Brave new world - Trade

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Trade routes

This page outlines the trade routes that are used by the merchant enterprise the party has created. The enterprise itself is registered in Gothenburg, but will likely be registered in Antwerp for convenience as well.

There are currently two routes in operation:

1. The cold north pilgrimage

This route is run over Spring and Summer by two boats, one of which experiments in other cargo's and paths to try to optimise profitability and the like. 2 days of shore leave are taken at each location, with the total time taken for the route being 1 month.

  1. Gothenburg where we purchase herring,
  2. Southampton sell up and buy grain and fruits
  3. France for wines & spirits (tho I think we might actually go to Bilbao in Spain instead and purchase the grain there so we're not lugging it around so much)
  4. Faroe Isles (where we can likely sell some of the alcohol etc) and purchase textiles
  5. Back to Gothenburg

2. Egyptian cotton run

This route satisfies a contract with local weavers in Gothenburg to deliver 30 tonnes of Egyptian cotton each year.

  1. Rosetta where the cotton is purchased
  2. Spain - where more alcohol is likely purchased
  3. Gothenburg - deliver the cotton and sell the alcohol, then pickup Herring
  4. Portsmouth - sell Herring, pickup fruits, berries etc
  5. Spain - sell and pickup grain
  6. Rosetta...

Jim Arona