Elgar is an low-level Elven death-aspected Mind Mage played by Neil Davies
Like most other Elves, Elgar loves animals. But Elgar's facination with animals is entirely unlike most other Elves.
Even as a little boy Elgar was facinated by the little creatures of the world, and spend many days and weeks studying the creatures he found around home. Unfortunately for the animals, this has included some experimental physical studies, typically deadly to the animals concerned.
This got him into a wee bit of trouble at home... such as the time when tried some interesting experiments with a quaint little human he found one day in the woods. This new avenue of experimentation felt pretty good to Elgar, but is parents were not so enthusiastic.
Elgar has since been encouraged to travel the world until such time as he fully understands and has gotten over his facination with the life - and death - of lesser races.
And what better place is there to study them than from the Seagate Adventurers Guild?