 817 | Nualis | Formerly living | Shamanism | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021 076 9376 |
Belt of the Qalamar x 4
This belt weighs 1/2 lb. If Telekinesis is cast on the wearer, their weight is considered 1/3rd their original value.
Although the belt does not allow the wearer to change the orientation of gravity, they can reverse it when they are in contact with a surface. This doesn't let them fall up, just that they can change their orientation once they touch the ceiling. If they do it while they're on the ground, then they can stand on the head.
Mechanical Bracer
This metal bracer is made from orichalcum, weighs 1 lb and will only fit a goblin, hobbit, gnome or similar. It must be worn on the left forearm to be effective. Gears, movements and escapements cover its outer surface, and while it is Animated, it will increase the wearer's PS and MD on the left arm by 1 (+1 per 10 Ranks). It is treated as a shield except that it cannot be used to deliver an attack, provides 4 Defence per Rank but there is no penalty to MD. The wearer ignores these Specific Grievous injuries: 06, 07, 09, 10, 26, 27 and 61 - 67 inclusive.
Six semi-precious engraved gems are placed adjacent to sigils on the inner surface of the bracer. It is a focus for these spells:
- Lightning Bolt
- Lightning Strike
- or
- Ball of Lightning
While it is worn, the spells may be learnt, advanced and used in the usual way. If it is lost, destroyed or given to another, any Rank with the spells lost except for those that have been advanced to Rank 20.
These trumps have been drawn onto plaques of ivory and each weighs 5 oz.
Fallen Akiriel

This Trump may be played when casting Spectral Warrior or the Nightmare Illusion.
- Description
- Fallen Akiriel is a fearsome creature from a watery realm ruled by Dagon. He has four heavily clawed arms, a maw full of fangs and a venomous tail.
- Abilities
- Akiriel is a water creature, and attracts no penalty when fighting immersed.
- Movement Rates
- Running / Swimming: 650/450
PS: | 20+2 / Rank | MD: | 22 | AG: | 24 | MA: | 0 | EN: | 25+Rank | FT: | 23+Rank |
WP: | 20+Rank | PC: | 20 | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 6+(Rank/2) | NA: | Scales absorb 4 (+1 / 2 Ranks |
- Weapons
- Claw: SC 72 (+2 / Rank) %, 1 rollup D10 + 1 / 2 Ranks, Melee & Close, B Class damage, Rank = Rank of the spell/ 2
- Tail: SC 52(+2 / Rank) % , [1 rollup D10 + 2], Melee & Close, A Class damage, Rank = Rank of the spell / 2
- Bite: SC 52(+2 / Rank) %, 2 rollup D10, Close, A Class damage, Rank = (Rank of the spell / 2) - 4
- Akiriel can deliver two Claw attacks and one Tail attack without penalty while in melee,four Claw attacks, one Tail attack and, if the Rank of the spell is Rank 8 or higher, one Bite attack in Close. Akiriel will always close unless specifically instructed not to.
- If the Tail inflicts damage, the target must Break 100 -> EN or have their MA, WP, FT and PC reduced by 1 a Pulse until these values are halved. If the roll is successful, this will still happen but over the period of an hour. If the Break 100 result is higher than 129, they lose 1 off each of these stats but otherwise shake it off. It takes 3 days to recover each stat point.
- Akiriel is not prevented from entering a couterspelled hex, nor may it be dissipated by having a counterspell cast upon it. It may be Banished, however, special abilities notwithstanding, it may not be interacted with by anyone except its target.
- Defence: 24+ Rank, MR: 40 + Rank %
Once used, the image on the trump fades until it receives 4 Water
Burning Death

This Trump may be played when casting Spectral Warrior, Phantasm or the Nightmare Illusion.
- Description
- Burning Death is a humanoid skeleton wrapped in hellish fire, and around whose skull, thirteen flaming daggers hang in a grim mockery of a saintliness.
- Abilities
- Whoever sees Burning Death must roll under 1 x WP or roll on the Fright Table, adding 10 to the result.
- Movement Rates
- Running / Walking on Air: 350/450
PS: | 18 | MD: | 22 | AG: | 18 | MA: | 20 | EN: | 18 | FT: | 28+Rank |
WP: | 20+Rank | PC: | 20 | PB: | 1 | TMR: | 6+(Rank/4) | NA: | Flames provide 10 Spell Armour |
- Weapons
- Flaming Dagger: Cast Chance 35 (+3 / Rank) %, 1 rollup D10 + 1 Rank, Melee & Ranged, 6 hexes (+3 hexes per Rank), Fire damage
- Defences
- Burning Death is always Immolated, which adds 2 Defence (+3 for every 2 Ranks), and inflicts Rank Fire damage on any entity that is within a hex of it, except for the Adept, unless they Resist. Fire Special Counterspells will not help with this.
- Flaming Dagger is Cast without Preparing it and costs 2 FT. If it is resisted, it inflicts half damage. The Adept can retarget Burning Death, and this requires a Magical Pass Action. It is not prevented from entering a couterspelled hex, nor may it be dissipated by having a counterspell cast upon it. It may be Banished, however, special abilities notwithstanding, it may not be interacted with by anyone except its target.
