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Based on 10.2 Counterspells in the Rulebook (additional headings and cross-refs added)


Counterspells act to increase Magic Resistance and defeat the workings of other magic. Each college has two of these spells: a General Knowledge Counterspell, and a Special Knowledge Counterspell. These are specific to the college — a Fire College Special Counterspell will not affect the workings of any Earth College spell, nor would it affect a General Knowledge spell of the Fire College. Adepts learn both Counterspells of their own college as part of their General Knowledge.


Range: 25 feet + 25 / Rank
Duration: (D10 + 5) minutes +1 / Rank
Experience Multiple:
100 - General Knowledge Counterspell
200 - Special Knowledge Counterspell
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Potion, Magical Trap
Target: Entity, Object, Area


There are several distinct uses for a Counterspell.
They are:

  1. If cast upon an entity or object the target adds 30 (+ 3 / Rank) to their Magic Resistance when resisting the type of magic to which the Counterspell applies.
  2. If cast upon an area the Counterspell affects a space 15 feet in diameter. All targets within the area gain the magic resistance bonus detailed in #1 above and additionally no one within the area may cast a spell of the type affected. A double or triple effect cast may increase the area of effect to 25 feet or 35 feet respectively.
  3. If a Counterspell of the appropriate type is cast over an area under the effects of a Ward, then that part of the warded area is temporarily deactivated. When the duration of the Counterspell ends, the Ward will become active again.
  4. An Adept may use a Counterspell to dissipate a spell that they have cast. They must direct the Counterspell at the specific spell effect that they wish to remove. In the case of area effect spells it is sufficient to cast one Counterspell within the area—the entire area need not be covered. One Counterspell will dissipate one spell.
  5. Some spells may be removed by any Adept casting the appropriate Counterspell at them. Only spells that specifically state that they may be removed this way can be affected. One Counterspell will dissipate one spell. The Adept must specify the name of the spell to be removed at the time of casting.

Note that there are special uses of Counterspells by Namers, see the College and Hints For Namers.


A target may only be under the effects of the Counterspells of a single College. The target may also occupy an area under the effects of another College's Counterspells. Thus the maximum number of Counterspells that an entity or object may gain benefit from is four: the General and Special Counterspells of one college cast upon them, and the General and Special Counterspell of another college upon the area they occupy. Counterspells of other colleges cast upon them will obey the normal rules for queueing. A target may only benefit from one Counterspell against a particular spell. If there is more than one appropriate Counterspell protecting a target the highest ranked one will have an effect.
Characters may learn Counterspells from colleges other than their own. The Counterspells of other colleges are practised at Rank 0 and may not be ranked.