Edelweiss Schnapps
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It is reclusive but not eremitic, and is renowned for
- large, well trained, rescue dogs
- the production of Edelweiss Schnapps
Edelweiss Schnapps is drunk in tiny little cups about three times the size of a thimble, each costing 1sp. Flagons usually hold enough for six cups and are priced accordingly.
It is sweet and strong, with floral notes on a base of honey. There is much heat in the aftertaste, but this passes.
- 1 cup increases the Gauge for the drinker by 1 for 40 minutes.
- 2 cups increase the Gauge for the drinker by 2 for another 20 minutes and they must add 5 to their die rolls for the duration.
- 3 cups increase the Gauge for the drinker by 3 for another 10 minutes, and they must add 10 to their die rolls for the duration.
- 4 cups increase the Gauge for the drinker by 4 for another 5 minutes, and they add 20 to their die rolls for the duration.
Cups in excess of 4 do not increase the Gauge for the drinker, but the duration increases for another 5 minutes and the modification to the die roll continues to double. The schnapps are quite flammable, and a cup may be used to increase the chance of lighting a fire in cold, windy conditions by +20.