- Burning Death may only be damaged by B or C Class weapons that are silvered or made from iron. All other weapons, magical or otherwise, do it no harm.
- Burning Death has 13 Flaming Daggers. Once they're exhausted, the spell ends.
- Defence: 20+ 3 / 2 Ranks, MR: 40 + Rank %
Once used, the image on the trump fades until it receives 3 Fire & 3 Death
The Prisoner in Torment

This Trump may be played when casting Spectral Warrior, or Phantasm.
- Description
- The Prisoner was a living humanoid creature who has been experimented upon by unhinged Mechanicians who have spent too long gazing upon the mysteries of the Void. It is pain made material in iron and flesh. It is not impeded by any barrier except prison walls.
- Abilities
- The horror of the Prisoner's suffering slows the target (i.e. they lose their Action next Pulse, and each alternate Pulse) and imposes a penalty of 30 to Strike and Defence upon the target of this spell if they succeed at a 2 x WP check. If they fail, they can only take Pass Actions.
- Movement Rates
- Three Dimensional Movement: 50 (+50 yards per minute / Rank)
PS: | 18+Rank | MD: | 22 | AG: | 24 | MA: | 0 | EN: | 18 | FT: | 18+Rank |
WP: | 20 | PC: | 20 | PB: | -7 | TMR: | Rank | NA: | Implants reduce damage by 8 |
- Weapons
- Phantasmal Wound: Strike Chance: Automatic, 1 rollup D10 + 1 Rank, Melee
- Defences
- The Prisoner always hits last in the Pulse, unless it is in a rear hex, in which case it will always strike first. Because of its high AG value, it is allowed 1 hex of movement after it has attacked, and it will always choose to position itself behind its target when it can.
- It is not prevented from entering a couterspelled hex, nor may it be dissipated by having a counterspell cast upon it. It may be Banished, however, special abilities notwithstanding, it may not be interacted with by anyone except its target.
- Defence: 24, MR: 40%
Once used, the image on the trump fades until it receives 5 Pain & 3 Chain

This Trump may be played in two ways
- Chaos
- This requires no Action at all but can only be played at the end of the Pulse. The Trump gives the player an extra Pulse
- Order
- The Adept can exchange a successful Magic Resistance check for one that has failed (+ 1 per 10 Ranks in Purification).
Once used, the image on the trump fades until it receives 3 Time
The Garotte

This Trump may be played as a Free Act upon delivering a melee attack. This will move the player to their target's nearest rear hex. If the attack is delivered with a garotte, it will also be silent and "relentless". Relentless damage is where the D10 is never less than the previous result: if 5 is rolled initially, then the damage will be 5 next time damage is rolled for unless the result is higher, which becomes the new minimum.
Once used, the image on the trump fades until it receives 4 Shadow
Forgotten Love

This Trump may be played in two ways as a Pass Action on an entity within 6 hexes.
- False Love Revealed
- The scales fall away from the target's eyes and the one they love will be revealed as false
- False Love Reversed
- An entity feigning love will find themselves in love with their target unless they Break 100 + target's PB => PC
Once used, the image on the trump fades until it receives 5 Heart
The Adorer

This Trump may be played in two ways as a Free Act on an entity within 6 hexes.
- The Derivative of Beauty
- The difference of the target's PB - the player's PB may be subtracted from the die roll of the player's next Action
- Payment in Kindness
- The difference of the target's PB - the player's PB may be subtracted from the die roll of the target's next Action
Once used, the image on the trump fades until it receives 4 Beauty
Red Stone
This bright red stone weighs ½ lb. Once a day, the bearer may throw the stone away, whereupon it will return and orbit them for as many Pulses as they have Ranks in Rock. While it orbits them, their Agility is increased by 1, which may exceed personal and racial maximums.
Incubus Thong
This leather posing pouch can be worn by anyone but will only be convincing if worn by a man who is wont to stand in a certain way.
Whoever wears the thong for more than five minutes will become certain that some small, noxious and improperly curious vermin is crawling around inside it. And, it will begin to smell in a way that can only be described as warmly organic. After an hour the wearer will have to Break 100 + 3 x WP. After 2 hours, Break 100 + 2 x WP, after 3 hours, Break 100 + WP. After that, rolls of 100 are required, a fail indicating that the wearer has snatched the garment from their loins.
Any denizen of Hell who finds the wearer to be convincing (as noted above) will come to the conclusion that the wearer is an Incubus who has used Matter Transformation to better work their way into the affections of a mortal woman.
Unfortunately, this deception will not hold up to close scrutiny.
Fortunately, there is the warmly organic smell.
