De Vilk Family

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The de Vilk family are also known as the Vilkers and have been a long standing merchant family across the Western Kingdom and beyond. The family trades far and wide, with distingusihed sources and clients such as Von Cleef & Arplet, Silverfoot Gallery, Silverfoot Enterprises, Braemar Merchantile Cartel


The head of the family is

  • François Marie de Vilk (m) (b741wk, -) married to Eloise Voltaire (f) (b744wk, -)
    • Marcus de Vilk (m) (b772wk, -) married to Alyse la Forgette (f) (b776wk, -). Alyse is sister to Nouean la Forgette.
      • Hellenus de Vilk (m) (b795wk, -)
      • Pierre de Vilk (m) (b798wk, -)
      • Phillipa de Vilk (f) (b799wk, -).
      • Andre de Vilk (m) (b801wk, -)
      • Marguerite de Vilk (f) (b802wk, -)
      • Françoise de Vilk (f) (b804wk, -)
      • Mathieu de Vilk (m) (b806wk, -)