Ezzie Schimmelpennick
Ezzie Schimmelpennick (f) (b 787wk, -).
Early Life
Born in Ormond, Ezzie was a small and weak child due to a severe chest ailment and upon suggestion she was sent in 796wk, to Gueryr Springs in the NE Ormond village of Lorus, where she stayed for a year (along with her servant and 2 guards), breathing in the healing airs. Ezzie returned a healthier young lady with her breathing capability & capacity rejuvenated as well as grown physically, but she had lost a lot of her memories due to the exposure as well as being severely wrinkled from almost total immersion in the pools for that time and had to be physically helped to walk and mentally helped to remember the people she'd left behind.
See Schimmelpennick Family
Parents - Rutger Schimmelpennick (b758wk d823wk), and Ottoline Schimmelpennick (nee Bentink) (b760wk d-).
Siblings - Lara Schimmelpennick (f), 779wk, -), Matieu Schimmelpennick (m) (b 782wk, -), River Schimmelpennick (f) (b 782wk, d817wk), Xavier Schimmelpennick (m) (b 784wk, -), Xena Schimmelpennick (f) (b 786wk, d823wk), Darius Schimmelpennick (m) (b 788wk, -)
Ezzie married Amancio Borbone (b785wk, d811wk) in 802wk.
- After Amancio's death she was encouraged to remarry for the family and the children.
Ezzie Married Ferdinand von Hochburg (m) (b793wk, -) in 813wk
Ezzie with Amancio have several children:
- Cyrene (f) (b804wk, -)
- Raine (f) (b804wk, -)
- Gabriel (m) (b804wk, -)
- Miguel (m) (b806wk, d823wk) died in the fire at The Schimmelpennick Estate, 8th Thaw 823wk.
- Tyra (f) (b807wk, -)
- Alcmene (f) (b808wk, d823wk) died in the fire at The Schimmelpennick Estate, 8th Thaw 823wk.
- Frederick (m) (b810wk, d823wk) died in the fire at The Schimmelpennick Estate, 8th Thaw 823wk.
Ezzie with Ferdinand had
- Vanessa (f) (b814wk, -) daughter of Ezzie Schimmelpennick (f) (b 787wk, -) and Ferdinand von Hochburg (m) (b793wk, -)
- Zoe (f) (b815wk, -) daughter of Ezzie Schimmelpennick (f) (b 787wk, -) and Ferdinand von Hochburg (m) (b793wk, -)
- Reginald (m) (b816wk, -) son of Ezzie Schimmelpennick (f) (b 787wk, -) and Ferdinand von Hochburg (m) (b793wk, -)