The Turban of Sharif Abou Ayyid

This crimson turban holds a silver sarpech set with a pale blue topaz. It was once the possession of Sharif Abou Ayyid, a well-made young man who stood 5'10" and weighed 158 lbs. Whoever wears it will shape change into a human male of his appearance:
PS: | 16 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 18 | MA: | Wearer's | EN: | 19 | FT: | Wearer's |
WP: | Wearer's | PC: | Wearer's | PB: | 19 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | None |
Magic in effect and damage transfers to the new form, so may be dangerous on occasion. Unless previously dressed, the wearer will appear naked aside from the turban. The wearer's personality, mind and spirit are unchanged, although his body is not. Neither will it age.
Any equipment assigned to this form remains, however any attempt to assign more than 45 lbs will cause the transformation to fail
This body's PS, MD, AG and EN may be advanced 5 points in the normal way.
Training (except magical training) may be learnt in this shape but will be unavailable once the hat is removed. Such abilities are not detectable by any means until the form is reassumed. Otherwise, all non-racial abilities are shared where sensible.
The Phial of Neferkare
This hollow tube of malachite is a1 ⁄ 2 inch in diameter and 3 inches long. It holds a special oil and weighs 4 oz.
The wearer may store the mental signature of an entity whose mind they have read, either by Telepathy or Mind Speech. Each signature will cost 1 PC.
While trying to make contact by Telepathy or Mind Speech with these entities, their range is calculated by squaring the Rank This is the distance in surface miles over which the wearer may make contact. The phial also allows an entity to be targeted so long as they are within range and who are in the direct line of sight to the wearer's communicant or who is within range of the wearer's Telepathy.
If the phial is worn openly over the heart, and the wearer takes a Specific Grievous injury to the shoulder or chest, then the wearer must Break 100 > +30. If it is worn underneath their clothing, then they must Break 100 > Total Protection + 30. Failure indicates that the phial is shattered and the memories lost. If the phial is worn beneath clothing, it takes 3 Pass Actions to Prepare it for use. If it worn openly, it takes 1 Pass Action.
PC sacrificed to the phial may be recovered but only at a rate of 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is least.
Aspect Figurines
Chrysoprase Frog
This figurine of black and pink marbled stone in the shape of a toad is 2" x 2" x 1" and weighs 10 oz in the pack but encumbers as if it weighed 9lbs when carried on the person. Whoever carries it on their person acquires the Spring Water aspect in addition to their current one, unless they are Death Aspected. The figurine holds 3 Water. If this is harvested, it will replenish on midnight of the Spring Equinox.
Bronze Viper
This figurine of a snake in bronze with eyes made from ruby chips is 3" x 1 ⁄ 2" x 1 ⁄ 2" and weighs 7 oz in the pack but encumbers as if it weighed 9lbs when carried on the person. Whoever carries it on their person acquires the Autumn Fire aspect in addition to their current one, unless they are Death Aspected. The figurine holds 3 Fire. If this is harvested, it will replenish on midnight of the Autumn Equinox.
Cinderella Bells
These silver bells weigh 8 oz and must be attached to the toes of squirrel fur slippers for their magic to be effective. The wearer may move half their TMR before, during or after Casting a spell. However, on such occasions, the bells will peal for each hex moved, defeating any attempt at Stealth.
Thaeuss' Dimensional Alignment
Thaeuss is now 3' 6" tall, weighs 48 lbs and his size is considered 3. In this form, he has 1 less ground TMR, 3 less PS , 4 less EN but 10 more to Stealth, Defense, and Ranged of Melee Strike Chances.
Mental Attack - Mind Blast x 4
Name: Mind Blast
Spell: Mental Attack
Effects: This incantation of Mental Attack fills a volume that is 5 ft wide (+1 per Rank) and 15 ft long (+5 per Rank). Entities in the area are not knocked unconscious, but any who fail to resist find themselves confused and disorganised, and may not act until they have spent 1 Pass Action for every 3 or fraction Ranks. At Rank 20, this increases to a maximum of 8 Pass Actions.
If victims of this effect are attacked even if no damage is done, then they may Break 100: PC + WP + Sense Danger to recover their senses.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Phantasm - Enhanced Damage
Name: Enhanced Damage
Spell: Disruption
Effects: This incantation of Phantasm changes the Damage equation to 1 rollup D10 (+ 1 per Rank) and an additional rollup D10 at Rank 10 and Rank 20.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
ESP - Mind Sense
Range: 30 ft + 15 ft / Rank
Duration: 30 seconds + 10 seconds / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Volume
Effects: The duration of this ESP spell is Rank / 2 Pulses, minimum 1 although the range remains the same. The Adept may scan a 60 degree arc as a Free Act. Non-sentient minds appear as dim glows, sentient minds appearing brighter. Avatar level sentients appear even brighter. Although entities cannot be identified by this sense, they may be targeted with spells that affect the personality (Mental Attack, Control Person, Hypnotism, and similar magic).
Cost: 1200 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Telekinesis - Remote Sense of Touch
Spell: Telekinesis
Effects: The Adept may extend their sense of touch out to the range of the spell. They can "see" by means of this sense, but cannot detect changes in light level or colour. They can, however, detect textures and such changes in pressure and temperature that a hand might.
The sense penetrates smoke (if not too hot), mist, fog, water and dust, but is confused by sandstorms, underbrush, hedges, etc. In addition, intense heat, cold and pressure will cause 1D10 damage to feedback to the Adept and end the incantation.
Cost: 2500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Phantasm - Enhanced Rank
Spell: Phantasm
Effects: The Adept's Rank in the Phantasm spell is increased by 6. This applies to all aspects of the spell EXCEPT Base Chance.
Cost: 1500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Phantasm - Enhanced Rank
Spell: Phantasm
Effects: The Adept's Rank in the Phantasm spell is increased by 5. This applies to all aspects of the spell EXCEPT Base Chance.
Cost: 1500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Healing - Blood Cast
Spell: Healing
Effects: The Adept may draw upon 2 EN to cast this spell.
Healing cures EN damage first, including the 2 EN lost casting the spell.
Cost: 2500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Hypnotism - Auto-Hypnosis
Spell: Hypnotism
Range: Self
Effects: The Adept may target themselves with a post-hypnotic suggestion lasting 3 hours (+3 hours per Rank).
Cost: 750
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.
Mind Shield - Phantasmal Shield
Effects: The Adept protects their mind so that it cannot be read. In addition, they ignore the first Rank damage from Nightmare Illusions, Phantasms and Spectral Warriors per Pulse.
Cost: 750
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Mind Shield - Cortex Shield
Effects: The Adept protects their mind so that it cannot be read and improves their Magic Resistance versus Mental Attack by 10. In addition, if they gain 1 (+ 1 per 3 or fraction Ranks) re-rolls against loss of consciousness from Mental Attack, Enchanted Sleep or Knockout Gas.
Cost: 1,500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Force Shield - Pentagon Shield

This incantation of the Force Shield spell creates 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the Adept on all sides. This increases their Defence by 2(+3 for every 2 Ranks) against all attacks at any range or from any direction. In addition, the spell deflects the first 1 DP per Rank of the spell, minimum 1, per pulse. This only applies to physical damage and has no effect on magic etc, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
Cost: 2,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Force Shield - Pentagon Shield

This incantation of the Force Shield spell creates 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the Adept on all sides. This increases their Defence by 2(+3 for every 2 Ranks) against all attacks at any range or from any direction. In addition, the spell deflects the first 1 DP per Rank of the spell, minimum 1, per pulse. This only applies to physical damage and has no effect on magic etc, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
Cost: 2,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Trollskin - Cannibalise
Target: Self
Duration: 30 seconds + 5 seconds / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects: This incantation of the Trollskin spell can only be cast on the Adept. It inflicts 1 Damage Point directly to EN (which cannot be avoided) and restores 2 FT each Pulse until the duration ends.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Phantasm - The Fruit of Laurelin

Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank)
Effects: The Adept summons a memory of the Fruit of Laurelin to bear them across the sky for the duration of the spell or until they dismiss it, which requires a Free Act. The vehicle has a movement rate of 860 yards per minute (+30 yards per minute per Rank) or 30 miles per hour (+1 mile per hour per Rank). TMR is 8, rising to 9 at Rank 10 and 10 at Rank 20. It's Defence and Magic Resistance are the same as the Adept's, but its combined EN and FT is 20 (+5 per 3 full Ranks). Although it is not Dissipated by having a Sorceries of the Mind Special Knowledge Counterspell cast on the area it occupies, it will not enter such an area.
The vehicle may move in three dimensions, it does not fly in the accepted sense so Horsemanship is used instead of Flying, and this incantation provides the Adept with a bonus of 1 + 1 per Rank of the spell for these purposes.
Cost: 2000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Phantasm - Phantom Armour
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, no maximum
Effects: The Adept dresses in the phantasm form of a knight in heavy, baroque plate wielding a pennanted lance. The armour is not Dissipated by having a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the Sorceries of the Mind Special Knowledge Counterspell cast on them or the area it occupies and may happily such an area. It will absorb 20 (+4 / Rank, 150 at Rank 20+) damage on behalf of the Adept before it is Dissipated. This is applied before any other damage mitigation is applied, except a Circle of Protection. The Phantom Armour, itself, can only be harmed by magic that directly targets it, i.e. magic that affects a volume will have no direct affect and it is not affected by spells that attack the personality, mind or spirit with the exception of magic that Banishes. However, it is normally unseeable except at the end of the Pulse if the Adept directs it to attack an adjacent entity. The lance always hits and inflicts [D10 - 4 + Rank] (D + 16 at Rank 20) damage. Spell Armour and Damage Reduction apply against this damage, but no Magic Resistance check is allowed..
The incantation does not allow the Adept to move as a Phantasm does, however, they can move up to their TMR into the air on alternate Pulses. It provides no protection from falling damage.
Cost: 2000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Phantasm - Wall of Force
Target: Volume
Range: 10 feet (+5 feet per Rank)
Duration: 10 minutes (+5 minutes per Rank)
Effects: Creates a 10' high, 1" thick, 20' long Wall of Force, or a 10' high, l" thick, 5' internal radius ring of force, or a 15' high, 5' diameter pillar of force. The adept may increase any dimension except thickness by 1' / Rank. Each Pulse, the wall will absorb an amount of ranged physical damage equal to its Rank. It will also impede the passage of entities moving through it as if they must pass through Rank "hexes" before the exit the other side. Damage that is intercepted causes spider's web like cracks to appear in that 5 foot section. Exceeding the wall's damage capacity will cause a breach to appear in that section, which will repair by the beginning of the next Pulse. Attacks that affect a volume or area will damage the appropriate number of 5 foot sections. The wall does not protect against, nor is it damaged by spell damage except from Diamond Javelins, Ice Projectiles or similar.
The wall cannot be cast so as to include any entity within it, other than the Adept. The entirety of one edge must be affixed to a surface. This means that a wall can be created with a smaller dimension than would otherwise be possible. For example, casting a Wall of Force on a stepping stone that is 3' square will result in a wall which is only 3' long. Any edge may be affixed but, for the purposes of this spell, this does not include either face. For example, a wall could not be placed flat on a large open surface. The surface or surfaces that the Wall of Force is affixed to do not need to be flat, but the length of the wall is measured from the deepest depression on the surface that the wall fills. For example, a circularly concave wall of 5' radius, with a rank 0 wall affixed to it will end in a flit edge 15' beyond the end of the curvature. The entire anchoring edge must be visible to the Adept. The wall itself cannot be moved. Should an entire cross-section of the last remaining anchoring edge be removed then the wall will immediately dissipate. Example An Adept casts a wall 1' off the ground, attached to a door. As soon as the door is opened the wall is dissipated. If, however, the Adept had cast it so that it overlapped the door frame, and it projected slightly above the top of the door, then it would not have been dissipated because no entire cross-section of the anchoring edge has been removed. In this case somebody with a sharp implement (and quite a bit of patience) could scratch away at the stone wall until they had created a groove through the entire cross-section of the Wall of Force in order to make it dissipate..
Cost: 1200 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Hypnotism - Sleep
Duration: Concentration Maximum: 5 minutes
Effects: This incantation allows the Adept to target 1 entity (+1 entity per 3 or fraction Ranks) within range, whether they are hostile or not, who will fall asleep over two Pulses. The target's Magic Resistance is halved for the purposes of this spell. The Adept may only keep the targets unconscious while they maintain their Concentration. At the end of this time, victim's of this spell may recover consciousness or continue sleeping as appropriate.
Cost: 1800 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, suspends the Adept's Resist Pain Talent for 5 minutes
Stream of Corruption - Call the Entropy Locusts
Effects: This incantation may be cast in two ways, chosen by the Adept at the time of casting:
- A swarm of pale blue locusts from beyond the void erupts from a gate that forms at the Adept's fingertips and travels to the extent of the spell's range as a madly gyring spiral 5 feet wide. The Adept may increase the width by one foot per rank. Anything in the path of the swarm will be affected by it: objects will turn to dust, corporeal entities must resist or be reduced to 0 EN. Creatures of mana may not be affected but elementals will be at the discretion of the DM. Those that successfully Resist take D10 (+ 1 per Rank) damage.
- A swarm of pale blue locusts from beyond the void erupts from a gate that orms at the Adept's fingertips and travels to the extent of the spell's range and in a tight and rigidly controlled column 5 feet wide. The Adept may increase the width of the swarm by 1 feet for every 2 Ranks. Anything in the path of the swarm may be entirely annihilated leaving nothing behind, corporeal entities being entitled to a Magic Resistance check or be, similarly annihilated. Creatures of mana may not be affected but elementals will be at the discretion of the DM. Those that successfully Resist take D10 (+ 1 per Rank) damage. When this function is used, the universe grows a little smaller.
Cost: 3,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 3.
This incantation is not teachable.
Stream of Corruption - Call the Entropy Locusts
Effects: This incantation may be cast in two ways, chosen by the Adept at the time of casting:
- A swarm of pale blue locusts from beyond the void erupts from a gate that forms at the Adept's fingertips and travels to the extent of the spell's range as a madly gyring spiral 5 feet wide. The Adept may increase the width by one foot per rank. Anything in the path of the swarm will be affected by it: objects will turn to dust, corporeal entities must resist or be reduced to 0 EN. Creatures of mana may not be affected but elementals will be at the discretion of the DM. Those that successfully Resist take D10 (+ 1 per Rank) damage.
- A swarm of pale blue locusts from beyond the void erupts from a gate that orms at the Adept's fingertips and travels to the extent of the spell's range and in a tight and rigidly controlled column 5 feet wide. The Adept may increase the width of the swarm by 1 feet for every 2 Ranks. Anything in the path of the swarm may be entirely annihilated leaving nothing behind, corporeal entities being entitled to a Magic Resistance check or be, similarly annihilated. Creatures of mana may not be affected but elementals will be at the discretion of the DM. Those that successfully Resist take D10 (+ 1 per Rank) damage. When this function is used, the universe grows a little smaller.
Cost: 3,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 3.
This incantation is not teachable.
Rigor Mortis - Bone Shatter
Effects: The Adept must roll percentile dice and add their Rank in the spell + their MA. If this exceeds target's Active Magic Resistance, then the Adept rolls 1 Possible Specific Grievous injury (+ 1 / 10 Ranks), applying any C Class injuries. If the result is less than 70, 30 is added and applied if it falls within the range of a C Class injury.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1
This incantation is not teachable.
Wraithform - Ghost Step
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 seconds + 10 / Rank
Target: Entity
Effects: This Incantation of the Wraithform spell allows the target to pass through solid matter by becoming insubstantial. However, they may not pass through cold iron. They have a TMR of 1 while within solid matter, and may move in any direction, including up and down. The target gains no ability to see through solid matter, but may breathe in it. While under the effects of this spell, they are virtually immune to physical damage except that inflicted by cold iron, but conversely cannot harm anyone in melee unless they use cold iron in return. If they are caught in a solid object when the spell expires, they lose the ability to breathe in solid matter, and are trapped.
Cost: 3,000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2
This incantation is not teachable.
Petit Mort - Death Walker
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 / Rank)
Target: Entity
Effects: This Incantation of the Petit Mort spell allows the Adept to suspend the vital functions of their target for a time. The target's aura strength will read as formerly living, even if they are undead, and they will not need to eat, drink or breathe for the duration of the Incantation's working. They will be cold to the touch, their pulse is undetectable and may be mistaken for a corpse by an observer if they have not moved for some time. Pain has reduced effects upon them, and so they increase the amount needed to Stun them by 1 for every 2 Ranks, becoming immune at Rank 20, and increasing their chance to recover from Stun or pain effects by Rank. Similarly, magic, Alchemical or Herbal products that take effect as a result of breathing are ignored.
While the Incantation is in effect, however, the target cannot benefit from Healing from any source except Life Draining. Restoratives inflict EN damage and restore FT in the usual way.
Cost: 2,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2
This incantation is not teachable.
Spectral Hand - Spirit Grip
Range: 20 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity, Volume
Effects: The Incantation causes a spirit hand to materialise out of the Astral within range when an entity enters its hex and clutch it until the duration expires unless they Resist. Any entity caught in the Grip will still be able to wield a weapon or cast if they roll under 2 x MD. Entities (or combination of entities) with a combined PS + target's AG greater than 40 (+ 2 / Rank) may attempt a 1 x PS Check to escape, and may do so every pulse after the first. Once the grip has been broken out of, or if the target Resists it on initial contact, it will fade back into the Astral.
Cost: 1,000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1
This incantation is not teachable.
Wall Walking - Phased Defence
Duration: 1 ⁄ 2 hour (+ 1 ⁄ 2 hour per Rank)
Target: Self
Effects: The Adept may alter their substantiality by taking a Pass Action and enter solid objects as normal. In addition, if they Break 100 = > Rank, they may halve damage from a physical attack after it has penetrated armour and all other protections. However, if they Break 100 => Rank versus an attack that damages by heat, cold, fire, flame, ice, lightning or electricity, then the damage is doubled before any protections are applied and their Magic Resistance is halved. The Adept is obliged to test against all damaging attacks, unless they choose to end the Incantation, which requires a Free Act.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2
This incantation is not teachable.
Transparency - Invisibility
Range: 20 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes (+ 5 minutes / Rank)
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity, Object
Effects: The target of this Incantation is somewhat displaced into the Astral and thereby rendered invisible. Invisible things may not be seen by non-magical means and do not have shadows or reflections. They have no impact on their environment as a result of the effects of light in any form. The converse is not true - light still affects the target (e.g. may still see, be hit by Blackfire etc.). Invisibility may be cast over objects or entities (and any possessions of either). An object's possessions are any thing which is totally enclosed by that object (e.g. coins in an invisible chest which is closed, but not one which is open). If a thing ceases to be a possession, then the spell will not affect it. Similarly if an object becomes a possession then the spell will affect it (i.e. an object put down by an invisible entity will become seen; a coin put in the invisible chest will become invisible). Note that light may not be a possession — if the target is carrying a lantern it will be invisible, but the light it emits will not.
The spell ceases to work whenever the target makes a strike check (whether resulting in a "hit" or not) that does not involve a Thrown or Missile weapon (used as such). This restriction does not apply to Invisibility when cast at rank 16 or higher. The target may always choose to end the spell at any time.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2
This incantation is not teachable.
Durability - Mage Armour
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (+ 1 hour / Rank)
Target: Armour, Clothing
Effects: This Incantation increases the protectiveness of the wearer's clothing or armour, giving 5% + Rank to defence and absorbing Rank / 4 points of physical damage. Any Grievous Blow to the target will disrupt the shield but, in that case, the specific grievous injury will not be applied to the target.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell
This incantation is not teachable.
Adhesion - Web
Range: 30 feet (+5 feet / Rank)
Duration: 1 minute (+ 30 seconds / Rank)
Resist: Passive
Target: Volume
Effects: This Incantation allows the Adept to project a sticky web, similar to a spider web in construction, from their fingertips that is 5 feet wide (+1 foot / Rank). The web will entangle any entity or object in the volume that does not Resist. The web may be cut in a hex if it is successfully struck for a single blow of 10 B Class damage (+ 1 per Rank) or more. The web has no defence, but Strike Chance is halved. Any ensnared entity must roll 1 x PS (2 x PS if they successfully resisted) - 1 / Rank in order to move themselves to an adjacent hex (which may be free of the web), or to perform an action within the web. A similar check is required for any entity attempting to remove an object from the web. If an entity receives aid in removing themselves from the web, the PS of the aiding character may be combined with their own. Any dropped object will become ensnared by the web, as will any entity who comes into contact with it (up to the limit of the web).
The Incantation requires a material component, created by an Alchemist as if they were storing the Adhesion spell in a potion. This costs the same as it would if it could be created but otherwise has no use.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, requires "Adhesion Potion"
This incantation is not teachable.
Minor Creation - Major Creation
Duration: 1 day (+1 day / Rank)
Resist: None
Target: Object
Cast Time: 1 hour
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: This Incantation must be Ritually Cast to create an object from a larger source of its constituent substances by drawing forth the materials from the source. All constituent materials must be within 5 feet (+ 5 / Rank). Any number of different substances may be combined into a single finished object with this ritual. The substance sources are in no way damaged or reduced by the ritual. The created object may be any object which the adept can see or has studied and may not exceed 10 cubic feet (+ 10 per Rank) in volume, nor 50 lbs (+ 50 / Rank) in weight. The object is physically real with all normal attributes. The object may not be created enclosed by or enclosing anything. Complicated or fine quality objects may not be created without the appropriate artisan skill. No alchemical, herbal or other quasi-magical objects may be created. Created food provides no sustenance. At the end of its duration the item vanishes. The object is a magical construct and will have a magical aura, regardless of its constituent materials.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 4
This incantation is not teachable.
Wall of Dust and Sand - Wall of Ice
Range: 20 feet (+ 10 feet / Rank)
Duration: 10 minutes (+ 10 minutes / Rank)
Target: Area
Effects: This Incantation conjures a wall of ice that is 10' high, 20' long and 2' thick, or a pillar 15' high with a 3' diameter. The Adept may choose to increase the height of the wall by 1', the width by 2' or the thickness by 6", or the height or diameter of the pillar by 1', for each Rank the Adept possesses in the spell.
The wall may be uniformly curved up to a half circle. The wall may not be created on top of an entity, and is subject to the usual restrictions on physical walls. The wall is translucent but not transparent. When the spell duration expires the ice returns to whence it came.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 3
This incantation is not teachable.
Wall of Dust and Sand - Mirage Wall
Range: 15 feet (+ 15 feet / Rank
Duration: 30 minutes (+ 30 minutes / Rank)
Target: Area
Effects: This Incantation creates an Illusion of a linear or smoothly curved wall. It may have all the characteristics of any other wall spell (except solidity, damage or fear), or mimic an adjacent surface instead. The wall is 20' by 10' by 12", with each Rank altering its height or width by 2' or thickness by 4". The wall must be attached along the entirety of one of its thinnest edges.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1
This incantation is not teachable.
Wall of Dust & Sand - Wall of Fire
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Resist: Passive
Target: Area
Effects: This incantation of the Wall of Dust & Sand spell creates a 5 foot high, 20 foot long , 1 foot thick wall of flames, or a 5 foot high, 1 foot thick circle of flames with a 5 foot radius, or a pillar of fire 15 feet high with a 2 foot radius. The Adept can increase any single dimension by 1 foot / Rank.
The wall must be anchored to a surface and cannot easily be seen through. Any object or entity that passes through the wall must resist or suffer D10 ( + 1 / Rank) damage. If an entity resists the damage is halved. The wall will provide light equivalent to a large campfire. At Rank 20 the Adept may double the damage of a Wall of Fire by halving its duration.
Cost: 750
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Matter Transmutation - Mists of Himony
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Volume
Effects: The entire area affected by the spell exudes a sharp, peppery odour from the ground, and all breathing entities within it, except the Adept or those protected by Vapor Breathing of equal or higher Rank, must make a Will Power check or be wracked with sneezing. The Difficulty Multiplier for the Check is dependent on the Rank of the spell:
Rank | WP Multiple |
0–5 | 5 |
6–10 | 4 |
11- 14 | 3 |
15 - 17 | 2 |
18 & 19 | 1 |
20 | ½ |
Those entities who fail are afflicted with sneezing, have their Strike Chances reduced by 10 (+ 1 / Rank) and must make a Concentration Check to Cast Spells. Executing Ritual magic is out of the question. The multiplier for the check is the same as that for resisting the sneezing fit. In addition, this spell causes a thick, roiling lavendar mist to rise from the ground. The mist is 6 inches high (+ 6 inches / Rank), and reduces the range of all forms of vision, within the mist, to 20 feet (- 1 foot / Rank).
Entities not in the habit of breathing will, largely, ignore the sneezing fit unless it is fashionable and they are a Courtier/Courtesan.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Bound Speech - Free Speech
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (+ 30 minutes / Rank)
Target: Sentient entity
Effects: This Incantation gifts the target with a language known to the Adept. Their level of proficiency is half the Rank of the Bound Speech spell or the Adept's Rank with the language, whichever is least.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1
This incantation is not teachable.
College of Dream Weaving
By the grace of the Fëanturi, Ophelia has been given disposition to become a Dream Weaver. She must raise her base Magical Aptitude to 21 before she may start learning the General Knowledge spells and rituals of the the College of Illusions. These are considered Special Knowledge magic until she has learnt all of them, at which point she also acquires the Talents of Concealed Casting, Enhanced Vision and Project Image. The Talent of Concealed Casting will apply to any spells she knows that are not specifically exempted. She does not learn separate counterspells or Ritual of Purification. Instead, her counterspells apply to General Knowledge or Special Knowledge magic of the Thaumaturgy branch, but the bonus to Magic Resistance is 10 (+1 per Rank).
Double-Glazed Eisenkind Armour
This Eisenkind Armour has been extra-dimensionally stressed so that it's Protection value has increased to 10, it provides 5 points of EN Armour and it is a red so deep as to be almost black. It provides 5 points of Stealth when in an area greater than 60% dark.
Mario's Telekinetic Rage
Mario has had an insight into the working of Telekinetic Rage that, with time and experience, has led him to a new way of casting the spell.
When he has acquired sufficient knowledge he may learn how to internalise the magic so that he is thrown violently around. For every 3 or fraction Ranks, Mario will be thrown D100 feet in a random direction. For every 10 feet thrown after the first 10, he takes 1 rollup D10 damage to EN. He may halve this if he rolls 1 x AG + 5 + Sense Danger Rank or less on percentile dice. Feather Falling stops the spell from working, whereas exhausting EN, losing consciousness or death will cause the spell to come to a natural conclusion.
Mario's Unremarkable Appearance (G 8)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (+ ½ hour per Rank), 12 hours at Rank 20
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion or Investment
Target: Entity
Effects: Mario is not concealed by the magic, however he is less noticeable. This does not entitle him to use Stealth in plain sight directly, but it does mean that if he does nothing to attract attention, anyone who has seen him will have to Resist or forget that they have. This MR check is penalised by the Rank of the Unremarkable Appearance spell. An observer who successfully Resists does not recall Mario any more clearly.
So long as he begins the attempt from a place of concealment, Mario may attempt Stealth in plain sight at half his normal chance. The bonus from Enchantment is applied after Stealth has been halved, however.
The Stealth or Unremarkability effects always ends if Mario were to do anything that would attract attention to himself like drawing weapons or preparing spells. So will whistling, dancing naked on tables, or generally behaving inappropriately to the situation as determined by the DM. However, this does not end the spell itself. So long as Mario can somehow break observation, he may initiate a new Stealth attempt.
Boris' Obsidian Touch
Once a day, resetting at midnight, Boris may touch the blade of an A or B Class weapon, requiring a Free Act, and add a wickedly sharp edge of obsidian to it. On its next strike, that weapon will ignore the first 7 points of Protection after which, the obsidian will shatter. Damage Reduction is not affected, but neither will it cause the obsidian edge to shatter.
The Strangewise Transformation of Thaeuss
Thaeuss may touch himself with his Strange Fork and rotate his form "strangewise", increasing his size by 1 for every 3 full Ranks. This costs 10 FT less Rank, and lasts for 1 minute, doubling at each Rank above 0. Ranks in excess of 10 do not increase size but mean that the fork need not be used.
At size 4, PS is increased by 1 and EN is increased by 2. At size 5, PS is increased by 3, EN is increased by 4, TMR increases by 1 and Stealth is reduced by 10. At size 6, PS increases by 6, EN is increased by 6 but Stealth is reduced by 20
The Strangewise Transformation can be ended at will and requires a Free Act.
Thaeuss Extra Resistance
Once a day, resetting at dawn, Thaeuss may reroll one Magic Resistance check he has failed.
Tsayoi's Weapon of Flame Spell
Tsayoi may strike at a target with a weapon enhanced by his Weapon of Flame spell that is insubstantial or substantial in a proximate plane of existence. When striking at such targets, the bonus damage changes to 1 per 3 or fraction Ranks.
Ophelia's Evil Eye
Range: Self
Duration: 30 mins + 30 mins / Rank
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion, Investment
Target: Entity
Effects: When the adept casts Evil Eye on themselves, a third eye grows from the forehead, which is normally invisible but is able to be seen by Witch-sight and similar effects. When the adept is under the effect of the Evil Eye, targets of their spells reduce their Magic Resistance by Rank unless they are wearing an Amulet of Elder Flowers.
This spell counts at Special Knowledge magic of the College of the Sorceries of the Mind and may not be taught.